Wyświetlono wypowiedzi wyszukane dla słów: Fast Money

Temat: Wątek Neosurrealistyczny
utopia is the mother of all media
utopia is the future of the society
utopia is causing a dystopia
utopia is about how we would live and what kind of a world we
utopia is possible by factoring tax into a merger or acquisition
utopia is an end point that is yet too fast to grasp
utopia is only a few phone calls away
utopia is a prefab park?
utopia is perfect
utopia is a stone's throw away
utopia is only a step away" by vinh tran
utopia ist ein
utopia is your dystopia
utopia is the best humanity can perceive
utopia is decent overall
utopia is the mother of all media david hudson 18
utopia is the future society
utopia is it anyway? ippy d it would be very easy to argue that the true "axis
of evil" is actually rather short
utopia is a web based interactive text
utopia is to define what
utopia is
utopia is here someone once asked todd rundgren whom he admired
utopia is here inspired by a quote from todd rundgren
utopia is back
utopia is about how we would live and what kind of a world we would live in if
we could just do that
utopia is not a place in serbia
utopia is only a few phone calls away a step
utopia is the title of a book by thomas more
utopia is a genre of disappointment and deficiency
utopia is a classic masterpiece that conveys more's vivid imagination of the
island of utopia
utopia is not perfection
utopia is a prefab park? << previous image
utopia is new zealand's most innovative hosting company
utopia is a strategic marketing and communications firm focused on the
advancement of environmental issues and social causes
utopia is only a step away "you are never strong enough that you don?t need
help" cesar estrada chavez oceans are the gaps that we must jump
utopia is a holiday paradise for the whole family
utopia is not worth even glancing at
utopia is not unconditional it is omniconditional utopia is not freedom from
fear it is freedom from the fear of fear utopia is not
utopia is the story of an imaginary island society
utopia is the perfect world
utopia is pleased to provide writers with an avenue to expose their work to
agents and producers
utopia is not a forum for advocating the creation of utopia on earth; it is a
forum for people who study the concepts of utopia and utopianism
utopia is a very srtrict and restricted place
utopia is ideal or less than ideal?
utopia is a part
utopia is the future of society material equality through abolishing work and
utopia is modeled after the garden of eden; it is a government that allows
people to do anything that they want
utopia is what you make of it by kurt_h
utopia is a place whose properties enable us to perfect our human nature
utopia is a
utopia is an adobe originals text face designed by robert slimbach in 1989
utopia is closing
utopia is something special to look at
utopia is a registered trademark
utopia is like
utopia is a terrific year
utopia is to be acheived it will never be by government
utopia is attractive in turbulent times
utopia is the word used to denote the best life attainable
utopia is supposed to be a place or state of perfection
utopia is not a disease
utopia is a world of many creatures
utopia is a feast of the senses
utopia is not one in which a central vision of the good life predominates
utopia is a non
utopia is an ideal world that does not exist
utopia is alive and kicking
utopia is a dedicated bipolar surround sound effects speaker using same drivers
as the mini
utopia is a trilogy of plays describing the rise of revolutionary russia
utopia is balanced at $10
utopia is buffalo's ultimate party destination
utopia is an account of the origins
utopia is not responsible for the contents of any linked site or any link
contained in a linked site
utopia is known to foreigners as a republic state
utopia is not so simple as ignorance
utopia is developing mission critical funds transfer and trade reimbursement
applications for the cash and trade division
utopia is a better world vision
utopia is not merely a book about architecture and real estate
utopia is strictly prohibited
utopia is concerned is debatable
utopia is a scottish research project investigating the design and development
of computer
utopia is copyright 1995
utopia is any state
utopia is an ideal state where you love your enemies instead of loving your
enemies’ enemies
utopia is a dedicated bipolar surround sound effects speaker using the same 6
utopia is a static and unchanging world allowing no place for growth and
utopia is a database of images of european renaissance art
utopia is a free online strategy game
utopia is here...

Temat: Hamowanie... 33m ze 100
Nie ... wejdz sobie na f1 technical i sam poszukaj.
Naprawde nie trzeba ich informowac juz o docisku aero.

kilka cytatow:

Aerodynamics has become the most important part of racing during the latest
years. It has nearly become the only way for engineers to gain considerable time
on their opponents, considering the very strict regulations in today’s motorsports.
F1 is thereby the one to keep an eye on, as it is the sport where the most money
is spent on technical developments.

This allows today's formula-1-cars to withstand centrifugal forces from 4G as to
where a passenger car with sport chassis begins to slip at 1G.

Aero foils in motorsports are often called wings, referring to aircraft wings.
In fact they are very similar. F1 wings and winglets aim to generate high
downforce, by having a high angle of attack, thus also increasing the drag of
the aerofoil.

The evolution of an airfoil to what it is now is mainly thanks to our well-known
friends Bernoulli and Newton, who initially had totally different views on
generating downforce

a teraz o hamulcach:

Formula One cars must sometimes decelerate in a matter of seconds from 350 km/h
to about 70 km/h. This procedure generates enormous heat, resulting in brake
temperatures up to 1000°C, where on the end of the straight, right before
braking, that is nearly 400. That 1000°C occurs at the end of the braking, and
is about the highest temperature a carbon brake disc (as they are used in F1,
and limited to 28mm thickness and 278mm diameter by the FIA) can take.

A mere 4 seconds is the amount of time it takes for a Formula One car to go from
300km/h to a complete halt.

Under these heavy braking periods, a driver is subjected to a horizontal
deceleration of close to 5,2G. (jezeli z aero jest 4g, to bez niego opoznienie
hamowania siegnelo by 1.2 g (czyli lepkosc opony to tylko dodatkowe 0.2 g,
niestety zwykle opony pod wplywem ciepla nie przechodza w stan polplynny)

The only configuration that allows this performance at the moment is a brake
disc/caliper combination of carbon fibre. Its crude performances fast
decelerations while its weight allows for each break-disk to remain below the1
kg/each mark. Furthermore, its capacity to take on and dissipate heat provides
unequalled longevity: even when heated to over 1000°C prior to cornering, about
800 times per race, the carbon-fiber will last for the duration of a Grand Prix
event without complaint.

(chlodzenie hamulcow powietrzem)

Zreszta caly artykul o hamulcach jest tylko o walce z powietrzem. Nie ma slowa o
zwiekszaniu tarcia.

Temat: Stany czescia Osi Zla-niestety po angielsku
> They had no objections to total war when it came time for Vietnam or Korea.
> Then it was "kill anyone that moves".

They learned from the experience of French, German, English, Vietnamese,
Koreans Chinese and Japanese. That was the type of war used at that times - and
of course Americans got more eficient than most - but who has right to brig
>MORAL ground in this matter.

> Saddam only dreams of this kind of weaponry. Did I
> mention that basically all of Korea, North and South is mountainous? No fast
> tank charges on Pyongyang could happen here.

The more weapons you have the easier to identify targets for the smart bombs,
the more mountains you have the more advantage to airforce and less use from
the numbers of infantry.

> Yongbyon is the site that has caused all the controversy. It wasnt opened
> until

No, Amreicans are concerned re CONCEALED nuclear program outside of that

> after the oil was stopped.

Why, should great country of Kim be dependent on American oil?

> The same treaty gives NK the right to pull out.If that is not permitted then
> the whole treaty is a big stinking lie.

Fine, they can exit treaty, but than they are losing international protection
from nuclear attack. Not to mention that UN could instate economic sanctions.

> Because no one in america has a clear mind.

You know what, give me the list of people who do have clear mined. It must be
quite short.

> Listen to him talk. He is unable to string together 2 sentences without a
> barage if "ums" and "ahhs".

He is not an actor he is decision maker.

> There was a war as a result of that connection. Afterwards a treaty and
> armistaces were signed. If America goes back on its word how can it expect
> others to keep their word?

Armistice required Saddam to destroy weapons of mass destruction, balistic
missiles, to be subject to the inspections, respect no-fly zones. Instead
Saddam USED weapons of mass destructions, continued to develop missile program,
expelled inspectors, did not respect no-fly zones. What else do you needt o
reverse armistice agrement. Americans did not have ANY obligations as per
armistice agreement - they WON.

> Read more american policy statements.

Actually I do - show me where it's writen I newer seen it.

> They didnt liberate the North.

Which mean they DID liberate South. Where is your gratitude!!!

> He would be if he gave Hitler most of his weapons.

At which point - in 1936 when Hitler was democratically elected Chancelor of
Reich? Who could have known?

> Bullshit. Sorry, but are you really this stupid? America did not give them
> guns so they could paint houses with them. They gave the guns and money for
> the sole purpose of those guns being used.

Shure, but guns can be used for sensible purpose - fighting usurpers like
Sandinistas or communist terrorists in Salvador or Guatemala. Yes may be some
of this guns were abused for kiling civilians, but show me that THIS was the
purpose of CIA.

> ) America did not start practice of total war.
> They did perfect it.

But who is to throw the stone.

> So far US is the only country starting wars to test new weapons. Iraq will be
> a huge testing ground for new weaponry. Who cares if millions die.

The new weapons will be tested but this is not the REASON for the war. You
don't seem to understand the rules of causalty. The only people who will die
are those who want to sacrifice their lives for Saddam - the rest can rise they
hands - nobody will hurt them. There is no significant risk of MILIONS dying in
this war. And let me remind you that each year tens of thousands Iraquis die in
Saddams prisons. This war CAN stop it - but you don't really care about dirty
Iraquis - they are idiots anyway.

Temat: Penner???
Money, Money über Alles, über Alles in der Welt
Gość portalu: kasia napisał(a):

>Penner, Wer ist denn das?

Was ist ein Penner?

Ein Penner ist ein Vertreter einer neuen sozialen Klasse in Deutschland.
In Indien gibt es mehrere soziale Kasten. In Deutschland bilden sich zur Zeit zwei Kasten aus:

1. Die Aktionäre
2. Die Penner

Die ganze Wirtschaft in Deutschland ist einzig und allein den Aktionären verpflichtet.

Money, Money über Alles, über Alles in der Welt.

Das Soziale wurde in den Hintergrund gedrängt. Die Deutsche Verfassung wurde ganz und gar Außerkraft gesetzt. (Eigentum Verpflichtet) Ein Artikel im Deutschen Grundgesetz, der sich nur noch für Kabarettauftritte eignet.

Das Kapital (Die Aktionäre) fordern mehr Profit und schon werden mehrere Mill. Menschen auf die Strasse gesetzt. (Siemenshandy) Einige Monate bekommen die Menschen Arbeitslosengeld und danach Hartz IV Geld.

Hartzvierling ist ein anderer Ausdruck für Penner.

Die Oberbayerischen Jagdszenen auf mehr

Money, Money über Alles, über Alles in der Welt.

wiederholen sich in Deutschland mehrmals in der Woche. (Airbus)

In fast jeder deutschen Stadt gibt es schon eine TAFEL

Was ist eine Tafel? Eine Tafel ist eine Vereinigung sozial eingestellter Menschen, die in Supermärkten nach Lebensmitteln bettelt, deren Haltbarkeit kurz vor dem Ablauf steht. Diese Ware wird nun an Bedürftige verteilt. Die Schlangen vor den TAFELN werden von Tag zu Tag länger und länger. Die Menschen in den Schlangen werden auch als Penner bezeichnet.

Und die Zahl der PENNER wächst von Tag zu Tag. Es gibt ganze Familien von Pennern. Aber Arbeit gibt es für diese Familien nicht. Was kann man nun den ganzen Tag machen?

Alkohol trinken.
Drogen nehmen
Kinder zeugen

Eltern von solchen Kindern haben so viel eigene Probleme, dass sie mit der Erziehung der Kinder total überfordert sind. Die Kinder werden misshandelt, gedemütigt, vernachlässigt, der Zuneigung entzogen. Paria von Geburt an. In einem der reichten Länder der Welt!
Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland!

Der Staat hat da einige Alibi Ämter aufgebaut. Sozialbehörden! Die sollen sich in der Theorie um die oben beschriebene Fälle kümmern. In der Alltagspraxis sind die Behörden dem absoluten Sparzwang ausgesetzt.
Der Deutsche Sozialstaat hat die Rolle des Welterlösers übernommen und schützt die Menschen in aller Welt, nur nicht in Deutschland!

Jede paar Monate, Wochen; kommen Zustände zu Tage, die einem Horrorfilm ähneln.

Leichen von Kleinkindern in Blumtöpfen, in Plastiktüten im Müllcontainer entsorgt, in Tiefkühltruhen aufbewahrt, verhungert, verdurstet, zu Tode geschlagen.

Vor wenigen Tagen ein Todesfall in Bremen. Der Drogensüchtige Vater war mit der Erziehung seines Kindes ( Ca 2 Jahre alt) total überfordert. Das Kind fand man vor wenigen Tagen in einer Tiefkühltruhe. Die Drogensüchtige Mutter ist vor einigen Monaten unter bisher nicht geklärten Umständen gestorben.

Die zuständige Sozialbehörde war über die Zustände in dieser Familie reichlich informiert. Leider, die Mitarbeiter total überarbeitet. Man hat den Mitarbeitern einen amerikanischen Label verpasst: CASE MANAGER ! Das sollte ihnen wahrscheinlich übernatürliche Kräfte verleihen, solche Supermänner und Superfrauen, die die gequälten Kinder beschützen sollten.

In Computerspielen funktioniert das, im realen Leben leider nicht.

Die zuständige Sozialsenatorin in Bremen ist zurückgetreten. Dem toten Kevin, wird es das Leben nicht zurückgeben. Er war ein Sohn eines Penners!

Die beiden großen christlichen Kirchen pflegen bei solchen Gelegenheiten Krokodilstränen zu vergießen. Seit unzähligen Jahren immer die gleichen Szenen: Politiker bekunden ihre Betroffenheit, ihr Entsetzen, ihren Abscheu oder wie das ganze abgedroschene Vokabular noch heißen mag. Und am gleiche Tage rennen sie zu ihren Gesetzgebenden Gremien und beschließen eine neue Kürzung der Sozialmittel.

Money, Money über Alles, über Alles in der Welt.

Natürlich irgend wann geht die Geduld der Menschen zu Ende. Im Dresdner Parlament ziehen die Neonazi ein. Im Mecklenburg auch. In einer Schule in Sachsenanhalt hat man einem Schüler ein Antisemitisches Plakat auf die Brust gehängt und über den Schulhof gejagt.
Auf diese Weise werden Penner und Asoziale Elemente gezüchtet.

Money, Money über Alles, über Alles in der Welt

Und die Politik mit den erhabenen Kirchen vergießen wieder mal Krokodilstränen.

Das ganze Pack in einen Sack stecken und feste mit dem Knüppel draufhauen!!!

In Deutschland werden öffentliche Foren mit solchen Berichten geschlossen. Zugelassen werden nur noch Foren über Telenovelas. Siehe ZDF, ARD. Oder Linientreue Berichte a la Dr. J. G. oder „Neues Deutschland“ der untergegangenen DDR. (Allerstrengste Zensur, wegen der Neonazis, versteht sich!!!)

Und wie lange wird das noch mit der GW möglich sein?
  • zanotowane.pl
  • doc.pisz.pl
  • pdf.pisz.pl
  • anette.xlx.pl

  • Strona 2 z 2 • Wyszukiwarka znalazła 56 wypowiedzi • 1, 2
