Wyświetlono wypowiedzi wyszukane dla słów: fallout tactics mody

Temat: What kind of weapons do you want to see in F3?

I never said I wanted to turn fallout into an action game. I like the strategy and rpg aspects but I hated how slow the game played. When Fallout Tactics came around I hated the lack of rpg aspects but I loved how everything ran smoother and looked better. As wrong as it was for deathclaws to be covered with fur, the tactics deathclaws didn't slowly lurch forward, dragging their knuckles, they actually ran right at you. The Awaken mod gives you a chance to play a game (vaguely) similiar to the original, but with all the new bells and whistles. As for the 50s feel of the game, AR15s and AK47s were first built in the late fifties, so a futuristic version of them could still be included in a fallout setting. Fallout lacked variety of weapons so you didn't have a choice, in fallout 2 there were more weapons to choose from so you could specialize your tactics. In fallout 1 if you wanted to throw a hell of a lot of bullets at someone you got a minigun. But what if you wanted more power and fewer shots? In fallout 2 you could switch it up with a bozar or the support weapon. The nuclear war in fallout happens about 70 years from now. Whos to say in the fallout universe history up untill this point is unchanged? Give me proof that none of what happened in real life happened in the fallout universe. There sure as hell isn't any proof in the game because you aren't supposed to know. After the bombs everything started over. Since there is no way of finding out about the past of the fallout universe (which is good, because it adds to the ambiance) whos to say what did or didn't happen. I have some proof that weapons we see today existed in some form in the fallout universe though. After the WW2, people realized that a high power semi-automatic rifle wasn't going to cut it anymore, expescially in urban warfare. SMGs were too innacurate to be used in teh open, where rifles excelled. Machine guns were deadly no matter where they were placed, but were too heavy to lug around. The governments started to work putting together accurate, high rate of fire low caliber weapons. Ar15s came pretty close to being .22 cal instead of .223. As time went on these assault rifles were perfected by trying to get the most force out of the smallest bullet. As assault rifles became more and more lethal governments began to search for effective means of body armor. Eventually, due to the high power of assault rifles, conventional body armor would be rendered obsolete and a new alternative would be needed. Power armor is one such alternative. Power armor wouldn't exist if it weren't for the rise of the assault rifle. I don't know if the history would be the same but the weapons would probably be similiar.

Ever tried re-reading what you wrote??

The return/enter key is your friend.

Temat: What kind of weapons do you want to see in F3?
I never said I wanted to turn fallout into an action game. I like the strategy and rpg aspects but I hated how slow the game played. When Fallout Tactics came around I hated the lack of rpg aspects but I loved how everything ran smoother and looked better. As wrong as it was for deathclaws to be covered with fur, the tactics deathclaws didn't slowly lurch forward, dragging their knuckles, they actually ran right at you. The Awaken mod gives you a chance to play a game (vaguely) similiar to the original, but with all the new bells and whistles. As for the 50s feel of the game, AR15s and AK47s were first built in the late fifties, so a futuristic version of them could still be included in a fallout setting. Fallout lacked variety of weapons so you didn't have a choice, in fallout 2 there were more weapons to choose from so you could specialize your tactics. In fallout 1 if you wanted to throw a hell of a lot of bullets at someone you got a minigun. But what if you wanted more power and fewer shots? In fallout 2 you could switch it up with a bozar or the support weapon. The nuclear war in fallout happens about 70 years from now. Whos to say in the fallout universe history up untill this point is unchanged? Give me proof that none of what happened in real life happened in the fallout universe. There sure as hell isn't any proof in the game because you aren't supposed to know. After the bombs everything started over. Since there is no way of finding out about the past of the fallout universe (which is good, because it adds to the ambiance) whos to say what did or didn't happen. I have some proof that weapons we see today existed in some form in the fallout universe though. After the WW2, people realized that a high power semi-automatic rifle wasn't going to cut it anymore, expescially in urban warfare. SMGs were too innacurate to be used in teh open, where rifles excelled. Machine guns were deadly no matter where they were placed, but were too heavy to lug around. The governments started to work putting together accurate, high rate of fire low caliber weapons. Ar15s came pretty close to being .22 cal instead of .223. As time went on these assault rifles were perfected by trying to get the most force out of the smallest bullet. As assault rifles became more and more lethal governments began to search for effective means of body armor. Eventually, due to the high power of assault rifles, conventional body armor would be rendered obsolete and a new alternative would be needed. Power armor is one such alternative. Power armor wouldn't exist if it weren't for the rise of the assault rifle. I don't know if the history would be the same but the weapons would probably be similiar.

Temat: FALLOUT mod - teoria...

zastanow sie Alderous moze zapoczatkujesz taki mod ?

Niestety entuzjazm nie wystarczy, a starając się myśleć realnie nie dałbym rady. Już w chwili obecnej wszystko co robiłem "leży" (poza partycypowaniem w kampanii Marshal'a ale i tu muszę się ograniczać). powód jest prosty - za trzy tygodnie sesja i w sumie dopiro za dwa miesiące mogę liczyć na to że "złapię oddech". W każdym razie teoretyczne rozważanie nikomu jeszzcze nie zaszkodziły.

Jeśli chodzi o mnie to nie mogę powiedzieć że znam fallouta, bo nie przeszedłem ani jedynki ani dwójki (jak widzę wiele mnie jeszcze czeka). W każdym razie dla mnie fallout byłby pociągający z minimalnym udziałem karabinów gauss'a, broni bezłuskowej itp.. Z mojego punktu widzenie o wiele ciekawszy byłby regres tzn. broń obecnie używana: M16, AK, FNFAL, shootgun'y itd. plus dużo barwnych samoróbek i broni krótkiej. W tym sensie byłby to Madmax z dużą ilością broni palnej. Ponieważ OFP leży pod względem walki wręcz trzeba by ją sobie odpuścić, ale pojazdy z jednym stanowiskiem ogniowym wystarczą. Akurat walka na drodze w stylu Madmax byłaby ciekawa.

Nie wiem czy ktoś zetknął się z grą paragrafową "Wojownik autostrady"? Tamta rzeczywistość postapokaliptyczna była bardzo ciekawa, a poza tym wcale nie spowodowana wymianą ognia między NATO i WP.

Co do samego moda to myślałem o jego "plastyce". Sądzę że powinne dominować brązy i rude kolory czyli rdza, pył i brud (Nawet na niebie). Patrząc na budynki to większość stanowią ruiny naprędce połatane (dużo blachy falistej), a więc coś co łatwiej jest zrobić. Bardzo mało wyposażenia wnętrz. Poza tym reszta jest dosyć bunkrowata lub przypomina lepianki. Kłopot może stanowić to że przydało by się dużo śmieci, gruzu i wraków. Nie należy jednak przesadzać, bo AI będzie miała kłopoty z nawigacją pomiędzy nimi. Konieczne byłoby wprowadzenie własnych tekstur dróg tj. takich które są bardzo zniszczone, pełne dziur, przebija przez nie jakaś trawa itp. Generalnie im większe wrażenie "rozpadu" dałoby się uzyskać tym lepiej.

W kwestii promieniowania to nie można zapomnieć o liczniku Geiger'a jako seconadary weapon lub hand weapon. Fallout bez trzeszczenia licznika Geiger'a to jak Aliens bez dźwięku motion-scanner'a.

Ciekawe mogły by być też mutanty popromienne działające podobnie jak zombiaki w OFP.

Ogólnie rzecz biorąc sądzę, że taki mod więcej powinien mieć z Fallout Tactics niż z dwóch pierwszych falloutów. Wymusza to charakter gry jaką jest OFP.

Temat: A Couple of FOT Questions
I got Fallout Tactics a while back and never got around to playing it to recently so I have a few questions.

1.) My copy of Tactics came with a bonus CD I installed the bonus CD but I couldn't get to the Spingfield mission. I ended up doing an unistall of Tactics, removing all the other files the unistall didn't remove and installing Tactics, then installing the bonus mission and then the 1.27 patch. The Spingfield mission showed up, but they have some pink tiles on one of the buildings. What is up with the pink tiles?

2.) I'm right now on Mission 10 Kansas City. I read in one walkthrough that it is possible to finish the mission without losing a single ghoul. How would you do this? I'm not sure if my squad is even capable of doing this. I right now am using one heavy weapos man at the West Gate with an M2 and a snipper/shotgunner for back up. At the South Gate I've been using a heavy weapons man with a M2 and a Rocket Launcher, a 2nd heavy weapons man with a SAW, and a sniper with a sniper rifle. I send 1 sniper to cover the Northen Gate wth a snipper rifle. The one ghoul, that runs in the middleof the street at the Southern Gate allways gets killed every time I play the mission. I have tried having characters run up to him and give him 2 doses of psycho wich does help delay his death. He also falls flat on the ground and can't move for a little bit wich helps me not having to worry about him for a little while. The best I can get so far has been only 1 ghoul dies during the mission. I usually play CTB but I switched to Squad TB for this mission. One of the walkthroughs said if you can get no ghouls killed a ghoul named Hazmat will be at the bunker who you can barter with. Is this true?

3.)The editor says I need to unzip certain files, When I go to unzip one of the files the read me for the editor say WinZip will freeze up if I'm using classic mode. I can unzip the file in wizard mode of winzip. Now my question is that when I am extracting the files I'll get told that another file with the same name allready exists a few times. Wich file do I keep when I extracting the files and I get asked to keep the existing file or the extracted one? Do I keep the one that has the newest date?

4.)I got the Stange Papers in the Gamma Bunker. I can't read what they say. The text is weird, it looks like it is missing letters in words, etc. Does anyone have the text for the papers that is readable.

Temat: Is this a Fan site or a Hater site?
>I'm guessing you've not played Jagged
>Alliance 2. Common opinion
>of those who have played
>that, and from what I've
>gathered from the demos and
>first mission, is that this
>entirely pales to JA2.
>If you haven't already, check JA2
>out. It's TB for
>the most part, relying on
>the 'sequence' of each person,
>but it's much better than
>what I've seen of this.

I prefer turn based really, real time strategy isn't really strategy at all. It's like calling Diablo a "real time rpg".
I have played JA2, JA, and Deadly Games, as well as all the X-com games and FFT. JA2 is unfortunately not multiplayer and not very user modifiable. There's some good stuff in it, like destructable building walls and such, but overall I think I prefer fot more so far.

>CTB amounts to seeing who can
>get the other guy to
>pop their head up first
>and see if you can
>shoot it, turn-based has been
>done before and better.
>I'd probably hazard a guess
>JA2 could achieve more of
>a Fallout atmosphere if I
>got really drunk and pretended
>really well. Might not
>have to do that.
>It doen't have the dingy
>palette, but it does have
>the sparse landscape. Plus
>you have the ability to
>fully take advantage of the
>buildings and landscape than what
>I've seen of FOT.
>It can at least accomplish
>half of what Fallout Tactics
>is supposed to offer; if
>not Fallout, then for sure,

Only thing i've seen in JA2 in regards to cover that's not in fot is being able to hop over fences. Throwing weapons to teammates is nice too, but doesn't really fall under the heading of uses of cover. I'm really not dissapointed with the tactics portion of FOT much at all. What dissapoints me mainly is the story and un-falloutness of much of it. No dialog trees is certainly dissapointing, but note that JA2 doesn't have such things either if we're comparing them. JA2 was also much more repetitive than even FOT, as ALL the missions were "kill enemies alot".

Don't get me wrong, FOT isn't everything I hoped it would be, not by a long shot, but I certainly don't think it's as bad as everyone else seems to. Once all the bugs are out, you're left with a fairly solid strategy title that's user modifiable. I know I plan to work on my own multiplayer + campaign mod the minute the editor comes out.

Temat: A Couple of FOT Questions

I got Fallout Tactics a while back and never got around to playing it to recently so I have a few questions.

1.) My copy of Tactics came with a bonus CD I installed the bonus CD but I couldn't get to the Spingfield mission. I ended up doing an unistall of Tactics, removing all the other files the unistall didn't remove and installing Tactics, then installing the bonus mission and then the 1.27 patch. The Spingfield mission showed up, but they have some pink tiles on one of the buildings. What is up with the pink tiles?

2.) I'm right now on Mission 10 Kansas City. I read in one walkthrough that it is possible to finish the mission without losing a single ghoul. How would you do this? I'm not sure if my squad is even capable of doing this. I right now am using one heavy weapos man at the West Gate with an M2 and a snipper/shotgunner for back up. At the South Gate I've been using a heavy weapons man with a M2 and a Rocket Launcher, a 2nd heavy weapons man with a SAW, and a sniper with a sniper rifle. I send 1 sniper to cover the Northen Gate wth a snipper rifle. The one ghoul, that runs in the middleof the street at the Southern Gate allways gets killed every time I play the mission. I have tried having characters run up to him and give him 2 doses of psycho wich does help delay his death. He also falls flat on the ground and can't move for a little bit wich helps me not having to worry about him for a little while. The best I can get so far has been only 1 ghoul dies during the mission. I usually play CTB but I switched to Squad TB for this mission. One of the walkthroughs said if you can get no ghouls killed a ghoul named Hazmat will be at the bunker who you can barter with. Is this true?
3.)The editor says I need to unzip certain files, When I go to unzip one of the files the read me for the editor say WinZip will freeze up if I'm using classic mode. I can unzip the file in wizard mode of winzip. Now my question is that when I am extracting the files I'll get told that another file with the same name allready exists a few times. Wich file do I keep when I extracting the files and I get asked to keep the existing file or the extracted one? Do I keep the one that has the newest date?
4.)I got the Stange Papers in the Gamma Bunker. I can't read what they say. The text is weird, it looks like it is missing letters in words, etc. Does anyone have the text for the papers that is readable. I don't think there is any, it's just a piece of nonsense not connected with the plot. Though it might be the mouse debacle which is in one of the gui folders IIRC.

Temat: Ideas for Fallout 2 modding
Here are a few ideas for BOS, now that MIB kindly pointed me to where i should post whatever I can think of for a mod:
a. Quest giver for BOS, the guy in The Den. Why?Because the Frisco outpost was compromised and the scouts there turned to ashes. So the guy in The Den would take the leading role.
b. Instead of telling Mr. Wright about Siera Army Depot you inform the BOS scout from The Den. At the next stop there you should be able to see some changes(a squad of paladins as guards and a few scribes researching the base). that would also explain lots of the vehicles from Fallout tactics, and the vehicles that MIB wants to add.
c.you should have a quest with the Military base(aka Omega base or Mariposa Military base). After you eliminate Melchior Sr. you report to the guy in The Den. Next time you stop you see the same scenario that I've proposed for Sierra Army Depot.The Military base it's actually the official birth place of BOS.Maxson got out from there just to form BOS.So the interest would be major in reaquiring the base.
d.Add a Holodisk with the background information for BOS. The background is in the Fallout Bible.
e.Navarro must be an objective for the BOS. They could acquire quite a deal of new tech from there.Same thing as for SAD and MB will happen to Navarro
f.Another objective would be to recruit the doctor(the one that gives you the serum that melts lenny) from NCR for BOS.His knowledge in cybernetics would be a valuable resource for BOS.
g.Idea for another quest: bring Cyberdog and K9 to BOS for examination(they will dissassemble the pooches and study them, but they will return those intact to the player)
i.Bring an Advanced Power Armor Mk I and an Advanced Power Armor mark II for study.
j. Add some tech Holodisks that BOS would want from Poseidon Oil Rig
k.recruit either Doc Johnson or the doc from VC for BOS.
Well, that would be some crude ideas. Hope my mad raving didn't annoyed you too much.

Temat: Stare, ale jare.... czyli ukochane RPG n (na kompa :)
gorbash - ja znowu zarywam - bo MoM'a do roboty zaniosłem, żeby się nie nudzić w czasie długich nocnych dyżurów

JohnnyR - mój pierwszy erpeg to Ishar1, ale wersji ze ś.p. Gamblera nie udało mi się przejść w całości (nawet tej poprawionej). Przy niej dostałem pierwszego stanu podzawałowego, gdy na własnej skórze się przekonałem, że szkielety w podziemiach mogą sie odnawiać. Dwójkę i trójkę też przeszedłem - to klasyka na równi z Ultimami czy Dungeon Masterami czy Eye of Beholderami.
Daggerfalla dorwałem w swoje łapki, ale miałem trochę za szybki komputer (ech te szalone czasy pre-DosBoxowe ) i nie dało się walczyć z potworami . Ale kontynuacje już mnie nie wciągnęły - dłużej dałem radę grać w Two Worlds, pomimo tego, że to jest niezbyt dobry erpeg. Dlatego mam poważne wątpliwości co do Fallota 3. Uważam, że jeśli chodzi o erpegi pozwalające łazić po rozległych terenach to o wiele lepsze od Elder Scrolli są Gothiki.
A co Fallout Tactics - to w sumie tak do końca nie jest erpeg. Interplay próbowało zarobić dodatkową kase na universum Fallouta i stworzyło grę łączącą erpega i grę taktyczną w stylu Jagged Alliance'a. I FOT wcale nie był taki zły, przeszedłem go przynajmniej 7 razy (z modami i bez - prawie tyle samo razy co FO2). ale ja jestem maniakiem gier taktycznych, więc... No i są mody w stylu tych robionych przez nasz rodzimy Vault-Tec Games, które przerabiają Tacticsa na erpega...

A jeśli podobał Ci się FO2, to polecam tez Arcanum (też robiony przez ś.p. Troikę). Obie gry łączą monstrualna ilość questów do przejścia, możliwość wielokrotnego przechodzenia gry i bardzo rozbudowany pod względem fabularnym świat. No i baaardzo mało jest erpegów w klimatach steam-punkowych.

Temat: Unofficial Fo2 patch thread - problems, reports, suggestions
I started replaying Fallout 2 a while ago after not touching it for many, many years and at first I installed with all patches+resolution mods. It's been mostly problem free for me even if I think that tribal that keeps hunting the player showed up one more time after I killed him.

Anyway on to the real issue I recently come across a bug that prevents me from advancing any futher into the game. I'm at Vault 13 and playing a char with negative karma wich means Gruthar won't let me pass peacefully. I read somewhere even evil characters could be allowed in with high enough stats but when I tried to use drugs to buff it it doesn't seem to work so the only option for me seems to be combat and there is where the game crashes for me.

I'm level 14 at the moment and Gruthar and his friend is two hard deathclaws so the only real chance I have of winning is to blind them to prevent them from killing me in 2-3 turns like they otherwise do.. But after I shoot both of them in the eyes with a critical strike and they start to run around aimlessly the game always seems to crash after a round or two after that while I'm trying to gun them down. I rather often used blinding tactics on hard fights before without problems but somehow I never seem to be able to get Gruthar or the other death claw under 150 health or so before the game crashes. Anyway the screen turns black when this happens and a small box saying Fallout 2 encountered a unknown program exeption pops up.

Since it's been years since I last touched Fallout 2 I have no idea if this is a regular game bug that happend for me or something connected with the restoration mod. I do know I can't try it without the mod though since the saved moded files don't work with just the official patch. Also I read on some sites that it should be possible to sneak past Gruthar in combat mode but that doesn't seem to work for me either.

If I remember correctly Fallout 2 always been buggy but I would hate to have to stop playing now that I gotten so far so far and I have no idea how to progress futher so any help would be appreciated.

Temat: RPG
Jeśli chcecie którąś to piszcie!!

Index Gier RPG:.

1. Albion [info] [zdjęcia]..
2. Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura [eng/spl] [info] [zdjęcia]..
3. NEW ADDED Archangel [eng] [info] [zdjęcia]..
4. Avencast: Rise of the Mage [eng] [info] [zdjęcia]..


1. Baldur's Gate [pl] [info] [zdjęcia]..
2. Baldur's Gate: Tales of the Sword Coast [pl] [info] [zdjęcia]..
3. Baldur's Gate II [pl] [info] [zdjęcia]..
4. Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal [pl] [info] [zdjęcia]..
5. Baldur's Gate [MODY]..
6. Beyond Divinity [pl] [info] [zdjęcia]..
7. Breath of Fire IV [info] [zdjęcia]..


1. Dark Messiah of Might and Magic [eng/pl/spl] [info] [zdjęcia]..
2. Dawn of Magic: Blood Magic [eng/rip] [info] [zdjęcia]..
3. Demon Stone Forgotten Realms [info] [zdjęcia]..
4. Diablo [info] [zdjęcia]..
5. Diablo II: Lord of Destruction [pl] [info] [zdjęcia]..
6. Divine Divinity [info] [zdjęcia]..
7. Dungeon Siege [info] [zdjęcia]..
8. Dungeon Siege: Legends of Aranna [info] [zdjęcia]..
9. Dungeon Siege II [eng/pl] [info] [zdjęcia]..
10. Dungeon Siege II: Broken World [info] [zdjęcia]..


1. Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind [pl] [info] [zdjęcia]..
2. Elder Scrolls III: Bloodmoon [pl] [info] [zdjęcia]..
3. Elder Scrolls III: Tribunal [pl] [info] [zdjęcia]..
4. Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion [eng] [info] [zdjęcia]..
5. Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - Knights of the Nine [pl/eng] [info] [zdjęcia]..
6. Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - Shivering Isles [eng/pl] [info] [zdjęcia]..
7. Evil Islands: Curse of the Lost Soul [pl] [info] [zdjęcia]..


1. Fable: The Lost Chapters [pl] [info] [zdjęcia]..
2. Fallout 2 [pl/eng?] [info] [zdjęcia]..
3. Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel [pl?] [info] [zdjęcia]..
4. Final Fantasy 7 [info]..
5. NEW ADDED Final Fantasy VIII [eng] [info] [zdjęcia]..


1. Gothic [pl/mody/rip] [info] [zdjęcia]..
2. Gothic II [pl/rip] [info] [zdjęcia]..
3. Gothic II: Night of the Raven [pl/mody] [info] [zdjęcia]..
4. Gothic III [pl/eng/rip/custom/spl] [info] [zdjęcia]..
5. NEW ADDEDGreyhawk: The Temple of Elemental Evil [pl] [info] [zdjęcia]..


1. MOVED Hellgate: London [multi] [info] [zdjęcia]..


1. Icewind Dale [pl] [info] [zdjęcia]..
2. Icewind Dale: Heart of Winter [pl] [info] [zdjęcia]..
3. Icewind Dale: Heart of Winter - Trials of the Luremaster [pl] [info] [zdjęcia]..
4. Icewind Dale II [pl] [info] [zdjęcia]..


1. NEW ADDEDKult: Heretic Kingdoms /Heretic Kingdoms: The Inquisition [pl] [info] [zdjęcia]..


1. Lionheart: Legacy of the Crusader [info] [zdjęcia]..
2. Loki [multi/pl/custom] [info] [zdjęcia]..


1. Magiczni Wojownicy [info] [zdjęcia]..
2. Metalheart: Replicants Rampage [eng] [info] [zdjęcia]..
3. Might and Magic IX: Writ of Fate [eng] [info] [zdjęcia]..
4. Mount And Blade [info] [zdjęcia]..


1. Neverwinter Nights [eng/pl] [info] [zdjęcia]..
2. Neverwinter Nights : Hordes of the Underdark [pl] [info HoU] [zdjęcia HoU]..
3. Neverwinter Nights : Shadows of Undrentide [pl] [info SoU] [zdjęcia SoU]
4. Neverwinter Nights [Diamond Edition/kolekcjonerska]..
5. Neverwinter Nights 2 [pl?/eng] [info] [zdjęcia]..


1. Overlord [info] [zdjęcia]..
2. NEW Overlord Raising Hell [eng] [info] [zdjęcia]..


1. Planescape: Torment [eng/pl] [info] [zdjęcia]..
2. Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor [eng] [info] [zdjęcia]..


1. Revenant [info] [zdjęcia]..


1. Sacred + Sacred plus + Sacred Underworld [info] [zdjęcia] [info plus] [zdjęcia plus] [info Underworld] [zdjęcia Underworld]..
2. Septerra Core: Legacy of the Creator [pl] [info] [zdjęcia]..
3. Severance Blade Of Darkness [info] [zdjęcia]..
4. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic [eng/pl?] [info] [zdjęcia]..
5. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords [eng] [info] [zdjęcia]..
6. Star Wolves [info] [zdjęcia]..
7. Sudeki [eng] [info] [zdjęcia]..


1. Titan Quest [eng/spl/pl?] [info] [zdjęcia]..
2. Titan Quest: Immortal Throne [eng/pl?/spl] [info] [zdjęcia]..
3. Two Worlds [pl/rip] [info] [zdjęcia]..


1. NEW ADDED Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines [info] [zdjęcia]..


1. Witcher [Wiedźmin][pl/eng/multi/spl] [info] [zdjęcia]..
2. Wizardry 8 [pl] [info] [zdjęcia]..

Temat: My personal take on Fallout 3
Hi! I'm new here, not that it's hard to tell. Anyway, I've lurked on these forums for a few years now, reading threads to pass the time when I worked at Intel, working long nightshifts. I've been a huge fan of the original Fallout game since it came out, and I enjoyed the second quite a lot as well. I've played through them more times than I can count, and every computer I've owned has had them installed on it. I never played tactics, because I don't like that sort of game, and I've played BoS once, my brother had a copy, but I shunned it.

When I heard Van Buren was canned I was heart broken. I didn't know much about it until later, when I got on here, but I knew it was a much anticipated follow up that I would not get to see come to fruition, and that was depressing. And then I heard a whisper that Fallout 3 was indeed going to be made.

Of course when I found out WHO was making it, my reaction was basically similar to a lot of yours. I was not a fan of Morrowind, and Oblivion was, putting it kindly, lacking.

Still, as hard as it was, I tried not to prejudge. Not until I finally got a copy in my hands and played it, which happened two days ago.

I've started two characters already. One, the first one, was blatantly evil, I just went from location to location killing everything that crossed my path. I actually had some regulators show up, but I blew them away as well. The second character I am playing as a goodguy, or at least trying. But that's neither here nor there.

My general observations... Well, as a game, it's not horrible. I love the way the wasteland looks, it's pretty amazing. The control scheme is pretty neat, VATS is kind of cool, ect. The story isn't even horrible, though at times I am left scratching my head going "really?" All in all, as a stand alone game, it's not bad.

But put the name Fallout in the title, and things quickly shift. I loved how you could play the orignal Fallout without firing a shot at a single person. I loved that tweaking your stats would not only radically change gameplay, but also change what options you had as far as what you could say go. I loved how even though, yes, Ian you bastard, you shot me in the back, at least he was mildly useful versus the NPC's in this game are. I loved how much personality the first two games had. VATS seems out of place in a Fallout game. In fact, FPS seems horribly out of place, and took some getting used to. I tried it with the third person, but watching my character move around made the gaming experience worse for me, so I toggled back to first person. This game was clearly made with the Xbox in mind, and it shows.

Storyline issues have been addressed a thousand times over, and I haven't gotten as far as some people yet, so I can't comment on a whole lot, but there were a few things I wanted to point out. And granted, I may be wrong on a lot of my info, as I haven't played the first two Fallout's in about a year or so.

Click here to see the hidden message (It might contain spoilers) The first thing deals with that boy that comes and gets you in front of the Supermarket. He says his little village has been ravaged by the fire ants (who knew they'd actually start fires?). So I agreed to go help him. The issue was the neighbour across the street from Navarro? How the hell did he get from Navarro all the way to DC, and with only a pistol no less? He was talking about needing more firepower and bought himself a shit sawed off shotgun? I have to wonder exactly how he got so far as to have made it to DC, with a wife and little son, when the wastelands are brutal (at least in hard mode).

Another gripe is the Super Mutants. Are they immortal? I thought they were going to die out and since the vats were destroyed there would be no more, since they are impotent. How are there super mutants in the east? Maybe they are more resilient and able to travel that far, though then again, since that one guy can go from Navarro to there, maybe it's not entirely impossible for them to do it either.

And then of course there's the Enclave. But that's the same issue as with the Super Mutants, I thought they were defeated in the second Fallout.

the Brotherhood also poses the same problem.

So do caps.

I wont keep going on with the things that are so so so wrong with this game, as they've been beaten to death, but those are a few of my thoughts. The game is nothing like the Fallout we all love. Fallout wasn't an FPS, which, while they say you can play in both 3rd and 1st person in this game, it was clearly designed as an FPS, just like Oblivion. It's not exactly Oblivion with guns, but it's pretty close. They wanted name recognition, but did not take the time to consider (or maybe they did) the damage they would do to said name.

Sorry for the rant that basically says... Well. Anyway. Those are my thoughts.[/spoiler]

Temat: Does Fallout 3 meet the criteria to be called Fallout?
Why pretend Fallout had a perfect combat system? It didn't.

I am a fan of turn-based, sure. I think it's a mistake to say it won't sell, a misconception that stems from how wildly popular Command & Conquer and Warcraft were compared to their TB strategy counterparts. But, while being in RT might have helped, and lended a bit of novelty, they were also good games that deserved to sell no matter what format they were in.

Anyway, I enjoy it because It creates a less stressful gaming environment. As a fan of wargames, I think it is absolutely the best way to handle that format. Tactical combat games can work both ways, but TB is better for that also. Jagged Alliance 2 is much more fun for me than Company of Heroes. There is too much to manage in real-time. Too stressful.

But, at the same time, in a game that isn't "pure" TB, such as Fallout, going in and out of TB mode can become an annoyance. Vault 15 comes to mind, there is always some stupid rat that sees you and causes the game to switch modes. In such a case, real-time or "continuous turn based" would make for a much smoother experience. Your character sees the rat, and automatically kills it. Or doesn't, depending on your settings.

In short, I'm not really sure Fallout would have been any worse if it had a combat system similar to Tactics. It's easy to manage a single character in real-time. Or CTB, in this case. For all the issues the game had, I felt the CTB system worked very well. Too bad they weren't able to put that level of work into the other aspects of the game.

Now, engineering satisfying and not overwhelming bouts of real-time combat would take some extra work from the developers. You don't want the player bum-rushed by dozens of enemies, at least not without giving him a chance to set up defenses. If you design the mutant base, you have to design it so the player has places to find cover, set traps, etc. The end product could be far more engaging than a simple "stand still and blast" turn-based system, which is what Fallout had.

How they have us shoot things doesn't really matter to me. I sure as heck didn't enjoy Fallout because of the super great combat system. It's all about the setting for me. The atmosphere. If you think you can't get a Fallout vibe from a first-person game, you are mistaken. I'm not going to say FP is the superior format, but it is the most immersive by a longshot. Bioshock and Half-Life 2 put that argument to rest for me. In many ways, Bioshock IS Fallout 3D (albeit underwater), and it is amazing.

To sum up, my personal standpoint is that I don't care how great the combat system is, what format the game is in, or how refined the RPG aspects are, all they need to do is not be crappy enough to break me out of the game world. That's the bread and butter for me. Is this world convincing? Am I in Fallout?

And I think the only way any of us can know if it works for us, is if we play it.

Temat: Worst Possible things for FO3?

billcd wrote:
Honestly, if someone could pull this off in a game that played like Morrowind (and I doubt they could, or that Beth would try) I would love it the same.

It would be another sellout..

billcd wrote:
Tactics had all of that, and yet it lacked the feel that makes FO special.

Oh really, get your facts straight. Tactics failed because the whole story deviated from the Fallout universe (and lots of other stuff), and it had isometric view because, well that's how a tactical game should be.

billcd wrote:
I never played FOPOS, but from what I've heard, and the rantings on this site, the chief complaints were around the music in the backround, terrible missions and bad writing, not the way combat played out.

Erm, I guess you never paid attention to our news posts either. Because we did complain about the combat..

billcd wrote:
In the end, combat and play is a mechanical difference, not a change in the soul of the game. Obviously, no one wants FO:FPS, but would a FO, I mean a game true to the spirit of fallout, that played like KOTOR really be that bad?

Yes it would, Fallout is isometric and it shouldn't change. Especially when you consider the fact that you have cNPCs to look out for and probably lots of enemies, which makes the combat more tactical than a FPS. Why do you think all RTS have isometric view? (and I don't mean 2D..)

billcd wrote:
Playing many other games I felt like Fallout doesn't give you as much control and excitement in combat, it's just not as involving.

Playing many other games, I feel you are on crack. The only games that give me more control in combat are Action or Strategy games. In other words, combat-oriented games. Now that comes as a surprise, doesn't it? Next you'll tell me Adventure games have better puzzles than Unreal Tournament and RPGs a better story than NASCAR Racing. What is the world coming to?

Maybe this is because I never played RPGs (I mean non-CRPGs), but neither has a lot of the gaming community. It just doesn't appeal to many people.

So CRPGs should appeal to people who don't like RPGs rather than people who like RPGs? Brilliant.

Honestly, if someone could pull this off in a game that played like Morrowind (and I doubt they could, or that Beth would try) I would love it the same.

I wouldn't, because MW played horribly and I'd break all the keys on my board in frustration.

Sure, third person iso tb is unique to FO (which makes many fans obssess about it) but it's not essential to FO.

Realm of Arkania has iso tb combat too. And that rules. Iso tb combat rules on it's own, and while not every game with iso tb combat may rule, it's a great bonus.

Tactics had all of that, and yet it lacked the feel that makes FO special.

It also wasn't an RPG, But that's probably just a mechanical difference, not a change in the soul of the game. The changes in the soul were an additional bonus.

In the end, combat and play is a mechanical difference, not a change in the soul of the game.

I ain't got a nice reply in store for this bullshit. I can't tell how many discussions about gameplay I've witnessed. It's damn bloody important to people, this gameplay. People decide which games they play because of it.
If someone makes a game that has a "soul" I like but a gameplay I despise, is that supposed to make me happy? More like an epitome of frustration. It'd be Simon 3D all over. Burn in the deepest pit of hell.

Fifth, and finally, don't knock commercial endeavors. I've seen fan games and mods, and they just don't cut it. People have lives and dayjobs to take up their time, so a fan mod just doesn't meet the standards of commercial games.

I've seen fan games and mods on par with commercial products and sub-par commercial products. You ain't got a clue.

I'm sure this will be a good game, maybe even worthy of the title of Fallout.

Now THIS is truly encouraging. Maybe it'll be worthy of the name. You sure spread confidence like a wildfire.

Alright, then I guess you're okay with not playing any new fallout game again. I'm saying that Beth can pull off a good game even if it's not identicle to the original FO instead of saying that I'm going to destroy my keyboard as soon as it comes out. I think I can safely say that I'm the optimist here.

Temat: Geez, such whining about FOT: BOS . . .
>1) The game is not
>just multiplayer - it has
>a single player mode.
>If you read the new
>website clearly it says that
>multiplayer mode can access some
>_singleplayer_ maps.

this is a stdard for all other games than RPG. I would expect a strategy to be null without that optio... and less work for me That is why I hail the multiplayer option in Tactics

>2) Do you really think
>Interplay wants to trash a
>valuable franchise like FO by
>sticking on just anything?

uh... I also though Lucas Arts would be the utimate game company after realesing Tie Fighter. Look what they became right now...

>4) This game is not
>taking resources from FO3 -
>Interplay's strategy division, 14 East,
>and an outside developer, Microforte
>are working on the game.
> Black Isle is tied
>up on other projects.
>Repeat, this game will not
>cause a delay in FO3
>- different resources are being
>used. In fact it
>is quite clear that this
>game is pretty far along
>from looking at the screenshot,
>and we know Interplay has
>had no extra RPG resources
>for a while what with
>BGII, PS:T, Ice Wind Dale,

How can you tell for sure? I think if they start doing Fallout 3 while before Tactics is released, maybe the market could get tired of Fallout titles. That is why it CAN delay the development of Fallout 3. Or maybe you can change my mind by ponting some more facts. I know I don't have them also but I just had to respond

>5) Frankly, I enjoyed XCOM
>and JA2 and, if done
>correctly, I think this will
>be a great game, and
>a great addition to the
>franchise. And if you'd
>use your noggins, you'd realize
>that anything that can help
>to increase the popularity of
>the FO universe can only
>help to increase the likelihood
>of a FO3 and its
>success if published.

Here's a tip for guys at 14 degrees and Micro Forte:
read user feedback and please, please triple hundrend check your source program code befor publishing the executable. It's easy for you guys, your tech support isn't working so 100.000 people ask me "WHERE THE F**K IS MY TRUNK!!!"

>6) I'd like to see
>for once, a rational logical
>reason why this game, if
>done well, is such a
>bad idea. So far,
>I haven't seen one.

No one say it'll be a bad game, we are just not too keen on Fallout title being used for a non rpg game. This is all news for most of us hard core role players. Last strategy that I liked is Warcraft 1. Sure I played lot's of them, including the entire C&C series, Bllizards strategy games, TA seires, Age series... hell, what haven't I played? Oh, Star trek by Interplay Just had no time lately. Basically RPG is what I enjoy in, so this came as a surprise to me

Miroslav, miroslav@gamestats.com
No Mutants Allowed - Fallout WebSite

Temat: Rebuttal to Necessity of Online Fallout
Alright, before this thread is closed for mentioning online fallout, take the time to read and understand what I'm saying, as I'm not ADVOCATING online fallout - much to the contrary.

I'll begin by taking a look at the most popular commercially available MMORPGs, and comparing them afterwards to Fallout 1 and 2. Hopefully, by the end of this post, you'll understand why a fallout MMORPG will -not- work.

ULTIMA ONLINE (and later incarnations)
You create a character to participate in the (originally) frontier world. You are able to do virtually anything you like, from running a merchant outpost out of your fancy house to becoming a wealthy spellcasting swordsman adventurer.

You create a hero to adventure into the formerly-new world of Everquest; this character is one of many classes and races, which generally specialize in one "field" of abilities (healing magic, solo-killing ability, meat shield, etc.) You are a hero in the sense that your actions, along with other players', help to influence the world around you (at least in respect to players.) Guilds are common and can reach extreme levels of in-game power.

Asuron's Call and AC2
More oriented to solo play than Everquest, AC is Microsoft's entry into the MMORPG arena. A decent first effort in my own opinion, maybe we'll see something more from them in the future? Similar character and class creation to Everquest, although the gameplay is very different.

Anarchy Online
Anyone remember AO? .. .. Neither do I.

Diablo 2
Calling this a MMORPG is a travesty to the beauty and intricacy put into the so-classed MMORPGs; however, it has impressive play stats, especially for a free service four-five years after the game release. Hack n' Slash at it's best/worst, depending on how you think of it. Rated "M" for mouth-breather. I play this game every day.

Now, when you look at all these games, what do you find in common?


I acknowledge that it could be argued that "Well, what about the rest of the world? They didn't just disappear when the bombs went off..."

But, to keep with the storyline of Fallout (not that they do so, see Tactics and FO:PoS), they would have to maintain that only America had vaults.

Not only this, but the story does not allow for the kind of dynamic, large world capable of supporting vast numbers of heroes. It is ideally suited to just one hero, or a party led by the hero.

To wrap it up, I'll leave you with my closing thoughts:

While the concept of an online Fallout at first may sound appealing, it just isn't feasable in the sense of continuity and entertainment.

Notice that I didn't even delve into the financial feasability of a project as vast as a MMORPG.. I don't think Interplay could do it, unless they got BIG backing, and with the mediocre BoS coming out soon, I worry about their intents for the series.

By the way, Mods, if you feel this needs to be moved, you have my blessings to do so; however, judging from the number of "Oh, well, a fallout mmorpg is necessary" arguements (or attempts at arguements) lately, I figured they could use a slice of truth pie.

Temat: Worst Possible things for FO3?
Allright, I'm gonna add my 2 cents here:

First, stop obsessing about Van Buren and what could have been. I've heard rumors from some reliable people that, well, as much as the cool stuff you heard from people at Interplay, the game just wasn't there. Any developer that used it would have had to basically build the entire game using a little work and a lot of ideas.

Second, I played Fallout very early on, and I absolutely loved it. It was and still is one of my favorite gaming experiences. Going back and playing it now, however, it feels very lacking. It is very small, something that Bethesda could fix, and honestly, the gameplay isn't as fun to me as it was before. Playing many other games I felt like Fallout doesn't give you as much control and excitement in combat, it's just not as involving. Maybe this is because I never played RPGs (I mean non-CRPGs), but neither has a lot of the gaming community. It just doesn't appeal to many people. Fallout could do with some changes.

Third, one thing sets Fallout apart from every other game I've ever played: the environment. I mean, from the opening sequence to the writing to the gloom and color- all this has been described all over the site. The feeling of the fallout world is what makes it great. Honestly, if someone could pull this off in a game that played like Morrowind (and I doubt they could, or that Beth would try) I would love it the same. Sure, third person iso tb is unique to FO (which makes many fans obssess about it) but it's not essential to FO. Tactics had all of that, and yet it lacked the feel that makes FO special. I never played FOPOS, but from what I've heard, and the rantings on this site, the chief complaints were around the music in the backround, terrible missions and bad writing, not the way combat played out. In the end, combat and play is a mechanical difference, not a change in the soul of the game. Obviously, no one wants FO:FPS, but would a FO, I mean a game true to the spirit of fallout, that played like KOTOR really be that bad?

Fourth, I really enjoyed Morrowind and KOTOR. I liked them, but in the end they weren't all that special. By the time I finished Morrowind, it felt like a big empty island. No depth to characters, no good writing. KOTOR did better on this front, and I like it's storyline and quests A LOT more, it still lacked special elements like those that made FO great. However, these games were still fun, and that is what makes them big hits that can spawn franchises, as opposed to FO. FO is a "thinking man's game:" it takes dedication and commitment to really enjoy, but when you put in the time it feels like a good book or movie. However, it lacks all those mindlessly entertaining elements that, let's face it, we all love. Personally, I have no problem combining the two.

Fifth, and finally, don't knock commercial endeavors. I've seen fan games and mods, and they just don't cut it. People have lives and dayjobs to take up their time, so a fan mod just doesn't meet the standards of commercial games. These games are good because you get a coordinated team of people working eight hours a day to churn out a quality game. And to pay these people to do this, a game needs to be a commercial success. Thus, a game must combine some mindlessly fun elements. I think Bethesda is capable of pulling of a good FO game, but they need one thing: good writing and the right environment. Obviously, MW blew at this. Seeing the screenshots from Oblivion, however, Beth can make a good environment- if they could make a forest as good as those screens they could make a wasteland too. All they need then is a good team of writers to give the game the feel it needs. And, seeing how they react to certain news and events, they probably know it too and I hope they will do well. There are always going to be purists who hate that this game won't be a FO 1/2 clone, but in the end I'm sure this will be a good game, maybe even worthy of the title of Fallout.

Temat: Total Revamp Ideas
Decided to recreate some of my earlier post on setting discussions.

Some examples:

*** DC + North ***
Borders are North Boston, West Pennsylvania, South Richmond.

Major cities include NYC, Boston, Philadelphia, DC, Baltimore, Richmond.

Geography is triangle shaped, fanning out from DC in south west, although start location would probably be northern border, user can quest in the direction of DC or Boston to start.

Early Commonwealth would be explored in FO 3 canon. Region excludes the Pitt, so it will not clash with the expansions, however, it would be a natural expansion if people/me wanted to expand my world to include Pittsburgh after the release.

World map is pretty large, with an obvious coastal corridor of high development, and a slightly sparser back region in the northern corner. Scale would be 100x100 mile per episode (roughly 4 days from border to opp border). 10 minute or 30 minute days could both be explored, density along the corridor may make 10 min seem a bit crowded, but locations should still have much more separation than Fallout 3.

Territory contains many famous cities and military installations, as well as prewar centers of politics/commerce/technology. Highly isolated from West Coast events, though in high conflict with FO3 future lore. Back region gives the opportunity for less urban design and some wilderness. Bonus is reuse of all the DC landmark art.

*** Midwest Michigan ***
Borders are North Michigan Upper Peninsula, West Wisconsin Coast, East Toronto, South Indianapolis/Columbus/Pittsburgh.

Major cities include: Toronto, Buffalo, Cleveland, Columbus, Indianapolis, Chicago, Detroit, Milwaukee.

Geography is basically an offset square around Michigan. Lots of lakes provide natural behaviors to movement and reduce the landmass needed to be generated. Most of the major cities are on the periphery of the lower square, giving a sort of circuit feel, whereas the center of the map would obviously become important as a crossroads. The north can be treated as a large wildnerness, but also serves as a sort of Canada/US front and explore the ramifications of the annexation.

Annexation story would obviously play a part, BOS arrival in the area could be explored (assuming FO2 and Tactics lore). Region has a lot of industrial power, and the geographic properties could be useful for various quest designs. The lakes would be a good excuse for a boat mod.

World map is again huge, but the major cities are in a more dispersed pattern (albeit south biased). 100x100 zones, although the water is all over the interior of the map, so the landscape will feel a lot less like a giant square. 30 minute days might make the upper peninsula unbearable without nearby major population centers, so it is probably more of a 10 min scenario.

Territory contains a good number of major cities, but they are arguably less antsy about their historical look than the East Coast. The DC art however will need to drop some of the obvious landmarks, most can be repurposed for decent usage. The North and the lakes present interesting opportunities for wildnerness in the wasteland.

*** Fallout Hawaii ***
It is on the Hawaii islands, so the ocean provides natural borders. The episodes could essentially be island hoppers.

Terrain could probably be completely reinterpretted as needed, only major city to consider is probably Honolulu. The nature of having an island setting means transportation could be a unique challenge in the game, it may also be used as natural borders for the locations/factions in the game.

Smaller scale of the world map is necessary, could lead to a more detailed area, but probably not the same kind of diversity as the other scenarios.

Includes Pearl Harbor, naval installations abound, and it would be an obvious target for China which would likely be involved in the plot design. It could be easy to create a fairly tight knit scenario that still rivals the size of Fallout 3 and provides the loneliness (across ocean if not the endless wasteland, maybe more Waterworld feel than Mad Max... an option). Again, BOAT MOD, probably even more important.
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