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Temat: Your opinion on FOT modding tutorial on Pipboy2000LE
It's more of an all in one editor. And it's coming along...

>Guys, I think all these problems
>would prove that the mod
>squad needs to make an
>inventory editor, where we can
>add/remove any items we want...As
>I heard last time, you
>guys were working on one,
>how is it going ?
>No Mutants Allowed - Fallout WebSite

[center][a href=//fallout.gamestats.com/pipboy2000le/][IMG SRC=//fallout.gamestats.com/pipboy2000le/img/tmslogo.gif" border=0][/a]

[a href="mailto: Smackrazor@mailandnews.com" style="font-family:arial;font-size: 9pt;color:#008DE6;text-decoration:underline;]Smackrazor[/a]

[font style=font-family:arial;font-size: 9pt;color:#008DE6;]The Modding Kingpin[/center]

Temat: Fallout Tactics modding
Tada! Now all you need to do is add the HTML code to your sig. Or just make an image in Photoshop.

[iframe src=//www.smackrazor.f2s.com/mirosig.htm" border=0 width=100 height=25 marginheight=0 marginwidth=0 frameborder=0][/iframe]

>yeah! i like that
>hmmm... M|/|POC/AB it looks good, maybe
>I should change my sig
>Miroslav, miroslav@gamestats.com
>No Mutants Allowed - Fallout WebSite

[center][TABLE border="5" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="15" bgcolor="#000000" bordercolor="#4B5359" bordercolorlight="#008DE6" bordercolordark="#002FA4][TR][TD][center][a href=//www.modsquad.f2s.com/][IMG SRC=//www.modsquad.f2s.com/logo2.jpg" border=0][/a][/center][table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=100%][tr][td align=center]
[a href="mailto: Smackrazor@mailandnews.com" style="font-family:arial;font-size: 9pt;color:#008DE6;text-decoration:underline;]Smackrazor[/a]

[font style=font-family:arial;font-size: 9pt;color:#008DE6;]Webmaster: [a href=//www.modsquad.f2s.com/" style="font-family:arial;color:#008DE6;text-decoration:underline;font-size: 9pt;]The Mod Squad[/a]

[font style=font-family:arial;color:#008DE6;text-decoration:underline;font-size: 9pt;]The best file compression around - "DEL *.*"[/td][/tr][/table][/td][/tr][/table][/center]

Temat: Your opinion on FOT modding tutorial on Pipboy2000LE
Guys, I think all these problems would prove that the mod squad needs to make an inventory editor, where we can add/remove any items we want...As I heard last time, you guys were working on one, how is it going ?

No Mutants Allowed - Fallout WebSite

Temat: Fot : Rules Of Engagement
There is a new mod in the works, this one is called Fallout Tactics : Rules of Engagement, here are some info ripped from their site:Fallout Tactics: Rules Of Engagement is more like an expansion pack then a mod. We're making new maps, adding new weapons, but meanwhile, enemy's, gameplay & sceneries stay's the same. We did try to make gameplay more realistic but we can only be sure of this when comments are coming in when the first demo is released... So I here by ask you to place your comments and send it to us by E-mail: Snakediablo@hotmail.comThey've also uploaded their beta version of their project, but it's still not available to the public yet.
Thanks to Snake for informing me..

Temat: Mapper news...
>Fallout is a single player game.
>Publisher/Developers don't receive any revenue
>having people playing it for
>five years without get boried
>of it.
>If Fallout was famous, it surely
>wasn't by its modding possibilities

Fallout is a single player game... but BOS tactics is gunna be on the net. And they have.. what like 20-30 places to battle in right?? there isn't a big story onthis one?? (I don't know) anyways,

After a while people are gunna get bored with these 30 somewhat levels. so interplay lets them make their own. People can trade them, the NMA site is bound to have most of them (with people making them, sending straight here) on the site.

Plus there will be an eruption of smaller sites with there own (far inferior) levels, and bigger sites, (pipboy2000, team X's site) with better more detailed levels, (mostly cause you guys are allways making mods, and you've probably thought of new things to add to a town).

-The Silent Hawk-

Temat: Newbie
After a bit of reading and searching, I understand the rules better.

use the read sticked tread, FAQ, troubleshooting, luv the search button and if i post state my problem clearly in the right forum. Please add rules if i forgot some. I'm just posting this so newcomers, like me read this. (hope this is the right forum)

Cause I felt harshly dealt with by you mod's. Ok i can understand that newcomers like me who didn't red the rules and just posted (especially if there are a couple a day) drive you mod's crazy. There for the harsh response. But sometimes I was a little offended, couldn't understand what i've done wrong.
I see that you mod's take your job very seriously, read every post, put in a lot of work, that is a good thing. I don't want to spoil your great site. I came here to look for awnsers to a good game, that will go into the history of gamming, never to be forgotten.

Just wanted to say: I acknowledge the rules and will obey them.

My apologies.

Ps: maybe try to be subtle with a "good willing" newbie, give him/her few pointers or hints on what they're doing wrong. Just a suggestion.

Reply to Per: sorry for my bad English. Spell checking now.
Before that I didn't know my post was sended to the vat, thought it was just deleted, so i didn't red all your replies then. You're right Per, I know Better now. I Luv your Fallout guide, I found most things what I was looking for, like the skilldex bug. thanks

Last edited by Thor_Wolf on Fri Jul 21, 2006 5:55; edited 10 times in total

Temat: F2 Mod: No place like home?
Hi, after browsing these forums for several weeks/months I've decided to register. Today I've started working on my first mod for Fallout 2 called "No place like home?" (just a name I came up with). I got the basic storyline worked out and would like to hear what you think of it. Sorry if there are some major spelling mistakes, English isn't my native language.

- - - - - -
It's the year <XXXX> when the 2 astronauts <name> <name> are on their way back to earth. They have been in outer space for the past decade doing various small experiments. After waking up from hibernation, they attempt to contact Earth via radio. No respons - only static. As they approach Earth as they know it, it becomes clear things have changed. The surface of Earth isn't as bright as it used to be. Big continents which seem to look like deserts are now covering most of the surface together with the ocean. With no communication, the 2 astronauts won't be able to find their original landing spot let alone make a good landing. They helpless dive into Earth's athmosphere, with speeds higher then everyone living at Earth now could ever imagine. Their control systems are burned as they enter. They are now heading straight for the desert, in a final attempt to land safe, one of the astronauts tries to reach for the emergency parachute to slow their ship but fails. Everything becomes dark.

We find our astronauts in a strange area, there's junk everywhere. Stranded, nearly no equipment and not knowing what to expect they are now on their own.


I pretty much came up with this storyline today, so it's pretty basic. Basically, the mod will be about you, one of the survivors of the crash trying to find information about what happened while you were away. Unlike many other games you don't start out with zero items. Hell, you'll probably have better equipment then most people on this planet have! Survival isn't one of your biggest problems right now, as we look around the crash site, things sure don't look like they used to be. Armed with just your combat armor, a flare gun, and some first aid items you managed to safe from the ship, you start walking towards creatures that look like humans.


I started working on the crashsite today too. Here's a WIP:
(couldn't fit the whole area on one screenshot)


What I want to accomplish:

Let it play different as other rpg's since you start out stronger instead of weak and having to work your way to the top. (This does not mean you won't be facing harder enemies).

I'm not planning on making a huge mod, but I want it to be fun.

Add some new items/places.

Some custom graphics.

Thanks for reading,


Temat: Any stuff related to unofficial F2 patches goes in here!

eh, good job. I guess. what's with all the dialog changes though? and all sorts of added stuff that wasn't even there before? I mean, typos have never bothered me that much about Fallout, but like in Arroyo for example, when you first talk to a villager they say stuff like "blabla, PERHAPS our village can be saved". (it just sounds silly) or like in that encounter with the big robot guy killing the family. after you see them blown to bits, your character suddenly blurts out "oh, boy" (with the comma).. ruins the mood a bit. kinda like you were trying to make it better by adding all sorts of silly linguistic formalities actually making it worse. oh, and how come I can't find the yellow keycard on the plane crash site thing anymore (or the bodies for that matter) in Klamath..or any armor on dead npcs/guards etc? not sure if it was like this in the original version (just started playing again) but most of the shopkeepers are also traders now.

Well, perhaps it has been too long since you played Fallout 2 as all of what you say was there in the original.

The only things I did to the text documents was run each one through a spellchecker and when a word came up it did not like I verified what it should have been and changed it. I did nothing grammatically with commas, etc. To prove this, I just now checked an original text file of the villages in Arroyo and the commas you speak of are present there too.

I touched nothing with the yellow key card and it can be found on the body on the right side of the crashed plane. This was actually added in the official 1.02 patch by the original makers but does nothing in the game. If you are not seeing it, I can assume two things. One, you are using version B of my patch which should only be used if you already have 1.02 installed or two, something went wrong with you installing the patch.

As for obtaining armor from NPCs that you kill... this was not in the game since that would cause severe balance issues. Lifting armor from bodies is available from a mod and I assume you probably played with that at some point.

Temat: Any stuff related to unofficial F2 patches goes in here!

Code: tutajkodhihi
-Unnamed Wrights will address you as a Prizefighter if you're a Made Man for them and vice versa.

I assume you mean the Unnammed Wrights will address you as a Prizefighter if you're a Prizefighter, and a Made Man if you're a Made Man for them, correct?

But all in all, a good patch. Haven't tried it yet, going to play through FO2 one more time before I patch it. I'd recommend you continue to work on bug fixes and the like, independent of Seraph and Celestial's patches, if only because those patches introduce "features" that may or may not have been intended to be released, and as such, lean more towards being mods, in my opinion. Here's how I'd structure it if I was doing it:

version 1: Bug fixes only. Same Fallout 2 experience as with the Official 1.02 patch, but with all of the bugs removed so that the game is playable without having to worry about crashes and such. Examples: Fixing holes in walls, removing obvious bug exploits (Hubologist unlimited XP, Unlimited $ bug in Broken Hills), Dialogue fixes, Correcting scripts so that they function properly, Elimination of the black skilldex button/too many items bug, etc etc etc. Simple visual tweaks can also be made here, ie, the flint looking like a rock, party members' appearance changing based on armor/equipment, etc.

version 2: Incorporates all of version 1's bug fixes, but also implements unused scripts, areas, and so forth, using logical jumps made by looking at unimplemented data that the developers created. More of a mod than a patch. Examples: Implementation of the Abbey area, Village Outside Vault City, Old Man McGee and his Rusty Slot Machine, Possibly entering the Enclave via Vertibird... etc etc etc.

version 3: Finally, for your ultimate Fallout 2 experience: all of version 1 and 2, but also additional locations/quests/items, whatever you want to bring to the game from solely a modding perspective. Adding Sulik's village and a quest to rescue his sister? Maybe some fun and/or interesting random encounters? What about digging deep into the game and continuing the map of California down southward, adding in locations from Fallout 1 and possibly some very interesting plot? (not for beginners, most definitely)

With something modular like this, one could pick and choose to what extent they'd like to modify their game. Stability only? Cool, just download version 1. Wanna find out what the devs had planned but didn't finish? Stack version 2 on top of it. How about adding tons more hours to your gameplay with an extension of the map, some new locations, and some never-before-seen fanmade quests? Then download all 3.

I don't know anything about Fallout coding, but I figure if you can stack your patch on top of Seraph's, then something like this is definitely possible. The basic idea is to seperate bug fixing from extra content. The most important thing though, is that it all stays fun. Why else would anyone be doing this much with a game this old? Because it's fun!

Anyhow, to close this one up -

Killap, good luck with all your future patching and modding. Especially if you start taking suggestions from me =p

Per, thanks very much for the Fallout 2 guide. I never knew Fallout 2 was as big of a game as it is until I read through your guide. I keep a saved version of the website on my HD and a hardcopy in a binder. You know, just in case. (wish I'd done that with all of the official Interplay files)


Temat: Worst Possible things for FO3?
Allright, I'm gonna add my 2 cents here:

First, stop obsessing about Van Buren and what could have been. I've heard rumors from some reliable people that, well, as much as the cool stuff you heard from people at Interplay, the game just wasn't there. Any developer that used it would have had to basically build the entire game using a little work and a lot of ideas.

Second, I played Fallout very early on, and I absolutely loved it. It was and still is one of my favorite gaming experiences. Going back and playing it now, however, it feels very lacking. It is very small, something that Bethesda could fix, and honestly, the gameplay isn't as fun to me as it was before. Playing many other games I felt like Fallout doesn't give you as much control and excitement in combat, it's just not as involving. Maybe this is because I never played RPGs (I mean non-CRPGs), but neither has a lot of the gaming community. It just doesn't appeal to many people. Fallout could do with some changes.

Third, one thing sets Fallout apart from every other game I've ever played: the environment. I mean, from the opening sequence to the writing to the gloom and color- all this has been described all over the site. The feeling of the fallout world is what makes it great. Honestly, if someone could pull this off in a game that played like Morrowind (and I doubt they could, or that Beth would try) I would love it the same. Sure, third person iso tb is unique to FO (which makes many fans obssess about it) but it's not essential to FO. Tactics had all of that, and yet it lacked the feel that makes FO special. I never played FOPOS, but from what I've heard, and the rantings on this site, the chief complaints were around the music in the backround, terrible missions and bad writing, not the way combat played out. In the end, combat and play is a mechanical difference, not a change in the soul of the game. Obviously, no one wants FO:FPS, but would a FO, I mean a game true to the spirit of fallout, that played like KOTOR really be that bad?

Fourth, I really enjoyed Morrowind and KOTOR. I liked them, but in the end they weren't all that special. By the time I finished Morrowind, it felt like a big empty island. No depth to characters, no good writing. KOTOR did better on this front, and I like it's storyline and quests A LOT more, it still lacked special elements like those that made FO great. However, these games were still fun, and that is what makes them big hits that can spawn franchises, as opposed to FO. FO is a "thinking man's game:" it takes dedication and commitment to really enjoy, but when you put in the time it feels like a good book or movie. However, it lacks all those mindlessly entertaining elements that, let's face it, we all love. Personally, I have no problem combining the two.

Fifth, and finally, don't knock commercial endeavors. I've seen fan games and mods, and they just don't cut it. People have lives and dayjobs to take up their time, so a fan mod just doesn't meet the standards of commercial games. These games are good because you get a coordinated team of people working eight hours a day to churn out a quality game. And to pay these people to do this, a game needs to be a commercial success. Thus, a game must combine some mindlessly fun elements. I think Bethesda is capable of pulling of a good FO game, but they need one thing: good writing and the right environment. Obviously, MW blew at this. Seeing the screenshots from Oblivion, however, Beth can make a good environment- if they could make a forest as good as those screens they could make a wasteland too. All they need then is a good team of writers to give the game the feel it needs. And, seeing how they react to certain news and events, they probably know it too and I hope they will do well. There are always going to be purists who hate that this game won't be a FO 1/2 clone, but in the end I'm sure this will be a good game, maybe even worthy of the title of Fallout.
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