Wyświetlono wypowiedzi wyszukane dla słów: Fallout Tactics Patch
Temat: mis-core_D damaged file on CD
Can somebody please E-mail to me this file: mis-core_D,,,,,
it is located in the 3.disk core in win zip format,,,size 3,614 I think.
This file Is damaged on my Fallout Tactics BOS cd,so I can"t go on with game after the 12 mission,,,at the enter in the Delta Bunker...
Goddamnit! I had the exact same problem like a year ago or so when I was playing Fallout Tactics for the very first time! And I actually bought a new copy of Fallout Tactics because I couldn't find a solution to this problem anywhere (yeah, I'm nuts, but I'm also nuts about Fallout Tactics - I'm probably the only one around here). I know there are some copies of Fallout Tactics that have a third disc with corrupted data and I know you can get an official patch for it somewhere. But: I tried it and it didn't work for me.
Here is the solution I came up with:
Make a save game in Bunker Gamma or in the wasteland, somewhere around Bunker Delta
Uninstall Fallout Tactics (your save games will not be deleted)
Install Fallout Tactics again but choose the smallest install
Now play Fallout Tactics again and load the save game
Now go to Bunker Delta
The computer will ask you to insert disc 3: most of the time I tried this, I succeeded to enter Bunker Delta
I usually play for a while with this small install and I make several save games, but the framerate (which is poor already) is terrible with a small install, so after a while I just uninstall the game again and I choose the complete install again
This is not a certified solution, but it usually works fine for me
It's time-consuming, though
Hope this helps
Oh yeah, and this is in the wrong forum!
Temat: playing custom maps on multiplayer
I;ve modded the hell out of FOT I'm not sure we'd be able to network correctly. Copy and rename your core folder so you have two folders in /Fallout Tactics, i.e. Fallout Tactics/core and Fallout Tactics/mods (or whatever). Delete the bos folders from your mods folder, delete everything from the core folder except game.pck, the bos & cfg files (assuming you haven't deleted them when you unpacked everything to mod). Then reapply the patch. Make shortcuts to bos.exe and the editor with -path mods at the end of the target path.
If you did delete the bos files make the mod folder as above and back it up, uninstall and delete your tactics folder. Then reinstall, apply the patch and then restore the mods folder and create your short cuts.
Temat: Fallout 1 - version 1.2?
I just bought "Fallout - The Ultimate Collection" that contains Fallout 1, Fallout 2 and Fallout Tactics. I then installed Fallout 1, but the version of the game is 1.2, how can that be true, theres only a 1.1 patch here: http://www.nma-fallout.com/forum/dload.php?action=category&cat_id=12
Doesnt NMA cover everything from the Fallout universe, like patches and so on, or does 1.2 not exist?
Temat: No Mission Briefings or NPC dialog in Bunkers ABCD or E
I heard that there is patch 1.5 (a moded patch ).
try it out I heared its really good.
I didnt managed to download it though, the place that NMA are hosting always full and you need to wait 30 min to get the download, but no matter how long I waited it did nothing.
get the name of the file and make google search on it. 1.5 patch is for Fallout 2 not Fallout Tactics.
Corka have you tried reinstalling the game?
Temat: No Mission Briefings or NPC dialog in Bunkers ABCD or E
TheBigL wrote: I heard that there is patch 1.5 (a moded patch ).
try it out I heared its really good.
I didnt managed to download it though, the place that NMA are hosting always full and you need to wait 30 min to get the download, but no matter how long I waited it did nothing.
get the name of the file and make google search on it. 1.5 patch is for Fallout 2 not Fallout Tactics.
Corka have you tried reinstalling the game?
HAHAHA silly me man I have to stop posting after 3:00 in the morning
Temat: CD read error
I'm trying to play Fallout 2 with the unofficial 1.05 patch which contains a new exe file, so I can't use the nocd patch anymore. Now I have the problem that it won't recognize the original CD. I have the version from "Sold-Out Software" which includes Fallout Tactics + Fallout 2 and I also have installed Alcohol 120%. I tried both my Philips CD-RW and my LG DVD-RW but it always says "Running Fallout 2 requires the CD!". Does anyone know how I can get my computer to recognize the original CD?
Thanks for your help.
Edit: Forgot to mention, I'm running the biggest installation on WindowsXP without any problems, even without compatibility emulation.
Also the reason why I'm trying to use the 1.05 is because I just arrived in Vault City but there's nobody there to get the citizenship papers from. I know he should be in his office because I played this game before, but there is nobody.
Temat: Argentinian question....
I think his concern were system specs.
In that case, too, Fallout 2 should work a lot better.
I've heard about both, Fallout 2 and Fallout: Tactics, having incredibly many bugs, but I personally never had problems with either after the official patches (however I admit that Fallout 2 without patch can be quite a painful experience).
Temat: Fallout2 High Resolution Patch
Is it possible to make a new hud, example 800x600 version of the old one without stretching it.
You know, just to fill the empty space with fitting texture. I tried it before, but then hud was all messed up.
I'll be adding something like that in the next release. I'm working on a patch for Fallout Tactics at the moment but I'll be getting back into fallout1 and 2 very soon.
Temat: Reputation
thanks silencer, sorry for the late reply since I deleted my game because of that cd3 corruption thing.
NOw Im trying it again, hopefully the cdmage trick works
No wonder it is discount... the first patch of Fallout Tactics has some problem with the 3rd cd. You need the patch file to correct it. By the way did u encounter a special encounter called the eveready bunny... Dont shoot them.
Temat: Painkiller
Poprawka: ta gra ma dwie kurna oficjalne strony, http://www.painkillergame.com/ i http://dobragra.redakcja.pl/painkiller/ . WTF? Do tego 95 MB patcha to jak na moje połączenie za dużo, ostatnio taką wieś zrobił Interplay z patchem do Fallout Tactics.
Temat: Optimizing Fallout Tactics
If you've managed to do things which have increased your Fallout Tactics performance, do us all a favor and share, because is much too brilliant a game to be playing it this bogged down.
I'm playing a new game of Fallout Tactics right now and I haven't used the patch either since I want to use the duplication bug. The framerate got poorer once I reached Newton (if I remember correctly), but it is still playable and it doesn't bother me much. Has to do with the size of the maps, I suppose.
The best way to increase performance is to upgrade. I used to play the game on a system with 128MB, now I play it on a system with 256MB and the performance is a lot better.
Other ideas: full install (instead of small or medium), lower the resolution, don't use the anti-aliased option etcetera.
Temat: Extra gra 9/2006
Wlasnie, Raku, opisz pokrotce te mody co tam sa, jesli masz czas, bo moze dla nich kupie. Tzn. interesuje mnie tylko Fallout 1 i 2, Tactics mnie nie pociaga .
- Fallout Ammo Patch v1.1 - modyfikuje siłę amunicji ppanc.
- Fallout End Game Mod - można grać po ukończeniu gry.
- Fallout Cheat Boy v1.2a - dodaje do ekwipunku urządzenie pozwalające na sporą ilość "nielegalnych" modyfikacji w grze.
- B-Team - zmienia wygląd Twoich towarzyszy na odpowiedni do noszonego pancerza.
- Cult of Personality MOD - poprawia działanie kultu jednostki.
- Arroyo-Klamath Mod demo - wersja demonstracyjna będącego w fazie produkcji sporego moda. Dodaje m. in. Nowe questy, ludzi i przedmioty.
- Fallout2 PL Patch 1.05 - Ten patch poprawia wiele błędów w grze i dodaje wiele nowych rzeczy. Po zainstalowaniu trzeba dodać łatkę do tego patcha (F2 PL Patch 1.05 update02).
- Fire Gecko Skinning - Możliwość wycinania skór z Fire Gecko
- Neo Nightkin's Vision - kilkanaście drobnych modyfikacji
- Przyjaciel Klint - Ten mod powoduje, że postać o imieniu Klint (strażnik wejscia do swiątyni) przyłącza się do wybrańca, aby towarzyszyć mu w przygodzie.
- Shiv - Ten mod powoduje, że shiv (nóż) działa jak normalna broń.
Fallout Tactics:
- Awaken - Awaken to mod-gra korzystający z engine'u FTBOS zawierająca nową historię i fabułę. Jest wzorowana na Fallout.
- Brahmin - nadaje postaciom "krowi" wygląd
- Scurry bot - dodaje rekruta Scurry.
- kilkanaście mapek.
Temat: Fallout 2 graphic update patch
In another piece of the storm of great modding projects going on, a couple of NMA's modders are working on a graphic update patch for Fallout 2:- Make different critters for each type of armour eg: Mark I and Mark II metal armour look different
- Update Item art to reflect the item eg: a hammer will look like a hamer on the ground and not a cardboard box
- Talking heads that dont talk. We could try and add a face to every character in the game, it doesnt have to be animated just a still face.They've released a first version, which updates the following:------Ground art------
The ground art for most items has been updated to look like the item in question rather than just the default
box or book.
------Interface art------
By request the IFACE.FRM file has been replaced witht the updated FO1 interface that the mutants rising mods was
going to use.
------Misc art------
The explosions have been replaced with some nicer looking and bigger explosions. New projectiels for grenades
have been added, these were taken from Fallout Tactics.Link: Fallout 2 graphic update patch thread on NMA
Link: Fallout 2 graphic update patch vAlpha 01
Temat: Fallout - dylogia, nowa część, teorie, gdybania ...
Szczerze?? Stęskniłem się za Falloutem i jego światem, a nie chce mi się już przechodzić ich (I i II) kolejny raz, bo bardzo dobrze znam fabułę każdego i chciałbym czegoś nowego, ale w starym dobrym stylu
Ano, co racja to racja
Zauważcie pewne trendy gier "prawdziwie" next-genowych:
- Resistance: Fall of Man
- Gears of War
- Lost Planet
- i wiele podobnych współczesnych tytułów
Wszystkie mogą pochwalić się fabułą, że głowa mała Innymi słowy, jest bardzo źle...
W świecie Fallout wydarzyło się wszystko, co mogło się wydarzyć. Dalsza opcja, to powrót cywlizacji przez duże 'C' do postatomowej społeczności, ale wtedy nie będzie mowy o postapokaliptycznym klimacie. Temat Fallouta został już tak mocno wyeksploatowany ze świeżych pomysłów, że Fallout Tactics: BOS (sukcesor marki) mógł już zaoferować tylko bardzo naiwną i prymitywną historyjkę.
Nie twierdzę, że nie da się stworzyć porządnej fabuły w realiach Fallout'a, ale ostatnio developerzy kładą głównie nacisk na technikalia (grafika, gameplay), tło zdarzeń traktując po macoszemu. A czymże będzie Fallout bez dobrej fabuły?
PS. Mogliby w ramach promocji wydać ostateczny i finalny patch do Fallout'a 2, który poprawiłby wszystkie błędy jakie jeszcze pozostały w grze
Temat: Fallout2 High Resolution Patch
first of i want to say that with this patch i've replayed the game many times again.. the resolution hold me back for a while... this opened doors.
the other thing is, is a fallout tactics resolution patch possible and if so still planning on making one?
i can't find anything on the internet about fallout tactics resolutions except for this topic...
I played around with it a bit this afternoon and it seems do-able. The main issue is when the Interface Bar is shorter then the screen you get mouse trails either side. I'll post in the FOT modding section once I get a patch going.
Temat: Fallout2 High Resolution Patch
first of i want to say that with this patch i've replayed the game many times again.. the resolution hold me back for a while... this opened doors.
the other thing is, is a fallout tactics resolution patch possible and if so still planning on making one?
i can't find anything on the internet about fallout tactics resolutions except for this topic...
Temat: Where is the Fallout Tactics Editor?
Hm, now I have installed the german Fallout Tactics and the official Patch 1.25.
But there is no editor and I am not able to play downloaded multiplayermissions. Is there any other patch for the german version to enable these options?
The 1.27 patch doesnt seem to exist for the german version
Temat: FALOUT-pobrać plik...
niestety z tego co wiem to nie ma polskiej wersji Fallouta [jedynie trzecia czesc - Fallout Tactics]. Z oficjalnej polskiej strony chyba mozna sciagnac patch do Fallout 2 aby byla spolczona wersja, ale jest to jakos nie do konca zrobione bo raz masz napisy w jezyku polskim, a raz w ang [z tym ze glosy - mam tu na mysli animacje rozmow z wazniejszymi NPC'ami - sa tylko po angielsku].
Nie wiem, co Ty kolego mowisz, ale i Fallout 1 i 2 sa dostepne w polskiej wersji jezykowej juz od jakichs 2 lat. Spojrz chocby na strone cdprojekt.info i dojdz do odpowiedniego odnosnika. POzdro ;p
Temat: FALLOUT TACTICS: BOS_mission19 (newton) missing!!!!_help
I have a very confusing problem with FALLOUT TACTICS:BOS. Well, when I am trynig to go to Newton to help Raiders against robots attacks, message appears: "Unable do load campaings/missions/core/mission19.mis". When I look in that directory there is really missing that godd.... file. How that could happen? What should I do? There is no such file on the cd1, cd2, or cd3 as well. I've also installed every patch available (patch 1, 1.25, 1.27). If anyone knows answer to my problem please post it to me via my e-mail. Because if there is no solution(s) to my problem I will not be able to finish this game. And this is unacceptable. [/img]
Temat: Optimizing Fallout Tactics
Now, i know i already created a thread asking you how i could specifically increase performance on my machine, so i thought i'd create this one so we could share the various ways in which we've been able to enhance FT's framerate and whatnot. So far i've heard from some that running the FT Booster helps, as well as defragging and upgrading to version 1.27
as of right now, im running version 1.13 with FT Booster (which doesnt seem to be a good idea... it really feels like running 1.13 with the booster actually slows things down considerably... so i wouldnt recommend it)
furthermore, now that my original cd's have been destroyed by the excessive disc swapping im reduced to playing the game off of backup cds... for which there is no "NO-cd patch" for anything but version 1.13
if you've managed to do things which have increased your Fallout Tactics performance, do us all a favor and share, because is much too brilliant a game to be playing it this bogged down.
Temat: Jefferson: Revisited
okay i fixed the bug ... just do as i say ..
okay save your game !!!! .... go into add/remove and delete fallout tactics (it keeps your saved games dont worry ..) okay then re-install fallout tactics using the medium installation instead of full .... wait the 50 hours it takes to re-install ... dum de dum dum ... then put in cd 2 and try the level again , the generators are there !!!!! its soooo satisfying watching them explode in a cloud of smoke muah hahaha (after i re-installed it i added the springfield level and the 1.27 patch but i doubt this made any affect in the outcome) ENJOY !!!!
Temat: FALOUT-pobrać plik...
niestety z tego co wiem to nie ma polskiej wersji Fallouta [jedynie trzecia czesc - Fallout Tactics]. Z oficjalnej polskiej strony chyba mozna sciagnac patch do Fallout 2 aby byla spolczona wersja, ale jest to jakos nie do konca zrobione bo raz masz napisy w jezyku polskim, a raz w ang [z tym ze glosy - mam tu na mysli animacje rozmow z wazniejszymi NPC'ami - sa tylko po angielsku].
Temat: Awaken Mod Help Thread (possible spoilers)
It helped i was using old 1.25 patch for Fallout Tactics; the 1.27 patch solved the problem.
and sorry for confused threads
Temat: Miscellaneous Fallout modding news
Dont forget the graphics update patch some of us are working on. We are adding new art for the whole game without changing any of the game play side of things that way the art patch should be compatable with all/most other mods.
We are planning to add new critter models for Mark II armours and critters, so the mark II combat armour looks different to the Mark I, the same thing will go for the the Mark II robots etc ...
The first version only changes this:
------Ground art------
The ground art for most items has been updated to look like the item in question rather than just the default
box or book.
------Interface art------
By request the IFACE.FRM file has been replaced witht the updated FO1 interface that the mutants rising mods was
going to use.
------Misc art------
The explosions have been replaced with some nicer looking and bigger explosions. New projectiels for grenades
have been added, these were taken from Fallout Tactics.
Download FO2GUP-Alpha01 here: http://www.sharebigfile.com/file/31211/FO2GUP-Alpha01.zip.html
Temat: Fallout2 High Resolution Patch
Hi Mash. Well, apologies for this being my first post - a request for help! Just got Fallout 1, 2 and Tactics on White label (wanted more fallout after finishing F3 twice) and after playing the tutorial, I realised the game desperately needed a hi-res setting (am running 1920x1200) so here I am, looking at Mash's wonderful patch to make the world a better place.
Except I get an error message when I try to run the exe. Any words of wisdom to a newbie? I'm running a C2D, GTX280, 2gb RAM and XPSP2. Much thanks

Oops, ignore - just patched it by using the official patch first
Temat: Fotpatch 1.25
Here is a link to the FOT 1.27 patch
(also this thread should probably be in the "Fallout Tactics Help & Tech discussions" thread )
Any reason why you want version 1.25
Temat: Awaken Patch
A new patch has been released for the Polish and English versions of the Awaken mod for Fallout Tactics.
Here`s a few highlights:
Awaken patch 1.32 has been released. You can grab it in two versions, polish and english.
New fixes:
- BRC - english txt, disappears from world map, re-enter bug
- Oasis - radscopions quest, highwaymen attack - good solution added
- Raiders Camp - Winston quest, Hangman quest (now they should work properly)
- Laboratory - another way to enter
- and other small fixes
Download it from here
Spotted on the DAC messageboards
Temat: Fallout 1 i 2 - ciekawostki, tajemnice i szczególiki
Mam jeszcze jeden problem z Fallout tactics: Otóż, mianowicie doszedłem du bunkra delta (4) i w nim nie mogę pogadać ani z kwatermistrzem, oficerem med., ani z zarządcą kadr. OK pomyślałem sobie i poszedłem na misję do Jefferson City (z generałem pogadałem) w mieście wybiłem wszystkich "łupieżców", zabrałem część robota. Było napisane, że cel zrealizowany, ale nie mogę opuścić miasta. Z mieszkańcami jest tak samo, jak w bunkrze: odwracają się do mnie, ale nic nie mówią. Miałem przekonać do współpracy mechanika, ale on też nie gada.
Bug. Mialam to samo. Po zainstalowaniu patcha (CD bylo bez zarzutu) problem zniknal.
Cholera, znowu chce przejsc od nowa Fallout... przez was nabralam apetytu, no!
Temat: Wrong F2 patch on bonus CD?
I recently bought Fallout - The Ultimate Collection which included Fallout 1, 2 & Tactics as well as a bonus CD with manuals, patches etc. But the patch for the English version of F2 seems to be f***ed up. It's not a self-extracting file but a zip and some weird folders. Is this how it was shipped or do I have some screwed version? Anyone encountered the same?
Temat: FT Booster - a program that speeds up Fallout Tactics
Hi all!
I'd like you to check out a little application, that may change your experience with FT for better, that is: allow faster, smoother scrolling & much less disk usage, aso.
This version was created for a Polish version of FT, however we believe, that it should work correctly with an English version as well. Unfortunately we do not have access to this version, so
any feedback about how the Eng. version and Booster work together would be appreciated. (loafer@vc.pl)
This version of FT Booster does contain a few minor bugs, ie there have been some reports indicating, that it has problems with Windows 2000. This should be fixed in the next release. Other than that the program is rather stable.
You can download the file here:
NOTE: You should start optimization after installing the patch.
best regards
Marek Luch
Temat: Fallout 2 beginner here.. I"m so lost.
I loved the atmosphere in Fallout Tactics (Even though it is looked down upon.) So after taking advice from a friend I thought I'd tryout fallout 2.
Ok now, here is my situtation, I'm the type of person who plays a game, immediately goes to look at some user made content. I went to your files area, and saw waay to many files to files..
My dilemma:
Can I stack the patches? - There is more than 1 patch (The original, High Res, and Children, and possibly 1.05) Is there a way I can install them all? If not, what would you recommend.
What mods would you recommend for the best playing experience? I'm not talking about new campaigns perse, but rather tweaks. etc.
Thanks alot guys, I know you guys probably get alot of new people here, if you could take the time to read this, its all I ask.
I can't wait to play D
Temat: Black screen on multiplayer startup
Black screen is popular problem and there are many ways to fix it:
1) Make sure you closed all firewalls;
2) If you can't close firewall go to settings and allow Fallout Tatics to connect at all;
3) There is a firewall in Windows XP, you need to turn it off... go to your connection settings and find it there;
4) Make sure your FoT ports are open (read instruction), if not then open them with proxy or contact {I'm trying to say your, you are, or you're, but I'm likely too stupid to know which to use.} internet operator;
5) Make sure you got 1.27 patch;
6) Make sure your Fallout Tactics works on singleplayer;
7) Try to connect by IP... if it works then its GSA fault... reinstall it and change some things in options/games/, it usually helps;
8) If you got something like celeron 300 and 64mb ram then you have to wait 1-4 minutes to connect game;
9) If it didn't help, then change your internet operator .
Im sure it will help...
Temat: trainer/patch problem
i got fallout tactics about a couple weeks ago... and it worked fine with the trainer that i'd been using.
until today, when i installed the patch, which now doesn't seem to allow me to use the 'cheat mode' that the trainer seems to enable.
if i open the trainer, and then try to run the game, the game doesn't load. and if i run the game first, the trainer doesn't load.
now, that leaves me with two questions:
1) is this a common problem that has an easy fix?
2) is there a way to use the in-game cheats without a trainer, such as hacking a config file?
thanks for any input, ladies and gentlemen.
Temat: Any stuff related to unofficial F2 patches goes in here!
Silencer: Doh! It was in Fallout Tactics that I could conserve Perks, not in the original Fallout games.
Looks like I screwed myself over badly there...and right in the middle of the Wanamingo mines, to boot.
Anyway, I think I found another bug in Vault City. I exited the Vault (big hole in the wall) and made my way to Valerie's building. Me, Sulik and Cassidy all used the front door, but Vic just walked through the wall that was facing the Vault entrance, right between the two windows on that side.
Actually, he more sort of just "appeared" on the other side of the wall. Could this be one of those "holes" I read about in the patch notes?
Temat: Any stuff related to unofficial F2 patches goes in here!
Hi Killap! I started playing the game again after many years with your latest patch and I havent encounter a single bug unlike before. Congrats, great work. The reason I'm writing to you however, is about the missing projectile of the pulse gun. I dont know if this was discussed before, and I realize this is more like a left out thing rather than a bug (or maybe it is). I wonder why it hasnt got one since the pulse pistol and the rifle in the not so popular Fallout Tactics game has is too. And by the way it is my most favourite weapon by far.
There is another patch - i don't remember its name - which corrected this glitch, but I dont wish to use it because of its other modifications.
Could it be possible that you add it to your next release?
Temat: Installation Troubles
yeah there are some but nothing horrific, ive definantly seen much worse and have them work fine
EDIT: ive acually got it to install the game now, and i copied all my repaired core files into the directory but im still having a problem whenever i try to play the game via using the autoplay menu it says specified file cannot be found, so im assuming the exe file for it was corrupted from the cd, right now im about to download a patch for the game and i hope it will add couple files that are missing so it runs, maybe someone would be willing to tell me every file that should be in the first directory the game is in to see if i missing some executables or data files since those are easy to replace (if someones willing to send me an exe file or something, that isnt a virus...)
damnit i downloaded the patch and when i go to install it it wont install because it cant find fallout tactics! grrr
anyone wanna give me a run down of the names of all the folders that should be in the game, and all the dat files etc that are in the main one just to see if im missing something?
Temat: FOT Not Running: Run Time Error
Hi, I just recently came by my fallout tactics cds. I installed the game and i get this error when i try to play the game.
I get the bottom one first then the top error.
I have dx9c, amd 64 3200+, gf 5900 128 meg, 1023 mb ram.
I have treid reinstalling dx9, reinstalling the game, getting the latest patch, no cd patch, and still no results. If anyone knows what i can do to fix, please let me know.
Temat: Fallout 3
Nabyłem Fallout3 i Sacred2 (ta druga pozycja to narazie totalna pomyłka - jeden wielki bug , moze pomoże któryś patch)
Co do Fallout-ów zaliczyłem wszystkie , i powiem tak: F3 to gra inna, tak samo było z Tactics , moim zdaniem w swojej dziedzinie bardzo dobry(to nie był RPG). To nie będzie gra taka jak jej poprzedniczki - oczekiwania są ogromne a wykonanie zgoła inne.
Ale nic mi nie zastąpi chwili wyjścia z krypty w F3 i zobaczenia tego świata "własnymi" oczami.
Temat: Error! Could not create primary and back surfaces.
@uv23: I'm using VMWare Fusion to run Windows on my mac as well - on the GOG forums I found this fix to make the game work:
Right click on the desktop shortcut for Fallout Tactics and go to properties. Then, in the "Target" line where you can edit the file path where the shortcut points to, add a space and "-w" (without quotation marks of course). This will make it run in a window and the game should work fine after that. You can download a patch that lets you use higher resolutions too, so you can maximize it without going full screen and take advantage of the extra screen real estate. Let me know if this works for you.
I kiss you! Well, I will when I try it and see if it works. Cheers.
Temat: Error! Could not create primary and back surfaces.
@uv23: I'm using VMWare Fusion to run Windows on my mac as well - on the GOG forums I found this fix to make the game work:
Right click on the desktop shortcut for Fallout Tactics and go to properties. Then, in the "Target" line where you can edit the file path where the shortcut points to, add a space and "-w" (without quotation marks of course). This will make it run in a window and the game should work fine after that. You can download a patch that lets you use higher resolutions too, so you can maximize it without going full screen and take advantage of the extra screen real estate. Let me know if this works for you.
Temat: Invisible Reavers
I think I had that problem too. There are a couple possible solutions but you may have to go to a previous save after trying them. Unpack the entities and sprites from the *.bos files using Winzip. This will extract the sprite and entity files to your hard drive in the Fallout Tactics/core/ directory. This alone may do the trick. Otherwise go into the entity editor and open the reaver entities and check to see if a sprite is attached. Make changes as necessary and save it.
The other option is to download the missing sprites patch and install it.
Znacie, kto nie zna ten pozna. Gramy po sesji, przynajmniej tak na poważnie a teraz garść informacji na teraz.
serwer ip:
na tym ip stoi serwer ftp wiec nie trzeba po swiecie szukac map do gry oraz patcha 1.27.

możemy ciąć w każdej chwili, ale teraz wiadomo obowiązków dużo... natomiast już załatwmy sobie samą grę. Jedyne 3 CeDeki. Jakby co to płytki mają Laska i Internet, BonuS jeszcze nie ma programu do nagrywania płyt, jak mu przyniesiecie to on też ma CeDeki.
No więc tak moi kochani sugestie, lista obecności itd - robimy tutaj. Robcie posty kto będzie, róbcie tutaj posty z zapytaniami, z oczekiwaniami. Sprawa otwarta.

Temat: W co gracie ?
mam parcie na jakiegos squad-based tacticala... niestety dosowe x-comy gryza mi sie z tabletem, ufo:am i ufo:al niedawno przechodzilem, jaggedy tez juz znam na pamiec podobnie jak silent stormy, a fallout tactics jest poprostu slaby :/... udalo mi sie dorwac ruskiego 7,62 z amatorskim patchem-tlumaczeniem ale nie moge sie uporac ze starforcem ... jestem na taktycznym glodzie
Temat: A Couple of FOT Questions
Thanks for the reply back.
Initially I had done an install of Tactics. Started the game and played the first tutorial mission to make sure that items and doors were showing up. (When I first got the game I had one of the bad CD3s tht I ended up getting replaced from Interplay.)
I exited out of the game.
Put in the 1.27 patch and then installed the bonus patch on the bonus CD.
I then whent on to start a new campaign and ran into the Springfield problem of it not showing up.
So I think my problem was that Tactics had created a BOS.cfg file before I had installed the bonus patch. (Was a little dissapointed that the paper and pencil Tactics game wasn't a continuation of the Fallout for the Alternity RPG article that Wizards of the Coast and Black Isle did for Dragon magazine.)
The papers I think are the mouse debacle like you said I just cant read them in the game, but I did look in the gui_0.bos file like you suggested and found the text file of the mouse debacle.
Any of the other methods of doing Kansas City with 0 ghoul casulties aside from practice would be greatly appreciated. That one ghoul that runs in the middle of the street is the problem for me The melee Supper Mutants don't kill him instead he runs right down the street and straight up to some of the big guns mutants and one of those keeps gutting him.
Temat: [Fallout 2] GSP White Label - How To Patch?
Alrighty then. As you know if you read my other thread, I have the GSP White Label collection of FO1, 2, and Tactics.
I finished Fallout 1 (great game) and am moving on to 2. Unlike the version of FO1 on the DVD which was already updated to the final "official" version, Fallout 2 is at 1.00. All the mods seem to talk about the UK version 1.02e, but I cannot find a working download anywhere, only up to 1.02d.
The patch doesn't work either. When I run it, it extracts the files and all, but when I run fallout2.exe, it still says "Version 1.00" in the corner of the main screen.
The High Resolution patch, which usually can detect your version too, is saying it's an unrecognized version.
What to do?
Temat: Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.2 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)
Still an awesome patch, but now FO2 isn't working on my computer...the only thing I've been doing lately is playing a bunch of Fallout 1, and some Tactics. Maybe Fallout 2 got jealous, and has decided to punish me...I'm running FO2 on Win98, with a Humongous install, and the RP. No other mods, patches, or anything else. What happens is that the game quits to desktop right after the loading screen. No intro movie, error message, or any other indication that something is wrong. I've tried just a Humongous install, without the patch, and the game loads fine.
Temat: Biiiiig problem, epsilon - Stuck in endless computer-turn
Alright, remember the old continues combat watch problems in fallout 1&2
man that thing was annoying
well, i was hoping they fixed that problem for tactics, and i was over joyed when i saw no there was no lil stop watch for combat, instead it was replaced by a lil meter, showed some promise, but its still the same type of programming, so i thought it was inevitable that the problem would surface eventually
problem- just finished the scott robot mission, headed back to the bunker, and once inside i get a continues combat problem, the meter pops up and it continually ends and restarts combat with no enemies around
cant move, cant interact, and it sucks
ive got a few save games, none before entering the scott mission though, and once completin the mission i tried running around to other places and seeing if the problems there too, and its only in the scott mission
now, is this a new problem? (doubts it)
can it be solved with the patch? (hopes so)
and if so, whats the minimum version of the patch that would solve it?
im bumping a 20k internet connection and dont want to spend 5 hours downloading a 17MB patch
Temat: Any stuff related to unofficial F2 patches goes in here!
so you scrapped your addon pack for fallout 2 ?
I liked celestrials patch so much becourse it included stuff that supposed to be in fallout 2 but it got removed again. I share the opinion that such fixed shouldn't be included in the real unofficial patch tho, that why i like the addon part so much.
IMHO the addon should have the following stuff.
- Stuff the got deleted again from f2 (like Ian)
- the change appearance mod for NPC
- the miria level up mod
- infinite party members mod
- mysterious stranger mod
- world map encounter booster
- and to make stuff harder the very difficult mod
- mr fixit tool
Well it just my 2 cents. your the boss Killap
Well those would be mainly it. For myself i'm always trying to get the frank horrigan armor in the game and the klint level up mod( and change his appearance like the vaultboy from fo:tactics).
Temat: Ultimate Patch
OK, I've been doing some research and my findings are what follows:
1) I've seen the 1.00 US have Phyllis.
2) My current version has a dialogue file vcnancy.msg in it, yet the content of the file shows Phyliss'.
3) I assume that my previous version was US and the current ones I own are UK, because everytime I install, I have to bring the children in separately.
4) I remember seeing Nurse Nancy in the Vault (otherwise, how would I have known she was a Nurse?)
5) However, the file mentioned resides in the Master.dat so it couldn't have been introduced by a patch.
6) I own two different versions of Fallout 2 now (one from the Tactics pack and one from a game mag), both of them don't have children, so I assume they're UK; I'm almost certain neither is ELV. So maybe some English versions had Nancy and some had Phyllis?
7) I ust checked and the character in the Vault is RMA Phyllis, this would seem to support the findings in master.dat. Also, that I'm using the 1.05 patch doesnt seem to have any significance, since it doesn't contain any relevant scripts nor files. (?)
Well, I've just wasted 15 minutes of my time!
Temat: Fallout2 High Resolution Patch
Do you know if this will work for Fallout Tactics? Or is there another patch for that?
Temat: seria gier Fallout
mam pytanie: wie ktos jak w Fallout Tactics grac w Multiplayer? sciagnalem patcha ale zaden serwer mi sie nadal nie pokazuje...
Temat: Strange (bug?) missing hostile caracters- Please help
Some fallout tactics were shipped with a faulty disc 3 and need a BIG patch. I am not sure if this is the problem but its a long shot.
Temat: Invisible items
Its under Files...Fallout Tactics...Patches...Invisible Item Patch
Temat: Unofficial Fo2 patch thread - problems, reports, suggestions
Forgot to ask, i bought the whitelabel fallout collection which includes the two games and the tactics one. But apparentely i've been told that the UK games are censored, mainly kid based stuff. Killap does your patch restores the censored stuff?
Temat: How did you discover Fallout ?
I FIRST discovering it when reading a preview of it in Gamepro back in mid 1996. I was initially excited because, at the time, the game was being designed as the first "GURPS Computer RPG" and was supposed to use the GURPS pen and paper RPG system, which you can read more about at www.sjgames.com. I was excited about this, since me and my friends were into GURPS and played it a lot (along with D&D and such). I heard later that they switched to another format which they did because the GURPS system wasn't working out optimally for the game, but I kept up with the game and it looked like it was coming along good. A few months after it came out, I ordered it from the Columbia House CD-Rom Club (yea, I remember that, whoever mentioned something about it) along with Total Annihilation, Balls of Steel, and a couple other games (Forgot what they were, but if I did forget, they probably weren't that special or they got stolen long ago and so I probably didn't have a chance to play them much). I was hooked on it, and a year later one of my friend's bought Fallout 2 for 20$ but he gave it to me since his computer wouldn't run it for some reason. I was so excited about the Fallout series that Fallout Tactics turned out to be the FIRST EVER videogame that I have preordered. It may not have been as good as the others, but the way that particular game played was very nice, and I loved how it added to the Fallout Universe. I miss my Fallout Tactics T-Shirt...
I only beat Fallout 1 two times, then let a friend borrow it. He borrowed it in late 1999, and I still haven't got the game back LOL(Although I know he still has it since he mentioned something about playing it just a couple months back, I told him last week to find it for me if he can). Fallout 2 I probably beat at least 4 or 5 times. I just started a save of Fallout 2 a while ago, and I'm going to start a Fallout Tactics one soon, but I am having a very hard time finding the 1.27 patch of the game, and I know that the game is pretty buggy without that patch release, so I'm not going to play it until I get that patch. I used the link on this site for 3Ddownloads.com but the download froze at about 63%.
Temat: Lista modów w Sadze Fallouta
Udało mi się zdobyć listę modów, które stanowić będą dodatek do poszczególnych części Fallouta, zawartych na Sadze Fallouta - Unikalnej edycji DVD. Oto ona:
1. Fallout Ammo Patch v1.1 - Patch Celestiala likwidujący problemy z amunicją przeciwpancerną (AP).
2. FALLOUT END GAME MOD - łatka Corpse'a, która pozwala na kontynuowanie Fallouta po jego zakończeniu.
3. FALLOUT CHEAT-BOY v1.2a - dzięki Corpse 'owi mamy w ekwipunku urządzenie, które pozwala na zabawę z przedmiotami
Fallout 2:
4. B -Team - mod Jarga, który powoduje, że twoi towarzysze zmieniają swój wygląd w zależności od noszonego pancerza
5. Cult of Personality MOD (autor Terry Kim) - poprawia działanie kultu jednostki.
6. Fallout2: Arroyo-Klamath Mod demo (autorstwa Team-X) - wersja demonstracyjna będącego w fazie produkcji sporego moda. Dodaje m. in. Nowe questy, ludzi i przedmioty.
7. Fallout2 PL Patch 1.05 (autor Celestial) - Ten patch poprawia wiele błędów w grze i dodaje wiele nowych rzeczy. Po zainstalowaniu trzeba dodać łatkę.
8. Fire Gecko Skinning (autor Jargo) - Możliwość wycinania skór z Fire Gecko
9. Neo Nightkin's Vision (autor Alexander Sacha Niketic) - kilkanaście drobnych modyfikacji.
10. Przyjaciel Klint (autor Jargo) - Ten mod powoduje, że postać o imieniu Klint (strażnik wejscia do swiątyni) przyłącza się do wybrańca, aby towarzyszyć mu w przygodzie.
11. Shiv (autor Jargo) - Ten mod powoduje, że shiv (nóż) działa jak normalna broń.
Fallout Tactics:
12. Awaken (DargH, Kroffa, Kmieciu4Ever, Gaator i inni) - Awaken to mod - gra korzystający z engine'u FTBOS zawierająca nową historię i fabułę. Jest wzorowana na Fallout. Szczegółowe informacje znajdziesz tutaj. (link do readme)
13. Brahmin (autor Sachuro) - nadaje postaciom "krowi" wygląd
14. Scurry bot (autor CarlovdCijs) - dodaje rekruta Scurry
oraz mapy do Fallouta Tacticsa:
Deathground (autor: Requiem)
(autor Joe "Max-Violence" Pine)
Slaughter Springs
Serie map:
Deathclaw Desert Chapter 1
Deathclaw Desert Chapter 2
Deathclaw Desert Chapter 3
Deathclaw Desert Chapter 4
Deathclaw Desert Chapter 5
Revenge Chapter 1 - THE BEGINNING
Revenge Chapter 2 - UNDERCOVER
Revenge Chapter 3 - ESCAPE
i mini kampanie:
Jailbreak Chapter 1
Jailbreak Chapters 2 and 3
Rebellion Part 1
Rebellion Part 2
Rebellion Part 3
Jak widać po tej imponującej liście, szykuje się prawdziwa gratka dla wszystkich fanów Fallouta!
Temat: Why?
Would it, I am a new person too this forum. I have been here less than a week. That said. Would it not be so beautiful for someone such as myself or you to create something as simple as a new town for Fallout, create a building or buildings, people and interaction, user created. Jeez, you can do it for most games it is called a user created scenario, I have been a big player and fan of Talonsoft games, East and West Front, both allow for user created scenarios, alot of game do. Man, if we or somebody had the tools, think how great it would be for someone to create a town or two, maybe a campaingn linked by several towns. There is no reason in my opinion that we should not be able to do this. Too me it is a crime. Ok Interplay say, thinks, well your trying to do Fallout 3, I say come on you got to be kidding. Maybe not, maybe they are right. But come on, it would be so cool, user created campaigns, if not just one town, just one town would be cool. We have the whole wastes, we have every gun, give us the ability to create buildings and user interactions, I dont get it. They want to create Fallout tactics, I hate to think of it, linear, I hate linear, I hope not. You got to be kidding. I thought earlier today of a time gone past, XCOM, please oh GOD, just make XCOM 3, but with better graphics todays graphics,or maybe Fallout Graphics, I still think even Fallout 1 grahics are suitable to me, and I have played ever game up until this date with the best graphics, and Fallout graphics are still my favorite, I have even played Baldurs Gate, so what, I like and appreciate Fallout Graphics, it is so many years later, it is so simple just XCOM 3, no they tried to slice it everyway but XCOM 3 never came, why?, I cry with anger, just make Fallout 3, I want to wonder the wasteland, I want more of the same, why? try to reinvent the wheel. As you know they tried to rearrange XCOM for whatever reason, too get more money, and never came close to equaling the first or second, I hate them for that, it must of been suits, admistrators with money, suggesting ideas. Let the creative, imaginative, inovators of the day create. My last point is why is it so hard to create a add on expansion or scenarios for Fallout, come on you got to recreate the game, um recreate the wheel, you bastards, dont follow the lead of XCOM. All I ever wanted was XCOM 3, like the first 2, like the first 2, like the first 2, well maybe not like the second, for the second, contained a error, yes back when the second came out, the first cds contained a error back when, and I didnot have access to the internet, like early 90's, and yes it required a patch. I got stuck early, but I dont hold grudges. Anyway, a simple Fallout expansion, can people be so cruel. I mean, I feel I will see that, like never. Why is life so cruel, where are the Fallout addons.
Temat: Fallout 3
One of us! One of us! Tragic, dobre czasy... Wg pierwotnego projektu mogłeś się nawet uzależnić, ale bug w grze na to nie pozwala (chociaż jest fanowski patch, który to naprawia).
Mam nadzieję, że nie ominąłeś Mózga wpieprzającego Serowe Burdeliki. I 10+ punktów jeśli uda ci się zostać Kapitanem Straży.
Garstka faktów o "trójce" z niedawnego Game Informera:
Obszar gry: Washington D.C. Możemy się pożegnać z San Fran, NCR i innymi terenami znanymi z dwójki/jedynki. Trochę szkoda, chociaż zmiana jest zrozumiała, biorąc pod uwagę że Bethesda ma swoją siedzibę w Maryland i stamtąd pochodzi większość pracowników (oryginalny team był złożony z Kalifornijczyków). Z tym, że to trochę utrudni twórcom robotę - łatwiej ciekawie zmienić stare koncepty niż tworzyć nowe od początku, więc jest większa szansa, że wyłożą się na fabule. Z drugiej strony miło będzie pozwiedzać nowe tereny w pełnej radioaktywnej krasie, zaś Waszyngton daje ciekawe możliwości fabularne. A ja wciąż czekam na Fallout: Russia (nie, STALKER się nie liczy).
Perspektywa do wyboru TPP/FPP. Świetnie, nieważne co zrobię, będę miał wrażenie że gram albo w STALKERa, albo Fallout: BoS. >:(
System walki - real-time oparty na możliwości ruchu na podstawie AP, z możliwością pauzy (podobny do hybryd z Fallout Tactics). Biorąc pod uwagę że tego typu systemu to od czasów Baldura standard w PCtowych RPGach nie powinienem się dziwić, ale to wciąż kop w klejnoty.
I ciekawy news - chodzą pogłoski o sequelu Wasteland, który ma być klimatem prawdziwą kontynuacją Fallouta. Co jest ciekawe, bo Fallouty 1 i 2 miały być duchem następcami Wasteland. Koło się zamyka...
Temat: A Couple of FOT Questions
I got Fallout Tactics a while back and never got around to playing it to recently so I have a few questions.
1.) My copy of Tactics came with a bonus CD I installed the bonus CD but I couldn't get to the Spingfield mission. I ended up doing an unistall of Tactics, removing all the other files the unistall didn't remove and installing Tactics, then installing the bonus mission and then the 1.27 patch. The Spingfield mission showed up, but they have some pink tiles on one of the buildings. What is up with the pink tiles?
2.) I'm right now on Mission 10 Kansas City. I read in one walkthrough that it is possible to finish the mission without losing a single ghoul. How would you do this? I'm not sure if my squad is even capable of doing this. I right now am using one heavy weapos man at the West Gate with an M2 and a snipper/shotgunner for back up. At the South Gate I've been using a heavy weapons man with a M2 and a Rocket Launcher, a 2nd heavy weapons man with a SAW, and a sniper with a sniper rifle. I send 1 sniper to cover the Northen Gate wth a snipper rifle. The one ghoul, that runs in the middleof the street at the Southern Gate allways gets killed every time I play the mission. I have tried having characters run up to him and give him 2 doses of psycho wich does help delay his death. He also falls flat on the ground and can't move for a little bit wich helps me not having to worry about him for a little while. The best I can get so far has been only 1 ghoul dies during the mission. I usually play CTB but I switched to Squad TB for this mission. One of the walkthroughs said if you can get no ghouls killed a ghoul named Hazmat will be at the bunker who you can barter with. Is this true?
3.)The editor says I need to unzip certain files, When I go to unzip one of the files the read me for the editor say WinZip will freeze up if I'm using classic mode. I can unzip the file in wizard mode of winzip. Now my question is that when I am extracting the files I'll get told that another file with the same name allready exists a few times. Wich file do I keep when I extracting the files and I get asked to keep the existing file or the extracted one? Do I keep the one that has the newest date?
4.)I got the Stange Papers in the Gamma Bunker. I can't read what they say. The text is weird, it looks like it is missing letters in words, etc. Does anyone have the text for the papers that is readable.
Temat: A Couple of FOT Questions
I got Fallout Tactics a while back and never got around to playing it to recently so I have a few questions.
1.) My copy of Tactics came with a bonus CD I installed the bonus CD but I couldn't get to the Spingfield mission. I ended up doing an unistall of Tactics, removing all the other files the unistall didn't remove and installing Tactics, then installing the bonus mission and then the 1.27 patch. The Spingfield mission showed up, but they have some pink tiles on one of the buildings. What is up with the pink tiles?
2.) I'm right now on Mission 10 Kansas City. I read in one walkthrough that it is possible to finish the mission without losing a single ghoul. How would you do this? I'm not sure if my squad is even capable of doing this. I right now am using one heavy weapos man at the West Gate with an M2 and a snipper/shotgunner for back up. At the South Gate I've been using a heavy weapons man with a M2 and a Rocket Launcher, a 2nd heavy weapons man with a SAW, and a sniper with a sniper rifle. I send 1 sniper to cover the Northen Gate wth a snipper rifle. The one ghoul, that runs in the middleof the street at the Southern Gate allways gets killed every time I play the mission. I have tried having characters run up to him and give him 2 doses of psycho wich does help delay his death. He also falls flat on the ground and can't move for a little bit wich helps me not having to worry about him for a little while. The best I can get so far has been only 1 ghoul dies during the mission. I usually play CTB but I switched to Squad TB for this mission. One of the walkthroughs said if you can get no ghouls killed a ghoul named Hazmat will be at the bunker who you can barter with. Is this true?
3.)The editor says I need to unzip certain files, When I go to unzip one of the files the read me for the editor say WinZip will freeze up if I'm using classic mode. I can unzip the file in wizard mode of winzip. Now my question is that when I am extracting the files I'll get told that another file with the same name allready exists a few times. Wich file do I keep when I extracting the files and I get asked to keep the existing file or the extracted one? Do I keep the one that has the newest date?
4.)I got the Stange Papers in the Gamma Bunker. I can't read what they say. The text is weird, it looks like it is missing letters in words, etc. Does anyone have the text for the papers that is readable. I don't think there is any, it's just a piece of nonsense not connected with the plot. Though it might be the mouse debacle which is in one of the gui folders IIRC.
Temat: Fallout
No to mnie zatkało to wyjdzie taka sama pała jak taktics
Oj, nie byłym takim sceptykiem. Bethesda wie jak robić dobre erpegi, co widać choćby po świetnym Morrowind, albo najnowszym Oblivion, więc grywalność z pewnością będzie wysoka, a martwić się można jedynie o zachowanie tego wspaniałego klimatu retro-future, który tak mocno przyciągał do monitora i stał się cechą charakterystyczną serii Fallout.
Paradoksalnie trochę się nawet cieszę, że seria zmieniła developera, bowiem przyda się lekkie odświeżenie tematu. Oglądając fragment słynnego projektu Van Buren ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1uuDKrY7eW0 ), mam wrażenie, że Black Isle zamierzało pozostać przy koncepcji z Tactics, czyli uczynić grę bardziej dynamiczną, ale tym razem w pełnym 3D. Jednak nie wygląda to zbyt zachęcająco i prawdopodobnie dostalibyśmy tylko odgrzewany kotlecik z naciskiem na walki. Nie uważam co prawda, że Fallout Tactics jest złą grą, nawet przyjemnie się grało w trybie single, ale moim zdaniem stawianie na akcję w trybie rzeczywistym i multiplayer psuje cały klimat serii, który tak wysoko cenią sobie jej miłośnicy - w tym ja.
Już za miesiąc, wraz z pierwszym oficjalnym trailerem, dowiemy się czegoś więcej na temat "trójeczki". Cholernie jestem ciekaw, czy rozgrywka toczyć się będzie w FPP, jak w The Elder Scrolls, czy też klasycznie. A jeśli w FPP to co w takim razie z mapami i przypadkowymi spotkaniami? Ciekawość zżera jak diabli.
Choć dwójki nie da się przejść w 100% z powodu tych rodzin mafijnych w nowym reno.
Fakt, nie da się wykonać wszystkich misji, bo musisz wybrać tylko jedną familię, a reszta co prawda zawsze będzie witać Cię hucznie i z salwami, ale z lufami skierowanymi poziomo . Osobiście preferuję przyłączenie się do Wrightów, bo mają najciekawsze misje, w tym penetrację Sierra Army Depot, do którego chyba za Chiny nie dostaniesz się inaczej, jak przez wzięcie zadania od bossa tej rodzinki. Tak naprawdę pozostałe familie zaczynają atakować Cię dopiero po wykonaniu ostatniego zadania dla danej rodziny, po którym dostajesz tytuł "Made Man", więc w międzyczasie da się zrobić kilka misji u innego pracodawcy. W ten sposób pewnego razu zostałem Made Manem zarówno Wrightów, jak i Mordino. Drugi raz nie udało mi się tego tricku powtórzyć, może dlatego, że z początku grałem bez patcha .
Temat: Unofficial Fo2 patch thread - problems, reports, suggestions
I started replaying Fallout 2 a while ago after not touching it for many, many years and at first I installed with all patches+resolution mods. It's been mostly problem free for me even if I think that tribal that keeps hunting the player showed up one more time after I killed him.
Anyway on to the real issue I recently come across a bug that prevents me from advancing any futher into the game. I'm at Vault 13 and playing a char with negative karma wich means Gruthar won't let me pass peacefully. I read somewhere even evil characters could be allowed in with high enough stats but when I tried to use drugs to buff it it doesn't seem to work so the only option for me seems to be combat and there is where the game crashes for me.
I'm level 14 at the moment and Gruthar and his friend is two hard deathclaws so the only real chance I have of winning is to blind them to prevent them from killing me in 2-3 turns like they otherwise do.. But after I shoot both of them in the eyes with a critical strike and they start to run around aimlessly the game always seems to crash after a round or two after that while I'm trying to gun them down. I rather often used blinding tactics on hard fights before without problems but somehow I never seem to be able to get Gruthar or the other death claw under 150 health or so before the game crashes. Anyway the screen turns black when this happens and a small box saying Fallout 2 encountered a unknown program exeption pops up.
Since it's been years since I last touched Fallout 2 I have no idea if this is a regular game bug that happend for me or something connected with the restoration mod. I do know I can't try it without the mod though since the saved moded files don't work with just the official patch. Also I read on some sites that it should be possible to sneak past Gruthar in combat mode but that doesn't seem to work for me either.
If I remember correctly Fallout 2 always been buggy but I would hate to have to stop playing now that I gotten so far so far and I have no idea how to progress futher so any help would be appreciated.