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Temat: Pete Hines interview on SPOnG
If folks are interested in a new Fallout game (as opposed to being slavishly interested in a specific list of demands relating to Fallout or Fallout2);
I don't think any Fallout fans are wanting Bethesda to slavishly follow a list of demands. What we do want is Bethesda to make Fallout 3 a true sequel - in spirit and not name only. This means keeping with the original Fallout's:
Gameworld: art style, character design, setting, story tone, dialogue style.
Gameplay: turn-based combat that is mildly tactical, nuanced dialogue options that have an immediate effect, multiple solutions to quests.
Any laundry lists that Fallout fans have been making have those two aspects in mind. I don't think that anyone would be upset with Fallout 3 if it kept the gameworld and gameplay of the original Fallout intact - never mind slight discrepancies in minutia.
What is upsetting is that quite a bit of the public information leads Fallout fans to think that both Fallout 3's gameplay and gameworld will be radically different from the original. Pray that we are wrong.
Temat: Crispy Gamer previews, part 3
I never had a problem with this in Fallout but that sounds quite likely in Morrowind (haven't played enough to know the game's system but played enough of Oblivion to make an educated guess). Still, the problem isn't that merchants don't have enough cash, that is only a symptom, the real problem is the loot system (or quantity of loot acquired) that required such frequent trips to merchants. Also, would not being able to trade items for more valuable items serve the same purpose as money (though heavier)? Another solution would be eliminating the inventory limit (which was too low for exploring dungeons in Oblivion and damaging to many ARPGs), though this is really only a good idea in ARPGs which thrive on large loot drops and focus on combat (thus, not a solution for a Fallout sequel but if the gameplay is appropriate then this points out a fundimental problem.
Power just went out at work. NMA terror campaign suspected.
Temat: How the FO2 engine finds it"s data.
So, follow your solution, fallout will save its protos and saved games into patch000.dat in the <mod> directory, and my items/critters protos will never be overwritten by the game, am I state correct? With the solution posted, the games will save it's temporary pro data into patch000.dat, and the savegames themselves will end up in the <mod> directory, without overwriting either the <mod> nor the <src> decompressed data.
When loading data, it will first look for it in the <mod> dir and than in the <src> dir. Everything will get saved into the <mod> dir thus not overwriting the original DAT data.
I'll try and devise the best "fast fallout" instructions during the week - though the more I think about it, the more I beleive the game would run faster if we'd decompress the DATs then remerge them without compression (if any of the DAT managers allows that) into a common DAT which you would name patch000.dat and finally point all the fallout2.cfg directories to "." - this way we avoid any uneccesary request to the system about file existance and the directories matches the current folder allowing for cache hits on missing files.
Temat: Fallout 1 Text font error. HELP!
Couldn't find/load text fonts.
I tried adapting the solution posted in the stickied thread for Fallout 2 to Fallout 1 but to no avail. I can't run the game and this is extremely frustrating.
EDIT2:MORE INFO: I'm trying to run it on a 2004 laptop with Windows XP SP2 and a hard drive with an NTFS file system.
BTW: Why are all the major emailing sites banned?
59 views and nobody has an answer?
Last edited by Dr Strangelove on Mon May 12, 2008 9:24; edited 1 time in total
Temat: How the FO2 engine finds it"s data.
Given you plan on using BIS's mapper though I recommend another entirely different setup
Give me resembling solution for the fast fallout, if you please.
So, follow your solution, fallout will save its protos and saved games into patch000.dat in the <mod> directory, and my items/critters protos will never be overwritten by the game, am I state correct?
Temat: mis-core_D damaged file on CD
Can somebody please E-mail to me this file: mis-core_D,,,,,
it is located in the 3.disk core in win zip format,,,size 3,614 I think.
This file Is damaged on my Fallout Tactics BOS cd,so I can"t go on with game after the 12 mission,,,at the enter in the Delta Bunker...
Goddamnit! I had the exact same problem like a year ago or so when I was playing Fallout Tactics for the very first time! And I actually bought a new copy of Fallout Tactics because I couldn't find a solution to this problem anywhere (yeah, I'm nuts, but I'm also nuts about Fallout Tactics - I'm probably the only one around here). I know there are some copies of Fallout Tactics that have a third disc with corrupted data and I know you can get an official patch for it somewhere. But: I tried it and it didn't work for me.
Here is the solution I came up with:
Make a save game in Bunker Gamma or in the wasteland, somewhere around Bunker Delta
Uninstall Fallout Tactics (your save games will not be deleted)
Install Fallout Tactics again but choose the smallest install
Now play Fallout Tactics again and load the save game
Now go to Bunker Delta
The computer will ask you to insert disc 3: most of the time I tried this, I succeeded to enter Bunker Delta
I usually play for a while with this small install and I make several save games, but the framerate (which is poor already) is terrible with a small install, so after a while I just uninstall the game again and I choose the complete install again
This is not a certified solution, but it usually works fine for me
It's time-consuming, though
Hope this helps
Oh yeah, and this is in the wrong forum!
Temat: Pro"s and con"s of realtime combat...
<< Lets think what fallout would be like if it was RT... hmm... Can u say diablo? >>
So does that make Planescape: Torment a Diablo clone?
<< There is a reason X-Com and other TB games were good. They were different. >>
I believe X-COM was originally turn-based because real-time wasn't feasable at the time. X-COM Apocalypse did have a RT option, and Freedom Ridge might be only RT. X-COM is like Freedom Ridge's Wasteland.
Yes, X-COM was good because it was different. Not because it was turn-based. It was the resource management, research, & combat mix wrapped in an aliens are attacking the Earth package, that made X-COM fun.
<< If it was RT and relied completly on the player's mouse clicking capability, it would lose a substantial part of what made fallout different and special. >>
Yes, if it was RT and relied completly on the player's mouse clicking capability it wouldn't be fun. But, as long as there is a pause feature; then real-time doesn't rely on your dexterity.
Fallout wasn't different and special because it was turn-based. It was the post-apocalyptic 50's feel, the story, and multiple solutions to a problem that made Fallout fun. I never thought, "If combat would've been real-time; this game would be ruined."
I can't see how turning Fallout would make it Diablo. One will have character interaction, multiple solutions to a problem, and a great story. The other will have no character interaction, one solution to a problem (kill it), and amazing cut scenes.
I'm not saying; don't have turn-based. But, I think that Fallout could incorperate real-time; and not lose the things that made it great.
Temat: Seeking new font so "i" letters will be dotted
Thanks for answering my not-so-well-asked question, it seems, I found the solution. The fonts are from the polish version of Fallout 1, they are probably modified further than the dots above the i letters, because they had to have some polish letters added, but that never stopped them from working for me in original fallout 1, so I expect they will allow me to go thru the epic adventure of fallout 2 (us version).
If anyone is interested in the solution, or wish to use the fonts, I packed them, attached readme, and uploaded at http://sewer.el-kfa.net/games/fallout/
Let the force be with You.
Temat: Fallout 3 headed to XBox? Not unlikely
What's confusing me is that all the Bethesda fans are saying Fallout was too slow to play or too confusing for quite a number of them. And the media won't protest this in their pre-written "Fallout 3 GotY"-articles, but if everybody thinks the Fallout games were dumb and the innovations Bethesda will bring in brilliant, then what's so legendary about them. Legendarily bad? Legendarily ready-to-be-innovated?
Most fans of Bethesda this day at least played Morrowind which mean they are the target of 'who to sell' their product. So they might don't know jackshit about Daggerfall or Arena (even thought the last one is free now). When they tasted the first dish they want the same formulae. If Bethesda don't keep them happy = they lost money.
There is a gap between the old players and new players of CRPG. It seems like big game company is ditching the old way and embrace the new way to sell more games to cover their sky-high game making expenses. I don't care if the old way (turn-based combat, isometric view, multiple-solution, variable character customization) is salted with physic, voice-record acting (provide not just 1-3 lines only), life-like AI, I can never stand that a action hack-and-shoot game labeled as 'RPG' (oblivion anyone?)
Bethesda is taking 2 hugh risk. One it might gain new player base while spoiling the name of Fallout and even get cursed by old players of Fallout. One it will gain the goodwill of old players but might only making small profit.
It won't be long we heard another "CRPG is dead". Oh wait. looks like it's here.
Temat: Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.2 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)
After playing Fallout 3 and realizing it has more in common with Oblivion than fallout and that it did not reach the same awesomeness of fallout 2 I decided to play Fallout 2 again.
After installing the game I suddenly remembered there is an exploit in the game that allows a player to get an enclave armor pretty easily and ruin the game.
I Finally stumbled upon this project that seems reasonable and mature but I couldn't understand if this Navarro exploit has been fixed or not.
Is there a chance it can be somehow fixed so that only characters that are obviously of a very high level can get to that armor so that when i play the game I wont feel like I'm holding myself back and not going to fetch that armor even though i can?
I looked and looked but didn't find a project that had such a fix so if you can add this as a side patch i would be truly greatfull.
If there is a project that has a similar solution and is compatible with this one please tell me what that project is.
Temat: Fallout 3 on Game Scoop! Podcast
I was thinking about maps a lot. On one hand, having a "fake world map" like Fallout did, allowed the content to be controlled, and eliminated the parts where you would travel through vast expanses of boring filler content.
On the other hand, if, say, a Fallout game is trying to have more emergent gameplay - like the people who are sent to kill the player, all the way from across the map, the giant "real" map needs to exist, a map across which various characters will travel, somehow interact, and create this "emergent gameplay".
The ideal solution to this, IMO, is to have both. There could be a realtime, giant map, where cities and, say, gas stations are separated by fast expanses of mostly nothing, with an occasional group wandering by.
AND, there could also be the "Fallout map". When you would employ the "Fallout map travel", it would function exactly the same as in the old games, but underneath, your character would actually travel quickly through the _real_ map. "Random encounters" in this case would happen not because a random number generator went off, but because you actually ran into a gang or a caravan on the _real_ map.
Temat: Fallout 2 Windows Vista 64 Bit Persisting Problems
I recently pulled out my old copy of Fallout 2 in an attempt to get some play time in before Fallout 3 hits the shelves, however I keep having this problem once I've installed the game saying cannot load/text fonts. Now I have read the FAQ stickied in this thread many times over and have tried all the possible solutions but... now I am at a dead end.
I installed the latest unofficial patch didnt fix it, I tried manually installing the game... didnt fix it, I tried reinstalling the game... didnt fix it, I tried installing to different directories... didnt fix it, tried running in compatibility mode... didnt fix it. I've virtually exhausted all possible solutions to this problem and it keeps persisting.
I'll post a screenshot of my .cfg file and the error that keeps coming up, if someone could shed some light on a solution or what is going wrong please give me a much needed hand.

Temat: Fallout (2) works on Vista
I seemed to have some problems with my first Fallout 1 (could run on both Win95 and DOS) but not with the Fallout 1 found in the Fallout Tactics bundle (no DOS binaries... and yes I tried to find them) So it's very release specific. But Fallout is runnable on WinXP (all versions) if you have instalations problems literaly copy the CD to your HD and change the compatibility options in the properties of your setup.exe
It's unlikely that it's just release specific, I've had problems with the same release on different PCs with XP, for instance.
Also, thanks for telling us, but yeah, we know how to fix (most of) those problems. We have an entire forum filled with these technical problems and their solutions.
Temat: Penny pokes IPLY
The famous Penny Arcade once again posted about Interplay and posted a new strip about it:
Link: Penny Arcade
Temat: How the FO2 engine finds it"s data.
The thing is that the patch000.dat directory trick is needed so that the game saves it's temp save data (or current data if you want to call it that way).
Keep in mind that Fallout2.exe deletes the pros from master_patches. So to use the mapper and game properly, you'll need to make sure that the Fallout2.cfg master_patches points elsewhere so they don't get deleted.
Although I've found that if critter_patches and master_patches don't match, Fallout2 won't save; which means you'll have to point critter_dat to <mod> and master_dat to <src> and both _patches to "." (current dir). Keep patch000.dat so the game doesn't overwrite any PROs from NPCs
So indeed you're right, the solution posted is not correct - not even for "fast fallout.
Temat: [FO1] Fallout, speech-style
I have recently been inspired after reading some of your great threads and memoires. I am under the impression that it is possible to negotiate your way through the game, and this has really struck my interest considering I never really did play through fallout as thoroughly as I did fallout 2.
Thus, I'm curious about some things:
1) Is it possible, and if so, doesn't it hinder your experience and level gaining and whatnot?
2) Does fallout really offer speech solutions to the many problems I recall encountering?
3) What sort of recommendations do you have about a talkative character?
4) Is it rewarding to complete through speech? What are some of the highlights?
Temat: Oblivion out today
After putting around 30hrs of gameplay in this, I take all my comments back. This game is not fun at all. Sure the Dark Brotherhood quests were fun, but once I became the leader in everything like the Mage's Guild, Thieves Guild, Fighters Guild, and Dark Brotherhood it became quite boring.
Now only three things made it boring afterwards:
One: It's not an RPG, you got tired of the non-stop fighting.
Two: The speech sucks, and is all linear you always have to fight to solve a solution. It pisses me off, because well since this is a Fallout forum I'll use a Fallout 1 example:
I loved in Fallout that you can kill the Master in 3 different ways:
1. Go in with guns blazing and kill everything.
2. Blow up the nuke upstairs.
3. Talk him into killing himself (Best one ever)
Three: Closing oblivion gates is boring and gets repetitive.
Basically after doing some fun quests (Thought not RPG like in anyway) the game became tedious and I uninstalled it.
Also since everyone recommeded Arcanum I found a copy in the local used game shop and am loving it.
I love espeically that it has the same Fallout death animations (Those are the best animations ever)
Temat: fallout in windows xp
I have installed fallout, but when executed, it tells me that I need more hard disk space (I have 30+ gb free...). So I changed the compatibility mode to w98, and w95, but in both cases it didn´t start, telling me it couldn´t initiate the input devices. Right now I´m trying a solution posted here:
since windows xp is like nt I think.
Temat: Jason Mical restarts Fallout PnP
Yeah, I think the best solution would be having the Wasteland info covered in a separate book as a separate setting, with an optional chapter on connecting Fallout and Wasteland into one setting. That way you can easily choose between pure Fallout, pure Wasteland or a mix of both instead of having the mix already in the main Fallout book.
Temat: Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.2 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)
Yes, it tells me something. It is a solution that may or may not work, and is generally discouraged by WINE developers and people who know how WINE work. My advice will follow soon.
You see, despite WINE being a Windows compatibility layer (and not an emulator) for *nix, the difference between it's and Windows' libraries is more than obvious, and this is especially true for ddraw, since - for one thing - WINE uses three (I think) very different directdraw renderers than Windows [size=x-tiny](among others OpenGL (yes, as a 2D renderer), which makes several ddraw applications work faster with WINE than they would in Windows. Sadly, Fallout 2 is not on the list of applications that can be rendered this way, but it's performance is no lower than it would be on Windows.)[/size]
This is one of the reasons why some "Native" libraries (such as ddraw) are not recommended to use. They use very different system calls than WINE would, and for some people, applications crash. "Native" ddraw.dll for me is a no-go. And I believe it is for every user who has an ATI Radeon graphics card. For others I cannot guarantee.
I think you're misunderstanding. 'Native' just tells wine to use a copy of the dll that you provide instead of the default one. Normally that's a dll you've copied from a real windows installation, but in this case it's not; it's sfall. Once sfall is loaded, it'lll load wine's version of ddraw just like fallout would have if sfall wasn't there.
win98 compatibility mode will work fine, because the win9x version of sfall relies on hex edits to fallout2.exe rather than spoofing a dll. The only disadvantage is that you'll lose support for any dx9 stuff. (32 bit movies, etc.)
Temat: what happened to the other side
I have to disagree with you on some issues, I live in Colombia, and the American-culture thing is not so American. Thanks to Hollywood, most of the American culture is know worldwide. I also think that an excellent way on comment on a culture is by doing it from the Point of view of anther. I think that the futuristic 50s look of fallout will go amazingly well with a US view of the communist way of life at that period of time.
The problem with languages could be easily solved in the same way it is done on Hunt for the red October or StarWars (or did you thought that english is the standard galactic language on a galaxy far-far away -please dont get into a discussion on this subject, I'm just trying to illustrate a point-). The solution is to have the game in English (or the language of the country the game is being distributed at, as it was done with the previous fallouts) and pretend its Chinese or Russian.
Yet I have to say that your point on Fallout's hair style, is valid. Maybe the Russian version of fallout could be a spin-off rather than a secual.
Temat: Ron Burke answers Fallout 3 questions
the quest sounds a lot like the GECKO power plant quest. There must be some solution where you can make Burke think the place has been ka-boomed but not really.
Some amicable arrangement where both parties can coexist? There hasn't really been any set up as far as why Burke would want Megaton blown up. Like radiation leaking into your ground water.
That would certainly give the quest a Fallout feel. But, as you point out, we really don't know his motives, or who he represents. So, it'd be tough to say what kind of solutions would work best for that particular quest.
Temat: Fallout 2 in VMWare Fusions
I had the same problem and don't know if you got your game working already, but here's another solution if someone is still having their mouses jumping:
I got my rat under control by installing the Restoration Project patch/mod/addon -thingie and then tinkering with ddraw.ini -file (in the fallout2-directory). There's MouseSensitivity -line and by setting that one all the way down to 1 (percent) the cursor became nice and smooth. I haven't checked if the sensitivity can be altered without the patch. Fallout 2, windowed, in my little macbook. All is good.
Hope that helps.
Temat: does fallout character editor work with megamod?
has anyone found a solution to this? I hate playing without having all sorts of perks for roleplay reasons...
I've tried several things...including the editor from http://www.nma-fallout.com/forum/dload.php?action=file&file_id=666 which looked hopeful but it doesnt load the files...
Temat: New Fallout 2 animations (sniper, wakizashi, etc)
I assigned the sniper animations to the following weapons:
Hunting rifle (all types), sniper rifle and FNFAL (all types).
Heh, I hoped that would work for all the guns since I'm a big fan of this animation of yours and can't wait to see it in Fallout2, so I thought like you know, that animation would simply replace the hip shot animation.
I was just thinking about how useless the hip shot animation would be now, but I just came up with an idea, that maybe this hip shot animation could be assigned to characters with Fastshot trait, and the animation you created could be the animation used by regular shooters. In my opinion it wouldn't be a bad solution. What do you think Josan?
And one more thing I wanted to mention while talking to such great, hm, animator like you. It is about the H&K G11 and G11E rifles. When I played Fallout2 about a year ago I had this One Hander trait, hoping that the best weapon for me would be the G11E gun since it has the SMG animation. It came out however that it is treated like a rifle (which it is in fact) instead of a SMG. But nither the animation of SMG nor the rifle animation fit to it due to the unique looks and characteristics of this weapon. I know that creating different animation for just 2 guns is a bit too much to ask, but I guess I can't help feeling that something's wrong with this. Probably because it's my favorite gun :]
So I'm just asking if it wouldn't be too much a problem to fix something like this.
Temat: Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.2 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)
In my current game, I have stumbled with a problem, not too serious though. RoboBrain maximum HP is buggy from the start.
115/115 >> 143/115 >> 155/115 and so on. After the last level up, his HP was 210/210 and i save the game. But when i load it again, his hp was 210/115 !!! Is there any workaround to fix this?
I don't use any other mod. Plain Fallout 2 US version, then patch it with FO2 RP 1.2 only with special npc armor for Dogmeat & Marcus and nothing else.
Solution is simple: delete the file "00000079.pro" from the "dataProtoCritters" directory. After that levelling up will be normal, but if he's already reached his max level, he'll be stuck at level 1, so revert to an earlier savegame or put up with it. At least he has better internal defenceses (equal to Brotherhood Armor) on his first level, as he levels up, they downgrade to the equivalent of the standart Combat Armor. Weird, innit???
I think this solution should be added to the first post in this thread, since it's a bug and can easily be fixed.
Temat: Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.2 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)
I think you're misunderstanding. 'Native' just tells wine to use a copy of the dll that you provide instead of the default one. Normally that's a dll you've copied from a real windows installation, but in this case it's not; it's sfall. Once sfall is loaded, it'lll load wine's version of ddraw just like fallout would have if sfall wasn't there.
I know what "Native" means to WINE, and still - this library is not recommended to be used as "Native". The only recommended version of ddraw.dll is WINE's and no other. I understand what sfall's ddraw.dll does, but the problem is that the API responsible for this kind of stuff is not implemented in WINE the same way as it is in Windows.
As for the 32-bit movies... now that's something that really won't be missed in Fallout 2
Anyway, the Windows 98 compatibility works for me, and I see that there's a lot of people who can't run the game under WINE without it. So if it works, it's probably one of the correct solutions.
So yes, the above mentioned may be true, but apparently the WINE APIs and Windows APIs are not all that same, and hence the crash once you use the "Native" ddraw.dll, whether it's sfall's or Windows'.
Temat: Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.2 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)
The solution was - as with Linux actually always is - purely simple. I just told the WINE to emulate the Windows 98 environment - rather than Windows XP - and everything went fine. I can even switch back to XP environment now, bcos the installer was made with 98, and loaded the files for 98.
Anyway I looked at the RP wikia page where it says: Quote: You need to set WINE to use the native/built in version of ddraw.dll.
Does that tell you anything?
Please do feel free to add your advice to that page.
Just to clarify, wine's behaviour for the "Native" setting is to first check the directory where the executable is located, then the cwd, before it checks the PATH environment variable, namely windows/system32. So (when everything is working properly) by selecting "Native", you're *not* using the ddraw.dll in the system32 directory, because it should find sfall's ddraw.dll in your fallout2 directory first. If it doesn't find it, then it falls back on all of its other options. If it has to fall back on the actual windows native ddraw (in system32), sfall isn't working, and your game will either not run, or it will crash as soon as you leave Arroyo.
On that topic, it would be great if there were an quick, easy in-game way of verifying that sfall is running, like RP's rock solution. I suppose that's a request for the sfall thread though.
Temat: No Mission Briefings or NPC dialog in Bunkers ABCD or E
Recurring problem, recurring thread, and alas! dooms: apparently there is no easy solution.
I advise you to look around the Fallout Tactics forum first (use the search function) or to read this thread:
I'm pretty sure it's the same problem.
Temat: Fallout Developers Profile - Brian Freyermuth
How about Fallout 3 (if any of them agree to answer the questions)? Or is it too early for that?
Late in development of Fo1 we moved the formula more toward "three solutions of different types" without necessarily always leaning on fight, talk, or sneak - some puzzles would be approached with Repair, Science, or even Gambling. The core idea was always that you had several ways to handle any problem.
And as for the list on the page, could we just have ALL Developers on it instead of just the ones interviewed?
Mobygames lists about 80 people that would be eligible for Fallout profiles. So...no.
Temat: The Game
Maybe that "BIS DreamTeam" just have not thought of such a solution? Maybe we should give them this advice (approx 10'000 demonstrants go out in the streets claiming Fallout3 [and meanwhile blocking traffic, beating up helpless cana..soorrr]). Maybe we should tell IPLY that they did wrong (with flaming Molotov coctails in slow motion and some experimental Plasma weaps)....
This reminds me of the movie "Lord of The Rings: Two Towers", when Frodo's feels sucky and Sam tells him about stories, where always good guys win and good things triumph. He says that those folks also had to face terrible sorrows and they would give up...but they just would keep up doing what they have to do and so - because of that - there are good endings. Maybe this is one of those stories with negative culmination at this point?
Anyway - thats is rather clear, that Titus/IPLY is an Empire of Darkness and we need some kind of a post-nuclear paladin to help the case. Lets think that white forces have smth prepeared... There is allways VI Episode..
BTW, speaking of RPG's - its hard to me to find RPG, I wouldlove to play. Fallout was the only one. Why? I hate fantasy, I hate goblins, magic stuff (and staff), hate orks, hate wizards and medieval atmosphere. That is why,no fantasyRPGs atract me. What is left are some cyberpunk bastardRPG's that I hate even more. I dont like the idea of electronically upgraded human/animal. Fallout is unique setting and I have not heard any post-nuke alternatives. In working condition, of course. All the Statics, Yurops FMF's and so on would (of course) be rather cool and nice, but they aint just playable. That is why I need Fallout - that is onlyone RG I really enjoyed.Ever. (Not counting DeusEx, which is not quite an RPG.)
Temat: Radiation.... and the Future!
For long term storage of radioactive waste the only viable solution is to alter its state, recycling it.
Storage is not an option, because the earth's surface is always changing, on the eon timescale. Eventually it would be exposed to the atmosphere, long before the hallife of many elements. Launching it into space would be risky for many reasons, first and foremost is the very real risk of poisoning the entire planet with fallout if the rocket should happen to explode in the stratosphere. Keeping it spread about the world in spent fuel casks invites exploitation by terrorists, the wind and water.
The only good way to deal with waste is to either not produce it in the first place or recycle it. Breeder reactors were a concept explored by both the US and Soviet Union through the 1980s. These devices are able to turn radioactive by-products into useful fuel sources and non-radioactive forms. Exactly how eludes my limited information base, but I assume it involved some combination of particle accelerator and reactor design. Unfortunately the US stopped this line of inquiry (AFAIK) after Greenpeace and others got wind of it. And the Soviet experiments died with the Union.
Best short term solution is the storage facility being built it Nevada or New Mexico. Yes, its on a fault line, but it provides a better solution than any others today.
Temat: Fallout 3 on Game Scoop! Podcast
It is sad to lose the world map, but expected, as they have chosen to concentrate on a smaller area. The compromise you mention shihonage would require that much extra work, although it would be a great improvement. Doesn't Arcanum work like that?
Pete's description of travel systems/maps seems a little confused. Isn't fast travel in Oblivion teleport style, without the feeling of relative distance in Fallout, where you have to wait not only the first time you go somewhere, but every time, and have random encounters, good and bad, stopping you at a physical location. That is a pivotal feature that makes the movement of an x on the map a natural solution.
Also it is worrying that emphasis on a small world discourages them from working out such a compromise system for a huge one. The whole idea of the wasteland is that it isn't filled with people and places of interest in a conveniently small area.
Temat: What"s with Advanced Power Armor MKII in Fo3?
I hate how Power Armor lost what made it so special.
The fact that I am no longer a walking tank, destroyer of scum, killer of many and saver of few that has bullets ping of me is a big let down.
So far the only solution is to put the game on Easy to get that "HAR HAR RAIDER SCUM YOUR PUNY GUNS CAN'T HARM ME FOR I AM IN MIGHTY POWER ARMOR NOW DIE!!!" feeling. Yar...I made ye a mod : http://www.nma-fallout.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=49059
(why am I talking like a pirate?.....ooh probably cause I'm high on beer!! lol hey I gotta laugh sometime).
Temat: Fallout 3 on Game Scoop! Podcast
Also it is worrying that emphasis on a small world discourages them from working out such a compromise system for a huge one. The whole idea of the wasteland is that it isn't filled with people and places of interest in a conveniently small area.
I think that's going to be a problem. Either there's not going to be much there, or there's going to be too much packed into too conveniently small of an area. It's supposed to be a wasteland.
Also, they seem to be avoiding the whole point that walking around for hours is boring and unnecessary. You don't need to emulate every point of real life in the name of "immersion." What's that Petey? You have "fast-travel?" Oh of course, magical teleportation is a much better solution than Fallout's overworld maps were.
Temat: Hacking Fallout 1"s Demo
Isn't the demo already implemented in the megamod?
Althought I remember that just going there would bug your savegame...
Maybe you can find the solution for this?
Yes, it is included. Going there no longer corrupts your games as of version 2.33. However, there are still bugs with it.
But, overall, I don't think this idea of expanding the demo to be as large as a regular game is really worthwhile. It really would be better to simply add the demo location to Fallout 1 than build onto the demo.
Temat: Radio stolen and totally disappeared from the Den !!
It's what I did, thanks a lot for this *simple and clean* solution! And as in the new post I wrote, I even had to kill him twice... I don't know if it's because I tampered with the killap NPC appearance files or if it's just a bug. I would like back the normal appearance but I can't load my savegames anymore (all details in the post http://www.nma-fallout.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=35863)
Anyway many thanks for your help guys!
Temat: Fallout Ger.Vers. and Mapper Problem
thx for the answers!
yes i`ve read your tutorial (its the only reason why i´m in this modding stuff)...
only the NEW protos get deleted, when i´m editing existend protos all is fine. the "read only" tag is useless... i´ve tryed it. i think fallout2 likes it to delet my files
i can´t copy the protos back again! the folder c:....dataproto*** gets complitly deleted only the listfiles (critters.lst) are left. in this listfiles the name of the new protos are still there (00000484.pro) and when i start the editor i have the place of the proto in the list, but i can´t use it. i get this "error reading proto" thing. (all maps in which i´ve used the new protos are corrupted and i can´t load them any more)
but i have found one solution:
i created a new patch000.dat and packed the listfiles and my new protos in it (with the correct path). the files get again del if i start the game BUT i can use the map!
can someone explain that to me?
Temat: Unofficial Fo2 patch thread - problems, reports, suggestions
I believe I've encountered another bug. (and one issue)
1. The bug
Go visit Renesco the Rocketman and collect Mr. Salvatore's tribute of $1000
When threatening Renesco in western New Reno he won't give me any discount. He is supposed to be selling everything for 1$ after threatening him and him yielding to it.
Somehow I think a trigger there has failed, (not a big deal for me I'm crammed with money anyway ) but still, some minor detail.
2. The issue
When flirting and picking up Leslie Anne Bishop (Mrs. Bishop) getting in bed with her, it can be a bit troublesome to leave the room. After you've had 'intercourse' you end up in the top room behind Mr Bishops room, covering the stairs. If you haven't done any jobs for him yet, you're basically trapped there.
Leaving the room will result in him questioning your barging in and shooting commences. A solution to this may be a dialogue option to "I've just been conversing to your wife" making a quick teleport downstairs or placing a guard outside Mrs. Bishops room indulging to escort you downstairs.
This bug was placed before your patch and I remember getting trapped there once before long ago :S
My solution is to start up CheatEngine (software to hack values like a gameshark/action replay) and freeze combat action points to 10, making a run for the stairs in combat before any dialogue can commence.
Nice work btw I came to another place where I recall the game always messing up my progress before where I could come through now
Good job man! Love this patch. Replay it makes valuable time waiting for Bethesda's Fallout 3
Kind Regards
Temat: Funny and Stark Example of Beth"s Laziness...
The fact that you cannot kill quest essential NPCs. The solution is simple: for side quests, make the quest unsolvable or solvable through a different way. For story essential NPCs, do something similar to Arcanum (kill a guy with important info, and you can find his diary or somesuch). Tsk tsk very lazy Beth.
This is Fallout. The only story essential character is the player character. No one else should matter. Beth took Fallout, tied its hands, raped it to death, then got out the paddles and resuscitated it for further raping.
Temat: Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.2 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)
A solution is good, a fix would be better.
It has never happened to me so I have no clue. It doesn't seem to happen very frequently either.
So any idea why it happens or what causes it?
It is the result of careless tinkering with the .pro file of the cutie in question. Apparenlty, someone thought it was a great idea to give Robobrain full EMP protection right from the start, so he put the modified proto into the "dataProtoCritters" directory and made it read-only. When Skynet levels up, the game tries to delete the file because at level 2 Skynet corresponds to "00000349.pro", but since it's read-only, it can't. As the result, because of some Fallout engine pecularity, Skynet's stats then get reverted to level 1.
Temat: NMA: Fallout 3 Compendium mod and others
*Maximum level is now 25
Has it been tested for the alignment bug that has plagued the other max-level mods?
The modders (and mod-users) on Fallout 3 Nexus discovered that when a PC of evil alignment leveled up past 20, it crashed the game. The same thing also happened if the PC ever became evil while at a level higher than 20. If the PC was of good alignment (perhaps also of neutral alignment, can't remember), the game didn't crash, but reputation was reset and Three Dog's radio news started acting as if the player had not completed any quests worth mentioning yet.
As far as I know, no solution has been found yet, and no one really knows what's causing it (other than it probably being karma-related)
Edit: It might not be game related, but rather a problem with the early plugins, not sure. One of them gave me some short error messages when examining the data value in the iMaxCharacterLevel section (pretty much the only section in the esp file, and it was not even ordered in groups or anything) using FO3Edit.
Temat: NMA problems
As many of you have seen lately we've been having some problems with our server, this is due to alot of traffic. Which has exploded lately, especially after we released the screenshots from Fallout 3 (Van Buren).
We are working on solutions as we speak, so hopefully we'll have a solution soon..
Temat: FALLOUT TACTICS: BOS_mission19 (newton) missing!!!!_help
I have a very confusing problem with FALLOUT TACTICS:BOS. Well, when I am trynig to go to Newton to help Raiders against robots attacks, message appears: "Unable do load campaings/missions/core/mission19.mis". When I look in that directory there is really missing that godd.... file. How that could happen? What should I do? There is no such file on the cd1, cd2, or cd3 as well. I've also installed every patch available (patch 1, 1.25, 1.27). If anyone knows answer to my problem please post it to me via my e-mail. Because if there is no solution(s) to my problem I will not be able to finish this game. And this is unacceptable. [/img]
Temat: [FO2] Hehehe MY SON!! hehe
Weird things, anyway I beat the game and for Reno (I shagged Mrs. Bishop, apparently without a condom I got the ending where it said "The bishops have a child unlike any bishop, at the age of 13 he travels the wastes and returns to destroy all the Reno families. He dies peacefully in his sleep, at the age of 73, never knowing who his father was" And the WEIRDER thing was: I killed EVERY family in reno (assassinated the leaders
Though also I returned for Goris after V13 is attacked and my ending turned out to be ME slaughtering the Deathclaws of V13 and proving that Genocide is a viable solution to any problem (the standard if you actually kill Goris and stuff in V13).
Just thought I'd share some interesting endings...wonder if the child one can be obtained with Bishop's Daughter (hell both of dem hoes are more worked in than my Reeboks)..
Temat: Solution to Einstein"s Puzzle (SPOILER, other thread 1st):
Bugs can be fixed but shitty design is forever.
TES was made an orphan once the Father left, and it's been left with the really creepy uncles that are dressing it up in flashy clothing and hooking it out onto X-Box Avenue.
Guess where Fallout stands?
Temat: Fallout 1 Vista Question
Yes, I decided to play it again too (10 yrs later) and I have the game running OK in W98 mode (Vista), but when I get hit, the game blacks out.
One solution I want to try is patching with 1.3, but Vista will mot let me when extracting to the file folder (permission denied). This may be a MS question, but it may be hard to find the solution on their web site.
I am running Fot1 on a laptop, patched to 1.2. Can someone tell me how to give me permission to replace files in the Fot1 folder. When extracting (or copying) 1.3 patch.
NOTE: I have already checked (allowed) for all folders in that directory.
Temat: How the FO2 engine finds it"s data.
OK, I did some more test and research though some stuff might still elude me.
For the most part, the game writing to patch000.dat and loading from it doesn't matter since the PRO files in the savegames themselves always have priority over any other ones.
There is however an exception: when you create a new game, obviously it will read the patch000.dat ones first and as such you might get a prematurely upgraded NPC if you forget to delete the directory first.
The maps folder hardly matters since the game saves the maps with the savegame extentions and as such will never overwrite any valuable files. The game will try to create <master_patches>maps; so you can be pretty sure that the game'll find a place to put it's maps.
As for the music I'm fairly confident the ACM files ending up there were because of the editor rather then the game and as such you shouldn't have to worry about those. Though admitably I didn't verify this.
I didn't think of a new "proper" solution for mapper2/fallout2 and "Fast Fallout2" instructions yet but I hope to write a new version eventually taking all this (discussion) into account.
Temat: How the FO2 engine finds it"s data.
Hello, Red.
I had tested your solution.
I had installed mapper and fallout, then created a new protofile in the mapper and changed artemple.map.
After that I was found following new files:
<mod>protocritters 0000484.pro
<drive>Fallout2devproto arget.dat
<drive>Fallout2devprotocritters 0000484.txt
Then I was run fallout and found out that:
1) it has deleted <mod>protocritters 0000484.pro
2) it (or mapper) has created <mod>soundmusic17arroyo.acm
So, trick with patch000.dat in the <mod> directory hasn't work.
Temat: Fallout2 High Resolution Patch
Hey! Like many others here I want to thank you for this patch! This is my first time starting a Fallout game and let me tell you, I was a little turned off by the fact that I couldn't adjust any resolution settings!
I am having a problem however that my game shows up in a tiny post card sized window in the middle of my screen. There remainder of the screen is just a black area. If I adjust the resolution higher in the .ini file it simply makes the "postcard" size smaller, thus a larger black area around the actual gameplay.
It isn't a matter of my game running in a window (alt + enter doesn't fix it). It's as if the game itself is full screen but the window where the actual game is occuring is the only thing being adjusted with the resolution.
Hopefully someone here has run into this problem. I saw a few other people had the issue in doing a google search but couldn't find a solution.
Thanks again!
Temat: Fallout2 High Resolution Patch
Hello I have some serious problem with this patch and cannot find a solution anywhere. I am playing german version of fallout 2 ver. 1.02. The patch installs and everything seems to work fine till the moment I leave The Arroyo village and try to enter any location. When I do this after entering the location my character dissapears and I cannot do anything from that moment on because my charakter just doesn't exist on the map. It is the same with every location exept for the cutscenes locations on the map(random encounters) and The Den (I really don't know why only this town works properly). When I enter the worldmap it does not fill the whole screen and my character and all bottom bars remain on the screen (I don't know if it is somehow related to my problem). I am running this game on windows xp sp2. Thank you very much for any help.
Temat: Save-Load System
I didnt mean that kind of save system.I ment something like Montez idea.But that will be a half solution.I have benn thinking about this problem since last year.And I spoke with others.I can surely say that there is a solution.But it will change the gameplay a bit, thats way im not gonna tell my ideas - they just wont work in fallout.So i want to hear if anybody has figured out how to avoid the save load shit.
Temat: Kansas City Bug?
Actually this is a know bug in the game, the only solution is to load a save game before you talked to him. Remember not to talk to him untill your sure that you've killed all the mutants.
Temat: Bethesda Forums limit gameplay discussion
Most of all, I do agree that just having one topic to discuss it (I guess the mods will keep a continous thread that reopens after post limit like the Meet the devs thread) will be to narrow and just plain annoying to take part in. Kinda like how there was a single Fallout 3 thread in the Community forum over there before the official Fallout 3 forums were opened.
I guess it was an effort to clean the forums up as there were millions of threads discussing this. I think a better solution would just be to try and keep track of the threads and close the ones that really aren't going anywhere. Keep at least a few of them open.
Temat: Fallout Developers Profile - Brian Freyermuth
I think were going to see more and more RPGs having more choice in their games. A lot of RPGs are all about go up, kill creature, rinse and repeat. But what if you dont want to kill it? What if you want to sneak around it? Or find some way to trap it and run past? Fallout was amazing because we had one stipulation from Tim. Every quest had to have three solutions: Fight, Sneak or Talk. Every one. And no RPG has done it since to that extent.
Can you imagine Todd sitting in a fastfood joint with the whole crew, brainstorming over what FO4, 5, 6 ... should be like? Nah, me neither. To be honest, I suspect that there's too much branstorming going on, and not enough development/culling of the ideas produced by the brainstorming.
Temat: Vault 0 back in business
Good news in the Fallout Community. Vault 0, a Fallout site dedicated to a variety of role play games, has risen from the ashes and is back in business. I received this email today- Dear friends,
I am not sure how many of are/were still active on Vault 0 when it went down, but through this way, I would like to invite all of you to return to the board.
As you may or may not know, Vault 0 has had several hacking attacks aimed at it, one of which killed the database.
The good news is that I could recover a backup of the database, and I have reinstalled it, together with the latest version of PHPBB.
The bad news is that this is by now means the most safe solution possible.
However I, and with me several others, will remain standing, and I think I can speak for all admins and moderators of the Vault if I say that we hope you'll return to the site and share tales with us.
For those who forgot, the address is www.vault0.org/forums
Signed, Carst "Lord Silvermoon" TankinkSo check them out.
Link: Vault 0 forums
Temat: Installation problem 7% install error!
well the other solutions ive heard of were using cdmage to repair the corrupted sections of the disc. But Ive tried using CDmage and it wont even give me the option to scan for any corruption at all. You can still find patches for the game but as far as I know (and I've never bothered searching any further than here anyway so that may be why) this is the only place you can turn to for "support" with the fallout games.
I had the same exact problem as you did with the 7% thing. What I did to get past that was click cancel installation, then say "no" when it prompts you to really cancel installation. After I said no it asked me for the second disc. It worked all the way until 99% then it shut down. There is a solution I guarantee it as many other people have had the same problem as us (It's windows XP I swear and they should be able to fix it but probably wont since it is in low demand as an older game)
Anyway, if I find something out to fix this I'll definately let you know. Good luck.
Temat: Fallout Developers Profile - Brian Freyermuth
From the main interview article:
"Every quest had to have three solutions: Fight, Sneak or Talk. Every one. "
Is this true in Fallout 1 & 2? I mean, in my experience, every quest has a fight option, most have a talk option but few have a sneak option.
Has anyone finished either game using only 'sneak options'?
Temat: Fallout 1 radiation The Glow
Hmmm...that's a shame.
I wonder how the Radiation system works in Fallout. If your # of rads ever goes over a certain limit, is the insta-kill factor unavoidable? Thus, above that certain limit, no amount of Rad-Aways will help. I used in excess of 355 Rad-Aways to get me back down to 0 rads, but I'm still dying... I would think that the game should just kill you right away when you get to that limit, instead of leading you on so that you save the game when you will inevitably die. Has anyone looked into making a mod to do this? I think this would help tons of people avoid the same mistake I have. Also, from searching the forums, it seems that many more people have encountered this same problem, all with no workable solution. So...
Proposal: A Mod that will kill your character when it reaches the "inevitable radiation death" limit in your # of rads.
Temat: How the FO2 engine finds it"s data.
Good job, Red. I recall arriving at similar conclusions myself, but I haven't touched Fallout for a while now.
A quick question: Have you figured out why the game engine writes to the Patch000.dat directory unless you do a system deny write? When I fiddled with it, and when I save a game, it seems that the engine attempts to write the saved game files to Patch000.dat directory instead of the proper location. This of course quickly corrupts your game -- not good!
On the other hand, if you set "Deny Write" on your Patch000.dat directory, the write attempt fails, and then the engine seems to smarten up and write the saved game files to the proper location. If it weren't for that, my solution would properly be the most elegant (setting "Deny Write" makes swapping mods in and out a royal pain in the behind).
No biggies here. As I said, I'm not that much into the Fallout scene anymore, but hopefully what I just wrote might point you in new directions for further exploration.
-- The Haen.
Temat: Fallout Developers Profile - Brian Freyermuth
Makes sense. And to be honest, the original idea sounds great but also sounds very rigid; it's a bit artificial to have fight-talk-sneak as solutions to every quest. Main quests, sure, but sometimes the nature of the quest just doesn't allow for it; how would it make sense to be able to solve the Thieves Guild quests by fighting?
Mobygames lists about 80 people that would be eligible for Fallout profiles. So...no.
i wish you to interview all of them and finally complete the list!
Temat: anyone have any saved game files? please help
Just an idea, but maybe someone could make a sticky thread about this recurring problem... with a good solution... and so on
Yeah, I guess I'm going to have to create a new thread with the solution. This is the third related question a week and a half.
dassbaba, check this thread. My guess is that your problem is exactly the same.
Temat: FIFE - open source RPG engine with Fallout support
Everything is possible with FIFE (TM)
The main problem in this case would be a useful SDL software solution for all the transparency effects. The current version of FIFE just supports alphablending for roof tiles with the hardware accelerated OpenGL renderer.
AFAIK (our gfx programmer told me so) OpenGL makes it quite easy to create different alphablending effects and even applying nice color modifiers on the textures is not much work. The best thing is that it doesn't really cost much performance but on the other side you can only enjoy all the stuff if you got a modern 3d card (not a big problem) and a gfx card driver that supports 3d acceleration (sometimes a problem for linux users because the damn 3d card manufacturers don't really care about linux support).
On the long run all these things are planned, e.g. a cool dawning effect and the night optics should look superior to the Fallout engine too. But we can't say when it will be inplemented into FIFE and if there will be a SDL version for this advanced optics features.
Temat: Any stuff related to unofficial F2 patches goes in here!
Ok, yeah, there have been reports of crashes in the Den using the unofficial 1.05 patch hence why I don't really recommend it.
As for my patch, the problem you describe is common and here is the solution:
If you game comes with the Fallout 1.02 patch already installed, then check if there is a file called patch000.dat under the Fallout 2 directory. If there is, then delete that file and install version A of my patch. (don't copy over the .exe since you are using the UK version.) If your game comes with 1.02 patched, but there is no patch000.dat, then just use version B of my patch. If your game does not come pre-patched (ie version 1.0), then install version A of my patch but do no use the .exe that comes with it. Download the UK version of the official 1.02 patch and then just copy over the .exe that is included in that.
This has worked for others and should work for you. Let me know how it goes.
Temat: FIFE - open source RPG engine with Fallout support
Unfortunately our page is down till the first of June because we've hit the traffic limit :-/ We're already working on a solution so this does not happen next month.
But there is also a good news for the Fallout fans on Macintosh: we've just released our first official binaries for PPC Mac OS X:
You can report problems directly here
Temat: My first try
Hello everybody,
i`m new in all this modding stuff so please dont get angry if i ask "simpel" questions.
i`ve read all the posts in this forum, but my problem isnt solved yet.
i wanted to use the fallout 2 mapper, but everytime i open it i get a black screen and then im back on my desktop.
i`ve tryed all the solutions in this forum (and yes i have unpacked the scripts, ...datascript ; all scripts in this directory)
i have also cheked the mapper.cfg for the right paths; and tryed the compatibility-modus (win95)
my os is WinXp-prof. without any SP. and i have installed the patch 1.2 , gorepatch+childrenpatch (i have the german version without blood and children lol)
can someone help me please?
PS: i`ve tryed the tutorial form: "http://www.coljack.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/fallout/" but didnt work... (skripts are unpackt but no mapper)
Temat: Fallout 2 Restoration Project Discussion (ideas/suggestions)
I agree with Oracle and I liked killap's implementation of the map in the safe idea.
Whay not have both, give each solution different experience point values.
Always good to have more than one way to complete a quest, and just wandering the wasteland and being able to see it light up on the world map is a cheesy way to solve a quest.
Well, do we have any proof that the devs wanted the place to be invisible? I admit its pretty strange that there is a map since the place is always visible on the world map. In addition, there is a "secret" way into the base depending on your outdoorsman.
At any rate, there has been much discussion on this topic (even a thread started by Silencer about it.) I don't think we ever got to a final decision - too many ideas tossed around and no one could agree on one.
EDIT: July 28th
Everything is done with the expansion pack except the submarine, a few items for the EPA, and the interior to the Hubologist spaceship. I hope to get these in the first release of the expansion but we shall see. I have put a great amount of time into this expansion (made sure everything fit and had multiple ways of accomplishing it) so I hope everyone will enjoy it. This will truly be like a Fallout 2.5
Expansion will begin beta testing next week. Hopefully this will go quickly and minimal bugs will be found.
Temat: Jason Mical restarts Fallout PnP
I'm going to remove them from the main book, but I'll include them as supplements (a Wasteland supplement and a FOT supplement), so that they're entirely optional and so that the main book includes only the "pure" Fallout stuff.
I think this is the best solution. It could just be a total conversion, like the Waterworld one I whipped out in a couple of weekends.
E: I should do another total conversion for another setting, maybe a zombie setting or something...
Temat: Hard Truck: Apocalypse shot down in the reviews
Quote: "Hard Truck shows definite promise, as it looks to be a unique take on the role-playing genre", - says Gamespot hands-on preview.
"Hard Truck: Apocalypse takes an interesting premise and strips away all but the most mundane elements, leaving you to drive down a long and unexciting road to nowhere."
Yeah, no kidding. Previews are a sketchy business, though, because if you trash a game before it's even out, that is unfair, but if you praise it or gloss over its flaws, then it sounds like you're a liar when the game comes out, because you are.
And there's a considerable element of bias in previews towards the publisher because, after all, they did give you a free copy of a development version of the game, so in some respects you owe them one. And if you trash it you're unlikely to hear from that company again about anything else.
My solution is to avoid previews like the plague unless I get stuck with one. They're lame as hell.
Bugs can be fixed but shitty design is forever.
TES was made an orphan once the Father left, and it's been left with the really creepy uncles that are dressing it up in flashy clothing and hooking it out onto X-Box Avenue.
Guess where Fallout stands?
Temat: Pro"s and con"s of realtime combat...
<< the whole TB thing is what made FO and FO2 so fun. >>
Really? I thought the wide variety of solutions was what made the Fallout games fun.
Combat is such a small part of an RPG (at least it should be); I can't imagine RT having that much of an impact on it. Planescape was real-time, and it ranks up there with Fallout. You didn't have the same combat options; but casting spells is about as complex as a called shot.
Temat: A measurement unit for bile should be named after me.
Bosnia is predominently Muslim, is Serbia and Croatia also Muslim? And could that be considered the root of all this ethnic hatred, or is it something else?
iirc, NATO forces are currently enforcing peace in the region. They are in Kosovo, are they anywhere else in the area?
Slovenia, a new member of the EU, used to be part of Yugoslavia, right? Were they racked by the Yugoslav civil war too (for lack of a better term)? And what part of Croatia do you live in?
Hey, Ozrat, that's a good idea, never thought about that. How about the two of you, Ozrat and Ratty, want various rodents named after you two in Fan Made Fallout?
Ratty, what would be your purposed solution to the problem, in a hypothetical situation where you were in a position to make a difference? Realistically I might add.
Solution? I'd build a huge wall between Croatia, Serbia and Bosnia, like the one in Palestine.
J/K, I really have no idea. I guess embracing values of peace and democracy is the only way to keep the animosity from escalating into armed conflicts. The problem is, Croatia and especially Serbia are so bogged down in nationalism and blind hate that it would take a bulldozer to budge them.
Temat: [Problem] FO2 v1.02 | Vault 13 Entrance
Bah, you know what. Nevermind, just close this thread. It's just wasting my time, haha, I'll just *try* to e-mail the developers. Thanks anyway.
I even tried turning off my video card (as said in the Troubleshooting Sticky), for some reason, when my PC rebooted, it was acting like crap.
Been there, done that. 'everything they said', meaning all those threads I've read about application errors, none of those threads gave me a good solution.
The third thing I tried was to replace the .SAV with a .map. VAULT13ENT.map is what I'm looking for, because that's the file that is corrupt I think, because when I try to enter the 'Vault 13 Entrance', I get the Application Error. But for some reason, there is no VAULT13ENT.map. If you have FO2 still installed into your PC, can you check if you have the VAULT13ENT.map in your datamaps folder? I already tried reinstalling (without deleting the saves), still no luck, and there's still no VAULT13ENT.map in the datamaps folder.
Bugs can be fixed but shitty design is forever.
TES was made an orphan once the Father left, and it's been left with the really creepy uncles that are dressing it up in flashy clothing and hooking it out onto X-Box Avenue.
Guess where Fallout stands?
Last edited by Roshambo on Wed Dec 28, 2005 16:17; edited 1 time in total
Temat: [FO1] Fallout, speech-style
First of, i want to appologize for a typo or two that may occur. I tore the ligaments in my left shoulder yesterday while doing sports so i am typing with one hand.
>1) Is it possible, and
>if so, doesn't it hinder
>your experience and level gaining
>and whatnot?
It is possible and will not hurt your exp. that much. Their are moments where you have to fight though. like random encounters, the raider farm quest at the Hub.
>2) Does fallout really offer
>speech solutions to the many
>problems I recall encountering?
Sometimes it does (freeing Tandi from the raiders) and sometimes it does not (rad scorpion trouble in Shady Sands).
>3) What sort of recommendations
>do you have about a
>talkative character?
High intel and charisma. Tag speech and either first aid, doc or science and a weapon skill. Take good natured and skilled or gifted as traits.
>4) Is it rewarding to
>complete through speech? What
>are some of the highlights?
It is only to play the game in a different style. Highlights? hmm, you can convince the master to commit suicide, propably others but i can not think of any at the moment.
Nunc ut nunquam
Temat: Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.2 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)
Windows XP RP 1.2.2 Full install (I started game from RP 1.2.1 Full install).
Game crash (and save broke for ever) when I try save game after killed peasant by putting two plastic explosives in san fransisco (Peasant in room with Lo Pan).
I putted two plastics set on 3:00 to inventory peasant and run to east map. Then I return, look on peasant and try save , but game crash.
Saves from game link :
Don't repair save but only look what case this and try fix for new release RP.
After planting any explosives on a NPC, NEVER leave the map. This will cause a crash, corrupt a save, etc. 99% of the time. This is a vanilla Fallout bug, engine related (we think), and with no known solution or idea where to look for the bug.
Temat: I"ll be polite but you"re wrong (a Fallout 3 opinion topic)
[quote"The Dutch Ghost"]How do you tell such a person politely that you feel that this opinion is wrong and that the gameplay of the 'old' Fallout is a vital part of what makes the game 'special'. (no pun intended) [/quote]
I'm not certain about he means by "gameplay". If he thinks multiple quest solutions, consequences of your actions in the game world, extensive dialogue options and an important character-design system is "dated", then you'll just have to come to terms with the fact that some people don't like that kind of game, and would prefer blasting ogres with nuclear catapults.
Linking him to the NMA articles on FO's design would be best.
Temat: Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.2 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)
Voila!, solved it, many many thanks everyone.
Now I've done a perfectly clear install again, BUT, with the auto-installer and added the extras.
I believe that was it, the manual installer doesn't have those special armours or something is missing and it causes problems.
How on earth it got on my HD in the first place? No idea. T'was a sleepy night...
I know it's been a while since this previous post, but I had this problem of a wasp following me instead of Sulik, and he was wearing a Leather Jacket.
As far as I know, the problem was that I used a previous saved game from the RP1.2, that I kept after uninstalling Fallout2 that had the NPC's Armor MOD installed. But in the fresh install I hadn't installed that MOD, so the solution for me was simply installing that MOD, and then Sulik reappeared with the Leather Jacket dressed, and no more wasp...
Temat: Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.2 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)
First of all Thanks a million to Killap for the RP patch, made Fallout 2 a new game for me.
But I did run into 1 small problem: Initially Algernon (the guy who upgrades weapons for free under New Reno Arms) removes an upgradeable weapon and gives you an upgraded one, but I just tried upgrading some weapons and it seems that Algernon is not removing the weapon from my inventory, and just simply giving me the upgraded version for free. Not all weapons do this strangely enough, Laser Pistol and Hunting Rifle get upgraded as normal, but the ones that gives problems are .44 Magnum, Desert Eagle, Plasma Rifle, Power Fist to name but a few.
Anyone got a solution?
Edit: Seems the problem doesnt JUST lie with Algernon, the game seem to have problems taking items out of my inventory while in a dialogue, I completed the 10 Cat's Paw magazine quest, got the special ed Cats Paw but still have the 10 in my inventory
Temat: Fallout 1/2 windowed mode possible?
I just discovered D3DWindower and it "works" ...
In fact, the entire game is slowed down... (Music, animation, loadings)
I've read the 6 pages of this post, but I didn't see anything about fixing this.
Did I miss something, do you have some solution to this ?
Help me, I want to play windowed Fallout :'(
Edit : I just tested this :
If I uncheck the 2 colour options in D3D, the game is running at normaly speed, but the colours are... psychedelic
If I check these two options, colours are normal, but the game is slow >.<
Temat: Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.2 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)
Well, you could always try to do a Manual Install.
Just remove everything to to with follout2 first, so you start out fresh.
This seems to be a rare problem, judging by the error reports, but the solution I've heard to work involved several re-installs.
you can also try the manual install version of the RP, but try the other thing first.
As a last resort option you can simply remove Kaga from your game.
Just move the file glkagaen.int out from your Fallout2dataScripts folder
Temat: Super Mutants Kicking my Butt!
There is another idea nobody mentioned, just start killing off everybody at Shady Sands they will pose no threat since you have better armor then Metal After that kill everybody at Junktown (no threat either) Then move on to the Hub kill everybody there (should be possible) Boneyard and Necropolis are easy too that should give you a big portion of xp! Actually I never had any problems with the mutants but you can allways put the game difficulty down in option screen so maybe another solution?
Grtz, Fire Sprite
Hmm...I would only do that if I was specifically playing the game as a beserker character (which I'm guessing the guy who started the thread hasn't). Though I must admit there is a certain fun element to blowing all the helpless farm people of Shady Sands into pieces (this applies even more to showing those Vault City bastards who's boss in Fallout 2).
Temat: Impressions thread for positive impressions
I don't think he's faulting you, but NMA is ferociously intolerant of FO3. I think some of that is justified, but in many cases it's a kneejerk reaction to FO3 having been made by Bethesda.
Generally the play goes something like this:
1) New Poster shows up and starts praising BS/"Fallout 3"
2) NMA Old-Timers poke holes in New Poster's praise
3) New Poster falls back on common fallacies that have been refuted many times - possibly hundreds of times
4) NMA Old-Timers get irritated and start rolling their eyes
5) New Poster either departs or gets angry and starts calling NMA Old-Timers names like "intolerant" and "kneejerk"
6) Repeat ad nauseam
The simple solution, of course, is for New Poster to spend some time reading the forums before he posts, so his opinion can be an informed one, and not redundant; contrary to popular belief, knowing what you're talking about is more important than having a passionate point of view.
The technology didn't exist in 1997=false.
We don't know what the original design intent was=false.
Being hugely profitable makes a game good=false.
And so on.
Temat: Help with enclave!!!!
Keywords: Fallout, Enclave, trap room, puzzle, solution
| 2 | | 6 |
A--> | 1 | | 5 | | E
| 3 | | 4 |
A being the point of entry, the arrow facing as you run from the staircase towards the terminals, and E being the exit
Temat: What kind of weapons do you want to see in F3?
Anti-material and Anti-tank rifles spring to mind.
Remember, the weapons in the Fallout world evolved to deal with an armored foe, so something like a Barret Light Fifty would be an ideal solution. Mortars might also be considered "big guns", and, while you can easily pack a mortar around I'm not sure how often you'd find employment for it.
Temat: FOnline open test
as far as i know no one will take away player's freedom. it's Fallout. like someone on our forums said, "FOnline is not a MMORPG, FOnline is not "all the others" MMORPG, FOnline is not like "all the others" MMORPG".
however, there are solutions planned. instead of taking away player's freedom, users will be penalized for misbehaving - his karma will be lowered and all NPCs behave accordingly - down to security measures (i even heard rumours about jails (!))
Temat: Black screen on multiplayer startup
This problem occures when you are trying to connect to server, one of problems can be miles or IP adress it has to be PUBLIC IP with opened ports for DirectPlay. ( Info about ports u can find in fallout tactics manual book). If you cant get public ip only solution left is hamachi - this program is making Local Network through internet.
www.hamachi.cc for network names and password u can ask at
www.fbn.prv.pl - try at evening hours Polish time ( GMT+2 )
Temat: Awaken Patch
A new patch has been released for the Polish and English versions of the Awaken mod for Fallout Tactics.
Here`s a few highlights:
Awaken patch 1.32 has been released. You can grab it in two versions, polish and english.
New fixes:
- BRC - english txt, disappears from world map, re-enter bug
- Oasis - radscopions quest, highwaymen attack - good solution added
- Raiders Camp - Winston quest, Hangman quest (now they should work properly)
- Laboratory - another way to enter
- and other small fixes
Download it from here
Spotted on the DAC messageboards
Temat: Hero of the Wastes
Grayswandir, the setting simply makes it a bigger challenge to come up with a method of doing this, but it doesn't stop the open world gameplay. As the last Developer Profile mentioned, the guys were TASKED with coming up with multiple solutions to every problem. It didn't just work out that way, it was an explicit goal.
I am not sure that I fully understand what you mean, but my point was that, if you made a game with the exact same mechanic as fallout, but in a different setting, like for example a Baldur's gate or a vampire one, you couldnt offer the same freedom than in a postapocalyptic one. They still would be the same "three ways" to solve a probleme, but you wouldn't have the superiority over the world in a stone Age-like world. You, (the player and the vault dweller) have all the knowledge that the rest of the world has lost. Cause it's your world (or a very similar one) that has been destroyed. You know about history, nuclear war, IA, computers, cars, and you don't have to follow old rules anymore.
I think it's not a hasard if the fantasy world always tend to put a "you are special" spell on you, that allow you to complete an "adventure", coz when you where little, you wanted to be an "aventurer", a good or bad one...
First because our perception of fantasy is lineary (like a storytell or a Tolkien story) but also because the designer have to insert the player in a already existing (but imaginary) world. So he doesn't you to wander to far behind the curtains...
Well, basicly I just repeat the thesis of the author, so I'm gonna stop.
Temat: some problems in f2
-the home of the raiders doenszt appear. i spoke with stark and the guy outside the fences of voult city about them but it didnt appear.
the problem is that i need a child in this quest, but i play the silly german version, where kids are whipped out. so, is there another way to get this super repair kit, or the children back?
the last solution would be better because i miss the children. i already tried the children patch, but it didnt work. do ii need patch 1.05 for the children patch? or is it incompatible with the german version?
The people who are a part of the "Fallout Community" have been refined and distilled over time into glittering gems of hatred.
BUG: Fixed alcoholic lizards!
Temat: A measurement unit for bile should be named after me.
Hey, Ozrat, that's a good idea, never thought about that. How about the two of you, Ozrat and Ratty, want various rodents named after you two in Fan Made Fallout?
My initial thoughts were a little less flattering; my brother bought a snake several years ago, which I ended up taking care of. Of course I have to feed it live mice, so I was thinking of those poor little buggers. Every now and then, if the mouse seems intelligent (most of them are slightly dumber than pebbles) I'll save them and give them a nice home.
Ratty, what would be your purposed solution to the problem, in a hypothetical situation where you were in a position to make a difference? Realistically I might add.
Temat: "An error occured during the move data process: -106"
I get this error everytime I try to install fallout tactics. It gets to 34% on full install "C14degreeswestfallouttacticscoremis-main_0.bos"
then it will stop loading and a box will come up saying
"An error occured during the move data process:-106
it happens on that same file on small and medium too. I tried the solutions on interplay's tech. support but they didn't work. I hope someone can help I've had this game since april and haven't played it yet.
Compaq presario 5712
466 mhz intel celeron
128 ram
voodoo 3
Temat: Invisible Reavers
I think I had that problem too. There are a couple possible solutions but you may have to go to a previous save after trying them. Unpack the entities and sprites from the *.bos files using Winzip. This will extract the sprite and entity files to your hard drive in the Fallout Tactics/core/ directory. This alone may do the trick. Otherwise go into the entity editor and open the reaver entities and check to see if a sprite is attached. Make changes as necessary and save it.
The other option is to download the missing sprites patch and install it.
Temat: some problems in f2
I think I know the solution to the raiders running to you and atacking you HTH instead of using their weapons, they're probably Ian-people, they don't have the frames for using shotguns, so they can't use them, they just keep them in the inventory...
The people who are a part of the "Fallout Community" have been refined and distilled over time into glittering gems of hatred.
BUG: Fixed alcoholic lizards!
Temat: Need Some Help Wont Toggle Between Weapons
By the way, it's normal that patching the game will render your old savegames unusable. That isn't true for OS X FO2 players, and the OS X patch was pulled for a reason, it didn't really help much and I believe thats because it was only necessary to patch a very early version of the game[which was later dropped in favor or a newer more recent version].
My solution to your problem: Build a better char so you don't ha
mhmm thanks for the advice, no i dont have that perk...ive progressed threw the game to quickly to have it i think...ill have to check the main thing is the it like crashing so much ive just stopped playing it...hell ive beaten it twice ill just wait till fallout 3
Temat: Plant discussion
VDweller wrote: Anybody else thinks Autoduel76 is a plant? From his first posts he defended Bethesda and did his best to create "reasonable doubt", which often worked.
Even now, after being shown this piece, the first thing he does is looks for similar events for Troika games to downplay what Bethesda is doing.
I'd say that even the signature picture is chosen for a reason. Well done, Autoduel.
Defend Bethesda? Of course I must be a plant.
I'm a little surprised with the plant accusations myself. Alot of people support Bethesda believe it or not, I doubt Bethesda would hire trolls to come over here and argue with people. That does not seem like a very viable solution. they certainly don't seem to care if this forum, hell, if multiple forum communities full of fallout purists don't care for what they see so far.
We're not even in their primary demographic
Temat: Error Initializing Video Mode 640x480
I'm having the same problems in vista and the computer doesn't seem to let me change any of the settings described in that reply.
I'm using my friend's non-gaming laptop and would prefer not to have to screw around too much with it. Is there a possible solution to the problem that doesn't involve reverting back to like.. ten year old drivers?
The graphics card is just some random crappy one called VIA Chrome9 HC.
Oh, and this is about Fallout 2 if that makes a difference.
Temat: [FO1] Fallout1 on NT
Hello, folks!
I wonder if anyone has an advice for me about running Fallout on NT. I have Windows NT Server 4.0 Service Pack 6a. I made a full install, by the instructions from the oficial website. The game runs fine, except that it doesn't respond to the keyboard. Small annoyance, since one only uses keyboard to enter the name of a savegame (and it can be empty). But still, I wonder how if there is a solution.
Temat: Keyscrolling too slow?
I'll feel a little silly if the solution to this is obvious, but better I ask than not.
To put it lightly: Scrolling the screen/map(not the inventory) with the mouse drives me nuts. I don't know why, it's a simple process, but it just does.
However, in Fallout 1 & 2, scrolling with the arrow keys is so slow that there's no choice BUT to scroll with the mouse if you favor your sanity or your free time.
Is there any mod, patch, option, .ini edit, or ANYTHING that changes the speed(or atleast the acceleration speed) of keyboard scrolling?
If not, I can just go back to mouse scrolling. It's not so bad that it'll keep me from playing or anything.
Thanks a ton!
Temat: F2 Win XP problems
I recently bought the "Fallout Radioactive" box, since F2 is surely the best ever created RPG for computers. I played it though several times on my earlier PC, which had win98. Although the game was buggy (after the patch also), it worked most of the time ok with win98.
But now in my new PC there´s WinXP, and I´m having serious problems with F2
The problem is as follows:
- When I try to exit an area I get thrown to desktop and get an error message "application error" and the backround sound of the game keeps hearing.
Now earlier this happened about once in a half an hour, but recently I´m stuck the The Den because I can´t get to to west side anymore, every time I try to go threre I get thrown back to desktop an get the "application error" message.
I´ve tried the following and none of these help:
- combatibility mode
- disable direct draw acceleration
- disable sound acceleration
- shut down every program running at the same time when I play
Please help if you know any solution to this! I´m very pissed off if I can´t play my favourite game anymore
Computer specs:
AMD Thinderbird 1.4 GhZ
Directx 9.0b
Hercules Radeon 9600 Pro (using catalyst drivers 3.9)
SB Live! (driver version 5.12.0001.0252)
WIN XP Professional (5.1 build 2600)
Temat: Unofficial Fo2 patch thread - problems, reports, suggestions
I couldn't find a solution for the problem I have with Skillap's patch so maybe others don't have that one. When I have installed the patch the screen goes black and nothing happens. If I try to close the program, whole system stays at very low resolution and few colors (or none at all) and everything works very slow. Only thing I can do is to restart the Windows.
Fallout 2 works fine with official patch but this happens when I have installed Skillap's patch. My system is Win XP with ATI Mobility Radeon X1800. I would appreciate if someone had an idea what´s going on with this thing.
Temat: Unofficial Fo2 patch thread - problems, reports, suggestions
I don't know if this is a fallout 2 or killap patch related problem, but because i have my fo2 installed with the killap patch, i post it here:
If flashget is running the game won't start, however, it'll start flawlessly if i quit from it.
I know the a simple "just don't run it then" solution, but i would like to download large stuff while playin'.
Thanks in advance.
Temat: No Mission Briefings or NPC dialog in Bunkers ABCD or E
I'm new to the forum although I have visited this site quite a lot.
after finally getting fallout tactics and arriving at the last bunker,
I suddenly realised that I could no longer hear or read any dialogs from any NPC.
So my main problem is I do not know what the next missions are about and what I must do to complete them.
Also the game is not so much fun if you don't know what everyone is telling you.
Has anyone else experienced this problem? or does anyone know a solution to this problem?
Temat: Unofficial Fo2 patch thread - problems, reports, suggestions
Hey, killap, I'm having a similar problem as the one addressed in this post regarding the restoration mod, although I'm only using your unofficial patch. Unfortunately, the given solution isn't working for me. I don't know if it's related to your patch or what, but I was wondering if you ever checked out that save and identified the problem.
Great work, by the way, it's awesome to see you providing such dedicated support to your project.
Temat: what am I doing wrong?
it loads fine when I start the game, but once I finish the temple of trials, I get random crashes.
1. when I go back to the artemple map
2. when I go to any other part of arroyo and go back to the regulalr village map
3. if I leave arroyo and try to come back to any part of it
but now, I dont know how to get the item into the game. I tried Corpses cheat tool and it didnt work.
I tried the fallout 2 item editor, but I dont know the proper variables (the two numbers). whenever I add it and load the game, it screws up.
The easiest solution is probably to use the official mapper. You need to do some magic things first, look it up in red's mapper keys document. Remember that the game deletes all protos upon startup, so make them read-only. In case you didn't know, if you don't use the official mapper, you also need to add your item to the items.lst file.
Temat: Fallout 2 and Winxp
Fade time is 47
Fade steps are 893
Chi squared is 16.801500, P = 36.420000 at 0.05
Sequence is random, 95yonfidence.
>partyMember_init Initializing sound system...soundInit: Setting primary buffer to: 16 bit, 2 channels, 22050 rate
soundInit: Primary buffer settings set to: 16 bit, 2 channels, 22050 rate
Reading SNDLIST.LST Sound FX Count: 1361
Sounds are on.
Music is on.
Speech is on.
>gsound_init >initMovie >gmovie_init >moviefx_init art_read_lst failed in art_init
art_init failed in iso_init
Failed on iso_init So it doesn't stop on the sound bit, but rather the loading of the art/movies.
Any of you modders out there that can come up with a solution ?
Temat: is Interplay website still alive?
Whats reminds me, is anyone interested in purchasing their domain?
You can't. It's registered until 2005.
Whois Server: whois.networksolutions.com
Referral URL: http://www.networksolutions.com
Name Server: DNS-01-001.ROOT-DNS.COM
Name Server: DNS-01-002.ROOT-DNS.COM
Status: ACTIVE
Updated Date: 17-sep-2002
Creation Date: 14-dec-1993
Expiration Date: 13-dec-2005
On another topic, this is not a GD thread. To...uhm...General Fallout!
Temat: Arcanum Windowed
I posted this on RPGCodex, but maybe you folks could help. I'm attempting to use D3DWindower with Arcanum. It works, but it won't scale the window. 800x600 is too small at my resolution.
If I attempt to use anything higher it scales the movies, but the main game is tiny in the top left corner.
Planescape Torment and Fallout don't seem to have this issue, not sure why Arcanum does. If there's a better solution let me know.
Temat: mods and winxp
long tim reader, first time poster;
i have winxp (service pack 2 and fixed autoexec.nt) and fallout 2 1.02d and whenever i try to install a mod the only thing it does is change item names ( mods such as bozar mod, m124 mod etc). It messes up even if i use FAME, anybody have a similar problem or possible solution?
Temat: Unofficial Fo2 patch thread - problems, reports, suggestions
I figured out what the problem with the shiv is. The proto itself looks fine, it has the right object type and all. I tried moving the knife to the shiv's ID number, and it does the same thing! The player appears to be wielding it, but it can't be used and the damage/range don't show up in the inventory screen. After a bit of poking around, I found that this is hardcoded into the _item_get_type function. It checks if the item has ID 383 (i.e. the shiv) and immediately returns 5 [misc. item] instead of looking it up in the proto file. I think this test is at offset 0x67f25 in fallout2.exe, but I'm not great at reading x86 machine code.
Anyway, the easiest solution is to move the shiv to a new number and change all instances of it in the game.
Temat: Unofficial Fo2 patch thread - problems, reports, suggestions
I couldn't find a solution for the problem I have with Skillap's patch so maybe others don't have that one. When I have installed the patch the screen goes black and nothing happens. If I try to close the program, whole system stays at very low resolution and few colors (or none at all) and everything works very slow. Only thing I can do is to restart the Windows.
Fallout 2 works fine with official patch but this happens when I have installed Skillap's patch. My system is Win XP with ATI Mobility Radeon X1800. I would appreciate if someone had an idea what´s going on with this thing.
Did you use the installer or manual version of my patch?
Also, what language is your game? (ie UK, US, etc)
Temat: Any stuff related to unofficial F2 patches goes in here!
first off, great work everyone
I played Fallout and F2 like a maniac when they were released, but the instability etc threw me off some
so seeing people working on it right now is a true blessing
I'm gonna go give the seraph/killap combo a shot, been using the celestial patches until now
but I just can't understand how to install it all! been trying to make some sense out of all the files that go where and which ones have to be read-only when and how...
this is how i get it.
clean install us version
official 1.02 patch
seraph unpacked
killap B.
I think some files have to be read-only when I start the game, and there was something about seraphs batch file...
but it's just clouded. someone help me out with a simple, step by step solution to installing a seraph/killap combo ?
my brain hurts
like always there is the same problem in all project on FO scene... problem with people. Well good luck guys, don't let FIFE die. It will be a shame for community...
This is not just a Fallout community thing, every volunteer team faces this same problem. The only way to get through it is for the main guy to keep plugging away for years on end.
The other solution is to get funding, but then you'd have to make what the man wants and 99% of the time it will be garbage.
Temat: Black Screen with Cursor Trails
Hi guys... I'm been trawling the thread for the solution, but I think I had missed the post that solves the black screen with red hexagonal cursors trails I encountered when I entered into a new area other than Arroyo and Klamath(and yes... the trappers who hunt geckos are still afraid of rats...)
I had resolved the problem before... but i had forgotten how I did it.
Will appreciate a reply... Thanks in advance.
I'm running a Fallout US version with RP1.2 and Ultimate Warfare Mod.. The combination worked on my previous install.
Temat: Savegame Converter, PART II
Hi there, found the other question, I have the same problem: "Can´t find Fallout 2 savegame".
The solution don´t work at my pc, or I´m to stupid to understand (hey, I´m german ;o) )
So perhaps if anyone could explain it to me as if I´m 3 yrs. old?! ;o) I have the german version, and I installed it at harddisk D:, not C:, is that a problem? The directory/path is d:program filesBlackIsleFallout2... PLS HELP!!!
Temat: Direct X problem
I can play Dungeon Keeper 2 just fine (which seems strange since it won't run Fallout or Master of Orion 2) but when I install the latest patch for DK2, the game crashes immediately on startup, so I have to go patchless. I've had this exact problem, but could not find the solution, so patchless works hmm? Thanks, this worked out in a funny way, trying to help someone else's PC problems and someone random gets an answer for another game completely. Ahh the miracle's/horror's of the internet. Anyway, sorry to get off topic, as you were.
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