Wyświetlono wypowiedzi wyszukane dla słów: fallout tactics mody
Temat: playing custom maps on multiplayer
I;ve modded the hell out of FOT I'm not sure we'd be able to network correctly. Copy and rename your core folder so you have two folders in /Fallout Tactics, i.e. Fallout Tactics/core and Fallout Tactics/mods (or whatever). Delete the bos folders from your mods folder, delete everything from the core folder except game.pck, the bos & cfg files (assuming you haven't deleted them when you unpacked everything to mod). Then reapply the patch. Make shortcuts to bos.exe and the editor with -path mods at the end of the target path.
If you did delete the bos files make the mod folder as above and back it up, uninstall and delete your tactics folder. Then reinstall, apply the patch and then restore the mods folder and create your short cuts.
Temat: Fallout
Firma CD Projekt informuje, że równocześnie z premierą Fallout 3, do sklepów trafiła Saga Fallout, wznowienie wszystkich poprzednich części kultowej serii.
Za jedyne 19,99 zł można nabyć zestaw Saga Fallout, w którego skład wchodzą gry Fallout, Fallout 2 oraz Fallout Tactics. Saga jest serią gier RPG osadzoną w post nuklearnym, klimatycznym świecie pełnym niebezpieczeństw i przygód.
Co więcej, na płycie z grami zamieszczono cenne materiały dodatkowe, takie jak obszerne poradniki do wszystkich gier, karty pomocy podręcznej, artworki, animacje, mapy, szkice, tapety, plakaty, mody, teksty, opowiadania, ścieżkę dźwiękową oraz Fallout: Warfare - figurkową grę bitewną w świecie Fallouta, z zasadami i figurkami gotowymi do wydruku.
Fallout oraz Fallout 2 zostały wydane w polskiej, kinowej wersji językowej, zaś Fallout: Tactics w pełnej polskiej wersji językowej, z udziałem wielu gwiazd, m.in. Olafa Lubaszenki, Andrzeja Chyry, czy Mirosława Baki.
Temat: Cooperative mod for Fallout Tactics
I would like to see a cooperative multiplayer mod for Fallout Tactics which allows to play campaign cooperatively or make single cooperative missions. I suppose that there is not anyone and Fallout Tactics would rock in cooperative playing every player with 1 character.
Temat: what is your favroite fallout
my rfavorite fallout title definatly is, was and will be fallout 2.
i was very dissapointed by fallout tactics.
but hey i read so much about mods maybe fallout1 mod or fallout tactics mod makes the game more fun.
however i am playing now THE FALL now and i love it, its my new favorite because its a hybrid between fallout2, gothic and jagged alliance. i love the jagged alliance like fights and the gothic like graphics. however its not yet released in english, just in some european languages, but will release soon in english too.
just wish i would have more time to enjoy the game , its long and great but my reallife doesnt allow anymore playing atm hehe
Temat: 1
Nowe wydanie miesięcznika eXtra Gra już 6 września w kioskach!
We wrześniowym wydaniu magazynu eXtra Gra pojawi się od dawna oczekiwana kultowa Saga Fallout. Na jednej płycie DVD znajdziecie trzy części najbardziej radioaktywnej gry świata: Fallout, Fallout 2 oraz Fallout Tactics.
Dodatkowo na płycie znajdzie także kilkadziesiąt MB atrakcyjnych dodatków (m.in. arty, mody, opowiadania, grę planszową w świecie Fallout itd.), a wszystko to w rewelacyjnej cenie 19,99 zł!
Ponadto w numerze czeka na was dwustronny eXtra plakat z motywem z Company of Heroes: Kompania Braci oraz reprodukcją mapy sztabowej z czasów inwazji na Normandię!
Widziałem dzisiaj w kiosku. Cudo! Szkoda, że mam już wszystkie części ;)
Temat: Critters pack and the Awaken mod
If anyone is having a problem with running the awaken mod please go to the modding forum as there is a post on any bugs within the awaken mod for Fallout Tactics
Also regarding the critter pack, if you use it in conjunction with the Vault-boy mod you can play the game as the vault boy (as long as you are a male character, I mean who ever heard of a vault girl?)
Temat: Making a Fallout
It would be very interesting if someone did come up with a mod for one of those games. Or maybe an original Fallout, tactics mod
>With a few of the new
>RPGs hitting the market in
>the near future that will
>come with World Editors (Arcanum
>and Morrowind come to mind
>first) will anyone try to
>make a Fallout style game
>with one of those Editors?
>-True Raven
[center][a href=//fallout.gamestats.com/pipboy2000le/][IMG SRC=//fallout.gamestats.com/pipboy2000le/img/tmslogo.gif" border=0][/a]
[a href="mailto: Smackrazor@mailandnews.com" style="font-family:arial;font-size: 9pt;color:#008DE6;text-decoration:underline;]Smackrazor[/a]
[font style=font-family:arial;font-size: 9pt;color:#008DE6;]The Modding Kingpin[/center]
Temat: Need recommendation on Mods
Is there a fairly definitive list, preferably with links, of all the quality mods for Fallout Tactics PC on these forums?
I just wrangled a copy of this game. I hadn't bought it origionally although I had played the rest of the Fallout world. I had heard Tactics had a relatively vibrant online community. Just curious as to whether that was still going on?
Temat: Darkfall Has Not Fallen!
Cervantes published at the SHAMO website a report on the Darkfall project - a Fallout Tactics mod being developed by Dargh , the man to whom we're all indebted for his previous mod - Awaken. Darkfall will take place before the actual Fallout 1 - about 50 years after the War had ended, in a non-descript location in the Wastelands. The player will play the role of a mercenary.
From the technical standpoint, the project is not very advanced, but detailed plans have been drawn up and the progress is going to be rapid.
Spotted at SHAMO Fallout Community
Temat: Looking for Fallout?
Fallout Tactics is a pretty decent game IMO, but it doesn't stick to Fallout canon. The gameplay is pretty good though if you're not looking for an RPG and like the SPECIAL mechanics.
Plus it is pretty long and has some replay value if you want to do the harder difficulties (I challenged myself and completed the game on the hardest difficulty and tough guy mode).
Too bad the multiplayer was ruined by all the 10k crap.
Temat: Awaken Patch
A new patch has been released for the Polish and English versions of the Awaken mod for Fallout Tactics.
Here`s a few highlights:
Awaken patch 1.32 has been released. You can grab it in two versions, polish and english.
New fixes:
- BRC - english txt, disappears from world map, re-enter bug
- Oasis - radscopions quest, highwaymen attack - good solution added
- Raiders Camp - Winston quest, Hangman quest (now they should work properly)
- Laboratory - another way to enter
- and other small fixes
Download it from here
Spotted on the DAC messageboards
Temat: The COOP Mod
I'm making a COOP mod for Fallout Tactics : BOS.
And it's 40 % done and 100 % working.
If you have any ideas or subjections.
Feel free to reply!
Details :
Max players : 6
Fight Against : Com Monsters
Features :
*Play with you buddies
*Original SP Maps support
*Objectives support
*Create your own Characters
*With new maps
And more...
Temat: Fallout Tactics Intro Music Question
Hmm. Technically, Tactics isn't Fallout. Tried checking on your game box, the credits or the manual?
Redneck Rockers, maybe?
Yep i checked the credits and the manual too. It isn't there or i'm too blind.
Aaah, i'm searching for that track for over years now, because i really like it and it gives a new way of Fallout feeling, damn i dunno who the hell playing that track
Anyways, Fallout And Fallout2 were the best RPGs in the world i still playing the two of them, in the beginning i didn't really like Fallout Tactics because it didn't follow the FO storyline correctly and it had an 'awfully good graphic' which i didn't like after the lovely old moody Fallout engine. But after i played FOT a lot i was beginning to discover it's mood and fun. Still it's not as good as Fallout and FO2 but much better than nothing.
Anyways, multiplayer mode (especially Assault) Rocks!
Temat: Sawyer on combat again
J.E. Sawyer has replied to someone at the Interplay boards that was claiming that no prone or crouching on F3 was caused by the game having a Real-Time mode:
I see your train of thought as once again being completely baseless. Much like theories about reducing the number of gun skills as having some relationship to real-time combat. Did you actually play Fallout: Tactics? It had crouching and prone combat positions. It also had real-time combat. I used crouching and prone constantly in that game. There was certainly enough time to react to situations that those modes were useful. Whether or not they were "good" or even necessary is up to debate.
But, of course, Fallout: Tactics had the subtitle "A Post-Nuclear Tactical Combat Game", because you have full control over a squad of up to six characters who are almost constantly engaged in combat. Fallout and Fallout 2 are RPGs, not combat simulators. I'm sure you could think of about sixty things we "could" add to make Fallout combat more in-depth, involved, complex, etc. That doesn't mean all sixty of those things should be added.
I know that in a magical imaginary dreamland, animations and AI take no time to produce, but at Black Isle, they actually do. We can't just flippantly shove a feature into the game without considering how much time it takes to implement and test.
Link: BIS Feedback forum
Temat: Need recommendation on Mods
I am lookig to download some Fallout Tactics mods, but there are so many that I do not know where to start. Some recommendations about some quality mods would be really welcome. Fallout 2 mods would be great, too.
Temat: FALLOUT mod - teoria...
A kto powiedział że to ma być dokładnie odwzorowana gra Fallout 2 (bo to w niej był samochód) ...fallout mod ,ma przenieśćOFP w postapokaliptyczny świat ...
W Fallout Tactics , grze taktycznej w której dowodzisię drużyną żołdaków Bractwa Stali wystepuje więcej samochodów ...
Buggy , Scout Car ,HMMV , Armour Transporter i Sherman Tank ( arty wcześniej ,podane przezemnie , jeszcze pod innym kontem na forum) ...które byłydo pełnej dyspozycji dla drużyny gracza ...z działa Shermana można było strzelać ,ale i tak z 5 pocisków się miało ...
Jak powiedziałem ,tunie chodzi o odwzorowanie dokładne fabuły Falloutów(nie FT) ,ale o przeniesienie OFP w ich swiat ,świat brudny,wyniszczony ,ziemia wyplowiała a ludzie i zwierzeta zmutowane (to to raczej niemożliwe )
Ost. wyszedł addon Reaktora w Chernobylu...mozna by z niego pewne obiekty wykorzystać.
Są addony zombie...które mogą zastapić Ghule falloutowe .
Jest addon gryzacego psa... ijuż hordy takowych się po pusktowiach panoszą ...
Jeszcze tylko Rad'skorpiony i geckony ...i bajka...
No i mutanty by się przydały:D
Temat: About Fallout tactics"s Engine
The thing is that i like the REAL TIME mode of fallout tactics and the fact that there is no grid anymore and i want to work with it.
And i'm not sure the FIFE engine permits me to do that (maybe the real time mode but i will have to deal with the grid)
Temat: Extra gra 9/2006
Wlasnie, Raku, opisz pokrotce te mody co tam sa, jesli masz czas, bo moze dla nich kupie. Tzn. interesuje mnie tylko Fallout 1 i 2, Tactics mnie nie pociaga .
- Fallout Ammo Patch v1.1 - modyfikuje siłę amunicji ppanc.
- Fallout End Game Mod - można grać po ukończeniu gry.
- Fallout Cheat Boy v1.2a - dodaje do ekwipunku urządzenie pozwalające na sporą ilość "nielegalnych" modyfikacji w grze.
- B-Team - zmienia wygląd Twoich towarzyszy na odpowiedni do noszonego pancerza.
- Cult of Personality MOD - poprawia działanie kultu jednostki.
- Arroyo-Klamath Mod demo - wersja demonstracyjna będącego w fazie produkcji sporego moda. Dodaje m. in. Nowe questy, ludzi i przedmioty.
- Fallout2 PL Patch 1.05 - Ten patch poprawia wiele błędów w grze i dodaje wiele nowych rzeczy. Po zainstalowaniu trzeba dodać łatkę do tego patcha (F2 PL Patch 1.05 update02).
- Fire Gecko Skinning - Możliwość wycinania skór z Fire Gecko
- Neo Nightkin's Vision - kilkanaście drobnych modyfikacji
- Przyjaciel Klint - Ten mod powoduje, że postać o imieniu Klint (strażnik wejscia do swiątyni) przyłącza się do wybrańca, aby towarzyszyć mu w przygodzie.
- Shiv - Ten mod powoduje, że shiv (nóż) działa jak normalna broń.
Fallout Tactics:
- Awaken - Awaken to mod-gra korzystający z engine'u FTBOS zawierająca nową historię i fabułę. Jest wzorowana na Fallout.
- Brahmin - nadaje postaciom "krowi" wygląd
- Scurry bot - dodaje rekruta Scurry.
- kilkanaście mapek.
Temat: New Fallout Files
Requiem for a starfury has been a busy little bee, he's sent me three new Fallout Tactics files. One is a sprite pack, one a tile pack and the third one is a new gui for Fallout Tactics and we've also gotten a new critter pack from Wild_Qwerty
- lCritter Pack 2 (13MB) - Another pack of critters from FOT made into FRMs
lFOT Custom Tile Pack (11.3 MB) - Some fan made tiles for map/mod makers.
lFOT Corrected Sprites (1 MB) - Some sprites that was shipped but didn't work in FOT.
lDesert Camuflage FOT interface (5.22 MB) - A new interface for FOT.
Temat: Great Tactics Map
Those that own Fallout:Tactics should rejoice since requiem_for_a_starfury has a nice treat for you:
Heres a FOT single player map . It's based on OTB's unfinished PsuedoSAD map from the graveyard.
The Brotherhood has been keeping a close eye on the Chosen One, searching for a GECK. When the Chosen One visits the Sierra Army Depot the Brotherhood can't afford to let this opportunity go to waste. While an agent of the Brotherhood continues to follow the Chosen One, the nearest Brotherhood patrol is sent to secure the Depot until a full team can be dispatched, unfortunately when they arrive there's already someone waiting.
The zip contains new wait and deathscreens, and includes a mod of the Fallout 2 weapons.
You can download it from here.
Good work Requiem, and sorry for the delay.
Temat: Fallout tactics - neither tactics nor Fallout
Roshambo - the reply was intended for ElPrez, you and me appear on the same ball...
I still play FOT and will play it until I get through the story but ONCE! Because, in the industry, we call it "Replay Value" - no pun intended for those who know what it is (it's 4 lil kids like ElPrez). Replay Value - how many times will a gamer replay the game over and how many times can a game be played to achieve different storylines. Fallout series - almost endless. JA series - as well. Fallout tactics - once or MAYBE twice in a harder mode and different character, but story is the same! Outcome is the same!
Temat: FALLOUT mod - teoria...
Witam na forum.
Znam Fallouta juz od 5 lat, w dodatku tworze mody i mapy do Fallout Tactics
Niedawno kupilem CDA, w którym było mniedzy innymi Operation Flashpoint, no i zaczolem grac potem na necie na Gamespy, no i mialem marzenie by ujrzec swiat Fallout'a w tej grze... I co widze - kilka dni pozniej ten topic ^^.
Jezeli potrzebowalibyscie jakiejs pomocy to jestem do uslug, jednak watpie czy znajomosc 3dsmaxa sie przyda w oxygenie. Moglbym byc zrodlem wiedzy na temat tej gry. Z drugiej strony troche watpie z tego co uslyszalem, ze tkai mod miałby szanse powstać... Niestety ale piszą ze malo polskich modów doczekuje się końca.
Mi marzyloby sie cos wielkiego, half rpg, no ale niewiem czy to mogloby byc realne.
W kazdym razie ciekawie sie to zapowiada, bede to sledzil.
No i jeszcze raz witam ^^.
Temat: Tierra de Nadie - Tactics mod
Redeye, sorry by Soyguillermote. I told him not to talk (he doesn't know writing english). He is a bit... I don't know the exactly word... young. He say things, but not always think what he is saying.
I don't think your are a Nazi, and It isn't important for me. If we work at the same proyect, the only think we have in common is that we like fallout. If you are a nazi, ok... I'm not a Nazi, I dislike that theories, but I can tell you what you have to be!
About the name of this page that you said in DAC... I don't think that is racist. Well, maybe it is racist in fallout, but we aren't mutants. My photo is about Marcus, a Mutant, and nobody kick me out by it. The title is very popular in fallout 1, 2 and tactics (in Boss too, I think).
To conclude with, I don't underestand if you want to help us with the mod or only play it. Could you answer my question, please?
PD: I have mistakes because I stop learning english 2 years ago, but I think everything can be underestanded, don't it?
Temat: Mapper news...
>>The bad news is, they aren't
>>even think of letting it
>>out till, after BOS tactics
>>has been out and needs
>>to be helped. (they want
>>people coming up with maps
>>to add to the multi
>>player value), so people will
>>continue to play (like Lucasarts
>>did with JK).
>I didn't understand this part... Could
>you explain?
Interplay never has released Mapper because of the fact that as soon as Fallout 2 was finished they started working on Fallout Tactics. Now, they will only release the map editor when Fallout Tactics is starting to get old (I don't know how this is going to work if it is free).
[center][TABLE border=5" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="15" bgcolor="#000000" bordercolor="#4B5359" bordercolorlight="#008DE6" bordercolordark="#002FA4][TR][TD][center][a href=//www.modsquad.f2s.com/][IMG SRC=//www.modsquad.f2s.com/logo2.jpg" border=0][/a][/center][table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=100%][tr][td align=center]
[a href="mailto: Smackrazor@mailandnews.com" style="font-family:arial;font-size: 9pt;color:#008DE6;text-decoration:underline;]Smackrazor[/a]
[font style=font-family:arial;font-size: 9pt;color:#008DE6;]Webmaster: [a href=//www.modsquad.f2s.com/" style="font-family:arial;color:#008DE6;text-decoration:underline;font-size: 9pt;]The Mod Squad[/a][/td][/tr][/table][/td][/tr][/table][/center]
Temat: mapa do Fallout Tactics
znalezione w <5min na google'u (na NMA)
New Red!viewer!! by Odin - 12:14 - Comment Me (0) - News Source: Red
Red had yet again updated his Red!viewer, this time it can now export the entire Fallout Tactics World Map, read more here:
- CAM Fixed it so it can now load any CAM file
- CAM Added preview mode which allows the user to preview the map a bit like in the game instead of viewing individual tiles. When you Export to TGA... it properly saves the ENTIRE map!
- ART Fixed Anti-aliasing centering problem
- ART Added flags display (in version attributes field, why not?)
OH, I'll get right on that and export the map right now! Thanks Red!
Temat: FOT:RPG?
I don't know the game/mod/mode/.. whatever he is talking about, and the website doesn't provide me with any answers. What is this ? Sounds good, like to check it out, but what ? how ?
Do you need fallout tactics, install a map/mod, and 'role play' ? Is it an irc thing ? Custom written ? Openrpg ? A forum ?
Temat: Is it me, or is this game really hard?
Hello all,
I am a big fan of Fallout and Fallout 2. I have tried my hand at Fallout Tactics, using the individual turn-based mode, and gotten as far as Jefferson but at that point it just seemed too difficult to continue. Unlike the two earlier games, I seem to still be in leather armor and using rifles by the time I encounter mutants using machine guns and rocket launchers. Sooner or later some team members get blown to pieces the first time someone shoots at them and I have to start the mission over. There seems no way to exit the area to get reinforcements or more equipment if things go sour, nor can my guys use the big guns the muties drop when I kill them. The enemy weapons seem much too powerful for the kind of armor I am finding and my weapons are pretty weak compared to what I had to fight these kinds of enemies in the earlier games.
Am I doing something wrong? I seem to spend hours crawling around to avoid being seen, using my two or three sniper characters to try to aim for the eyes at long range (of enemies I can detect) while the rest of the squad just hides to avoid getting killed, but sooner or later I get surprised by an enemy I didn't see and they blow a squad member away with a much more powerful weapon than I seem to have access to. Thanks.
Temat: Fallout
Fallout 1 i 2 wielkim RPG jest dla mnie i basta. Żaden inny nie daje takiej możliwości wyborów. Każdą cześć pokonałem kilka razy. Jedynie Fallouta Tactics raz tylko przeszedłem bo to już nie miało takiego klimatu. Pamiętam jak to się denerwowałem przy jedynce ale nie z powodu jej samej tylko z powodu kompa jakiego wtedy miałem (Pentium 166 MMX, 16 Ram, Karta S3 Virge z 2 MB czyli sprzęt śmiechu warte w dzisiejszych czasach). Denerwowało mnie bardzo długie wczytywanie gry ale chciało się grać z powodu jej uroku. Nadal mam obie gry w dużych kartonowych pudełkach i mają swoje honorowe miejsce na półeczce. I dzięki wam, znów mnie korci aby sobie wyruszyć w pustkowia ^_^
Polecam zagrać w moda "AWAKEN" do FT. Fabuła jest podobna do jedynki ale jest bardzo ciekawa i dużo zwrotów akcji :)
Temat: Have you seen this mod project?
Yea I seen that ages ago, Its a mod for Fallout tactics, though it didnt have the screen shots last time I visted the page. Looks like it would be fun to play though
Temat: Have you seen this mod project?
Yea I seen that ages ago, Its a mod for Fallout tactics, though it didnt have the screen shots last time I visted the page. Looks like it would be fun to play though
lol it looks like you play as the hulk if you ask me .
Temat: ExtraGra 6/2006
Coś mi sie nie widzi Broken Sword 4 w Extra Grze
W tym roku (chyba w tym) będa trzy sagi. Jedna to na pewno Fallout (1,2,Tactics + mody i inne pierdółki).
Temat: CDA 12/2008
Czasem coś wrzucą. Ja pamiętam, że dali moda do Fallouta Tactics. Może coś jeszcze dają w bonusie 2, ale tam dawno nie zaglądałem. Poza tym dziś dostęp do internetu jest na tyle szeroki, że każdy może sobie ściągnąć dodatki z neta które mu odpowiadają.
Temat: V.A.T.S. is NOT a combat system
This is a good game and like it or not it's a Fallout game.
The question and I side 100% with the ones that shout against the concept that this game is named Fallout 3, goes like this:
If Fallout Tactics would be called Fallout 3, would you agree? Would you just say "Live with it, it's Fallout 3, so what you control a squad and it's more of a RTS/RTT game?".
How can a devoted Fallout fan sit around and accept the fact that the successor to Fallout 1 and 2 is this? I play this game, I like it to some degree and I am waiting for mods to come out. Still, I refuse to accept this game to be Fallout 3. It has so little to do with FO1,2 that it just does not make sense. Change the name of the game, make part 2,3...X of the new series and we have no problem with it.
The original 2 Fallout games were a real diamond, and the proof is right here, this community. You honestly believe that 10 years from now anyone would give a crap about Fallout 3? Really? At the same time, I am ready to bet you that 10 years from now we will see either a company or open source produced remake of FO1 and 2 with 3d isometric graphics and perhaps added quests items and a few features.
In the end, this is perhaps the only true Fallout community out there and I see it well in our rights to be pissed off. More then that we are bringing so many arguments as to why this game should not be called Fallout 3, and the counter arguments always sound like "live with it..."
Temat: 3D for Fallout 3!
I see 2 groups of Fallout player here.
1 group will think that want to change Fallout, in the good-way. (Please.....obviously those who made FO:POS doesn't play Fallout before. And I didn't play the game yet I know it sucks).
1 group will think that Fallout SHOULD be always in isometric-view with minor enchance elements.
And I didn't say Fallout: Tactics is another fallout game. It's only a okie strategy game. Please, spare me the flame..
I actually wish F3 never exist... On the other hand, the news of F3 is developing by bethesda just light-up my spark of passion of wasteland love. Trust me, if Bethesda screwed the game, at-least it will have an EDITOR to support the modding community. So... if you don't like the game, MOD it. Just like what Ultima fans doing for Ultima IX.
Fallout is not about turn-based combat, not about multiple ending, not about deep character development. To me, it's about SURVIVAL in the wasteland. Searching for hope to continue to live (Why the hell you need to go out and find water-chip and GECK?)
Just my thought.
Temat: Fallout 2 graphic update patch
In another piece of the storm of great modding projects going on, a couple of NMA's modders are working on a graphic update patch for Fallout 2:- Make different critters for each type of armour eg: Mark I and Mark II metal armour look different
- Update Item art to reflect the item eg: a hammer will look like a hamer on the ground and not a cardboard box
- Talking heads that dont talk. We could try and add a face to every character in the game, it doesnt have to be animated just a still face.They've released a first version, which updates the following:------Ground art------
The ground art for most items has been updated to look like the item in question rather than just the default
box or book.
------Interface art------
By request the IFACE.FRM file has been replaced witht the updated FO1 interface that the mutants rising mods was
going to use.
------Misc art------
The explosions have been replaced with some nicer looking and bigger explosions. New projectiels for grenades
have been added, these were taken from Fallout Tactics.Link: Fallout 2 graphic update patch thread on NMA
Link: Fallout 2 graphic update patch vAlpha 01
Temat: a fallout 1 mod i would like to see
>1)i would like to see a mod wich make possible to choose followers equipment and tactics like in fallout 2
Uhh, I doubt that it would be possible to hack the NPC menu from FO2 into FO1.
>2) i would like to make the game possible to be continued after the end like fallout 2 did
That is actually possible because of a bug.
>3) i would like a mod wich adds more areas and quests and everything in fallout 50's sci-fi style
I think that the scource code for adding new maps into FO1 is still unbroken. Quest are possible to add (I'm doing this right now).
>4) new gameplay opportunities.. (mouth aimed shoot or other cool things ) weapons that broken up, work skills (like the ability to make traps, and weapons)
To add new aims you've to delete others and the function that weapons get destroyed might be possible to add (if that function shouldn't be there already), but this usually happens on rare occasion and when it happens you reload, dont you?. Making traps and weapons yourself is impossible I think and you weren't able to do this in FO2 either.
>5) areas with respawns of items, monsters and so on
(so that after you ve beaten all the quests the only thing that you can do it s not to just move around seeking random encounters)
That is possible but in the end nothing else than a random encounter.
I'm working on a FO1 project right now. Check it out http://www.angelfire.com/games5/humongousarmor/
Temat: a fallout 1 mod i would like to see
1)i would like to see a mod wich make possible to choose followers equipment and tactics like in fallout 2
2) i would like to make the game possible to be continued after the end like fallout 2 did
3) i would like a mod wich adds more areas and quests and everything in fallout 50's sci-fi style
4) new gameplay opportunities.. (mouth aimed shoot or other cool things ) weapons that broken up, work skills (like the ability to make traps, and weapons)
5) areas with respawns of items, monsters and so on
(so that after you ve beaten all the quests the only thing that you can do it s not to just move around seeking random encounters)
Temat: 3D for Fallout 3!
I hope it will be somehow possible to switch the birds eye view with the first person view like 3D GTA's did (GTA3, vice city had birds eye view in a really realistic fashion compared to the older birds eye view games) because a shoot em up RPG was a nice mix that I liked like in Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines they allowed guns in first person view while having a wide variety mix of rpg like skills and story quests, and since fallout tactics had the ability to play in turn based mode or real time I think it would be possible to have a valve like style of the new fallout somehow while being able to move into birds eye view, but I seriously doubt they would do this because 1. they would require a lot more work and I don't think anyone wants to wait anymore longer for the new fallout and 2. a large margin of the original fallout players would rather stick to the birds eye view without making it too difficult to make the actually gameplay just annoying. So it's more than likely that a first person view shoot em up RPG of fallout would probably be far in the future as graphics and stuff has progressed to the point of it not being that hard to make in a game without much complaint.
Temat: Fallout 3
Dla wszystkich zawiedzionych faktem, że nowy Fallout będzie FPS'em, bądź dla tych, co nie mogą się po prostu doczekać przygód w postapokaliptycznym świecie, mam mały suprise. Musicie tylko posiadać "Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel" w wersji 1.27. Resztę ściągniecie stąd ==> http://search.filefront.com/fallout%20awaken
Mod nazywa się "Awaken" i dzieje się po wydarzeniach z pierwszej części gry. Nie jest to mistrzostwo świata, ale gra się całkiem sympatycznie.
http://shamo.gry-online.pl/agora/index.php?s=ec181a394a3b3b3cb7bfaea585919c02&showforum=37 <== Gdybyście szukali więcej informacji o modzie.
Temat: Miscellaneous Fallout modding news
Dont forget the graphics update patch some of us are working on. We are adding new art for the whole game without changing any of the game play side of things that way the art patch should be compatable with all/most other mods.
We are planning to add new critter models for Mark II armours and critters, so the mark II combat armour looks different to the Mark I, the same thing will go for the the Mark II robots etc ...
The first version only changes this:
------Ground art------
The ground art for most items has been updated to look like the item in question rather than just the default
box or book.
------Interface art------
By request the IFACE.FRM file has been replaced witht the updated FO1 interface that the mutants rising mods was
going to use.
------Misc art------
The explosions have been replaced with some nicer looking and bigger explosions. New projectiels for grenades
have been added, these were taken from Fallout Tactics.
Download FO2GUP-Alpha01 here: http://www.sharebigfile.com/file/31211/FO2GUP-Alpha01.zip.html
Temat: Need help with Vault 23
Has anyone out there gotten this mod to work? It is a mod that is supposed to work with TeamX's New Vision mod. It adds another vault location to explore, some really difficult critters to kill, and a new critter from Fallout Tactics.
I have the mod ready to put into the Megamod... most of the work is done. However, there is one map that I cannot get to work. I keep getting an 'error reading objects while loading' for the crisicav map only. The entrance, vault, and boss maps are all ok.
Edit: I'm tired of having a number of half-integrated mods in my Megamod. Worst case scenario I will just not use the 1-3 levels from that cave map and just have the Vault level go directly to the 'Boss' level.
Temat: Penny Arcade talks on Fallout 3, socrates200x replies
I will not disagree here, because turn based gameplay is crucial to what Fallout is. Fallout was based on a d20 system and as such must maintain its original gameplay style, where if you remove the TB system, the entire game falls apart. SPECIAL, your statistics, the range checks, checks, etc. It just does NOT work not in real time. Take a look at Tactics. Utter crap in terms of d20 gameplay.
My preference is for a Fallout sequel that is true to the original FO in all respects, and I really enjoyed the combat system from the earlier games. I have played a lot of PnP AD&D, so I do appreciate that style of play. I guess my point was that I would be most looking forward to seeing the deep & meaningful RPG elements recreated from the original games, along with setting and canon. If these elements were missing then I wouldn't enjoy the game even if it had ISO and TB.
One of my favourite games from the past was the original Pool of Radiance, in which you could explore in first person mode, but the game then shifted to ISO & TB when you entered combat. I wouldn't mind this type of set up for a new FO game. I certainly don't want another mindless FPS, which I admit HL2 is, but HL2 doesn't always feel like a mindless FPS.
Real time combat would change the feel of the game and would remove the tactical aspect, and I can't imagine a first person turn based combat game, so it seems a FO RPG would be a lot better with ISO & TB. I hadn't really sat back closed my eyes and thought about it before, but next time I'll try to get the brain box working fully before I post random thoughts.
Temat: Shadow Vault Review
I've tried the game ... It has nothing to do with RPG, it has nothing to do with Fallout... even with tactics.
"Tactics" in this game is really poor (i don't like tactics but this doesn't mean that i can't decide whether it's good or not ). Your soldiers can do some basic things: walk, shoot, throw a granade. They can't sit, they can't crouch, they can't lay down ... they can do nothing.
Actually it looks more like an "action turn-based something shitty".
I'm not a writer, so i wont write how terrible this game is;] Maybe it will find some fans (I'm almost positive it will and maybe lots of them), but I don't think that there wouls be much among F1,2 fans ...
By the way it's really annoying, when you must run with 12 people, controlling them one by one, through the whole map ( thanks it was not so large ) to the exit point (by the way still in turn-based mode, it's actually the only mode in this game)... and then to find out that you forgot to kill a rat somewhere ... so you need to run (turn by turn) and find it.
If you don't like turn-based hack'n'slash, then don't try this game;]
Temat: FALLOUT mod - teoria...
Czy ja gralem w tego samego Fallouta co Wy? Przeciez tam byl JEDEN, powtarzam JEDEN samochod na chodzie. W pierwszej i drugiej czesci. W Tactics nie wiem, bo za duzo nie gralem, ale wydaje mi sie, ze tez nie.
Wiec albo fallout (bez samochodow, albo powiedzmy dwa na caly mod, ale nie dwa rodzaje, tylko dwa przypadki bycia na chodzie, poza tym tylko kupy zlomu), albo Mad Max, czyli wojny na szosach o paliwo.
Powiem szczerze, ze mnie sie pomysl podoba ale jednoczesnie nie podoba Hehe. Mam mieszane uczucia.
Zwazywszym, ze w OFP wyspy sa niewielkie, to jednak bylbym za opcja bez samochodow. A wysp powinno byc kilka, choc powinny zawierac znane z gry miesca (ale nie odwzorowane doslownie, chodzi o nazwy takie jak Junk Town, Las Vegas... heh, juz nie pamietam reszty )
Temat: Fallout on IGN"s Top 100 Games List for 2007
cody92 wrote: i have NO IDEA how baulders gate 1 and fallout 1 didnt even get on the list, even fallout tactics deserves a spot in the 50's
I read that if you complete every game mode (all difficulties, all time challenges, etc..)
i cant believe they didnt put duke nukem 3d
It's Pitchfork time.
i meant to say i have no idea how fallout 2 isnt in there,mistype yo
Temat: Requiem rules
The great Requiem_for_a_starfury has now presented us with a new Fallout:Tactics interface, called Camouflage FOT Interface. Great work Requiem, you can download it from here or here.
Temat: The Achievement System - New Chairman of the Committee!
The K-man is back in the game with a solid 30p! Praise be!
25 + 10 + 5 - 5 + 10 - 10 - 10 = 25
Luke, where do the 5 points come from?
I got to ask the comitee to envisage to give me this achievement

My reasons :
*I've played Fo & Fo2 for almost ten years. I keep playing them through the megamod/restoration pack.
*I also played Fallout tactics several times (just for that I deserve this achievement).
*One day I tried to quantify my stats on a piece of paper (*ahem*)
*I am registered on several websites dedicated to Fallout : here, here and here.
*I've spread my passion of the games among the persons I know.
*And I'm here right know talking about it.
Temat: Fallout
Jak chcą robić "rewolucję" to niech chociaż nie nazywają tego trzecią częścią. Fallout Tactics nią nie był, więc i Fallout Shooter nie powinien być.
Ja to traktuję jak duży mod do Obliviona Mi się tam podoba jako FPS i jako gra "osadzona w realiach post apokaliptycznych"
Temat: Fallout Tatics MOD Concept
It may or may have been done already but here is my idea...
The Fallout Tactics "Make Sense" mod.
It adds two simple features that are missing from the normal game campaign but *gasp* MAKE SENSE!
1) You get paid. At the end of each level you get an amount of BOS Dollars dropped into each of your characters inventory according to their rank.
2) A nurse (lets call her 'Joy') in the BOS bases that heals a character when you talk to her!
Temat: Fallout 2 Restoration Project Discussion (ideas/suggestions)
sorry Im not living behind a big metal door here with a "13" on it but what is a "Stealth Boy" ?
Ever played Fallout Tactics? I'll assume you haven't.
StealthBoy is an item you wear on one of your weapon slots, and you active it in Stealth mode and it's suppose to enhance your Stealth ability and make you look like a ghost, thus harder to see. Basically, in Fallout 2, go to the Den, wait until midnight, then go look at Anna. StealthBoy makes you look like that.
It was a cool item. I was disappointed that it wasn't implemented in Fo2.
Temat: Fallout 2 beginner here.. I"m so lost.
I loved the atmosphere in Fallout Tactics (Even though it is looked down upon.) So after taking advice from a friend I thought I'd tryout fallout 2.
Ok now, here is my situtation, I'm the type of person who plays a game, immediately goes to look at some user made content. I went to your files area, and saw waay to many files to files..
My dilemma:
Can I stack the patches? - There is more than 1 patch (The original, High Res, and Children, and possibly 1.05) Is there a way I can install them all? If not, what would you recommend.
What mods would you recommend for the best playing experience? I'm not talking about new campaigns perse, but rather tweaks. etc.
Thanks alot guys, I know you guys probably get alot of new people here, if you could take the time to read this, its all I ask.
I can't wait to play D
Temat: Ogólny opis fabuły.
Akcja moda rozpoczyna się po wszystkich częściach sagi "Fallout". Jest swoistą historią łączącą Fallouty 1 i 2 z Falloutem Tactics.
Zachodnie wybrzeże (znane z Fallouta 2)
Przekonane słowami dobrodusznego "Wybrańca" bractwo po przechwyceniu technologii z bazy Navarro rozpoczyna rekrutację na ogromną skalę, w czasie której zostają przyjęci także Ghule, Super Mutanci, Szpony Śmierci i inne zmutowane stwory. Bractwo zdaje sobie sprawę z tego, że ocaleli członkowie wyprawy "Zeppelinów" utworzyli nową potężną grupę, a co gorsza jest ona rasistowsko i wrogo nastawiona.
Wschodnie wybrzeże
Dowódca bohaterskiego oddziału stchórzył gdy był już tak blisko... Wolał by swój mózg oddał gen. Barnaki, no i stało się... Bractwo popierające wolność rozkwitło, ale na krwi i uciemiężeniu Mutantów. Upokorzeni mutanci oraz część ludności zbuntowała się. Utworzona została "Armia Wyzwolenia Mutantów", lecz została ona wyparta. Zdesperowani dowódcy mutantów podjęli ciężką decyzje... Poproszą pierwotne Bractwo Stali o pomoc. Ku ich zdziwieniu Bractwo zdecydowało się im pomóc w zamian za wcielenie ich w szeregi Bractwa i bezgraniczne posłuszeństwo... To posunięcie rozpoczęło WOJNĘ...
Temat: FOT:RPG?
I got this little snibblet in my mailbox:To all members at the great NMA i run a website dedicated to a spiecial game mode which has been played in Fallout Tactics. It is known as FOT:RPG. Basically the map is a town, in which you can pick many roles and 'act them out.' However popularity in this game mode has fallen and i was hoping you could help promote the site and the game mode... Im sure all the veterans at FOT:RPG would be greatful....
Heres the site link:
http://www.freewebs.com/radman2307/ So go have a looksie..
Temat: If there was ONE thing I liked about PoS...
dam you old school hardliner fallout fans
Just think of titles like this and tactics as failed fallout 1 mods!
But seriously, i wanna try this out one day {Beats me likes a baby seal "{Beat me like a baby seal "cuz" I am STOOPID!}" I am STOOPID!} theres not alot of ps2 co-op games i havnt messed with.
Dam i wish they had system shock 2 on ps2.
The people who are a part of the "Fallout Community" have been refined and distilled over time into glittering gems of hatred.
BUG: Fixed alcoholic lizards!
Temat: Fot : Rules Of Engagement
There is a new mod in the works, this one is called Fallout Tactics : Rules of Engagement, here are some info ripped from their site:Fallout Tactics: Rules Of Engagement is more like an expansion pack then a mod. We're making new maps, adding new weapons, but meanwhile, enemy's, gameplay & sceneries stay's the same. We did try to make gameplay more realistic but we can only be sure of this when comments are coming in when the first demo is released... So I here by ask you to place your comments and send it to us by E-mail: Snakediablo@hotmail.comThey've also uploaded their beta version of their project, but it's still not available to the public yet.
Thanks to Snake for informing me..
Temat: Silver Style and Fallout 3
I definitely don't think that real-time is necessary in any way- this is coming from a fan of many realtime games (including the oft maligned on these boards Neverwinter Nights). You see games like Arcanum and Planescape touted for story and not combat, and games like Temple of Elemental Evil touted for combat and bashed for story. Guess which one is pure turn based.
When you have real time, you lose the sense that the battles are significant. It's mostly, I'm just going to bash a trail through these guys to get where I'm going. Also, as in Fallout Tactics, very big gameplay sacrifices have to be made to the turn based mode- Enemies are spread out, combat is more frequent a less personal, and you miss out on the great combat text messages. It just takes too many sacrifices to make the game work on both levels.
And unlike others, I think a 3D engine is a great innovation to be used for turn based combat. Imagine panning and zooming the camera right before you take a shot with your pistol. Imagine taking an aimed shot and having the camera lock onto the figure of your enemy and a HUD display appears, detailing the vital shots and percentage chance to hit. An aimed shot with a sniper rifle would actually zoom in on the enemy figure and maybe be easier to target, while aimed pistol shots would be limited by range. Imagine the sight of an enemy pointing his gun at you and preparing to squeeze the trigger.
Temat: The COOP Mod
I have the source code of Fallout Tactics ! ! ! !
I don't have a release date yet.
As long as my C++ skill not that good.
Well, that's _less_ great to hear ;p
Anyway, I wish you luck with the mod. I'm quite interested with the outcome.
Temat: In case Fallout 3 Flops
wow i didnt even notice the real time combat mention. I must have saw "mode" and figured there was turn based too (maybe there is). the real time in fallout tactics was just stupid, I tried it once then never used it again.
all of their games have stupid names. They are all translated from these russian coders.
and that is very obviously 3d, might not be drawn in game, but the shadows and everything on the map are redered in 3d. the player shadows are probably just sprites yes.
Temat: Fallout Tactics in window mode
Hi all
I hope someone can help me here. I used the -w parameter with BoS.exe (ie. ran the game with BoS.exe -w). And the game ran in a window mode (yay). But now I want to go back to full screen (so I can scroll with the cursor to the edge of screen), but I can't get it to change. Anyone help?
Thanks in advance
Temat: Co-op?
About Fallout Tactics, I heard that someone made a mod that could be played co-op, it might be fun. Which is about the only way FoT might be enjoyable. My roommate and I have both looked for that mod, I've never found it. If anyone can point it out to me, I'd be very grateful.
Temat: GameRanger offers online Tactics play
Yeah, CoopNet is the best way to play Fallout Tactics and many other games. Even of game bugs, playing Coop mode still is so much fun.
Heh, in past I enjoyed playing FO:T on GSA some years ago... 10k REG, RPG, 2K Ladder, Coop... great experience. Cheers to all people from those days.
Temat: The COOP Mod
The answer to all questions.
You can play from Mission1 start to the Mission23 end with leveling up and more features.
You might not have to gut to believe but trust me when I say this.
This mod will be amazing.
Because I have the source code of Fallout Tactics ! ! ! !
Man!I am so happy right now!
Temat: Ashes of Apocalypse OST
I don't remember them from Fallout.
Oh, wait. I do..
At any rate, let's not slide into a weapon debate (because your mod isn't Fallout, it's just a wee bit similar) although I'd love to hear all about them, my only concern is that the environment must resemble a postapocalyptic California unmistakably, not a planet of Dukenukemia or something.
On the other hand I know you're still at an early stage, and the final result will be way much better, so I can only wish you good luck.
Temat: Van Buren in IGN"s top cancelled games
The tech demo was something cobbled together to demonstrate the engine to the suits before the game was even greenlit. Much of the art there was placeholders and the gameplay (especially combat) had nothing to do with the final version, and was simply taken from Jefferson (Baldur's Gate 3), which also used the same engine.
The default combat mode was going to be turn-based, and the real-time mode was going to be the "continuous turn-based" from Fallout Tactics.
Temat: "Jaką grę ostatnio kupiłeś"?
Ja ostatnio kupiłem FT:BoS (Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood Of Steel jakby ktoś nie wiedział) Za... coś koło 50zł, wkurzyłem się tera bo jest w Extra Gra czy cuś takiego za 19,90 . Ogólnie mi się podoba, nie wiem dlaczego inni jęczą, że takie nie fallout'owe... Wprawdzie szkoda że to już nie cRPG a raczej strategia z elementami RPG.. A jak komuś się nudzi to niech zrobi mod do FO2 pt: "Czas Rzeczywisty"
Temat: Bethesda answering community questions
I hope the Russians mobilize. Powerful modders might have some good questions
Hi F3 team. Question from Russia. Sry for poor English. I wonder why u guys dont make turn-based combat and isometric view (and other old Fallout features like trageted groin and eyes shots, killable children e.t.c) as an alternative mode (maybe in the way it was realized in Fallout Tactics)? If u are so excited about financial question, u cant not to understand the profit u get from this. Fans would be really happy to compare your vision of the game with old fashioned one. Also that means the game time will increase at least twice.
With best regards.
A. Cain
Left by Cain on August 14th, 2007
Todd Howard "Any questions of why I am such a creative genius? Anyone?"
Creative genius no... Marketing, game concept raping, secretive, fan hating, genius? YES!![/quote]
Temat: If there was ONE thing I liked about PoS...
dam you old school hardliner fallout fans
Just think of titles like this and tactics as failed fallout 1 mods!
But seriously, i wanna try this out one day {Beat me like a baby seal "cuz" I am STOOPID!} theres not alot of ps2 co-op games i havnt messed with.
Dam i wish they had system shock 2 on ps2.
Temat: Bethesda hunting down Fallout 3 leak
Funny. I got a refund for Fallout Tactics (because it was completely unplayable in Tough Guy mode because of its atrocious unstability) and for Hammer & Sickle (because of Starforce).
Anyway, it still doesn't have anything to do with quality, because players can simply boycott a publisher/developer anyway. Oh wait, they are too addicted to do such thing.
In my country they expect super-workers and give shit money in return - if you're not perfect, they quickly fire you. I didn't know that there are places where things aren't like that.
That I'm condecending to you and make you feel self concious to the point you feel insulted because I'm obviously smarter than you in no way detracts from my posts which were largely geared for your benefit.
Why do you have to "educate" the man in front of public audience here on the internet? Write him an email or something if you would really like him to benefit from it as you write. You don't have to prove anything to me or anyone else here.
Last edited by taag on Tue Oct 14, 2008 16:26; edited 1 time in total
Temat: Game Informer Fallout 3 article scans
I think its gonna be like playing Fallout:Tactics in terms of using AP points in live action. Pausing to make aimed shots.
Needs the option to go full Turn based though. Hell, check your local modder after release... maybe. Nobodies done anything that drastic with the MW, Oblivion mods yet. Course no inspiration to try with that community anyways. Least to my knowledge.
PS: thanks for the clarification and Vindication of those Nuclear weapons I gotta avatar that gif lol
Temat: Willing to trade for files
I'm looking for someome willing to snailmail me cd's of fallout tactics maps (single, ctf, assault, skirmsh) and mods.
My connection is too slow to download effectively (plus 3ddownloads is butt-slow).
Willing to trade files on CD (email me with your requests), ringpulls, bottlecaps, and United States Scrip.
Black Powder and Alcohol:
Temat: Rules Of Engagement needs help!
Snake informed me that he's picked up the pieces on the FOT: Rules of engagement mod/campaign, he's been absent due to some family business and now wants to pick up where he left.:My question to you is as following... If you have any kind of mapping experience in the Fallout Tactics Editor and if you think you can help us out, please contact me at: Snakediablo@hotmail.com and I will be happy to work with you... We're well underway and there is alot of work done, but atleast half still needs to be finished and I really hope there are people out there who wish to see the project finished.So help out if you can..
Link: FOT: Rules of engagement
Temat: FOnline open test
i have a suggestion for this game. you guys should try to make some colour combinations just like in fallout tactics. everytime i play it it's like 100 clones running after me. also try to make an arrow above your character or something. in an overcrowded city i cant even tell who i am!
just a couple of suggestions. hope they will be implemented.!!
good luck with the mod, also! i freaking love it!
Temat: Man of Prey interview
Having played all the titles from Apeiron, i ll try to give you my 2 cents:
All their games (BE5, 7,62mm, 7.62mm reloaded) are based on a system that many of you people here will hate. I personally loved it.
Apeiron calls it SPM (Smart Pause Mode) which is actually a Time Based system or maybe you can say real time with pause.
Every action costs time. Time is measured in 1/100 of sec, so every action takes different amounts of time. I cant describe it very well,but its very realistic. It is the best system i ve seen so far for CQB strategy games.
The camera is free. You can move the camera in any angle you want to and zoom/unzoom till the edges of the map. Again, many of you here will hate it but IMHO after spending a couple of hours to learn how to move the camera, i think you ll agree that it adds to the gameplay.
Their games are non-linear except the 7.62mm Reloaded which you can consider something like Fallout Tactics. They showed much improvement from BE5 to 7.62mm as much as story and RPG elements are concerned. You could join any faction you wanted, doublecross them or just work for yourself. There is action and consequence and most of the quests you can solve at least 2 ways.
The cons: 1. Buggy games (BE5 was saved by fans, 7.62mm had patches but still some bugs are present). 2. Long release times for non-russian versions (We are STILL waiting for 7.62mm, thats why a year ago some fans translated the game to english)
So i would say that there is some decent potential in Marauder. We just have to wait and see.
Temat: What kind of weapons do you want to see in F3?
1. More sci fi weapondry (New energy weapons and unheard of guns/melee, basically no reallife weapons)
2. More realistic (guns/melee you would find in reallife but also with some laser, plasma, pulse weapon, kinda like the way fallout tactics weapondry was going minus the ww2 era weapons)
3. More Vintage (more old guns/melee ww2 era)
Pick a #
I vote 2, what do you guys vote? Just want to know what the majority of people look for in weapondry for F3 or any mod/game (ex: like Bourgeoisie)
Temat: Fallout"s Assault Rifle (split from Tactics mod thread)
And no AK-47, especially on 7,62mm NATO ammunition.
I agree about the weapon not using 7.62NATO, but why would you not fix it to use its appropriate ammo (7.62x39mm), is it not fallouty enough?
If that is the case, how is a post-WWII weapon which has been produced since 1947 (hence its name: Avtomat Kalashnikov-47) and become the most popular assault rifle ever to be used not fallouty?
Temat: Co-op?
"Co-op and The Baldur's Gate series of games". I can't belive you, but then again, I don't know much about Co-op, and it's fun factors. But I am still surprised.
About Fallout Tactics, I heard that someone made a mod that could be played co-op, it might be fun.
Temat: ExtraGra 6/2006
Wysłałem maila do product managera Extra Gry i otrzymałem odpowiedź, że ten numer będzie łączony za lipiec i sierpień i wyjdzie 5 lipca.
Tak jest szeregowy.
Następny numer czyli już we wrześniu to saga Fallouta czyli jedynka, dwójka i tactics + mody, artworki i inne rowery. Miesiąc po tym ma wyjść kolejna saga, zapowiada się na Baldursa jednak nie potwierdzono tej informacji, a dostarczono kolejnych wątpliwości w postaci sagi jakiegoś FPPeka - czyli musi być to gra której nie ma w NXK.
Temat: Quiz z wiedzy o grach
No to może pytanie z zamkniętego Quizu.
[Fallout: Tactics]Podaj DWA sposoby zdobycia YK42B Pulse Rifle. Żaden ze sposobów nie może wymagać od gracza ingerowania w pliki gry lub używania programów które to robią (mody, trainery, edytory). Zaznaczam, że chodzi o YK42B Pulse Rifle a nie YK42B Pulse Rifle Prototype, który zdobywamy w innym miejscu niż YK42B Pulse Rifle.
Temat: Jakie sa wasze ulubione gry?????
Diablo II
swieta racja, Diablo 2 wymiata... niestety skonczylem w to grac jakis czas temu, poki co nie chce mi sie wracac - barbarzynca 52 poziom, wszystkie poziomy, tytuł barona bez cheatow...
a co do moich faworytów...
DEUS EX, nic nie przebije tej gry, NIGDY! DX to moja religia [KULT]
Heroes of Might and Magic 3 i dodatki [KULT]
C&C Red Alert
Shogun: Total War
Soldier of Fortune (pyka ktoś online ? bo nudzi mi sie juz granie z chinczykami)
Fallout 1,2 oraz Tactics [KULT]
mod do Half-Life, They Hunger (zombie, zombie, zombie )
GTA3 + Vice City (San Andreas jeszcze nie miałem przyjemnosc)
Rainbow Six + dodatki
no i pewnie znajdzie sie jeszcze duzo innych gier, ale juz "nie umywających sie" do ww. tytułów
Temat: Jak wygląda wasz pulpit
Steam to jest program, taki jakby menedżer, wszystkich gier firmy valve. Musisz go mieć żeby grać w half life'y i wszystkie mody. Musisz mieć do tego internet. Musisz się zarejestrować. Właśnie dlateog ciężko zdobyć pirata którejkolwiek gry valve, a nawet jeśli go zdobędziesz, mogą być problemy z grą przez sieć. Ja za bardzo nie gram w fallout tactics. Dziele kompa z kilkoma osobami :P
Temat: Słownik
W takich przypadkach obowiązuje zgodność z częściami cyklu, które zostały przetłumaczone wcześniej. W tym wypadku są to oba Falluty, a także Tactics. W szczególności nie większego wyboru jeśli chodzi o trzymanie się słownictwa z Fallouta 2, bo ten mod jest z nim zintegrowany, a trudno przecież, żeby jedno pół gry używało jednego słownika, a drugie pół - drugiego.
Temat: Słownik
W takich przypadkach obowiązuje zgodność z częściami cyklu, które zostały przetłumaczone wcześniej. W tym wypadku są to oba Falluty, a także Tactics. W szczególności nie większego wyboru jeśli chodzi o trzymanie się słownictwa z Fallouta 2, bo ten mod jest z nim zintegrowany, a trudno przecież, żeby jedno pół gry używało jednego słownika, a drugie pół - drugiego.
Tego sie wlasnie 'obawialem', no trudno.
Temat: Gry komputerowe i konsolowe - temat ogólny
heh, temat gier to moja najmocniejsza strona - gry komputerowe prawie od 15 lat, mam ps2 (padniętą

Teraz męczę FFIX, FF Tactics Advance na gb i testuję Fallout mod na Hearts of Iron II: Doomsday
Temat: New Jedi Critter. Need a critter maker and a scripter.
How does Frame Animator run in command line, and can I run it it a *.bat (batch file)?
I will soon post the new tutorial for Critter creation in the Mutants Rising mod section. I have converted another 10 critters from Fallout Tactics in the last two days using the method in my tutorial.
Temat: A *big* response
Three Things:
1) I agree with the poster who point out how important facing should be, if nothing else, you should have a reduced perception score for purposes of determining what is behind you, making sneaking up *behind* someone more tactically sound then just plain sneaking up on them.
2) Will there be a form of "sentry mode" for Turn Based in the full game, much like the opportunity fire in many turn based games (Chaos Gate, JA2, etc.) where, in TB, I have someone with a rifle watching a door, and as long as I left him with the required AP before I ended his turn, he can squeeze of a shot if he sees an enemy? I dearly hope so or else CTB will have a rather large advantage in various ways (realism, suppression for cover, etc.)
3) Fallout Tactics *already* rocks, all you can do is make it better. Keep up the great work.
My email is sdlufkin@home.com if you (or anyone) would like to further discuss my points. Thanks.
Temat: trainer/patch problem
i got fallout tactics about a couple weeks ago... and it worked fine with the trainer that i'd been using.
until today, when i installed the patch, which now doesn't seem to allow me to use the 'cheat mode' that the trainer seems to enable.
if i open the trainer, and then try to run the game, the game doesn't load. and if i run the game first, the trainer doesn't load.
now, that leaves me with two questions:
1) is this a common problem that has an easy fix?
2) is there a way to use the in-game cheats without a trainer, such as hacking a config file?
thanks for any input, ladies and gentlemen.
Temat: Any stuff related to unofficial F2 patches goes in here!
so you scrapped your addon pack for fallout 2 ?
I liked celestrials patch so much becourse it included stuff that supposed to be in fallout 2 but it got removed again. I share the opinion that such fixed shouldn't be included in the real unofficial patch tho, that why i like the addon part so much.
IMHO the addon should have the following stuff.
- Stuff the got deleted again from f2 (like Ian)
- the change appearance mod for NPC
- the miria level up mod
- infinite party members mod
- mysterious stranger mod
- world map encounter booster
- and to make stuff harder the very difficult mod
- mr fixit tool
Well it just my 2 cents. your the boss Killap
Well those would be mainly it. For myself i'm always trying to get the frank horrigan armor in the game and the klint level up mod( and change his appearance like the vaultboy from fo:tactics).
Temat: Worst Possible things for FO3?
What's wrong with 2D?
Here's a quote from Chris Parker, producer of 'Lionheart' :-
"You get greater detail with 2D and a greater ability to deliver with effects."
...games developers have been saying it for years that 3D cant compare with a beatiful detailed pre-rendered enviroment.
For years 3D has been polygonal and 'unshapely' and only in the last couple of years has evolved to mutch greater detail, which is extremely complicated and time consuming and also uses massive ammounts of processing power and memory ie. a high end rig.
I've played all the fallouts, all the baldurs gates, planescape,arcanum,commandos,div divinity and beyond div, and at least several others in the genre, but importantly this genre is largely defined by it's lush pre-rendered 2D backdrops. And it works really well and it's one of the main reasons i actually played all those games, because of the atmosphere and detail it gave.
@ Flashkiller : It seems like you want fallout 3 to be more like 'morrowind 2 with guns', i kind of agree with your comments about turn based combat being too slow, i thought the system in FO Tactics was good with optional settings for turn based and real time(ish) and i generally played that game in real time mode and slowed to turn based if i was facing powerful enemies or using alot of aimed shots,- I'd hate to see turn based removed.... it just wouldn't be fallout.
We also really need party members for some company and someone to talk to and to provide links in the story. I like playing solo too ,but to remove party members for fallout 3 is silly.
The world map in fallout is one of the best i've experienced with the mode of travel and random encounters. Why change it? Play 'morrowind 2 with guns'.
Temat: Shelter combat teaser
Tactics' tilesets are great; the game's sloppy level design kind of showed them in a bad light. What can be done with them is pretty impressive. The less said about the robot/calculator/OMG TECH tiles the better, but the Village, Wasteland and Ruined City sets are proper fuken peach.
I reckons making ownership of Tactics a proviso for running the mod to save you a lot of time and misery is a good plan. I can't imagine there's too much of the fanbase that doesn't have a copy lying around. Those that didn't ebay the bastard anyways.
EDIT: Another thought: any chance you could come up with an all-singing, all-dancing editor-'n'-scripting package, so we could make similar games in your mod's image? Tactics' editor was fantastic, but the game was shite; Fallout was fantastic, but the editor is shite. Would be cool if you could cherry pick the best from both worlds.
Temat: Ideas that could make fallout 3 more realistic. probably.
>I may be a philistine here, but I liked the real-time combat in >Tactics...
Spare him, mods.
>Definitely, although steam-trains should make an appearance in >FO3
In the wasteland ( a REAL one, not like in fallout 2.) what organisation could be large enough to build and maintain a railway system? Raiders, enemies of the organisation or just weathering would destroy and damage the railways. The maintenance would be bloody difficult.The concealed weapons bit is good though, especially if used with a 'conceal' skill so if you get searched they don't find it.
>You would need it in towns a bit like Bartertown in thunderdome >where you have to check in your guns'n'ammo at the door.
Yeah, and people might treat you diffirently if you have a minigun slung over your back.
>You could even add a forgery skill to make and pass off dodgy >currency.
That..might...be...interesting. I reckon that ammo should just be used as the primary currency.
>It would be awkward to implement though. Maybe you could have >an inventory system like the one in Deus Ex, which forces you >to only carry a fixed amount.
Don't compare Fallout to Deus Ex. They both rock, but they don't clash.
'You're not a hero. Your just a walking corpse'
Frank Horrigan, Fallout II
Temat: Agreement and Confusion; The new state of mind
I actually started playing Jagged Alliance after playing FOT, from reading about JA2 here. It kind of did FOT in for me, cause FOT just wasn't that good compared to JA.
I had only gotten F1 + 2 shortly before FOT came out, so the setting inconsistencies in tactics didn't bother me that bad at the time - what did bother me was that like many people, I'm sure, I didn't know what I was getting into. I bought it because it was a new Fallout - only it was Fallout as if you weren't ever able to exit from combat mode and had to play the entire game at an excruciatingly slow pace. I got bored with it pretty quickly. After playing JA2, it just went further downhill in my opinion.
I can play it now and say it's an ok game, but I can't help but feel it would've been better if it had just been created as an original. Of course, I never would've bought it if it didn't have "Fallout" on it, but that kind of marketing only works once, if at all. So, if a 3D Gauntlet game with a Fallout skin appeals to you, by all means get BoS - just don't expect it to be anything more than that, or even close to the top dog in its genre.
Temat: Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.2 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)
Still an awesome patch, but now FO2 isn't working on my computer...the only thing I've been doing lately is playing a bunch of Fallout 1, and some Tactics. Maybe Fallout 2 got jealous, and has decided to punish me...I'm running FO2 on Win98, with a Humongous install, and the RP. No other mods, patches, or anything else. What happens is that the game quits to desktop right after the loading screen. No intro movie, error message, or any other indication that something is wrong. I've tried just a Humongous install, without the patch, and the game loads fine.
Temat: Mapper news...
>Fallout is a single player game.
>Publisher/Developers don't receive any revenue
>having people playing it for
>five years without get boried
>of it.
>If Fallout was famous, it surely
>wasn't by its modding possibilities
Fallout is a single player game... but BOS tactics is gunna be on the net. And they have.. what like 20-30 places to battle in right?? there isn't a big story onthis one?? (I don't know) anyways,
After a while people are gunna get bored with these 30 somewhat levels. so interplay lets them make their own. People can trade them, the NMA site is bound to have most of them (with people making them, sending straight here) on the site.
Plus there will be an eruption of smaller sites with there own (far inferior) levels, and bigger sites, (pipboy2000, team X's site) with better more detailed levels, (mostly cause you guys are allways making mods, and you've probably thought of new things to add to a town).
-The Silent Hawk-
Temat: [Fallout 2] GSP White Label - How To Patch?
Alrighty then. As you know if you read my other thread, I have the GSP White Label collection of FO1, 2, and Tactics.
I finished Fallout 1 (great game) and am moving on to 2. Unlike the version of FO1 on the DVD which was already updated to the final "official" version, Fallout 2 is at 1.00. All the mods seem to talk about the UK version 1.02e, but I cannot find a working download anywhere, only up to 1.02d.
The patch doesn't work either. When I run it, it extracts the files and all, but when I run fallout2.exe, it still says "Version 1.00" in the corner of the main screen.
The High Resolution patch, which usually can detect your version too, is saying it's an unrecognized version.
What to do?
Temat: Worst Possible things for FO3?
Playing many other games I felt like Fallout doesn't give you as much control and excitement in combat, it's just not as involving.
Maybe this is because I never played RPGs (I mean non-CRPGs), but neither has a lot of the gaming community. It just doesn't appeal to many people.
Honestly, if someone could pull this off in a game that played like Morrowind (and I doubt they could, or that Beth would try) I would love it the same.
Sure, third person iso tb is unique to FO (which makes many fans obssess about it) but it's not essential to FO.
Tactics had all of that, and yet it lacked the feel that makes FO special.
In the end, combat and play is a mechanical difference, not a change in the soul of the game.
Fifth, and finally, don't knock commercial endeavors. I've seen fan games and mods, and they just don't cut it. People have lives and dayjobs to take up their time, so a fan mod just doesn't meet the standards of commercial games.
I'm sure this will be a good game, maybe even worthy of the title of Fallout.
Now THIS is truly encouraging. Maybe it'll be worthy of the name. You sure spread confidence like a wildfire.
Temat: Transfering objects from F1 & F2 to FT
I recently dicoverd the joy of FT multiplayer.
Then me and my cousin came up with the idea of creating our own multiplayer level.
I took a look in the editor and thought: Wow, if i could make a MOD witch made robes availible as armour, it would look really wicked. "
Following that line of thinking, maybe i could import other items from the old fallout 1&2. As the happy owner of both those games, I quickly installed them both...
And then i got stuck.
So my humble question is. CAN I transfer items from fallout 1&2 into Fallot Tactics. And HOW do i do this.
And, If annyone feel like they have time to answer asecond question. If this is too har, then how do i make an armour with the graphics of the elder in a robe.
I am gratefull of any answers to this.
Thank you for reading this.
David Kamali
Temat: character collector
i'm a gamer that is nearly fanatic to explore every single aspect of an rpg like fallout, and the other day when playing tactics i just wondered why i don't have the grimm brothers available in the pool although i healed them. i went back and noticed they didn't leave the map yet... waited... yuhu! they left, BUT I COULD NOT EXIT THE ENCOUNTER. a typical fallout bug
how about someone makes a mod enabling all characters that can be found in the game and then let them be used from the beggining (or at least just make an update to fill in the missing characters in the pool without overwriting currently available characters)?
Temat: V.A.T.S. is NOT a combat system
I play on 'very hard' setting which I'm told your foes will do 200% damage to you while you do 50%. It helps make up for the disadvantaged AI and their limitations. Also I run this excellent VATS mod (search fallout nexus site) where it matches the damage taken and dealt while in VATS to that of realtime so it really improves it to where you don't feel like you are cheating. Now it's more of a "gamble" when you do VATS as you'll have to choose your weapon & tactics carefully and it also immensely helps to ambush with it that way the enemy is taken off guard and responds slower to you. I recommend playing on very hard + using that mod, such an improvement.
Temat: Fallout vs Neuroshima. No i pies.
Heh... łezka się kręci w oku. Świetna gra. Możnaby o niej pisać i pisać... i zawsze to zbyt mało. Najgenialniejsza rzecz w jaką przyszło mi grać, "grac" to złe słowo. Falloutem się żyje!
Tactics - średni był.. Za to Jedyneczka i Dwójeczka nie schodzą z mojego kompa od kilku lat, poprostu ich nie kasuję:)
Ja i mój pies podążacy przez pustynię, takiego klimaty długo jeszcze nie stworzą.
Pamiętam, że jak dorwałem Dwójke nie było mnie w szkole przez kilka tygodni, z powodu "grypy":)
Do tego to uczucie, kiedy kupujesz w sklepie, nowiutki, pachnący 14mm pistolecik...uuu...
Jeśli Fall w jakiś sposób wydaje się wam nudny ze względu na łatwość, po tych 20 przejściach, to polecam mod Wasteland v. 2. Znacznie utrudnia nam zycie ale zabawa jest przednia, szczególnie, że do FO:2 dodali BoS:evil:
.:Lord de Seis:.
[i]malum est in necessitate vivere, sed in necessitate vivere necessitas nulla est[/i] - źle jest żyć w okowach konieczności, żadna jednak konieczność nie zmusza nas do życia.
ramael.UP.pl - zaprashamm:>
Temat: Game Informer Fallout 3 article scans
We know they used " I don't want to set the world on fire" from the ink spots which we know was the intro to the original fallout that doesn't make everything ok. if anything its a knock against the original and they should of found a different song from the era for the intro. yes its cool there using SPECIAL , looks a like a toned down version of it.
here are a few major issues.
1. nuclear catapult
2. Doom Oblivion hybrid
3. A more linear story line
4. looks more like an FPS
5. Its ported to other systems (meaning we will loose certain aspects no matter what)
6. more like Bos and Fo tactics not Fo1 and Fo2
I have been finding out that many games that have came out as of late there mods are better than the games themselves because someone cares, yeah they might not look as great but there is better game play. Nintendo figured this out with the wii its not about graphics but the games now the rest of the industry needs to figure it out
Last edited by Neal on Sun Jun 17, 2007 5:46; edited 1 time in total
Temat: The future of modding...
-have you ever thought of using freeware engines to produce work around Fallout? I`ve been fidling around with that idea before the tactics editors were released and seemed interesting and practical. I can help you contacting solid 2d and 3d artists, some worked in my old modding team and they`re work around Fallout is great.
-anyway, why just not give it a rest for a few weeks, then see what will come up (Arcanum or, who nows FO3, or even better, some people willing to do a wasteland mod...)?Put Pipboy in suspended animation and wait a bit more, if nothing happens that motivates you close the place and give all those wonderfull files to The Vats...
Temat: The future of modding...
>-have you ever thought of using
>freeware engines to produce work
>around Fallout? I`ve been fidling
>around with that idea before
>the tactics editors were released
>and seemed interesting and practical.
>I can help you contacting
>solid 2d and 3d artists,
>some worked in my old
>modding team and they`re work
>around Fallout is great.
>-anyway, why just not give it
>a rest for a few
>weeks, then see what will
>come up (Arcanum or, who
>nows FO3, or even better,
>some people willing to do
>a wasteland mod...)?Put Pipboy in
>suspended animation and wait a
>bit more, if nothing happens
>that motivates you close the
>place and give all those
>wonderfull files to The Vats...
We have the arcanum dat format 99% figured out only to find out that the game comes with editors... how disheartening...
FO3 not gonna happen and arcanum comes with editors so not much at all will happen
Temat: How to mod skills for Tactics? I"ve got inventory working p
I'm trying to get it where Shade has Small Guns tagged and at a high level instead of melee. I've got the byte size correct and the properties correct for Skills, but he keeps coming up as "Object" and a splatter on the ground. What am I missing?
My humble shrine to all things Fallout.
Temat: A *big* response
>>What we intend to do, and most likely you will see in the multiplayer demo, is that characters with low AG will actually *move* slower, both in animation speed, and distance moved per second.<<
Since it's possible to change movement speeds...
Can I plead with you to speed up the movement of characters while in TB mode or at least keep these speed changes out of TB?
Fallout's TB combat seems infinitely faster (once you crank up the movement speeds), but a turn in Tactics seems to take forever.
- Nobody
Temat: Drawbacks of realtime combat....
Well what can i say, your right. It would be a hell of alot easier in combat, and it would be faster for the "you encounter wolves" bit which seems to pop up all the time(damn annoying when your starting out)as well as any other fights.
BUT Turn-based does has alot of suspense in it,
there`s nothing like waiting for your next turn when the raider next to you has a 10mm SMG. And it allows for a greater degree of strategy as well, i`ve seen postings for Tactics saying that the Real-Time combat would be superior because of suppresion fire etc. turn-based can do the same though like in the X-Com series(which stopped being good with Apocalypse..)and every one already knows the TB combat, so BIS wont lose people from thinking that Fallout will be worse if the RT mode is implemented..
PS.Sorry about going on so much, but i`ve been wanting to say something about this for awhile
Temat: A Stupid Reputation Question
We'll you're all right. The forum did slow down ever since it got back up. It's not its fault, I think Fallout Tactics just lost interest due to a whole lot bugs. Anyways, back to Fallout 2. Any Mods in Progress for Fallout 2? It's been a while since i posted.
Temat: Familiar Places Go Tactical
why not just recreate the whole game (fallout and or fallout 2) with tactics engine and add some stuff
would be a lot more than all that buggy mods
Temat: Gamespy on Fallout fans
Agreed that guy is is deep hat mode for Fallout fans. Must be really bitter about Tactics not making it big time. It also seems to me he was talking the Beth forums and like Brother None I haven't seen anyone say any of the tripe Rausch claims. He's a wanker plain and simple.
Temat: What Game are you playing right now?
Close Combat: Modern Tactics - I'm trying to make a Fallout mod for it.
Temat: Extra gra 9/2006
Wlasnie, Raku, opisz pokrotce te mody co tam sa, jesli masz czas, bo moze dla nich kupie. Tzn. interesuje mnie tylko Fallout 1 i 2, Tactics mnie nie pociaga .
Temat: What Game are you playing right now?
Going crazy trying to apply mods to VTM: Bloodlines.
Fallout Tactics as well.
Temat: Fallout: City of Steel
This is the backstory for an RPG-like mod I'm making for Tactics. I like telling stories, so the mod will be in that spirit.
Temat: My thoughts on FO3
yeah, as soon as winter break hits I'm going to replay Fallout 1 & 2. i might even play Tactics again. I will have to play with the expansions and mods that are on here as well.
Temat: Darkfall - twórcy Awakena znów atakuja
Twórcy sławnego na całym świecie moda do Fallout: Tactics pod tytułem Awaken znów zabrali się do pracy. Ich nowym projektem jest Darkfall - tym razem bardziej taktyczna modyfikacja do FT. Przeczytajcie co o niej ma do powiedzenia DargH:
Poczatkowo chcialem zrobic akcje samej wojny, ale biedny zoldak w deszczu glowic raczej by sie nie napracowal, wiec jest około 20-30 lat po wojnie. Świat nadal jest silnie skażony, ale my znajdujemy się na terenie w miarę nadającym się do życia. Grę zaczynamy jako najemny sługus. Aktualnie trafiła nam się praca strażnika karawany zbierającej pozostałości starego świata z pustkowi. Jedynym znanym ocalałym miastem jest Forsayth. Ludzie zyja tam jak moga, glownie feudalnie - rola i rzemieslnictwo.
Co do gry to ogolnie rzecz biorac zaczynamy klasycznie. Garsc klestow w oparciu o to wlasnie miasto, z tym ze gra bedzie sie dzielila na epizody i czaptery i bedzie bardziej taktycznie (co nie oznacza tepej lupanki). Tak jest panie i panowie. Od dluzszego czasu korcilo mnie zeby zrobic cos taktycznego (w koncu to tactics, a obok upadlego "Millennium" i "Realft" nie ma nic dla milosnikow ft rozwalki). Nie oznacza to automatycznie takiej chaly i tepej lupanki jak w FT, choc Awakena tez sie nie ma co spodziewac (glownie ze wzgledu na umiarkowana ilosc wolnego czasu - Awaken zajal mi kolo 1000 godzin + czas reszty zespolu, co daje calkiem spora sumke). Zadania beda zroznicowane i bede sie staral zeby tracalo polaczeniem Fallouta z np. Rainbow Six, Ghost Recon, Delta Force czy Operation Flashpoint. Do tego dojda questy poboczne (styl a'la Jagged Alliance II) oraz bede sie staral zeby kazda umiejetnosc sie przydala. Krotko mowiac chce zrobic wlasna wizje Fallout: Tactics. Co z tego wyjdzie sie zobaczy - jesli nic sie nie stanie zlego w miedzyczasie (knock, knock).
Co do samej grywalni to walka bedzie oparta na silniku Awaken (ciut podkreconym), lokalizacja to USA blizej nieokreslone.
Bronie i itemy mamy oczywiscie Falloutowe + garsc nowych prawdziwych zabawek. W sumie na razie mamy okolo 60 small guns, 8 big guns, 6 energy, 15 melee i kilka unarmed, 7 thrownów i kilka explosives
Wprowadzilem po ciezkiej pracy unowoczesnienie w postaci dzwieku. Mianowice kazda bron bedzie miala praktycznie inny dzwiek strzalu + kazdy burst bedzie mial dzwiek zalezny od ilosci wystrzelonych pociskow.
Aktualnie jest jakies 15% gry. Wlasnie zdebugowalem pierwszy epizod (w sumie najbardziej podatny na bugi bo w stylu awakena crpg) i wzialem sie za misje taktyczne.
Wyknulem tez ze jednak beda dwa zakonczenia i w epiodzie czwartym nasz BG bedzie mogl skrecic w strone dobra lub zla.
Brzmi obiecująco. Zobaczymy co będzie dalej.
Link: Dyskusja na Forum Shamo
Temat: Ulubione gry cRPG
Neverwinter Nights (+SoU + HotU +CEP) za to, że są tam takie servery, jak aquilonia czy Ashen Realm. I za te, które wykorzystują Player Resource Consortium Pack. Oraz za to, że ta gra jest świetna.
Demise: Rise of Ku'tan - za prostotę, multiplayer i fakt, że przypomina dobre stare gry rpg.
Dobre stare rpgi. Bo są dobre, stare i są rpgami.
Morrowind (+Bloodmoon +Tribunal). Bo świat jest wielki, a gracz nie tak ograniczony, jak w innych produkcjach.
Diablo (+Hellfire). Za klimat. Za utwór tristram. Za butchera. I za opowieść pijaka.
Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout Tactics oraz mod Awaken - Za wszystko. Oraz to, że prowadzenie drużyny nie jest denerwujące. FT za to, że ma tryb czasu rzeczywistego.
jak mogłem zapomnieć!
DeusEx(część druga w sumie też) za fajną fabułę i ciekawy pomysł na sposób dodania elementów rpg do fps'a.
The Nomad Soul - za świetną historię, wykonanie i muzykę(jak na rok produkcji)
Vampire: The Masquerade (oraz - Bloodlines): cóż... oparte na wampirze! Czegóż nie kochać? anyway - dobra konwersja pnp na crpg.
jak jeszcze sobie coś przypomnę, to nie omieszkam wrócić
Ragnarok: za wolność w wielkim świecie mmorpg, za darmowe server'y.
World of Warcraft - WARCRAFT RPG! Nic dodać, nic ująć
Lineage II - za to, że jest darmowym mmorpg'iem i jest dobrze zrobiony
oraz kilka innych mmorpgów, których tytuły wyleciały mi właśnie z głowy.
Gry które mają potencjał ale są źle zrobione: Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale (oraz sequele) za zmuszanie gracza do prowadzenia drużyny oraz kilka innych powodów. A mogła być taka fajna gra. Diablo II - a gdzie się podział klimat jedynki? muzyka świetna, wykonanie dobre. Tylko ten klimat....
Temat: This might make an interesting Fallout game...
Then play Wasteland Half Life.
The mod for HL which is inspired from the fallout world.
YET NOTICE how the WHL team WISELY distinguished the mod from Fallout - calling it "WASTELAND" - for they themselves recognize it as SOMETHING WHICH IS NOT FALLOUT.
What you REALLY want - is a 1st person wasteland game, not a 1st person Fallout.
Fallout - as i say over and over, is not only the STORY of Fallout and the world (weapons, wasteland, towns, so on)
it's the interface, the music, the atmosphere, the appearance, the sounds, AND the story(ies)/world.
Anything without those will no longer be fallout - but a fallout look-alike, something INSPIRED from fallout or INDIRECTLY connected to it...
Fallout - is Fallout.
If you make a Fantasy RPG it will not be DIABLO (or whatever)
It will be whatever you make it.
And same thing about a Fantasy FPS, or a Fantasy TACTICS game...
SAME THING the otherwayround - If you make a game in which there is a Satan - and 3 or 5 base characters to choose from and BLA BLA BLA - it won't necessarily be Diablo, especially if you make it FPS/Strategy/Tactics SO ON...
And for that person who said: "so you don't want to see any changes in fallout, you just want to keep the same old thing and multiply it many times giving them different numbers"
I want to see NEW GAMES - titled Fallout - that are THE SAME as the old ones in everything that makes Fallout Fallout -
Other than that they could be taking place in France for all i care...
Keep the GENERAL APPEARANCE, the feel, the atmosphere, the basic interface and the core elements (RPG, TB...) - and you got yourself a fallout - THEN you could do whatever u want with it to make it new and different.
it could be in 1287x1024x64bit resolution - as long as it keeps the grainy, dirty, unclean and contrast-full feel of the BEST-FIRST-2... and it's not SHARP or CLEAN or SMOOTH...
640x480x8bit preferred.
Klayhamn - ThieFoRent
Temat: ANNOUNCE: Fallout Tactics Awaken Mod 1.32 English Installer!
I send greetings from the northern wastes.
Recently, I have been playing the Fallout Tactics Awaken Mod and I am highly impressed with it. It is a superb flashback of nostalgia which provides an excellent single player campaign for Fallout Tactics in the genre of Fallout 1/2.
The only problem is the rather difficult installation of the mod. Documentation is pretty scarce as the Awaken Crew hails from Poland. Hence the English installation is fraught with uncertainty and relies on no less than four separate files and patches.
Since I really like this mod, and I think you will also if you haven't had the pleasure of trying it out, and since I am somewhat skillfull in the black arts of computer programming, I have created an "All-In-One" setup installer which in one fell download will get you up and running with this cool mod with only a few mouse clicks. No need to apply any patches or anything. This is the whole ball of wax in one nice neat package.
The file is 134Mb total, and I will temporarily host it on my own personal toy webserver. Please take it and upload it to a mirror or something as I cannot host it for very long. I will attempt to keep it on my server for at least a month, but after that you are pushing your luck.
Here's the download link:
Setup Awaken v 1.32 English.exe [134M]
md5sum: 8e485f1367eadcd7e3e57bba42ab82af
[Edit] Had to pull the plug and do a hotfix on the file for a couple minor fixes to the shortcuts. Note the new md5sum. - Dukester 20040917 02:02EDT
[Edit] Its gold. Run with it! - Dukester 20040917 02:42EDT
Temat: Darkfall - Awaken"s Team strikes again
Developers of well known Fallout: Tactics modification: Awaken, are working on new FT mod called Darkfall - this time it'll be more tactics than quest-style game. Read what DargH have to say about it:
Firstly I wanted to do action based on wartime, but poor soldier in rain of nuclear bombs will not have much to do, so I moved action time to 20-30 years after war. The world is still heavily contaminated. We start our campaign as mercenary. Our first job is to guard caravan, which gather remains of old world from wastelands. There is only one city, which survive the war - Forsayth. Peoples live there as they can, mainly in feudal way - as farmers and craftsmans.
As for the game, in general we start classical. Handful quests based on this city. Game will be divided on episodes and chapters and will be more tactical (but it doesn't mean, that it will be dumb hack n' slash). Yes, ladies and gentleman, from long time I wanted to do something tactical (it is Tactics after all and beside "Millennium" and "RealFT" there is nothing for FT smash up). It doesn't mean automatically that Darkfall will be as simple as Fallout: Tactics, but don't expect Awaken of it (I don't have much free time, as I have when working on Awaken - it took me about 1000 hours from my life + time of rest team members). Quests will be divorced and I'll try to mix Fallout and elements from Rainbow Six, Ghost Recon, Delta Force or Operation Flashpoint. I'll add to it small quests in Jagged Alliance 2 style. I want to create quests, which will make use from all skills. To say shortly, I want to create my own vision of Fallout: Tactics.
As to gameplay, combat will be based on Awaken's engine (a bit improved). Location: somewhere in USA.
Guns and items of course from Fallouts + some of new, real toys. We have currently about 60 small guns, 8 big guns, 6 energy, 15 melee, few unarmed, 7 throwing and few explosives.
I added, after hard work, sound improvement. Namely, every weapon will have different shot sound + burst will sound depending on amount of fired ammo.
We finished about 15% of the game. I just debugged first episode (the most susceptible for bugs, because it's in Awaken, cRPG style) and I set about doing tactical missions.
I thought up that, it will be two endings and in fourth episode our PC will have opportunity to turn to good or evil path.
It sounds good for me. We'll see what'll be later.
Link: Discussion at Shamo Forum (only in polish).
Temat: Lista modów w Sadze Fallouta
Udało mi się zdobyć listę modów, które stanowić będą dodatek do poszczególnych części Fallouta, zawartych na Sadze Fallouta - Unikalnej edycji DVD. Oto ona:
1. Fallout Ammo Patch v1.1 - Patch Celestiala likwidujący problemy z amunicją przeciwpancerną (AP).
2. FALLOUT END GAME MOD - łatka Corpse'a, która pozwala na kontynuowanie Fallouta po jego zakończeniu.
3. FALLOUT CHEAT-BOY v1.2a - dzięki Corpse 'owi mamy w ekwipunku urządzenie, które pozwala na zabawę z przedmiotami
Fallout 2:
4. B -Team - mod Jarga, który powoduje, że twoi towarzysze zmieniają swój wygląd w zależności od noszonego pancerza
5. Cult of Personality MOD (autor Terry Kim) - poprawia działanie kultu jednostki.
6. Fallout2: Arroyo-Klamath Mod demo (autorstwa Team-X) - wersja demonstracyjna będącego w fazie produkcji sporego moda. Dodaje m. in. Nowe questy, ludzi i przedmioty.
7. Fallout2 PL Patch 1.05 (autor Celestial) - Ten patch poprawia wiele błędów w grze i dodaje wiele nowych rzeczy. Po zainstalowaniu trzeba dodać łatkę.
8. Fire Gecko Skinning (autor Jargo) - Możliwość wycinania skór z Fire Gecko
9. Neo Nightkin's Vision (autor Alexander Sacha Niketic) - kilkanaście drobnych modyfikacji.
10. Przyjaciel Klint (autor Jargo) - Ten mod powoduje, że postać o imieniu Klint (strażnik wejscia do swiątyni) przyłącza się do wybrańca, aby towarzyszyć mu w przygodzie.
11. Shiv (autor Jargo) - Ten mod powoduje, że shiv (nóż) działa jak normalna broń.
Fallout Tactics:
12. Awaken (DargH, Kroffa, Kmieciu4Ever, Gaator i inni) - Awaken to mod - gra korzystający z engine'u FTBOS zawierająca nową historię i fabułę. Jest wzorowana na Fallout. Szczegółowe informacje znajdziesz tutaj. (link do readme)
13. Brahmin (autor Sachuro) - nadaje postaciom "krowi" wygląd
14. Scurry bot (autor CarlovdCijs) - dodaje rekruta Scurry
oraz mapy do Fallouta Tacticsa:
Deathground (autor: Requiem)
(autor Joe "Max-Violence" Pine)
Slaughter Springs
Serie map:
Deathclaw Desert Chapter 1
Deathclaw Desert Chapter 2
Deathclaw Desert Chapter 3
Deathclaw Desert Chapter 4
Deathclaw Desert Chapter 5
Revenge Chapter 1 - THE BEGINNING
Revenge Chapter 2 - UNDERCOVER
Revenge Chapter 3 - ESCAPE
i mini kampanie:
Jailbreak Chapter 1
Jailbreak Chapters 2 and 3
Rebellion Part 1
Rebellion Part 2
Rebellion Part 3
Jak widać po tej imponującej liście, szykuje się prawdziwa gratka dla wszystkich fanów Fallouta!
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