Wyświetlono wypowiedzi wyszukane dla słów: faliure to laugh
Temat: Co aktualnie słuchasz
Opeth - April Ethereal
It was me, peering through the looking-glass. Beyond the embrace of Christ. Like the secret face within the tapestry. Like a bird of prey over the crest. And she was swathed in sorrow, as if born within its mask. Her candlelight snuffed, the icon smiled. Emptiness followed by her wake. I could clasp her in undying love. Within ghostlike rapture the final word was mine. She faced me in awe. 'twas a token of ebony colour. Embodied in faint vapour. Wandering through April's fire. Compelled to grasp and to hold the one that was you. I will endure, hide away. I would outrun the scythe, glaring with failure. It is a mere destiny I thought, a threshold I had crossed before. The rain was waving goodbye, and when the night came the forest folded its branches around me. Something passed by, and I went into a dream. She laughing and weeping at once: "take me away". I don't know how or why, I'll never know WHEN.
Temat: O Religii każdej
Top Ten Signs You're a Fundamentalist Christian
10 - You vigorously deny the existence of thousands of gods claimed by other religions, but feel outraged when someone denies the existence of yours.
9 - You feel insulted and "dehumanized" when scientists say that people evolved from other life forms, but you have no problem with the Biblical claim that we were created from dirt.
8 - You laugh at polytheists, but you have no problem believing in a Triune God.
7 - Your face turns purple when you hear of the "atrocities" attributed to Allah, but you don't even flinch when hearing about how God/Jehovah slaughtered all the babies of Egypt in "Exodus" and ordered the elimination of entire ethnic groups in "Joshua" including women, children, and trees!
6 - You laugh at Hindu beliefs that deify humans, and Greek claims about gods sleeping with women, but you have no problem believing that the Holy Spirit impregnated Mary, who then gave birth to a man-god who got killed, came back to life and then ascended into the sky.
5 - You are willing to spend your life looking for little loopholes in the scientifically established age of Earth (few billion years), but you find nothing wrong with believing dates recorded by Bronze Age tribesmen sitting in their tents and guessing that Earth is a few generations old.
4 - You believe that the entire population of this planet with the exception of those who share your beliefs -- though excluding those in all rival sects - will spend Eternity in an infinite Hell of Suffering. And yet consider your religion the most "tolerant" and "loving."
3 - While modern science, history, geology, biology, and physics have failed to convince you otherwise, some idiot rolling around on the floor speaking in "tongues" may be all the evidence you need to "prove" Christianity.
2 - You define 1% as a "high success rate" when it comes to answered prayers. You consider that to be evidence that prayer works. And you think that the remaining 99.99% FAILURE was simply the will of God.
1 - You actually know a lot less than many atheists and agnostics do about the Bible, Christianity, and church history - but still call yourself a Christian.
Póki co, to narazie wszystko.
Musicie mi wybaczyć iż jest po angielsku.. Jeśli nie będzie to problemem, zamieście tłumaczenie :-)
strona pt. Oficjalne Często Zadawne Pytania na temat Boga. :-) (Official God F.A.Q)
Temat: MŚ 2009
LOS ANGELES — Patrick Chan won the money, but the judges however found that he had not delivered such a good performance as it. And although he could laugh at it - yellow - on Friday, if the same scenario occurred in the Olympic Games of Vancouver next year, the young star of the Canadian figure skating will not be also conciliatory. Controversy comes due to the fact that Chan, second of world championships for figure skating, on Thursday, accepted less good notes for its artistic presentation than the bronze person who has received a medal, Frenchman Brian Joubert.LOS ANGELES — Patrick Chan has remChan was astounded when he learnt news, on Friday. "Joking apart? It is really disappointing. I looked at Brian yesterday (on Thursday) evening and I asked Mike Slipchuk (the manager high performance of Skating Canada): 'Are you serious? Is it a joke? That's right, his programme?' It is unhappy and I am very disappointed. I hope that they will discuss it."It is as to compare Shaquille O' Neal and Kobe Bryant and to say that Shaq exercises a better control of the ball. Chan grew with the new system of checking, set up after the failure of the Games of Salt Lake City, in 2002. The 18-year-old skater is well proud of his refined skills, that it is at the level of twirls, of his game of feet or his jumps. Frenchman Joubert, World champion 2007, is when to him a powerful jumper, but he is far from being admitted for his artistic sense.
"I do not know who is charging up (of checking), but I am persuaded that he will not be very happy of what took place, grumbled Chan. I think however that it is a good thing that this incident happens now and that this does not occur in Games. I think that it would be horrible. They are going to discuss it and to cross word to the biggest possible number of judges."
The American Evan Lysacek, who shares one choreographer - the Canadian Lory Nichol - with Chan, won the gold with a performance without fault. Chan made only the single obvious error, when he transformed a triple spiral into a double. The programme of Joubert was not very remarkable, notably ending by a fall which almost made it crash in the band.Seriously! It is obvious", said Chan, who also accepted lower notes to Joubert in the short programme. "If both on Evan's programme were patinated, it would be in the daytime and at night. It is however obvious."
Some people suggested that Chan was too young to win worldwide title. If it is case, it does not make it abundantly. "It is perhaps a question of teaching. It is sure that this plays a role. Perhaps that it is a trouble for a good. It is perhaps a question of keeping the horses before big running that what will be JO, what would be great."
Temat: Crimen Ferpecto *DVDRip* (2004)

AKA Ferpect Crime
Tytuł Polski: Zbrodnia ferpekcyjna
Jakość: DVDRip
Format: XviD, MP3
Gatunek: Komedia, Kryminał
Rok wydania: 2004
Język: hiszpański
After his latest experiment with new genres (no less than a western) with "800 balas", Álex de la Iglesia goes back to his habitual black comedies and proves he is still in top form. "Crimen ferpecto" is probably his most accomplished film so far, and surely the funniest.
Looking back at his oeuvre, there are very good films ("La comunidad" is still his best) but also average ones ("Muertos de risa" had its edge, but was pointless). "Crimen ferpecto" is the deserving follow-up to "La Comunidad", after the failure of "800 balas", and keeps showing the evolution of the director/writer towards creative maturity.
Guillermo Toledo plays Rafael, de la Iglesia's best leading male character so far. He is at his best playing this womanizer in trouble, elegant, seductive and utterly charming. He is accompanied by Mónica Cervera, who will certainly break through in this film after his impressive turn as a retarded young woman in "Piedras". She plays the wicked witch of the men's department, ugly, manipulative, evil but yet a character one can sympathize with.
The high point of this comedy is certainly the part in which the couple visits the girl's family (Gracia Olayo is brilliant in a bit part as Lourdes' mother), the audience could hardly stop laughing. The rest of the footage combines lighter comedy, dark comedy, thriller and even a little share of action.
It's a shame, however, that I could not be pleased by the ending. It's difficult to find a satisfying ending when one has sympathized with both Rafael and Lourdes, who both have played the roles of "good" and "bad" in turns. Eventually both of them get what they deserve, but is life really like that? I expected an edgier ending, but still appreciated "Crimen ferpecto" as one of the best comedies of the year.
RESOLUTION.....: 640x272
ASPECT RATIO...: 2.35:1
VIDEO BITRATE..: 854 kb/s
AUDIO BITRATE..: 131 kb/s
FRAMERATE......: 25 fps
Temat: Fiasko Netscape
Linuksiarze są ostatnio tak drażliwi, że irytują się nawet na tezy tak
oczywiste jak ta o klęsce Netscape jako sztandarowego projektu open
source. Nie ma żadnej klęski, Mozilla rulezuje, twierdzą. Ciekawe, że są
innego zdania niż guru Mozilli Jamie Zawinski:
By putting control of the web browser into the hands of anyone who cared
to step up to the task, we would ensure that those people would keep it
going, out of their own self-interest.
But that didn't happen. For whatever reason, the project was not adopted
by the outside. It remained a Netscape project. Now, this was still a
positive change -- it meant that Netscape was developing this project
out in the open, in full view of the world, and the world was giving
important and effective feedback. Netscape made better decisions as a
But it wasn't enough.
The truth is that, by virtue of the fact that the contributors to the
Mozilla project included about a hundred full-time Netscape developers,
and about thirty part-time outsiders, the project still belonged wholly
to Netscape -- because only those who write the code truly control the
And here we are, a year later. And we haven't even shipped a beta yet.
The worst part about all this is, for the last year, I've spent much of
my time striving to convince people that mozilla.org is not
netscape.com. I've told people again and again that the mozilla.org
organization does not serve only the desires of the Netscape client
engineering group, but rather, serves the desires of all contributors to
the Mozilla project, no matter who they are. And that's certainly true.
But the fact is, there has been very little contribution from people who
don't work for Netscape, making the distinction somewhat academic.
Now, to be fair, in this first year, we did do some very good things:
We showed the world how to operate a large software project out in
the open. [and the world still keeps laughing, what basically is a good
thing - nasty remark by WO]
My biggest fear, and part of the reason I stuck it out as long as I
have, is that people will look at the failures of mozilla.org as
emblematic of open source in general [why would they ever do that? nyah
har har har - WO]
Netscape Browser Guru: We Failed
Zawinski's letter followed his resignation
Thursday, which came on the one-year anniversary of Netscape's release
of its source code for open development by outside contributors. But the
anniversary was marred by the fact that no software was shipped based on
Mozilla code -- and the news of 850 lost jobs at Netscape and its new
corporate parent, America Online.
Co spowodowało jednak trochę lamentu wśrod linuksiarzy i kolesi od
powolnego oprogramowania:
How Mozilla can be saved
The failure of Mozilla is not a failure of Open Source [nooooo, of
course not - prrrrfffst, WO], it's a powerful lesson in handling an Open
Source project.
What to do.
First off, who? This is an Open Source project, so really no one owns
it. Of course the people who should do this is AOL/Netscape, who have
the most to gain (and lose) from this.
Close the source down. Really.
Gather a core group of 3 to 5 programmers and spend nights and
weekends fixing the core code. Don't let them out until you have a
working browser [and who will pay for this? - WO]
Get another group of core programmers to work on the Mail and News
component in a similar manner. Re-release that code.
Let the remaining developers go at it and add all the bells and
whistles necessary for a production browser.
Krótko mówiąc, nawet jeśli linuksiarzom skapnęła z tego jakaś
przeglądarka WWW odrobinkę lepsza od tego, co mieli dotąd (żaden
sukces), było to wszystko razem jednak jednym wielkim fiaskiem - i
komercyjnym dla Netscape (a ESR obiecywał w swoim eseju _komercyjne_
korzyści!) i dowodem na to, że open source wcale nie jest kluczem do
rozwoju oprogramowania.
Netscape is about to provide us with a large-scale, real-world
test of the bazaar model in the commercial world. The open-source
culture now faces a danger; if Netscape's execution doesn't work, the
open-source concept may be so discredited that the commercial world
won't touch it again for another decade.
I to się właśnie stało. The commercial world won't touch it again for
another decade. I tyle.
Temat: O Religii każdej
No to zem przetlumaczyl. A ze zbyt dobry w tym nie jestem, prosze nie wieszac na mnie psow za bledy.
10 - You vigorously deny the existence of thousands of gods claimed by other religions, but feel outraged when someone denies the existence of yours.
Mocono zaprzeczasz istnieniu tysiaca bogow innych religii, ale wsciekasz sie, gdy ktos zaprzecza istnieniu twojego.
9 - You feel insulted and "dehumanized" when scientists say that people evolved from other life forms, but you have no problem with the Biblical claim that we were created from dirt.
Czujesz sie zniewazony i "odczlowieczony" kiedy naukowcy twierdza, ze ludzie ewoluowali od innych form zycia, ale nie sprawia ci problemu, biblijne twierdzenie, ze zostalismy stworzeni z piachu.
8 - You laugh at polytheists, but you have no problem believing in a Triune God.
Smiejesz sie z politeistow, ale nie sprawia ci problemu wiara w Trojce Swieta..
7 - Your face turns purple when you hear of the "atrocities" attributed to Allah, but you don't even flinch when hearing about how God/Jehovah slaughtered all the babies of Egypt in "Exodus" and ordered the elimination of entire ethnic groups in "Joshua" including women, children, and trees!
Twoja twarz zmienia kolor na fioletowy, gdy slyszysz o okorucienstwach przypisanych Allahowi, ale nawet sie nie wzdrygniesz sluchajac jak Bog/Jehowa zmasakrowal wszystkie dzieci Egiptu w "Exodusie" (ksiedze wyjscia (?)) i rozkazal wyeliminowac cale grupy etniczne w "Joshua" (Judasz (?)) wlaczajac w to kobiety, dzieci i drzewa.
6 - You laugh at Hindu beliefs that deify humans, and Greek claims about gods sleeping with women, but you have no problem believing that the Holy Spirit impregnated Mary, who then gave birth to a man-god who got killed, came back to life and then ascended into the sky.
Smiejesz sei z Hinduskich wierzen, ktore ubostwiaja czlowieka i Greckich, ktore mowia o bogach spiacych z kobietami ale nie masz problemu z wiara w to, ze swiety duch zaplodnil Marie, ktora potem urodzila mezczyzne-boga, ktory zostal zabity, zmartwychwstal a potem wstapil do nieba.
5 - You are willing to spend your life looking for little loopholes in the scientifically established age of Earth (few billion years), but you find nothing wrong with believing dates recorded by Bronze Age tribesmen sitting in their tents and guessing that Earth is a few generations old.
Jestes gotow spedzic cale swoje zycie probujac znalezc luki w naukowo ustanowionym wieku ziemi (kilka bilionow lat), ale nie widzisz nic zlego w wierzeniu w daty zapisane przez czlonkow plemienia z ery brazu siedzacych w namiotach i zgadujacych, ze wiek ziemi to kilka generacji.
4 - You believe that the entire population of this planet with the exception of those who share your beliefs -- though excluding those in all rival sects - will spend Eternity in an infinite Hell of Suffering. And yet consider your religion the most "tolerant" and "loving."
Wierzysz, ze cala populacja tej planety z wyjatkiem tych, ktorzy podzielaja twoje poglady (wylaczajac tych z konkurencyjnych) spedza wiecznosc w nieskonczonym piekle cierpienia. Ale wciaz uwazasz, ze twoja religia jest najbardziej "tolerancyjna" i "kochajaca".
3 - While modern science, history, geology, biology, and physics have failed to convince you otherwise, some idiot rolling around on the floor speaking in "tongues" may be all the evidence you need to "prove" Christianity.
Kiedy nowoczesna nauka, historia, geologia, biologia i fizyka nie przekoanly cie, to idiota toczacy sie po podlodze i mowiacy "jezykami" moze byc wystarczajacym dowodem do "udowodnienia" Chrzescijanstwa.
2 - You define 1% as a "high success rate" when it comes to answered prayers. You consider that to be evidence that prayer works. And you think that the remaining 99.99% FAILURE was simply the will of God.
Uwazasz, ze 1% to "wysoki stopien sukcesu" kiedy chodzi o wysluchane modlitwy. Uwazasz to za dowod, ze modlitwy dzialaja. I uwazasz, ze pozostale 99.99% "porazki" byly po prostu wola Boga.
1 - You actually know a lot less than many atheists and agnostics do about the Bible, Christianity, and church history - but still call yourself a Christian.
Wiesz duzo mniej o Biblii, Chrzescijanstwie i historii kosciola od ateistow i agnostykow ale wciaz uwazasz sie za chrzescijanina.
Temat: How do we rebuild our great nation?
How can we rebuild our nations?
Excuse me for the instructions, however, I just wish to contribute for the benefits of all of having meaningful discussions and readers may yield practical ideas for their benefits of doing something.
The way that I see the discussion so far is three schools of thoughts:
1. Coco - want to establish some investment opportunities to cultivate profitable motives projects!
2. Ozguy - raises criticisms for things which have not worked for Tonga in the past. If I may say with what I seen so far, ozguy have taken a vital role in brainstorming ideas. It may deem costly for reaching a reasonable and sound paper work solution/s, if the discussion emphasize failure all the way rather how we can do it.
3. blundell22 - cheering from the side lines with some sense of humor in expressing her opinions, which give readers something to smile or laugh about for a minute!
Okay, I will make it real brief for you.
1- The Government must reduce debt and increase revenue. To reduce debt, it needs to get rid of the cancer that eats the taxes. The only way to do that is reduce the size of the government and the Public Service. Get rid of the nobles that have the birth right to drain the treasury funds.
My opponents such as Nuku'alofa and Joey may now see that i am not a PSA supporter by saying this, but I call it as I see it. i noted the gov't reductions already. But my opponents have failed to comment with any feedback. Why? Its simple, the current governent system ensures that the royal appointed ministers are in place eating those exact taxes that are need to get this country back on track.
The king appoints his friends and the Nobles have their birth right to the taxes of the country. Neither are skilled in the management of administration of a country. Hence this must change. And hence the reason that the country is broke.
There is a huge hole in the treasury, and no matter how much money fills it, it will be syphoned off by the illegitimate royal appointment of ministers and the nobles born with the keys to the doors of the treasury.
2-Once the hole is plugged up and the cancer eating the taxes is cut out, then phase 2 can commence. Phase 2 is what Cocoluv has noted. The government can then afford to cultivate a prosperous investment environment for Tonga.
Ask Nuku'alofa or Joey about reducing the size of the government, I am interested in knowing what they think. After all this is what Sevele has started to do isn't it? i almost makes me a supporter of Sevele's policies...almost...
Or are Nuku'alofa and Joey only capable of criticism of others ideas because they are the beneficiaries of Royal apointees or perhaps they are born with Noble blood that is responsible for draining the treasury, and hence they are unable to provide suitable input?
Temat: Co aktualnie słuchasz

album My Arms Your Hearse
PROLOGUE A morning in magenta, the petals fed from the dew. She held her breath for a moment, to pause off the stream. Still clinging to vast, old memories. And I would marvel at her beauty, playing through the rain. The coffin is beautifully engraved. Stained by soil, symbols of death. All of which are stared upon, with porcelain eyes it seems. Some spoke, and it was my turn to go. In death entwined, I could not believe. But it hangs around my neck. A soft breeze passed me by, somewhat warmer for a second. I knew it was the coming of spring, thus our APRIL ETHEREAL. It was me, peering through the looking-glass. Beyond the embrace of Christ. Like the secret face within the tapestry. Like a bird of prey over the crest. And she was swathed in sorrow, as if born within its mask. Her candlelight snuffed, the icon smiled. Emptiness followed by her wake. I could clasp her in undying love. Within ghostlike rapture the final word was mine. She faced me in awe. 'twas a token of ebony colour. Embodied in faint vapour. Wandering through April's fire. Compelled to grasp and to hold the one that was you. I will endure, hide away. I would outrun the scythe, glaring with failure. It is a mere destiny I thought, a threshold I had crossed before. The rain was waving goodbye, and when the night came the forest folded its branches around me. Something passed by, and I went into a dream. She laughing and weeping at once: "take me away". I don't know how or why, I'll never know WHEN. Red sun rising somewhere through the dense fog. The portrait of the jaded dawn who had seen it all before. This day wept on my shoulders. Still the same as yesterday. This path seems endless, body is numb. The soul has lost its flame. Walking in familiar traces to find my way back home. So there I was. Within the sobriety of the immortals. A semblance of supernatural winds passing through, The garden sighs, flowers die. The gate was closed that day, but I was bound to carry on. She could not see me through the windows. In dismay, strangest twist upon her lips. Graven face, she said my name. Once inside I heard whispers in the parlour. The gilded faces grin, aware of my final demise. And I cried, I knew she had lied. Her obsession had died, it had died. When can I take you from this place? When is the word but a sigh? When is death our lone beholder? When do we walk the final steps? When can we scream instead of whisper? When is the new beginning, the end of this sad MADRIGAL. Our abode 'mongst the stars is waiting, long enough for our last breath of life. You stare at nothing, right through me, at times resembling the Devil's concubine. And me, I am the idol that would long to caress our eyes until they would open no more. I would comfort you if I only could, but as we all know by now...I am just thin air. Unaware as you are of my presence, you are losing yourself. Hiding within THE AMEN CORNER. White summer. So far I have gone to see you again. Hiding your face in the palm of your hands. Finding solace in the words I do despise. You snatch at every sound. And even though you believe that I am shackled within death, memories are tainted with paleness. Crestfallen still. Those eyes...empty like a barren well. It was the only task I would undertake. To reap the harvest that was mine. The seed that had sprung into a florid meadow, and left me helpless in your embrace. The bond we never spoke of, once stark and enticing, now slowly smoldering to dust. The celestial touch, from grey to black. A fathomless void enclosing. Unwritten secrets beneath the cobwebs. I can not endure. And so I rose from my sleep. The moon turned away its face. Overture of the long, black night begins...something you said: "Eerie circles upon the waters". Until now we have shared the same aura. My ashes within your hands. My breath in the sepulchral mound. You know that your night is my day. The final spark that blew life into me, the DEMON OF THE FALL. Silent dance with death. Everything is lost. Torn by the arrival of Autumn. The blink of an eye, you know it's me. You keep the dagger close at hand. And you saw nothing. False love turned to pure hate. The wind cried a lamentation before merging with the grey. Demon of the fall. Gasping for another breath. She rose, screaming at closed doors. Seductive faint mist forging through the cracks in the wall. I shant resist. In tears for all of eternity. She turned around and faced me for the first time. Run away, run away. Just one second, and I was left with nothing. Her fragrance still pulsating through damp air. That day came to an end. And she had lost in me, her CREDENCE. Deserted again. You speak to me through the shadows. Walking in closed rooms, using cold words. Captured by the night. The yearning escapes from my embrace. Strange silhouettes whisper your thoughts, scream your sadness. And they all turned away, unable to face more of this death. Credence in my word. Written in dust, tainted by memories. I confess my hope, recognize my loneliness. Your laughter weeps the truth. Push me into corners. Confirming the epitaph of my soul and displaying the once unknown KARMA. And as they say, grief is only able to possess. The rotting body clad in ancient clothes is left behind with a wave of the hand. I have gone away. The bed is cold and empty. Trees bend their boughs toward the earth. And nighttime birds float as black faces. It was the hand reaching out through the mirror. Unknown and scarred by life...the luring eyes, you had never seen. You have nothing more to find. You have nothing more to loose. The cold season drifts over the land. They huddle in the brown corners. Some would settle for less. The castles were all empty, asleep. Long awaiting their king. Beckoning round the bend. Amidst the forest one would hear that I had been there. Draped within a fate I could not change, and always welcoming Winter's EPILOGUE. There it was. The final destiny. A sunrise that never came, still the night lamp that never faded away. Farewell was the word, and the afterglow was the brave morning. Rising and telling everyone about the beauty of its PROLOGUE