Wyświetlono wypowiedzi wyszukane dla słów: fallout 2 character
Temat: How do you refuel the car in Fallout 3?
The worst part of Fallout 3 for me is motion sickness. Never got it from a video game before, and I've played a lot of FPS games. There was a study I saw on the intarwebs somewhere that it's getting more prevalent in people that never had it before due to the environments and graphics getting more and more realistic.
I'm playing the general goody two shoes character for the first play through. Well rounded with high energy weapons, charisma, speech, lockpick, and medical.
I can't believe that my first Fallout 1 character made it in Fallout 3. Either a big coincidence, or someone at Bethesda read my emails, or dug up some old internet info somewhere.
Temat: Why do you like Fallout?
I think Fallout is such a wonderful game because you have so much freedom. If you choose to kill everyone in junktown or the hub (or my favorite the BoS), it won't affect the main purpose of your character. All the free choices you have makes it so special. Rescue the ghouls in necropolis by fixing their waterpump or kill them right away and still get the xp for fixing the damn thing:P
Other than the freedom; the music is the best ever, the post apocalypse theme is also a great idea and not to mention the weapons, armors and all the other items.
(This opinion of mine is almost fully based on Fallout and a bit on Fallout 2. No Fallout Tactics)
Temat: Arcanum is Fallout 3 I have proof!
Look up the word "Sequel."
One of the entries should read similar to a "Result or consequence."
Listen to this scenario if you will, let's say that a majority of a team of programmers who given the chance to create a continuation of a series would have, but were given an ultimatum along the lines of "Work on this 'Fallout: Bullshit Of a Sequel' game or get out," choose to leave, all join the same group, "Troika" with a different company(coincidense, huh) and create a game exactly like the Fallout 3 they would have made but with a different plot and storyline(I know it's a run-on sentence.) Could you possibly fathom in that little skull of yours that this was a "Result or consequence" of Fallout?
If Fallout 3 is released as an online FPS, would you consider it a sequel true to the series? Well it's looking like it may turn out that way. So get strapped and ready!
What do you mean "gritty?" If you mean something which creates a feeling of forlornment or unease, I would have to say that you are wrong. The [font size=3]environment made it "gritty." I have never ever seen a single "B-Movie" that was inately "gritty." It all has to do with the place, time and characters that your protaganist has to interact with. If you would read the DAMNED link you would come to understand that Arcanum is "gritty"(the whole creating a feeling of forlornment and unease thing again, kiddies) as well.
P.S. I hope you find time to read the damn journal, it really is quite informative.
C.ash R.ules E.verything A.round M.e!
Temat: Sawyer on combat again
J.E. Sawyer has replied to someone at the Interplay boards that was claiming that no prone or crouching on F3 was caused by the game having a Real-Time mode:
I see your train of thought as once again being completely baseless. Much like theories about reducing the number of gun skills as having some relationship to real-time combat. Did you actually play Fallout: Tactics? It had crouching and prone combat positions. It also had real-time combat. I used crouching and prone constantly in that game. There was certainly enough time to react to situations that those modes were useful. Whether or not they were "good" or even necessary is up to debate.
But, of course, Fallout: Tactics had the subtitle "A Post-Nuclear Tactical Combat Game", because you have full control over a squad of up to six characters who are almost constantly engaged in combat. Fallout and Fallout 2 are RPGs, not combat simulators. I'm sure you could think of about sixty things we "could" add to make Fallout combat more in-depth, involved, complex, etc. That doesn't mean all sixty of those things should be added.
I know that in a magical imaginary dreamland, animations and AI take no time to produce, but at Black Isle, they actually do. We can't just flippantly shove a feature into the game without considering how much time it takes to implement and test.
Link: BIS Feedback forum
Temat: Fallout
no fallout to w 70% dialogi ... skill speech i po 4+ możliwych odpowiedzi do wyboru ...
heh F2 to jest gra ... samo to żę da sie ją przejść w 19 minut świadczy paradoksalnie o jej wielkości ...
Nawet nasz Wiedźmin, w którym dialogi nagle odżywają i z powrotem mają znaczny wpływ na grę nie uniknął podziału na akty i przymusowych walk ... a w F2 jak wszyscy wiedzą przymusowa jest tylko walka z Horriganem (choć jak przechodziłem panienką z int,Char,luck 10 i gadaniem na 200 to jeszcze w Vault 15 musiałem sie Markusem i Casydym wysłużyć żeby szybciej lokacie Vault 13 zdobyć) ... no i walka z Horriganem też może wyglądać dość różnie ...
a walka też była istotna ... bo w F2 dało się grać jak w przygodówkę (przykład wyzęj) i jak w UFO - czyli Zrecznosc 10, finezja i gaus rifle ... i to też było coś
Morrowindy i Obliviony maja ta wade ze tam walki są po pierwsze zapychaczami a po drugie są bardzo szybko zwyczajnie nudne ...
Temat: Staying true to Fallout
I believe they will try their best to satisfy the Fallout community... If not Pete wouldn't have said
Quote: I don't think we could make a great game without staying true to Fallout.
er...isn't KOTOR based on the D&D D20 system?
because i don't think that you were reacting simultaneously with the rest of the characters. if you gave the command to attack, it would sometimes take a while to do so, because a other character was still in his/her turn. and that's the D&D rules: the higher some of your stats are (i thought DEX) the sooner you may attack.
Around here, people are using the term turn-based as shorthand to refer to the action point based, one side moves at a time (on their turn ) type system in Fallout, X-com, Jagged alliance, Silent Storm etc. But since there is no universally agreed upon, dictionary definition for turn based, you can't really get mad when other people use the term differently.
In one sense, action point turn based systems (Fallout etc.) are -more- "realtime" because actions take as long as they take, rather than occuring based on some arbitrary turn structure.
Bugs can be fixed but shitty design is forever.
TES was made an orphan once the Father left, and it's been left with the really creepy uncles that are dressing it up in flashy clothing and hooking it out onto X-Box Avenue.
Guess where Fallout stands?
Temat: Edge Online previews Fallout 3
Edge had 60 minutes with Fallout 3.There are other mixed signals. While its far too early to make a call on the quality of its writing, the character voice-acting is considerably better than the often disturbingly stiff inhabitants of Oblivion. Theres still a sense that the characters dont quite act enough, however. Compared to what Vampire: Bloodlines did some years ago in terms of physical performance in a similar straight-headshot game, this is somewhat lacking. While, inevitably, the density of the original Fallouts text will be lost, a fully voiced game should make the most of what its got. Fallout 3 doesnt quite do that.
However, as a mechanic, the conversation system appears to be working well. While there are many examples of the traditional RPG triptych of Yes, Ill do it/Yes, Ill do it for money/I WILL KILL YOU! there are generally more options, which seem to respond sensitively to your characters make-up. For example, playing someone with the Lady-Killer perk can exploit more amorous routes to success (or its cousin, embarrassment). Similarly, stealth is firmly integrated as an alternative approach, as well as various technical options. Special mention must be made of the hacking system, whose password guessing is one of the more impressively naturalistic attempts to make a hacking sim that is neither trivial (as in System Shock 2) or clearly a transplanted mechanism from another game (as in BioShock).Link: Fallout 3: The First 60 Minutes.
Spotted on RPGWatch.
Temat: Fallout 2 graphic update patch
In another piece of the storm of great modding projects going on, a couple of NMA's modders are working on a graphic update patch for Fallout 2:- Make different critters for each type of armour eg: Mark I and Mark II metal armour look different
- Update Item art to reflect the item eg: a hammer will look like a hamer on the ground and not a cardboard box
- Talking heads that dont talk. We could try and add a face to every character in the game, it doesnt have to be animated just a still face.They've released a first version, which updates the following:------Ground art------
The ground art for most items has been updated to look like the item in question rather than just the default
box or book.
------Interface art------
By request the IFACE.FRM file has been replaced witht the updated FO1 interface that the mutants rising mods was
going to use.
------Misc art------
The explosions have been replaced with some nicer looking and bigger explosions. New projectiels for grenades
have been added, these were taken from Fallout Tactics.Link: Fallout 2 graphic update patch thread on NMA
Link: Fallout 2 graphic update patch vAlpha 01
Temat: Character Fog of War for Behind
When the Fallout came out the Westwood studios launched a game that could be called a Diablo clone;NOX.
In NOx character couldnt see the 90 degrees of his back which was constantly covered with Fog of War.But ofcourse when the character changed view angel the Fog of War changed also blocking still that back 90 percent.
I think it could be a good idea to implent to fallout if it turns out isometric.ofcourse the landscaper wont darken out only the NPCs and characters that can move should be affected by the fog covering them.An interesting add on could be that with high perception skill you could actually "sense" or "hear" what is going on behind you represented with shadowy characters and such.
It could add the game a sense of "insecureness" since your dont really know what is in your behind and make the game more realistic without cutting any fun from it.So what do you think?
Temat: Game Informer Fallout 3 article scans
Any RPG with a lot of characters is going to require some of them to be cardboard cut outs. The
Thing in Oblivion was the equivalent of the 1 line text thing for characters like "reliant" or "trapper" in Fallout. There were a hell of a lot of characters who had plenty to say. The dialogue wasn't as good as fallout, but it was a much less dialogue orientated game anyway.
Personally though I'll be dissapointed if fallout 3 is completely voice acted, I think it makes things terribly inflexible
Temat: Why do you like Fallout?
I agree to all that pastorius has said, amazing detail put into the world (could use a couple more locations on the West side [Fallout 2]) but really there is already so much to do in the numerous locations available. The replay value is incredible. I am ashamed to say that I have no played Fallout 1 (I am trying to get my hands on it) but I have played and passed Fallout 2 and BoS. Though I am not as fond of BoS because of the lack of freedom that is offered by The Second and First ones. I have created at least 10 diffrent characters (attempted to pass that game with all of them) in the 8 years which I have had Fallout 2.
Temat: Game Informer Fallout 3 article scans
Um The entire Fallout series Is more or less in movie terms a Cult Classic it was never a mainstream game it was one of those games that was spread by word of mouth. I heard about from a friend and so did he and I have talked to many fans of Fallout and they have similar stories.
That's interesting. Of course here maybe a lot of NMA dwellers "were here before the fall(out)" , but I too discovered Fallout by word of mouth.
I discovered it I think in 1997, 1998, while I was down to the head in old-games-I-used-to-play-at-a-friend's (Tie Fighter, Syndicate), and sequel-to-old-games-I-used-to... (Tie Collector, Syndicate Wars) and a bunch of new games (yeah, Q2, Half-Life and its multiplayer games ).
I very reluctantly let a guy I knew tell me about Fallout when he used the words "RPG" : I had this vision of D&D computer RPG which the same old stories, same old character types "ok, so I chose either a Barbarian, a Dwarf, a Mage or .... a Priest or a Thief, woohoooo". RPGs by then related to me to the "same old heroic fantasy ... which was ok when I was a kid".
Once I was convinced by arguments like "wasteland ala Mad Max, violence, complete freedom, 50s SF background, try-it-FFS-or-I'll-break-your-teeth", I was hooked since the intro and my first steps in the wasteland as Max Stone ( hey, what did you expect from a then quake player ?).
I've tried too since then to spread the good words ...
Temat: FOnline open test
this is idealized FOnline world, but where can you get so many players hanging around 24/7?)) not to mention dudes that offer you a job instead of just killing you and getting your money and some exp?))) and what would stop players from NOT rewarding you for your work and saying "get out of my eyes or i'll kill you"?)))
So I think this idealized world, and closed servers is what FOnline team should be aiming for. Remember, average fan of MMO is not fan of fallout. And the fans of fallout will find a way to these servers and surely will try to obey the rules.
Rant, again: There is one thing: to make the player feel connected with a world, and the actions it can perform within it, not with his/her character. In that way, if the character dies, the player will find enjoyable to play another.
So there could be lvl limit, or the 20th lvl character shouldn't be 20 times more powerful than 1st lvl character. No 'uber' players...
Temat: Neverending children question
Are you sure that patch works for both Fallout games?
I played Fallout 1 briefly and all worked perfectly fine. Now I'm finishing Fallout 2 (v1.04) for the first time and so far no unexpected problems occured.
Both Fallout games use the same game engine. As far as I understand Interplay just removed specific graphic (aka children) files from the installation CDs, but not the file refenrences. So the patch basically just reinstalls the missing files.
Apparently names and "personalities" of characters are stored in seperate file(s), I guess.
Temat: Game Informer Fallout 3 article scans
Well, I read the first few pages, but I don' t have the time to go through 15 pages to figure out what everybody thinks.
I was out latel last night and checked it out when I got home, but didn't get a chance to post anything. Then I read it again this morning...
There was good and bad in there, to be sure, but I have to admit that I feel more hopefully about it than I did before reading this.
Like others I think the "Orc" and the nuclear cannon look and sound lame. Unlike others, I see the same color scheme used in the old Fallouts and a lot of Fallout, 50's and retro-future atmoshpere. The 50's car in the first screenshot as well as the "Red Rocket" building to the PC's left, the Vault Secure poster and the "Nuka..." billboard in the last shot.
I think the Pipboy looks great and I love the idea of picking up radio stations. While I haven't played many games that I've enjoyed that you had to eat and drink since Ultima 7, I don't hate the idea. And speaking of Ultima it sounds like they are going for that style of character creation, which I do like.
I'm still not sure I even understand the combat, but if I don't have to fire in real time the entire game, then its better than what I expected. Far from what I want, however.
The bit about choice and consequence is nice to hear and the fact that they are going with a level cap leads credence to their assertion that they aren't going to make you an "uber" character in in every area.
There is a lot more to be learned about the game before I will make a decision, but based on this information, its not something that will turn me away from Fallout 3.
Temat: Shelter combat teaser
Replacing the tiles should be possible, To_an, TW and Seńor DeLuxe have done some high quality custom tiles. They haven't been on the modding forums for a while, but if you were to email them they might have enough unreleased work to make a few totally original maps for a start.
Replacing the sprites is going to be harder, practically since FOT came out we've been bemoaning the lack of a sprite editor that could handle the characters but over a year after we finally get two and no one has come forward to say they are working on replacement armours etc. It's just so much work to render all the animations and directions. Would your engine be capable of supporting 3d character models and 2d backgrounds? You might find a lot more people willing/capable of producing just models and not renders.
Temat: Game Informer Fallout 3 article scans
Yes. And in Fallout 4 with a new interface they'll discover PipBoy 4000 and in Fallout 5 Pipboy 5000 .
In both. While in Fallout, PipBoy was a personal computer (not just a part of the game interface like the inventory or the character sheet) that tracked quests, maps, and served as a video player, alarm clock and callendar.
For some reason Van Buren creators have mistaken the Vault Boy with Pip Boy and Bethesda integrated it with a charater sheet and slapped on the Vault Boy too.
Yep, there's Vault Boy inside of PipBoy. Maybe because through this little computer you are assigning skill points, traits and stats of a Vault inhabitant, Vault boy essentially (or a Vault girl if you're not one of those people who must choose age and gender in accordance to their real persona, or else it's no go). Given the choice, would you rather Bethesda redesigned the Vault Boy images and inserted PipBoy into all those little cards? (I do admit, I am taking a risky assumption here, that you actually care about what they do or don't)
Temat: New sections@NMA
I've worked on some sections is the past and haven't really had time to finish them, but I'm almost done with some of them.
There's the new Fallout 1 Character page (with a interactive character creation engine(almost done)) and the new Fallout 3 page that I've been working on, still adding to these pages.
Kudos goes to Kharn for whipping up that Fo1 character creation engine, which isn't quite done yet. But fun to play with..
Post any comments or suggestions..
Temat: Fallout MUSH: Characters Wanted!
Hey, folks. I'm a player on Fallout MUSH, a post-nuclear MU* based on the popular game of the same title by Interplay. For the IC enrichment of the game and to help encourage large-scale RP and conflict, I'm looking for players interested in forming a company of mercenaries for hire. Playing in such a group would provide the benefit of IC security as well as an immediate, accessible source of roleplay. Brainstorming encouraged. All interested players, please contact me at the e-mail listed below. For your convenience, the pertinent information to log on to the game or visit the website has also been included.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with what a MUSH is (probably the majority of you), here's a quick summary. A MUSH (short for Multi User Shared Hallucination) is a telnet-based roleplaying server. The graphics are antiquated text-only designs reminiscent of the old rogue-like games some of us used to play. Fallout MUSH features the ability to play both humans and Super Mutants, the creation of detailed character sheets and statistics based on the SPECIAL system, and a highly developed combat system that can be run by the game's GMs. Once you get into the swing of things, I can vouch for the fact that it's a hell of a lot of fun.
Thank you for your time and interest.
mush.vault-tek.com 4201
Temat: Edge previews Fallout 3
Nice second intentional misread. Keep this up and I'm going to start thinking you're trolling.
Here's what you said:
Even though the journalist expressed very clear doubts about them maintaining a high standard of writing throughout the game
Here's what the preview said:
While its combat credentials are fairly secure, previous demonstrations have done little to assure us that the writing is also up to the standard of previous Fallout games.
Now you're pretending that when you said "maintain a high standard of writing", you were talking about voice acting?
Not buying.
Well, it has more to do with how I consider actors than Mr Neeson's talents. I always consider character actors inferior to actors with a wide scale. I consider Liam Neeson inferior to Bob Hoskins the same way I consider Morgan Freeman inferior to Leonardo DiCaprio. In these cases, the former are character actors with lots of screen presence, the latter have range.
I can definitely agree with you here, it's the same reason I get really tired of Denzel Washington, and to an extent Jodie Foster. They're great actors, but it's the same character over and over.
Temat: 1UP"s Fallout 3 Gameplay Video and Interview
I'm paraphrasing, but he said something to the effect of "There's no screen where you make your character, you'll be playing the first 30 minutes of the game going through childhood."
So I guess it's even too much to ask to have a quick character creation sheet like the first two games....
On Fallout 1, rushing to the Power Armor? Really? Because it seems to me that you would have been absolutely unable to get it by repairing the one in the Brotherhood, much less by rescuing their member on the Hub, at a low level. I would very much like to know how he accomplished such a feat, since even entering the Brotherhood requires going to The Glow.
The people who are a part of the "Fallout Community" have been refined and distilled over time into glittering gems of hatred.
BUG: Fixed alcoholic lizards!
Temat: Fallout 3 reviews round-up #53
Sneak a lot, and your stealth skill improved. In Fallout 3, however, skill progression is strictly based on point assignments, which removes a big part of the feeling of "ownership" of your character.
Personally I think this system would have been fine for the Elder Scrolls (had it been better implemented), but I can't imagine someone wanting to do that to a game titled Fallout 3. Jeez, remove the leveling system and the Vaults and it no longer even resembles Fallout.
Temat: Fallout 3 at LGC: IGN
Well, Fallout's names were pretty functional, as in Junktown, the Hub, L.A. Boneyard (though the town is Adytum), Necropolis. Those aren't just names, they're descriptions.
But creative they're not. They were fine, as are names like Bigtown.
I disagree that Bigtown is a descriptive name, sure it comments on the size of the town but does it have any character? Yes, the names in Fallout weren't all that original or creative but they added to the atmosphere while these really just seem to fall flat. Regardless of whether or not the names are taken from their real counter parts or not they simply aren't interesting. That said, I think that Megaton has a good name, it fits the setting and atmosphere aswell as functioning as a descriptor for the town in spite of being uncreative. All in all, the Megaton/Fallout 1 route is better for the game than the real world route as it adds flavor to the setting.
Temat: Bit-tech interviews Pete
Well then just ignore 'em
In Fallout, the story is just a framework, a set-up that allows the player to use the PC to tell the story he wishes to tell.
That's what Fallout is about. Only in the case of Fallout the entire game is about that choice.
NotR does it really well.
Oh, why not? I loved how character progression and development was handled in this game.Yes, it was difficult, but no other game has been so rewarding in terms of gaining levels.Ever.
Even though it's advertised as being open to characters that want to be a thief or a warrior, these avenues are useless. The developers undercut themselves, you have to be a good Mage with high intelligence, wisdom and charisma to get any enjoyment from the game.
Holy shit, somebody else apart from me actually played and liked Anachronox? God that was some great/weird/wacked game.
A woefully under-appreciated game.
Temat: Game Informer Fallout 3 article scans
Here's a question, Xython. Let's apply your logic.
The Sims vastly outsold Morrowind, and The Sims 2 has done the same to Oblivion. The Sims has outsold EVERYTHING.
So applying your logic, why should Fallout 3 not be played from an overhead perspective with context menus telling the character to take a shit or burn themselves to death with the stove?
My dear Kan-Kerai, I am not advocating that Bethesda drop the entire concept of Fallout to go with the lowest common denominator. I am pointing out that tile based isometric 2D rpgs are not exactly what I would call a super-popular choice in modern gaming.
Besides, if I was going to advocate they switch Genres, I'd ask them to politely license the Dragon Quest 8 Engine. A true RPG (not one of these "CRPG" watered down messes) in the Fallout universe would rock.
Temat: Morrowind evaluation thread
I've said this before at the Bethsoft forums, but I'll restate here in case you hadn't read all 100 pages of the ongoing Fallout thread.
The entire premise of the Morrowind game seems to be that any character can do anything. The game very rarely makes the player do something decisive that would affect their character's standing in the world. And every character can join every faction AND be its leader. Every class can do everything equally well with enough levels in that area.
Also, a huge problem I have with the game is that it does not allow for any NPC party members. If Bethesda makes Fallout w/o NPC party members...oh...there WILL be hell to pay. Dogmeat must return!
Temat: Regarding three silly reasons that Fallout 3 is Stupid.
Same can be said about the Master. Boy oh boy, I'm waiting when FO4 comes out and devil's advocates will try to explain him returning.
Danger - spoiler! Reading may ruin your unique experience of playing Fallout 3 for the first time (but you'll probably lose your mental health while reading so it won't really matter)!
Click here to see the hidden message (It might contain spoilers) It is top secret information but I know this from reliable source: Master is the ending boss in Fallout 3. The Enclave has scavenged Cathedral and found his dead body. They had no idea what kind of creature he could be so they decided to raise him from the dead . Unfortunately there was no high level D'n'D priest among them. But they sent information to all the Vaults to find whether there is any in one of it. There was one - main character's father (this explains what is Enclave doing on the East cost). He didn't want to cooperate, ran away and managed to call for help from his friends (stormtroopers from SW) before get caught. Allies came to this world but were aware that stormtroopers may look suspicious for local inhabitants and started pretend they are from faction they've heard exist in postapocalyptic USA - Brotherhood of Steel (this explains what BoS is doing there and why do Power Armors look differently from ones from previous games).
So do not afraid story in Fallout 3 won't be good - it will be awesome!
Sorry for such stupid post but I couldn't resist.
Temat: Fallout 3 hands-on at E3 is press only
And you're getting pretty funny here - "press only" isn't something that they decided, it's the format of the show they're attending. It was cute how you suggested through colliding sarcasm that they only chose E3 because of the tightly controlled format. Certainly it has nothing to do with the fact that it's basically THE trade show for video games.
The point being that there are plenty of shows, but Bethesda is apparently only going hands on at the press-only E3. It is no great wonder, but it is very typical of the approach to games releases that Bethesda has taken thus far. They rely heavily on press previews and reviews, and give little information directly to fans or less managed outlets.
The could choose to take Fallout 3 to the other expos, which aren't as heavily subscribed and controlled, but it would be somewhat out of character.
As it is, BN has only pointed that what is happening is very typical of Bethesda's iron-grip approach to the control of information (about which, they are quite open, if you look at some of the older Fallout interviews).
There is only one post-er screeching about machiavellian conspiracy, and it isn't him...
Temat: V13 tidbit
I know it sounds odd, but why not have a mmorpg that presents in isometric view like the original fallout titles or ultima online?
Well, we'll need to wait to see what comes out i'll guess.
Because it's not what is popular now.
As for a real answer:
Third Person allows people to see their character. "Don't I look badass in this gear!"
First Person is in the action so you feel like you are the one winning the game.
So most MMOs go with FP that can be pulled out to Third Person.
Isometric gives you a distance which is nice for actually role-playing. You are your character not your character is you. Meaning if you're playing an insane killer who mows everyone down then you don't suddenly go pick flowers for the nice doctor regardless of the reward. Which isn't what the average MMO player wants... for a whole alot of reasons some of which contradict each other.
Temat: Bit-tech interviews Pete
Fallout 3 = fail.
Reasons why:
3D shooter
No description box (no immersion)
Stupid mutants
knights in armor
watered down character system
shitty story and plot (has nothing to do with the originals; how on earth can it be Fallout 3)
I still wanted to see the aftermath of Fallout 2; but now the true story will never continue
Made by Bethesda
Bad ideas
Stupid humor
Lame guns
Nuke launcher
Most of all the information released so far.
Temat: Bit-tech interviews Pete
Fallout 3 = fail.
Reasons why:
3D shooter
No description box (no immersion)
Stupid mutants
knights in armor
watered down character system
shitty story and plot (has nothing to do with the originals; how on earth can it be Fallout 3)
I still wanted to see the aftermath of Fallout 2; but now the true story will never continue
Made by Bethesda
Bad ideas
Stupid humor
Lame guns
Nuke launcher
Most of all the information released so far.
BG bored me to death at places, and I finished it only to "cross it of my list", so to speak (okay, it wasn't THAT bad, but still..)
well, for me BG (2 as this is only i played) had 2 selling points - party members interactions (havent seen those done better) and dragons
Temat: Fallout 3 guide creation #6: Da Warudo
In retrospect, Morrowind had a lot of character. There was no gameplay to speak of, but at least they made the world interesting to explore. Oblivion on the other hand had pretty much nothing going for it.
Which is exactly what I enjoyed about Morrowind, exploration. That was a lot of fun to go around the world finding caves full of neat stuff and then the organic buildings and the dwarven ruins (although I jacked up my character's speed to max so going places didn't take too long). I have no clue how BS managed to so throughly ruined that aspect of the game in Oblivion. That's part of why I'm wary of their games, it seems like the guys running it now have no clue about game design. In my opinion, even as a stand alone game Fallout 3 looks like a crappy game and most of that is due to horrid game design.
Temat: V13 tidbit
Chris Taylor made some off-hand comments on his vision for V13 (Fallout Online) on the Interplay forum.There are some MMOs that require grouping for mid-to-late play (FFXI comes to mind) and almost all MMOs force you to group for the majority of elder play.
Personally, and I'm not sure how this yet relates to V13, I like a combination of solo/group/raid content, with different goals and rewards for each. I have almost always soloed my characters to high level and then joined a guild for a raiding, grouping with friends occasionally along the way. Pick-up groups can be heaven or hell, depending on the players.
Certainly, we are planning on the proper tools to make grouping as easy as possible, while still allowing solo players to participate.
I've seen some discussion here and there about how many players is anti-Fallout (or, more generically, anti-post-apocalyptic). I'd disagree, of course, otherwise I wouldn't be involved in V13. There are plenty of precedents for grouping and social organizations. Even the Road Warrior had allies during his cinematic adventures. In Fallout, NPCs were always available to join your group and there were plenty of social organizations that had a number of members.
My vision includes the lone wanderer, erm, wandering through the wastes and a team of individuals working together for a common goal (like getting a truckload of fuel past some raiders). In any MMO, there will be times and places that have more people than others (social centers vs. instances, for example). It won't be all of one at all times.Thanks Ausir.
Temat: How would you do SPECIAL?
SPECIAL is fine, if you ask me. Why change it? Anything else you come up with will just be another arbitrary stat system, and Fallout, with the exception of Tactics, has worked well with this one so far.
I would much sooner change the skills. I liked where VB was headed.
You bring up a good point though...how exactly should it tie in the skills? Should stats have a bigger impact on skills? I think so. I think a physical character, with high strength and agility, should not just be a little better at melee and unarmed. They should be a lot better. If you are an above average physical specimen, you should start with above average physical skills.*
Anyway, bottom line, I think stats should have a powerful impact on skills. F3 tied every stat to skills, which was good, but I don't think they went far enough. The starting character is not really good at anything, which kind of sucks. There is no reason you can't be good at something right off the bat. It would add some more weight to character creation.
*What is an average level of skill in something? It should be addressed.
Temat: Arcanum is Fallout 3 I have proof!
Okay... I've read some stuff about this Arcanum game. I was just curious.... Elves??? Identify Spells??? I mean Jesus! You're trying to say that a game, set in a different time, with different characters and different weapons (enchanted swords???) is a SEQUEL to Fallout? Even going so far as to say it's Fallout 3??? I mean come on! How is it even similar? You emerge from your vault after 80 years underground and the world is populated by elves with Elven Hunter's Bows??? WTF?? How did that happen? Some kind of weird chemical experiment? I mean, that's kind of like making a sequel to the Indiana Jones Movies. But with no Indiana Jones, no holy religious relics and set in space. Now, either I've got the wrong link and I'm looking at the wrong review... Or you've been injecting WAY TOO MUCH.
Temat: Fallout 3
Wyjdzie z tym samym czasie co premiera "globalna" ? Żeby nie było tak jak Assasinem że dopiero teraz jest po PL
Ale co wyjdzie napisales to tak ze nie wiadomo czy chodzi ci o wersje PL czy o wersje SE?
Jesli chodzi o PL to nie mam zielonego pojecia czy bedzie ona tego samego dnia co premiera
Bethesda have revealed that the Fallout 3 Survival Edition will not make its way to Europe. The Survival Edition contains a life-size replica of the wrist-mounted Pip-Boy 3000 worn by characters in-game, a Vault-Tech lunch box, a Vault Boy Bobblehead, an Art of Fallout 3 book and a making of DVD and will be released later in the year.
Temat: Fallout 3 reviews round-up #39
I have a feeling the character models and animations are for the most part the fault of the game engine rather than the artists. I say this because I, uh, "know someone" whose 3D character modeling reel was more impressive than anything seen in the Bethesda games (Fallout 3 included) and he was kind of blown off when he applied for a job there. Said someone is currently in LA working for a major 3D/SFX company doing stuff for feature films and the like.
Could be entirely wrong, but this has made me wonder.
And I swear I am not that someone.
Temat: W co gracie ?
The day of release has finally come. It has taken me about almost 2 years to get this complete and yet I still believe I can find stuff to add. The purpose of this mod is to add back into the game all the content that was originally planned by the Fallout 2 devs. You will find about 6 new locations (some quite large, other smaller) as well as a few new areas to old locations. In addition, almost every town in the game has new content whether it is new characters, quests, or items. Playing this will definitely be a new experience. Completion of this expansion would also not have been possible without several individuals who I thank in the readme of this mod. Big thanks to all of you!
od siebie dodam ze to kawal pozadnej roboty. balem sie ze nowe lokacje i questy beda wyraznie odstawac od tych z oryginalnego f2, ale jak sie potem okazalo zupelnie niepotrzebnie. nowe lokacje sa naprawde swietne. nowe questy sa ciekawe i sensowne. mod ten rownoczesnie poprawia mase bugow z f2 i zawiera pare mniejszych modow dodajacych/poprawiajacych ktore mozemy wybrac dodatkowo podczas instalacji. instalowac na czysta wersje bez zadnych patchy.
Temat: Game Informer Fallout 3 article scans
Here's a question, Xython. Let's apply your logic.
The Sims vastly outsold Morrowind, and The Sims 2 has done the same to Oblivion. The Sims has outsold EVERYTHING.
So applying your logic, why should Fallout 3 not be played from an overhead perspective with context menus telling the character to take a shit or burn themselves to death with the stove?
Would you call that Fallout 3?
Edit: Christ, it appears you might just.
Last edited by Kan-Kerai on Sun Jun 17, 2007 23:13; edited 1 time in total
Temat: Guess who"s back?
Hardly a BG copy..
For one thing, it uses a custom character system designed for the game. BG is just another tired and linear AD&D game.
For another, Arcanum offers gobs of options in terms of dialogue, character customization, and so on. It's a classless system like Fallout was.
Temat: Fallout"s 10th anniversary: Bethesda "design a perk" contest
The same what? That they aren't perks but karmic titles?
By definition perks are supposed to be beneficial. You wouldn't be so dumb as to pick a negative one when leveling up, right?
As for EEE, I didn't know about it till now, I don't know if it appears as a perk or as a karmic title in the character screen, but it doesn't seem to do anything good or bad.
I don't remember right now any other perk except Gecko Skinning that you don't pick yourself, but it's handed to you. I certainly don't remember any negative ones, though.
The traits are the ones that have both negative and positive sides, but in Fallout 3 they're out, so there.
Temat: Horsemen of the post apocalypse
1-I liked the joke.
2-I liked the encounter.
3-Go to the bunker, kick everybody out from your party but you, then put them back on. your character will be first.
[hr width=440]
[p align=center]
http://fallout.gamestats.com/forum/User_files/3aa70eb96ee16565.gif[/p][p align=center][font color=FF00FF face=fixedsys]- Why hello there, Ranger -
[font color=00DD00 face=fixedsys]- (Sigh) Go away! -[/p]
Temat: Line of sight -- how do you prefer it?
2) Not an all-around LOS. No one can see in all directions at once. And this would make party formations meaningful outside of battle, and also allow stuff like enemies following you but hiding when you turn around.
About the sniper characters - LOS should be dependant on perception and - occasionally - on equipment. I.e. - if you have a high PE, you can see and shoot stuff at a further distance. If you equip a sniper rifle, you get a boost to LOS range, but loose it's width (since you're looking through a scope).
Its not a fallout related topic. Read it again, it says Fallout 3. so there.

Temat: Fallout 3 reviews round-up #39
That's one of the chief problems. You have zero connection with any of the characters. There is no depth there and they are all easily forgettable.
People who enjoy mediocrity keep feeding these companies money. Think about what will happen in 5 more years if this keeps up. Bethesda can make a ton of money by hiring bad voice actors, next they will just get some drunk guy off the street to voice lines in an hour and slap it together.
The models for fallout 3 are actually worse than oblivion's. Can you believe that? Two years and they didn't improve upon the models, they actually made them shittier.
Temat: How do you refuel the car in Fallout 3?
the ending credits were SHORT too. It really didn't tell what exactly happened to the people I encountered. It left it pretty vague even on the ones that it did mention. I didn't get the feelin that I was really battling an evil empire with the Enclave this time either. Basically they had the exact same goal I did... but we were opposing each other for some reason. (didn't really let you know any difference in the goals until almost the very end... which makes you wonder why your character was fighting them to begin with)
And no real "boss"? WTF??
All in all, I liked the game, but I think they should've realeased something like this under a different name. I think it would've been recieved better if people didn't compare it to the first Fallout games.
Temat: Game Informer Fallout 3 article scans
I have some new exclusive screens that I'd like to share with you guys.
Here is your character fighting against a bunch of raiders. Lucky for him, he's just found a nuclear shotgun. Time to explode some heads!

Oh oh! Looks like you ran into a super mutant. This is definitely a Fallout game, folks. I can even see everyone's favorite mascot, the Fall Out boy!

Temat: Game Informer Fallout 3 article scans
This is not Fallout.
"Drinking out of a toilet" to regain health if needed?
"A nuclear catapault"?
Yay. BoS is back. Originality soars.
V.A.T.S should have been vatted. Horrible idea IMO.
That supermutant just doesn't work for me.
The portion of the character creation where they have the "You're Special!" cardboard book.
Then you get a BB Gun at 10!!!
Looks like they modeled Clint Eastwood on page 55 of the scan.
I'm sorry. This looks like Oblivion with guns.
the supermutant ist just wrong... Just wrong.
It's damned Oblivion with guns, like so many predicted, now it's gotten the horrible truth...
Temat: Game Informer Fallout 3 article scans
Do you know what made Fallout for me? It was the characters, the locations and the crazy encounters. I couldn't care less about how the game played because it wasn't the important part. It's a game, how can the gameplay not be the important part? Oh yeah you're another troll how fun.
Temat: How do you refuel the car in Fallout 3?
well if you get too bored you can use a cheat to make yourself run faster.
setgs fMoveRunMult #
(4 is the default run speed)
runs faster, ala superman? hehehe now theres a new freak in the wasteland (my character of course), nah anyway cars in fallout 3 are too dangerous lol 3 shots and explodes in mini nuclear fire, thats means your driving a mininuke with wheels. żwho could people feel safer driving thouse things before the war?
Temat: Game Informer Fallout 3 article scans
This is not Fallout.
"Drinking out of a toilet" to regain health if needed?
"A nuclear catapault"?
Yay. BoS is back. Originality soars.
V.A.T.S should have been vatted. Horrible idea IMO.
That supermutant just doesn't work for me.
The portion of the character creation where they have the "You're Special!" cardboard book.
Then you get a BB Gun at 10!!!
Looks like they modeled Clint Eastwood on page 55 of the scan.
I'm sorry. This looks like Oblivion with guns.
Temat: Backroom I.T. reviews Fallout 3
A new Perk is chosen every three or four levels. In addition to these Perks, the player may also select up to two initial Traits special Perks that involve tradeoffs, such as giving up some Action Points to do more damage in melee combat. Traits can only be selected at the time of initial character creation
Did he just review Fallout 1?
Temat: Hines on 360gamer
We dont want to say that the combat works like this, or this is what the interface will look like we want to point and say there [points at imaginary TV screen], thats what it looks like and it plays like that. Its easier for us and its easier for you. Its easier to explain to someone when they can see the game being played.
Created by Tim Cain and published by Interplay, the first two games in the series (part two game out a year later, in 1998) struck a memorable chord with RPG buffs, due to its post-1950s era design and, for the time, revolutionary character system.
Any game is designed in a specific manner, with specific immutable choices about things like combat systems. Fallout 3 isn't going to offer any less choice than most other games; it simply remains to be seen whether it is a useful combat system with fidelity to the series.
Let me rephrase Akudin's surprisingly lucid moment: you can have any Fallout 3 you want, as long as it's Oblivion With Guns*.
*Coming soon to Xbox360("But I'm not even going to hint at that!", exclaims a laughing Pete Hines). Get your preorders ready now, kids!!!
Temat: 1UP"s Fallout 3 Gameplay Video and Interview

I liked the menacing look of Fallout 2s advanced power armour ... with those huge sholders hunched over look and the black ...
FOT Brotherhood armour has a good guy vibe about it and looks both more flexible but also more vulnerable then standard FO1 Power armour.
Temat: Bit-tech interviews Pete
I'm not trying to be contrary here, but quetzilla poo-pooed the fact that Fallout 3 gives you a more direct emotional stake in the story by making the MacGuffin a person rather than a thingy. That's story-level immersion he's talking about there, not visual. He proposed, and recombined seconded, that the surplus of water chips in the second game was meant to emphasize the meaningless of the personal stakes.
Still, though, I could name a couple of video games that delivered better stories overall. But I'm curious what game you're judging Fallout 1 + 2 by that renders them "nothing exceptional" by comparison.
I wouldn't suggest making it as hard-core a search for a critical path as, say, Gothic II: Night of the Raven.
Even though it's advertised as being open to characters that want to be a thief or a warrior, these avenues are useless. The developers undercut themselves, you have to be a good Mage with high intelligence, wisdom and charisma to get any enjoyment from the game.
Eh? I've finished (and enjoyed) it as a warrior more times than as a mage.
Temat: What is your favorite perk/trait?
There is only one true combo of two traits and two perks (even though the number of perks isn't limited to two, durr, but if you would only get to pick two), at least when it comes to getting a powerful char in terms of having a char that will most easily play through the game. Roleplaying and all that aside, that is.
Traits: Gifted/Finesse
Perks: Sniper/Bonus RoF
Sniper cancels Finesse, but Finesse is gold before lvl 24 (when you're ready to complete the game anyway, so I guess Sniper isn't really necessary, but oy, it's still the bestest.)
I still think Fallout 1/2 is best between the leather jacket/9mm fase to the metal armor/pancor jackhammer fase - when you actually get sniper it's fun for ten minutes, then it gets old.
Temat: Staying true to Fallout
It works in BG and KotOR because what you do there is slap the best equipment you have on your characters, send them into the fray and watch the proceedings.
Fallout simply shouldn't, mustn't be like that, hence TB.
oh and besides, it IS the only way to go for FO3....
Temat: Staying true to Fallout
There was certainly room for some tweaks and changes to it, but the best implementation of TB I've played with in QUITE a long time was in Silent Storm. I can only imagine a game with that engine, that amount of destructibility, and TB combat options (moreso?), but with the RPG elements (character, story, etc) of Fallout(2).
Temat: Killing the slavers guild
He means that Fallout 2 is an awsomely open-ended game which gives you the freedom to kill off Lara's or Tyler's gangs, whichever you choose, because you're the moherfriggin' Player Character and you're FREE!
Also, the gangs are quite worth each other.
Metzer, Kahgan - learn to use spellcheck, it's there to use it

Temat: cRPG, H"n"S i inni
Dobra widzę że muszę was pogodzić raz na zawsze:)
cRPG=> Characters Role playing game
Możecie się kłócić i tak nie dojdziecie do konsensusu, a prawda wygląda tak, że pierwsze cRPG były chyba papierowe i ile mnie pamięć nie myli bodajże są nadal, jak neuroshima D&D itp. Tu chodzi o to, że wtedy to człowiek/gracz odgrywał daną postać, wymyślał dialogi, rozwiązywał questy od mistrza gry. W dobie komputerów, mistrza gry zastępuje komputer + wymyślona w grze fabuła, a postać zastępuje niejako samego gracza dlatego mimo, że w diablo również to ingerencja w postać i w to co ona robi jest niewielka, lub wytyczona przez autorów, a RPG masz dowolność, jeśli i to nie przekonuje to najprostsza z opcji:
w Falloucie masz możliwość stworzenia nowej postaci lub ingerencje w już istniejącą, w diablo możesz co najwyżej wybrać swojemu wojakowi imię that's all.
PS jeśli coś powtórzyłem lub już było sorry nie czytałem wszystkiego dokładnie, ale na boga błagam wróćmy od fallouta to temat rzeka a tu są kłótnie o takie pierdoły...
Temat: How do you refuel the car in Fallout 3?
runs faster, ala superman? hehehe now theres a new freak in the wasteland (my character of course), nah anyway cars in fallout 3 are too dangerous lol 3 shots and explodes in mini nuclear fire, thats means your driving a mininuke with wheels. żwho could people feel safer driving thouse things before the war?
I upped mine to 5 and it seems like a fair increase, but maybe it's not... as some enemies still catch me. I haven't checked to see how high you can get it, but at 10 I was moving awfully fast, I thought.
Edit - after testing it, it seems to increase the run speed of everything, not just yourself. A raider just flew past me after I crippled his arm. lol
Temat: Van Buren screenies
i totally disagree... it's still a friggin game! it must have all the elements the first 2 fallouts had, but good graphics should accompany it. i'm not saying FPS, i want an isometric view with rotating and zoomable camera, and i believe you can make breathtaking graphics with it. it's still a game, and the more realistic it feels, the better it will be. in conclusion: a great story and ALL other important elements+great graphics... i'll feel pretty dissapointed if a game will come out in 2006/2007 with a character which walks upwards in zigzags...
Problem is that in this day and age there is far to much emphasisem(sp?) on graphics which often costs resources on the gameplay/story department. I don't care how good a game looks, but all these CRPG lites we see which require the intelletucal capacity of a wet blanket to slash their way through only hurts the genre and following games by giving the "console-kids" the idea that RPG is about assigning skill points to a character.
What made Fallout good and especially what made it keeps its following was and still is the gameplay in the game - not because the game was pretty.
Sure - great graphics is nice and all if the gameplay is nice, however with limited resources to develop games with, resources added to one area often subtracts from other areas.
I say focus on gameplay first and foremost, and then worry about graphics when the gameplay and story is solid.
Temat: Why do you like Fallout?
No other game pulled me into the setting the way fallout did. You really get the feel that you are in the position that your character is in. By the time I reached the Hub, I was hooked. I played through both games only to find myself thirsty for more.
It was also really refreshing to see a game that wasn't afraid to be truly violent and gritty.
Temat: Staying true to Fallout
Interpreting the word "turn" to mean a measure of time/way of organizing actions, Baldur's Gate is turn based. Interpreting "turn" that way would make every computer game "turn based" and hence would render the term "turn based" obsolete. Simply because a computer (or a programmer) needs to organize its actions (on a basic level) in turns, since a CPU can do only one thing at a time. Hence the actions of the game emerging from the basic CPU instructions are always organized in a "turn based way".
First the actions of charater A get calculated then the actions of character B. There is always an underlying structure and that structure is always gonna be turnbased. The "Turnbased" or "Realtime" gamers speak of has nothing to do with that. The fact that in BG the system of rounds 'n turn was very explicit (since they used an existing PnP system, (and those need to be very explicit)) doesnt chance anything. The difference between Turnbased and Realtime in games lies in how the game is presented to the player. Fallout is presented in a turn based way, Diablo is presented in a Realtime way, Baldurs Gate too, even though with all the auto-pauze option on it isnt exactly Realtime anymore... hence RT-with-pauze.
There is no universally agreed upon definition. But that mainly because people dont think about it well enough. This is the only one that makes sense. (How's that for a selfrighteous additude? awww ok, i'll make that IMO
Temat: The Main Plot: A Defense (Possible Spoilers)
The main plot itself isn't *that* horrible, although the FEV bit is more or less a direct contradiction of Fallout lore.
The problem lies in its execution. It's executed as a standard, linear videogame plot railroading you into following it is as much as possible. It tries to, unsuccesfully, force a traditional character-driven storyline in a game series that is known for its lack of a forced story.
Although I'm uncertain as to how much of the plot can be skipped by simply jumping to locations your character shouldn't know about yet.
Temat: New Fbos screenies
the skin on that guy reminds me of War Craft 3... Zug Zug...
anyways when Blizzard was making WC3 they said: "We COULD make realistic orcs and humans, but both revious games have been fairly cartoony, so we went with a more cartoony style for this one too"
And now a question begs to be asked... WTF IS THIS? you have this top down quasi isometric view, with cartoonish looking characters shooting lasers at cartoony scorpions... WTF does that have to do with Fallout?
First you take out all the RPG elements, take out the turn based combat that was an important part of the first 2 games, you take grim characters that fit so nicely into the theme and add lots of color to them and make them look cartoony... u then procede to make it look like a d&d adventure with lasers.
I think YOU should be FIRED on the spot, and never again be allowed to make games ever again... NEVER even let close to a computer...
JESUS who are these people?
Temat: New Fbos screenies
Is it just me or does that guy have the strangest balding pattern ever?
and they look more like a AD&D game than Fallout (go figure).
You don't get intoxicated from smelling a flower, and you don't get laid from looking at the sky.
Hey, kettle, you're a nigger.
(Fallout 3) is a mix of the insipid and the inspired, of brilliance and bullshit.
Duck and Cover - THE site for omg character limit
Holder of Ratty's Eternal Respect.
Temat: MULTIPLAYER!!! :)
oh man
fallout is the ONLY game ive ever played that has absolute freedom on your character.
he/she becomes what YOU want him/her to become.
Multiplayer would be so incredibly cool.
make a server like battle/net and everyone plays there, max 5 characters in the game.
the amount of diversity of the games would be un-ending.
even to rival everquest!
but it has to be free like battle.net..
and NO BUGS PLEASE!!! lol
Temat: Morrowind evaluation thread
Well - for me a good editor is a must. Some of you are not quite right stating that quality of mods doesn't tell anything about the quality of Bethesda work. There are about 3000 morrowind mods, and I have installed about 300 of them (!), from new landmasses to beautifiers, character schedules, faction tune-ups, faction quests and so on. Bascialy - everything the players didn't like was fixed. Everything that Bethesda's screenplay writers coldn't imagine was imagined and coded by community. It was possible ONLY thanks to well thought-out editor and scripting language. Morrowind is a complete world - so huge that if you install it, you won't need to go for "real" vacations anymore. Just start your PC, wear your goggles and just explore the terrain to south west. Or a dungeon (there are 1000 level dungeons!) you missed...
If you like it depends mostly on if you prefer storyline to exploring. Now imagine Bethesda stays faithful to Fallout legacy and creates a great story. Now imagine that 1000s of Fallout fans make 10 000s of mods, wrom which about 10% is top quality... Imagine that you can make a raft and see what happened to Cuba, or even Europe... all is waiting there for modding community...
Temat: Fallout 3 hands-on at E3 is press only
The point being that there are plenty of shows, but Bethesda is apparently only going hands on at the press-only E3. It is no great wonder, but it is very typical of the approach to games releases that Bethesda has taken thus far. They rely heavily on press previews and reviews, and give little information directly to fans or less managed outlets.
The could choose to take Fallout 3 to the other expos, which aren't as heavily subscribed and controlled, but it would be somewhat out of character.
There is only one post-er screeching about machiavellian conspiracy, and it isn't him...
Haha wow. Ok, I'm dying to know - who's screeching about a conspiracy, machiavellian or otherwise?
Temat: Why 3D?
so ok.... i`ll start shortly. There`s no such PERFECT game as Fallout 1 & 2. Now `im waiting for part 3
hmm but why is it 3d? iit`s ONLY my opinion but i think if the creators would apply new graphics but keep the old style (the same view of teh character as in 1 & 2 part) the game would have had the same climate as the previous ones.
i personally don`t like 3d games cause they are (ONLY for me) worser at the graphics than games made in one view point. They just look more realistic (not mentioning the requirements which are a bit smaller
u can agree or disagree , post your opinions of 3d ver. of the powerful fallout.
i pray for this game to be released finally!
Temat: Ideas that could make fallout 3 more realistic. probably.
>But you can use formulas to
>construct a model. Changing a
>couple of variables you can
>make bigger nose, smaller eyes
But unless we're talking about using millions of polygons for the face alone, like the talking heads in Fallout, I'd rather speak to a pre-rendered talking head. I mean, imagine going up to a character in Quake III and striking up a conversation. The face isn't exactly well rendered, and it is quite blurry actually. I suppose you could add detail but wouldn't that slow down overall play?
[div align=center][hr]
Temat: Need Some Help Wont Toggle Between Weapons
By the way, it's normal that patching the game will render your old savegames unusable. That isn't true for OS X FO2 players, and the OS X patch was pulled for a reason, it didn't really help much and I believe thats because it was only necessary to patch a very early version of the game[which was later dropped in favor or a newer more recent version].
My solution to your problem: Build a better char so you don't ha
mhmm thanks for the advice, no i dont have that perk...ive progressed threw the game to quickly to have it i think...ill have to check the main thing is the it like crashing so much ive just stopped playing it...hell ive beaten it twice ill just wait till fallout 3
Temat: I love you guys
But I'm not in love with you.
You don't get intoxicated from smelling a flower, and you don't get laid from looking at the sky.
Hey, kettle, you're a nigger.
(Fallout 3) is a mix of the insipid and the inspired, of brilliance and bullshit.
Duck and Cover - THE site for omg character limit
Holder of Ratty's Eternal Respect.
Temat: Welcome to the Changing Room
You don't get intoxicated from smelling a flower, and you don't get laid from looking at the sky.
Hey, kettle, you're a nigger.
(Fallout 3) is a mix of the insipid and the inspired, of brilliance and bullshit.
Duck and Cover - THE site for omg character limit
Holder of Ratty's Eternal Respect.
Temat: GTVA Colossus?
No to każdy wie że to Fallout
Kto mi powie skąd jest:
Everything comes to an end
We are no more than a character in a story
Turn Page and thousand dies
For what? For pride of two leaders...
To tylko początek jednego z moich ulubionych Intrówek
Temat: [FO2] Hmmmm. I like drugs... Do they have any sense?
In Fallout 2 it's nice to take those "Touris" drugs. When you char is only able to say "Buglbuuuuuuuuu" that's quite funny
But do they have ANY sense? I mean some {"Kewl"? My native language is retard.} new quests if you're a Junkie or so...
Temat: Bit-tech interviews Pete
Oh, it is indeed wise not take what Pete and Todd say too seriously, that much is generally true.
Good thing we have 3D technology, so we can easily adopt a camera to utilize both first person and bird's eye view!
Oh wait, that's not what we've done at all!
Heck...it'd have to have a Bloodlines-esque atmosphere, dialogue and storyline, but with more freedom and less stupid forced combat areas and a more enjoyable combat system...if all that's the case, I'll start considering a really good spinoff rather than just a lame spinoff.
It breaks too wildly with its predecessor to be considered a part of the same series. Its status as a spinoff game is kind of in the air.
I wouldn't hold any high hopes, tho'. If you look at Shivering Isles, supposedly the proof Bethesda can do dialogue and choice 'n consequence, you get a good sense that - really - they can't.
Wait, you've been here a few months and you honestly, honestly think the problem is that we don't enjoy fps/tps games?
I enjoy FPS games. I just don't want Fallout 3 to be an FPS-game. Even FPS-esque.
Well that question was directed at nma in general, not at you specifically.But anyway, this is where our opinion differs : ).Although, I should have used term FPP, not FPS - I don't want it to be a shooter with player skills being more important than character skills.I would be perfectly happy with Van Buren and its perspective, but I am also happy with FPP/TPP.
Oh and I have been reading NMA for about 4 years, not just a few months : ).
Temat: Bit-tech interviews Pete
Aye, identifying with, not pretending to be. There's a difference.
A separation of player and character is exactly the point of pen and paper emulation (which, I should note, is emulating what pen and paper is, not what pen and paper wants to be) as it is of RTS.
I think it never delivered in the visual sense,
I doubt you'll find many people here who weren't engrossed
which is what immersion actually means rather than the narrow, senseless PR definition that is tied to first-person.
Not that it really matters, but since when did it start being mandatory for RPGs to have good stories?
In a nutshell: since Fallout.
Temat: How skills are derived on FO3
* they start at 0. tag! skills start at 20.
* each skill has a bonus applied to all rolls that is equal to three ability score values (AG*3 or CH*2 + IN or ST + AG + PE, etc.)
Together, those two actually make sense when factoring in skill increases. That's actually a tweak the system could use.
* They do not have a % symbol behind them, as it makes no goddamned sense.
Uh, percent to roll against? Like a percentile in a PNP RPG? Hello? I thought that was part of SPECIAL's appeal?
* The cost on a per-rank basis is 1 for ranks 1-50, 2 for 51-100, 3 for 101-150, and 4 for 151-200 (maxxxx). each rank bought for a tag! skill is doubled.
Dumb; 300% should be possible, and even give you special unique thingies. Keep to Fallout 2's rules on advancement. Again, why fix if it ain't broken? Simply make insanely high skills useful. (Saint-ism )..
* perks that require skill values only look at the rank, not the rank + bonus. e.g.: you want to take Advanced Research; the prerequisites are IN 8, PE 6, science 175. if the character's science only has 168 ranks, but it's effectively 182 because of his high IN and PE, he won't qualify.
Dumb; doesn't make sense. Compare to any PNP RPG.
Temat: FOnline open test
i have a suggestion for this game. you guys should try to make some colour combinations just like in fallout tactics. everytime i play it it's like 100 clones running after me. also try to make an arrow above your character or something. in an overcrowded city i cant even tell who i am!
just a couple of suggestions. hope they will be implemented.!!
good luck with the mod, also! i freaking love it!
Temat: Halo 2 and Dawn of the Dead:
Dawn of the Dead was awesome at times, though for the most part it was a totally sick, disturbing and cliché zombie movie. Is there some kind of an unwritten rule that dictates all characters in horror movies have to be utter retards? 28 Days Later was quite a bit better that Dawn of the Dead.
As for Halo, after playing it for a few hours I tossed away the CD, laughing sardonically at the latest confirmation of what I had always known to be true - that PC shooters are superior to their console counterparts in every way.
I just hope we don't turn into those freaks at No Mutants Allowed.
Temat: the post apoc genre
theres been all kinds of post apocalypse games and movies, whether its wasteland, fallout 1 & 2, roadwar 2000 and roadwar europa, the mad max series .. the list goes on.
what concepts, plot lines, scenarios, features, characters etc.. do you think really exemplified the Post Apoc genre and were the most memorable?
what gripes or misgivings do you have about this genre?
what do you like most about it?
which movies or games did some parts well ? if so, what parts?
if they did some badly or could've done better, if so.. what parts?
looking forward to any responses
Temat: History of open-world games #2
I think it's become common for developers to be able to put lush scenery together, but creating other characters that can react to what you do in a believable and compelling way, is still very difficult. We have a long way to go.
Power just went out at work. NMA terror campaign suspected.
Temat: More screenshots from the Germans
Newsflash: It's the main character's father. He has apparently gone mad, and voluntarily dipped himself into a vat of FEV. You must now fight your own overgrown, green, fire-hydranty wielding bastard of a father. Defeating him means game over.
I am 80% sure that that is the "end plot twist" of Fallout 3.
Last edited by shihonage on Thu May 29, 2008 0:39; edited 1 time in total
Temat: More screenshots from the Germans
You're forgetting something..
Games don't come with real manuals anymore, and they know for a fact that their target audience wasn't around for the games that did.
It's not the overwhelming amount of stats thats a problem here, it's conveying their purpose to people who are incapable of defining charisma and perception for themselves.
gimmicky character creation is just another way for them to tack another hour onto the projected gameplay hours number that their PR dept spits out to make the game seem EPIC.
i don't care a goddamn about it being a childrens book, or why it is the way it is. i thought it was nauseatingly cute and juvenile. i thought it missed the mark for "fallout humor" by lifetimes of ill-conceived ideas.
as i sat here and read that "charisma" rhyme i wanted to slit my wrists with my own mind.
Might I recommend something a little more... sharp?
Temat: English Only :)
Vell, I think the first BG was soo linear that it hurt. But the second one was great, even though it was all about combat. But compared to the previous cRPGs (like Ishar, EoB) it had very convincing, rich world and in-party dynamics. And then I played Deus Ex, and later KOTOR (as far as memorable characters are considerd, HK-47 is the leader). Those are the games that redefined the genre. But they needed BG to show them the path.
I didn't like the first Fallout, but loved the second part. Don't ask why. And never played PS:T - maybe it is time to do it now?
I shall consider it while I am waiting for Antara to start my the battle with the animal lover. (yessss, the ambiguity is intended).
Temat: Bit-tech interviews Pete
Baldur's gate 2 had the best character development and romances compared to any game that I ever played. You truly cared about each and every npc that you could party with and the in depth romances have yet to be surpassed by any game. I was really hoping that fallout 3 would bring these elements in, but.....the bethesda element really ruined it.
I miss Amn.
Temat: Bit-tech interviews Pete
Baldur's gate 2 had the best character development and romances compared to any game that I ever played. You truly cared about each and every npc that you could party with and the in depth romances have yet to be surpassed by any game. I was really hoping that fallout 3 would bring these elements in, but.....the bethesda element really ruined it.
I miss Amn. I could not have said it better myself, Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 were high points in my gaming life.
Temat: Seven Degrees of Fallout-eration
this game sucks...
hows about, someone link characters in the fallout games.. i thought of one... but forgot character names and dont feel like going into an old savegame to find them
=/ the player character doesnt count as a link though
Temat: How do you refuel the car in Fallout 3?
I can't believe that my first Fallout 1 character made it in Fallout 3. Either a big coincidence, or someone at Bethesda read my emails, or dug up some old internet info somewhere.
Are you the new Grim?
Temat: How do you refuel the car in Fallout 3?
I know I'm always mentioning Saints Row 2. I mean I was just going to post in this very thread that some people say my PC dresses like a slut but I digress. Anyway Saints Row 2 craps all over Fallout 3's character models and animation.
Temat: Are you a fan of zombie books, movies, etc..?
I know, I know. Though it could be fun, sort of like playing a IN<4 character in Fallout.
Temat: AOF, man
You will support the AOF or face the wrath of DammitKhan!
Stop by for a visit, you might like it. Feel free to flame Grim Reaper as often as you like - how many times have you had the opportunity to flame and ridicule an actual character from Fallout?!
Temat: The "Vault" -- Mini-Series, updated regularly.
Nice post. I like how you tell the Fallout 2 story and enjoyed this character more than the first post. More personal depth and the language was nicely used. Hope we see a bit more of her again.
Temat: Game Informer Fallout 3 article scans
It seems the combat system will at the very least be better than in Oblivion and Morrowind. The combat system in Fallout games was solid and fun, but in the end fairly simple and not vital to my enjoyment of the game. Frankly I think turn-based combat systems need to give you complete control over your party and the bigger the party, the better. Your options are quite limited when all you do is control the main character. I wish there were more games like Temple of Elemental Evil. As for the isometric view, it's another aspect I'm not sure why it should be missed. It may be essential in party based games (Well, in the vein of Temple of Elemental Evil, not Wizardry), but Fallout would probably have worked just fine even if the camera was a bit closer, technical limitations aside of course. Still, I'm a huge fan of turn-based games and completely understand why people here bemoan the change.
As for the atmosphere, based on these scans it's impossible to say whether they'll be able to recapture it or not. Getting the dialogue right is vital and this is where Bethesda games usually fail. It's rather puzzling how Morrowind and Oblivion had some rather well written, albeit unevenly, books lying all over the place and yet the dialogue was so bland. Hopefully they've hired some new writers. I like how the article says your pip-boy can detect radio signals which will occasionally reveal new quests and they've licensed '40s and '50s tunes.
I've always thought Bethesda's own character development system is weak; it encourages tedious skill grinding and the attribute growth system is moronic. So S.P.E.C.I.A.L. is more than a welcome change and of course it could hardly be a Fallout game without it. 14 skills is perhaps a bit less than I hoped for but it's still enough to get the essentials in.
It will be difficult to make the world large while keeping it unique and interesting. Oblivion certainly did not achieve that, yet anything smaller than Oblivion would not be satisfactory.
In the end, I enjoyed Morrowind and parts of Oblivion and all the announced changes are a step to the right direction. Whether it can be rightfully called Fallout 3 is another story. In the end, I don't really care anymore; I gave up hope when Black Isle died. As long as this game is better than Bethesda's other products I'll be satisfied. The post apocalyptic world and mechanics borrowed from the original games certainly help. I'm glad they've used the license instead of starting from scratch and so are most Fallout fans outside these forums.
edit: I'm rather puzzled why many of you even waste time discussing the game since it's apparent your hate for it is already sealed and has probably been for a long time. As Oblivion with guns has now been "confirmed", shouldn't it be prudent to move on to better things.
Temat: Game Informer Fallout 3 article scans
Remember that list we all agreed on? SuAside still mentions it in his sig:
FO3 needs: Isometric view (3D will do)/SPECIAL/non-linear story/turn-based combat/versatile quests/dialog trees
Now, I don't know about the versatile quests and dialogue trees, but so far only SPECIAL seems to have survived (minus Traits or so it seems).
They've also started to mess with the setting (e.g. PipBoy 3000 has been combined with a character creation screen showing a Vault Boy, supermutants that look like orcs ŕ la Lord Of The Rings, handheld nuclear catapults, ...).
I was hopeful after seeing the teaser trailer, and could have lived with a different kind of Power Armour, but after reading the article and seeing the screenshots, I'm wondering why we still bother.
Soon we'll have 2 brilliant old-school games, a sweet tech-demo of a very promising yet cancelled sequel, 3 miserably failed attempts to revive the franchise and a dozen or so unfinished mods.
Wow. If Fallout were a rockband, the bandmembers would now be smoking crack and contemplating suicide.
One of the saddest things, IMHO, is this: Bethesda had a chance to reach out to all those gamers who have been (im)patiently waiting for a new TB isometric game worthy of playing. There's a market out there for games like that. And the Fallout franchise offered a chance to explore that market. And what do they do? They go FPS action-RPG. How stupid can you get? Instead of exploring a 'new' market, they aim for the herd. The console herd, in the first place. PC-gamers will be stuck with a lousy conversion of a lousy sequel of one of the best PC-games ever.
I could have lived with a FPS Fallout 3. That is, if they would have respected the setting. It would have been a chance to experience the Fallout universe in a different way. Like C&C Renegade, so to speak. I'd put on my blue spandex and go hunting for green mutants that look like something out of a 50's B-movie. Now it seems I'll have to jump into my designer Vaultsuit and shoot Doom 3 demons with my handheld nuclear catapult. And they'll wield hammers that look like they were freshly forged in Dante's hell. And I'll probably have to remain in Washington DC, cleaning the sewers and the underground. I can probably forget about those versatile quests then.
It feels so good to be a Fallout fan, doesn't it? You have nothing to look forward to except disappointment.
I feel like giving it up to you now... All joking aside, I could not have said it better. I feel so incredibly disappointed and violated. It would seem Bethesda is doing exactly what we feared and raping Fallout for all its worth. How many failed products will it take for the respective creators to actually listen to the fanbase on creating a product true to its name?
Temat: Game Informer Fallout 3 article scans
Remember that list we all agreed on? SuAside still mentions it in his sig:
FO3 needs: Isometric view (3D will do)/SPECIAL/non-linear story/turn-based combat/versatile quests/dialog trees
Now, I don't know about the versatile quests and dialogue trees, but so far only SPECIAL seems to have survived (minus Traits or so it seems).
They've also started to mess with the setting (e.g. PipBoy 3000 has been combined with a character creation screen showing a Vault Boy, supermutants that look like orcs ŕ la Lord Of The Rings, handheld nuclear catapults, ...).
I was hopeful after seeing the teaser trailer, and could have lived with a different kind of Power Armour, but after reading the article and seeing the screenshots, I'm wondering why we still bother.
Soon we'll have 2 brilliant old-school games, a sweet tech-demo of a very promising yet cancelled sequel, 3 miserably failed attempts to revive the franchise and a dozen or so unfinished mods.
Wow. If Fallout were a rockband, the bandmembers would now be smoking crack and contemplating suicide.
One of the saddest things, IMHO, is this: Bethesda had a chance to reach out to all those gamers who have been (im)patiently waiting for a new TB isometric game worthy of playing. There's a market out there for games like that. And the Fallout franchise offered a chance to explore that market. And what do they do? They go FPS action-RPG. How stupid can you get? Instead of exploring a 'new' market, they aim for the herd. The console herd, in the first place. PC-gamers will be stuck with a lousy conversion of a lousy sequel of one of the best PC-games ever.
I could have lived with a FPS Fallout 3. That is, if they would have respected the setting. It would have been a chance to experience the Fallout universe in a different way. Like C&C Renegade, so to speak. I'd put on my blue spandex and go hunting for green mutants that look like something out of a 50's B-movie. Now it seems I'll have to jump into my designer Vaultsuit and shoot Doom 3 demons with my handheld nuclear catapult. And they'll wield hammers that look like they were freshly forged in Dante's hell. And I'll probably have to remain in Washington DC, cleaning the sewers and the underground. I can probably forget about those versatile quests then.
It feels so good to be a Fallout fan, doesn't it? You have nothing to look forward to except disappointment.
Temat: Bit-tech interviews Pete
Hello! When were either of the Fallout games immersive?
the whole point of the fo1+2 was not to be an immersive experience, it was to be a turn based top-down / 3/4 view RPG that was supposed to give the player the feeling they were playing a RPG based on a PNP RPG.
Seriously? Another vote for intentional detatchment? Because immersion is also a goal in table-top RPGs. But now in your mind immersion is a fault in a game, one of which Fallout was innocent?
No, the problem is that while a first-person view can theoretically be powerful in delivering a sense of immersion (a species of it is precisely what the talking head segments in the origiginal games was all about), it doesn't do so nearly as well as good story-telling. Your character in an RPG wants something other than just leveling up, and you must care what he or she wants. The POV doesn't supply that bonding with your character, your imagination does. Your interest level in what's going on, who prospers and who gets what's coming to them, these are the things that immerse you in the game. When you've got that working, issues like POV drop away, because the game itself becomes transparent just as much as the room you're in and the very act of turning pages become trivial details when you're immersed in a good book.
Immersion is an important goal, though apparently Fallout 1+2 never delivered it for at least two people here. As long as you had fun, what the hell? But what I object to is the insistence, not just from Bethesda, that somehow immersion requires an first-person point of view. I'm not saying that good graphics and an fps view don't contribute to immersion. I'm just saying that story, dialogue, and everything else that makes the game more than just chasing after a MacGuffin does so much more powerfully. Fallout 1+2 had it, but we have no way of knowing whether Fallout 3 will have it because all the hoopla is about graphics.
Temat: V13 tidbit
In my opinion, FOnline would work best under the Eve Online model.
I agree. Although I might allow some NCPs to essentially be workhorses so that the game doesn't force people starting out to just collect bottlecaps/farm/manufacture bullets (like I hear there is a bit too much of in EVE) and instead get to see a bit more action. It would be interesting to see a living economy arise from requiring food/water consumption and production coming from farms, brahmin ranches, wells, and water chips with merchants providing the go between. If done correctly even most raiders would kill the town guards and spare the farming townspeople to insure a future food supply.
Balance could be promoted by having Power Armor, Energy Weapons, and Big Guns as a limited supply and following the Fallout rule set. Eventually huge gangs would try to take down Brotherhood of Steel units just to get their hands on a couple of sets of Power Armor and their weapons. Also by just having aging occurring in the world (e.g. 80 year lifespan in 4 months of realtime) with appropriate stat reductions at old and reincarnations as coming of age characters who used to be NPC children you could be assured that there is no Level 60 race or perpetual dominance.
It would be great if the game world covered the land area from Fallout 1/2 and Van Buren and loosely followed the Fallout Bible timeline starting right after the bombs fell and allowed the world to develop on its own. Sure there would be difficulties getting the world to resemble the Fallout we know, but I think by just having the Vaults start out the way they are, having natural resources distributed as in Fallout (e.g. Shady Sands has a well, Redding has mines etc.).
Perhaps having the Master and the Frank Horrigan (the President could just be elected) as special hero characters with enough bonuses or whatnot to lead to the blossoming of the Supermutant armies and the Enclave plan. The hardest part would be keeping the Military Base and Navarro secrets and thus appropriately intact until they were large and looming threats to the wasteland. It would be simple to keep them unreachable if travel was performed via a map screen, but with a standard MMO travel system only the patrols/defenses/remoteness could keep them hidden.
Temat: The Rybicki Maneuver
Could it be that the game critics at the time of writing a review are under the influence of things such as advertisement, first impressions of the game, game packaging and aspects of the game which indeed are positive?
When I first played Oblivion (which I installed only to judge the team which was to be responsible for the Holy Game) I was amazed by the World. The atmosphere got me. And when I first got out of the stockades and saw the sky, the grass, water and everything, I opened my mouth. At that stage I would be able to give the game a very positive feedback/review.
However as the time passed, hours rather than days actually, I realized the unbearable boredom of the game - pathetic level scaling which made every quest a piece of cake (where the transportation to the location was the hardest part, simply because it took the longest, even with fast movement using map), small variety of creatures, worse than horrible conversations with NPC (they all were basically the same NPC with a bit different voice ) and other things, which made Oblivion unplayable for me after 5-8 hours of gameplay.
Could it be that the reviewers were either in a hurry, or simply drawing from their first experience and produced the review based on those first, almost magical moments?
I play fallout for almost 9 years now. Though I've been going through the periods of booms and recessions of interest, I still often go back to the game and play it classically - start new game, create new character, etc
Besides that I countless times decide to try something in F2, so I skip the game to that stage (load particular map from a menu, use trainer to make the character useable for the purpose).
My point is, it never got boring. And that is the difference between Fallout and Oblivion - 9 years vs. 5 hours
And no matter how "stunned" the first impressions might be (and the chances are the graphics are the main force of Oblivion's world), we should see deeper than this and no one should write reviews like that, though everyone does.
Review should be in-depth evaluation, not a presentation of the first impressions, and that's where many reviews fail.
What did I try to say with all this text?
Fallout 3 will be different, and it's up to us to make up our decision whether we like it or not, even at this early stage with almost no info available. We should extract the facts from the articles and filter out the crap. After all, are we the die hard Fallout fans or are the reviewers?
Temat: Bit-tech interviews Pete
Immersion is what happens when you identify with your character.
Seriously? Another vote for intentional detatchment? Because immersion is also a goal in table-top RPGs. But now in your mind immersion is a fault in a game, one of which Fallout was innocent?
Immersion is an important goal, though apparently Fallout 1+2 never delivered it for at least two people here.
The lead designer on FO3 is Pagliarulo, who is probably one of the more capable people on Bethesda team.
Yes! I LOVED Bloodlines.And if FO3 brings something similar in quality to Bloodlines in terms of dialogue, atmosphere and quests, but expands on it with this huge open world (Todd HowardTM) (while retaining good story), it will quite possibly be the best game since..Fallout 2 : ).
The thing about classifying it as a spinoff - for everyone, the important things about FO are different.Since for me those important things were not TB and ISO (and PnP roots), I will not have a problem saying its a true sequel (supposing its as good as we hope..)
I haven't played Shivering Isles yet, but I enjoyed (please don't kill me) Oblivion.
But anyway, this is where our opinion differs.
I don't believe the hype from either camp - neither the Beth one nor the NMA one.
Don't try selling that one here.
Bethesda has a staff paid to produce hype and creative untruths regarding their game. NMA considers it its task to bring about the most accurate coverage of the game in response, to bring out as much truth as possible.
The concept of NMA producing "anti-hype" is nothing but a lazy smear job.
Temat: Teaser na oficjalnej stronie Blizzarda
a ja wam powiem iż symbol tych łośków z SC mocno ostudził zapał fanów Diablo. jak wczoraj i wczoraj wczoraj (moje sklejanie słów xDDDD) po nawet nie godzinie na diablofans.com było już ponad 100 stron postów to dziś po dniu prawie całym jest prawie 50 dopiero xD i to wiele jest takich wymuszonych mocno ;p nie ma juz tego fanatykowania ze to tak nazwę ;p.
a co do tych puzzli to skoro kazdy obrazek daje jakąś litere to podobno wyjdzie (tzn no nie wyjdzie tylko śą przypuszczenia ;p) DASHOW ;p jest to słowo wypowiadane przez upadłych.
Cytat: From 1998 onwards, I have worked at Blizzard Entertainment as an artist and animator. For the game Diablo II, I did a lot of the character work: Two of the 5 player characters, two of the four boss monsters, a whole bunch of monsters, and nearly half of the game's non-player characters. That's in addition to a pile of interface artwork, and - little known fact - many voices for the game, including those of the Fallen. For those of you who play the game (there are many who are still hacking away at it even now!) listen to the Fallen next time you're marauding one of their camps. Hear them yelling "Dashow... Dashow?" Well, guess who that is: whistling.gif)
Anyhow, no voices here, just some art from the game, all of which I beleive has appeared in various other magazines and sites.
koleś wkręcił swoje nazwisko do gry ;p
byłem szybszy ;] looknij sobie na mojego ostatniego (nie licząc tego) posta xD
Looool moje otwarte strony w FF'ie (aktualnie): Ten topic, sc2pod, diablofans, blizzard xD i taki nolife przed kompem z muzyką (wystawiłem głośniki przez okno i coś z SOAD'u zapuściłem) xD
DASHOW, lub SHADOW(!!) - pomysł kogoś z diablofans.com
Mamy D O W czyli według tego zostaje A H S - kto grał w Fallouta 2 rozpozna o co chodzi xD
#8 aston Hungary(hu)
I know the answer:
O W _ _ D
E: Kalisz zginie za tego "lolusia" xD
E2: lol juz 8:35:20 siedze przy kompie LOL
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