Wyświetlono wypowiedzi wyszukane dla słów: FBI fingerprint
Temat: Deportees: any solutions to resolve this issue?
hey Ozguy, would fingerprinting deportees back to Tonga break any international conventions and parallel laws in the US, NZ or Oz? because they haven't committed any crimes in Tonga, then taking fingerprints sounds unconventional. I suppose if Tonga created a law whereby they introduced this practice ONLY on deportees who have committed crimes in other countries, that may work within a Tongan context.
The next question is, do the Tongan police have a criminal database of fingerprints? and do they know how to do forensics? maybe that's a project that could be funded by foreign aid. The Tongan police force, if they havent already, develop a database and link it up to the FBI and Interpol system. After 9/11, Tonga possibly could get funding from the USA to implement such a system and train staff on how to use it. Tonga could potentially provide a safe haven for criminals/terrorists because of its small size.
If non-Tongan citizens are not allowed back to the country of their parent(s), how would Govt's address the issue of people bieng in a situation of being in "no-mans land" ie: no country wants you??
Temat: Cień Cody McFayden
Znalazłem informacje na temat kolejnego thrillera z bohaterką Smoky Barett. Oczywiście są to informacje zagraniczne. Książka zostanie wydana poza granicami naszego kraju pod koniec października 2009r.
Nota wydawcy zagranicznego:
For FBI Special Agent Smoky Barrett, the wedding of one of their own was cause for celebration. Until a woman staggered down the aisle, incoherent, emaciated, head shaved, and wearing only a white nightgown.
No one knows who she is or where she's come from - or why she's chosen to appear in a church filled with law enforcement agents. Then a fingerprint check determines that the woman has been missing for nearly eight years - that once she was someone's wife, someone's mother.and a cop. Imprisoning her in a dark cell, depriving her of any contact with the outside world, her enigmatic captor was a man she didn't know and who seldom spoke, who punished her only when she failed to follow his most basic instructions designed to keep her alive.
Cold, businesslike, seemingly indifferent to his victims, he's a predator with an M.O. as terrifyingly inscrutable as any Smoky has ever encountered. As she fits together the pieces of what remains of his victim's fractured life, a chilling picture emerges of a killer every bit as calculating, masterful, and professional as Smoky and the team she leads - a professional psychopath who doesn't take murder personally and never makes a mistake.
There's a reason he let one of his victims go free. And by the time Smoky pierces the darkness of his twisted mind, it may cost her more than she can bear to lose to escape. For a trap snapped closed the moment she took this case too much to heart.
Used availability for Cody McFadyen's Abandoned
i okładka:

Temat: Gosoku Ryu Karate

Author Takayuki Kubota is a veteran of police departments on both sides of the Pacific, a former diplomatic bodyguard, instructor to the FBI and DEA as well as other less public government departments. He is credited with the development of the side-handled police baton and the Kubotan� keychain as well as a host of restraint, handcuffing, and fingerprinting techniques that are approved for use by police forces across the U.S.
His aptly named, professionally produced new program is packed with the practical techniques that have made him a legend in law-enforcement and karate circles. It is fast moving, easy to follow, visually appealing and shows very graphically the extent of his mastery of timing, fighting distance, and joint manipulation. Kubota sensei demonstrates the brutally effective control, restraint, and defensive techniques that are his fort�, and he does so in great detail. With a partner he first breaks down the technique into a logical sequence. Then he performs it smoothly as a single movement, and then at full speed as his extensive experience dictates it would happen �on the street.
The techniques he shows are practical responses to armed and unarmed attacks and include counters, blocks, throws, locks, choke-holds, take-downs and combinations of the above. They are by necessity brutal: there are no second chances in Kubota's world; multi-faceted: keep attacking any way you can until you win, and conservative: don�t give your opponent a chance to respond.
Two words come to mind when one speaks of this teacher: pain compliance and attitude adjustment. Both concepts are demonstrated here by this consummate master of mayhem.