Wyświetlono wypowiedzi wyszukane dla słów: Fast Money

Temat: 44.2% reduction from 2001
"The levees are sinking," he said
"In June 2004, the corps' project manager, Al Naomi, went before a local
agency, the East Jefferson Levee Authority, and requested $2m for "urgent work"
that Washington was now unable to pay for. "The levees are sinking," he
said. "Everything is sinking, and if we don't get the money fast enough to
raise them, then we can't stay ahead of the settlement."

Temat: Inflacja a podaż pieniądza
Podeprę się cytatem:
From 1985-2000, production of material goods in the United States has increased
only 50%, while the money supply has grown by a factor 3. Money has been
growing more than six times as fast as the rate of goods production. The
results? Wang's research reveals that in 1997, before the blow-off in the U.S.
stock market, mind you, global "money" transactions totaled $600 trillion.
Goods production was a mere 1% of that.

Temat: Miliony euro na rozwój regionu
Give me a ticket for an aeroplane
Ain't got time to take a fast train
Lonely days are gone, I'ma goin' home
My baby just wrote me a letter

I don't care how much money I gotta spend
Got to get back to my baby again
Lonely days are gone, I'ma goin' home
My baby just wrote me a letter

Well she wrote me a letter
Told me she couldn't live without me no more
Listen mister can't you see
I gotta get back to my baby once more, anyway

Give me a ticket for an aeroplane
Ain't got time to take a fast train
Lonely days are gone, I'ma goin' home
My baby just wrote me a letter

Well she wrote me a letter
Told me she couldn't live without me no more
Listen mister can't you see
I gotta get back to my baby once more, anyway

Give me a ticket for an aeroplane
Ain't got time to take a fast train
Lonely days are gone, I'ma goin' home
My baby just wrote me a letter
Cause my baby just wrote me a letter

Temat: Kwaśniewski kontra Kaczyński w Dniu Niepodległości
Co zrobili Zydzi w USA i kto stoi za zydokomuna (czyli Kwasem tez).
Najwieksu zlodzieje wszedzie to Kwasy i ich kuzyny. Przyczytajcie dokladnie.
) http://users.mo-net.com/mlindste/adv21602.html
) Enron, Fastow, and the Looting of America
) Dr. William Pierce
)American Dissident Voices Broadcast of Feb 16, 2002
)Enron, Fastow, and the Looting of America
)By Dr. William Pierce
)This Enron thing becomes more interesting every day. Business and
)finance are not my strong areas, and so I don't talk much about them.
)The Enron collapse, however, has some very interesting political and
)Jewish angles. We can see some fascinating parallels with other
)recent financial catastrophes in the United States.
)The general pattern is this: Jews will move into an area of economic
)activity and with a lot of fast patter and sleight of hand persuade the
)Gentiles in charge that they are financial geniuses who can benefit
)the economy generally with their activity and along the way can make
)a lot of money for any Gentiles fortunate enough to be allowed to
)collaborate with them. The greediest among the Gentiles climb on board,
)and for a while there is a flurry of activity, with a great deal of money
)changing hands and moving to and fro. Then the bubble bursts, the
)Gentiles all find that their wallets are missing, and the Jews claim that
)it wasn't their fault, while they count their profits.
)Remember Michael Milken, Ivan Boesky, Marty Siegel, Dennis Levine,
)and the insider-trading scandal that nearly wrecked Wall Street a
)dozen years ago

Temat: Opowiadanie - proszę o sprawdzenie :)
Opowiadanie - proszę o sprawdzenie :)
Witam! :)
Proszę o sprawdzenie, poprawienie błędów i komentarze odnośnie mojej pracy :)
Z góry dziekuję :)

Bob Johnson was a famous businessman and traveler. He had earned his first
money investing on Stock Exchange. He was so reach that he could fly all over
the world in his well provide Bowing 707, and sail his big yachts on every
seas and oceans. Each year for holidays he took his family to visit different
countries and theirs capital cities.

But sometimes everything goes wrong. Unexpectedly Bob’s stock started losing
theirs value very fast, because journalists claimed that directors of
Johnson’s company had taken bribe. He also had many unpaid credits and big
debts. His life was very expensive and luxury for that reason expenses
weren’t controlled. Now he was intimidating and blackmailing that his wife or
children would be kidnapped if he don’t get back borrowed money.

Nevertheless Bob didn’t stop thinking about journeys. He has been planning
expedition into dangerous mountains in Asia for two years. Now he would like
to realize his dreams. The journey had to least one month. Bob promised his
family that he would send messages and make phone calls every day. But after
few days he didn’t give any signs of life. His wife was distraught. She
informed mountain rescue teams but they didn’t find Bob’s body.

Did something or someone kill Bob? Or maybe he ran away from his problems and
nowadays he lives somewhere as a new person. Nobody would ever learn the

Dzięki wielkie za pomoc :)
Pozdrawiam ;)
Matka Chrzestna 8)

Temat: proszę o sprawdzenie i poprawienie błędów :)
It is true that nowadays fewer and fewer young people are interested in
starting a family. I’ll try to show main reasons FOR this phenomenon.

The main reason is that young people want to HAVE a career. BEING famous or
HAVING a well PAYING job is most important TO them. They haven’t got time for
family because they must work harder and harder. They sacrificed a lot to
achieve their aim. For them RAISING a family is less important than HAVING a
big house and fast cars.

It’s also true that OTHER young people don’t think about career because they
have financial problems. We are THE generation of spenders so FOR US it is
difficult to save. StartING a family means more expenses. You must spend
your money ON children for many years (TO COME?)

Another reason is that governments don’t encourage young people. There
is no accommodation for young people, no support for young marriages and for
those who bringing up children.

And finally medical investigations PROVE that people who haven’t got
children live longer. They ONLY take care OF themselves and don’t have to
worry about family and money. They have less stress so their bodIES grow old

To CONCLUDE, it should be explained TO young people why families are
so important in our society. Maybe then people will be interested in starting
a family.

Ty na powaznie z tym, ze bezdzietni zyja dluzej?! Hooray for me, tylko dlaczego
powoli zaczynam wygladac jak basset? :)

Temat: Opowiadanie - proszę o sprawdzenie :)
Troszkę Pozmnieniałam
Bob Johnson was a famous businessman and traveler. He had earned his first
money investing on The Stock Exchange. He was so rich that he could fly all
over the world in his well equipped Boeing 707, and sail his big yachts on
every sea and ocean. Each year for holidays he took his family to visit
different countries and their capital cities.

But sometimes everything goes wrong. Unexpectedly Bob’s stock started losing
their value very fast, because journalists claimed that directors of Johnson’s
company had taken bribes. He also had many unpaid credits and was deep in debt.
His life was very expensive and luxurious and for that reason expenses were not
controlled. Now he was intimidating and blackmailing that his wife or children
would be kidnapped if he didn’t returned the borrowed money.

Nevertheless Bob didn’t stop thinking about future journeys. He had been
planning an expedition into the dangerous mountains of Asia for two years. Now
he would like to realize his dreams. The journey had to last one month. Bob
promised his family that he would send messages and make phone calls every day.
But after few days he hadn’t given any signs of life. His wife was distraught.
She informed the mountain rescue teams but they couldn’t find Bob’s body.

Did something or someone kill Bob? Maybe he ran away from his problems and
nowadays he lives somewhere else as a new person with a new identity. Nobody
would ever learn the truth.

Temat: 401 K - plan emerytalny
Discipline and hard work are fast putting Mark and Lori Gorney in the
millionaires club.

money.cnn.com/2005/05/11/pf/millionaire/rp_gorney/index.htmWorking class

Temat: My, Europejczycy
> Jet-set to nie elita polityczna lecz groupa ludzi bogatych,
> ktorych styl zycia zawiera element czestych podrozy samolotem.

W artykule było:

'Brecht myślał z pewnością o KOSMOpolitycznej elicie, o tych,
których dzisiaj określa się z angielska jako "jet set".'

KOSMOpolitycznej, a nie politycznej. Na przyszłość zanim
zaczniesz obrzucać autora inwektywami, przeczytaj artykuł trochę
dokładniej. No chyba że Ty po prostu nie wiedziałeś, że między
tymi dwoma słowami jest różnica.... W takim razie proponowałbym,
żebyś sięgnął jeszcze raz do Twojego słownika. ;)

Wracając do meritum, w powyższym znaczeniu użycie 'jet set' jest
jak najbardziej OK. Odsyłam do


Entry: elite

Function: noun

Definition: high class

Synonyms: aristocracy, beautiful people, best, blue blood,
carriage trade, celebrity, choice, cognoscenti, cream, crowd,
elect, establishment, fast lane, fat, flower, gentility, gentry,
glitterati, high life, high society, horsey set, in crowd, JET
SET, lace curtain, main line, money, nobility, old money,
optimacy, pick, pink, pride, prime, prize, quality, select, silk
stocking, smart set, society, the 400, top, u, upper class,
upper crust

Antonyms: hoi polloi, lower class, proletariat, working class

Concept: status/class

Source: Roget's Interactive Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.0)
Copyright © 2003 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights

Temat: proszę o sprawdzenie i poprawienie błędów :)
proszę o sprawdzenie i poprawienie błędów :)
Witam :)

proszę o sprawdzenie i poprawienie błędów :)
dzieki ! ;)

It is true that nowadays fewer and fewer young people are interested in
starting a family. I’ll try to show main reasons of this phenomenon.

The main reason is that young people want to make a career. Be famous or
have a well paid job is most important for them. They haven’t got time for
family because they must work harder and harder. They sacrificed a lot to
achieve their aim. For them posses a family is less important than have a big
house and fast cars.

It’s also true that another young people don’t think about career
because they have financial problems. We are generation of spenders so it is
difficult to save for us. Start a family means more expenses. You must spend
your money especially for children for many years.

Another reason is that governments don’t encourage young people. There
is no accommodation for young people, no support for young marriages and for
those who bringing up children.

And finally medical investigations proof that people who haven’t got
children live longer. They take care only about themselves and don’t have to
worry about family and money. They have less stress so their body grow old

To finish off it should be explained for young people why families are
so important in our society. Maybe then people will be interested in starting
a family.

pozdrawiam :)
Matka Chrzestna ;)

Temat: My, Europejczycy
Kojotku, nie bardzo kapuje, o co tobie i Sztompce biega. Z twej pisaniny wynikaloby, iz rodacy
z Najciemniejszej dolacza predko do braci europejskiej, gdy tylko zaczna gromadnie latac
LOT-em. Sadzisz, iz o taka elyte chodzi dzis, kiedy prawie kazdego w Europie stac na przelot
samolotem? Myslisz, ze owa europejskosc wtargnie do Lechostanu, gdy rodacy zaczna
nasladowac angielska halastre lecaca na wakacje do Hiszpanii? Mnie wydaje sie, ze
europejczycy oczekuja od Polakow duzo wiecej, np. ukrocenia korupcji i przejrzystosci w
zyciu politycznym. A co do jet-setu to Roger jest dobry ale dla uczacych sie angielskiego;
problem polega na niuansach sytuacyjnych. Uzywajac slowa nalezy dodrac kontekst. Ty
pewno uzywasz tego slowa opierajac sie na lekturze Hello i O.K.. Od Sztompki oczekuje
scislosci w wyrazaniu mysli, a wiec doboru odpowiedniego slownictwa. Czy chcesz czy nie,
slownik oksfordzki dulgo jeszcze pozostanie najwyzszym autorytetem lingwistycznym. Roger
jest calkiem na poziomie Liz Hurley, Sztompki i ciebie. " aristocracy, beautiful people, best, blue
carriage trade, celebrity, choice, cognoscenti, cream, crowd,
elect, establishment, fast lane, fat, flower, gentility, gentry,
glitterati, high life, high society, horsey set, in crowd, JET
SET, lace curtain, main line, money, nobility, old money,
optimacy, pick, pink, pride, prime, prize, quality, select, silk
stocking, smart set, society, the 400, top, u, upper class,
upper crust "-myslisz,ze o to biega w tym artykule? Jak to sie ma do dzisiejszej polskiej
rzeczywistosci? Kontekst, szefie, jest najwazniejszy w kazdej dywagacji. Nawet takich
pierdol jak u Sztompki.

Temat: Korea Płn.: propozycje USA "nie do przyjęcia"
Now accepting applications!


The University of North Korea

Take our Courses on you own time at you own pace!!! You can
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convenience of your own command bunker!!! Chat room access to
our friendry North Korean instructors 24 hours a day!!!

You will Learn:
* How to stonewall meddlesome IAEC instpectors!
* How to Explain away equipment contaminated with enriched
* 18 effective excuses why your 3rd world country needs yet
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* How to evade US Navy patrols!
* 9 ways of hiding nuclear missile parts during transshipment!
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* How to convert food and medical aid from the UN into cold hard
* 136 alternatives for "Stinking American Dogs"

Sign up Now!!! We have akredited programs in:
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* Economics for the 3rd world
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* Deep Bunker construction

Only $1,200 per unit (US $ cash only prease).

U.N.K The University of North Korea

(c) 2003 kim jong il enterprises

Temat: Sicko
artremi napisała:

> Nie mowiac juz ze wizyta u internisty (bez
> zadnych testow) moze kosztowac $600.

jestes pewna ze lekarz nie policzyl za to samo dwa razy? czasem trzeba pilnowac, lekarz przysyla
rachunek na jakas kwote twierdzac ze ubezpieczenie nie pokrywa albo tylko w jakiejs malej czesci, a
potem po miesiacach dostaje sie wyciag z ubezpieczenia ze zaplacili o wiele wiecej i trzeba sie
upominac o swoje bo oczywiscie lekarz cie o nadplacie nie poinformuje. Zreszta tu ludzie rzadko kiedy
oplacaja rachunki med. na czas. Moj maz zawsze gdy go upominam odpowiada "don't be so fast to give
them my money, they can wait" zmuszajac lekarza do negocjacji z firma ubezpieczeniowa czego nikt
nie lubi ale lekarzowi najbardziej zalezy na zwrocie kosztow.

Temat: Druga odsłona kryzysu - EUROPA?
Cytat Whether it takes months, or just weeks, the world is going to discover
that Europe's financial system is sunk, and that
there is no EU Federal Reserve yet ready to act as a lender of last resort or to
flood the markets with emergency stimulus. 

Cytat The sums needed are beyond the limits of the IMF, which has already
bailed out Hungary, Ukraine, Latvia, Belarus, Iceland, and Pakistan – and Turkey
next – and is fast exhausting its own $200bn (€155bn) reserve.[color="#FF0000"]
We are nearing the point where the IMF may have to print money for the world,
using arcane powers to issue Special Drawing Rights.

Temat: praca w LG.Philips LCD w Kobierzycach
Thank you , LG !!!
Poles !!! Start working instead of writting silly sentences here !!!
Let's finish with an awful habit of working for 5-8 hours a day !!!
LG invested a lot of money in Poland , so in my opinion you ( we ) should be
really very thankful - people , are you blind ??! - the economy in our region is
growing up so fast !!! - Korean People are building better future in Poland !!

Thank you , LG !!!

LG가 최고다 !!!
LG를 사랑합니다 !!!

Peter , Wrocław

Temat: bedzie tarcza... wzorowego lizusa?
bedzie tarcza... wzorowego lizusa?
dalszy ciag gry wysoko ponad glowami kaczorow:

US could change missile shield plan if Iranian threat subsides

interesujace zagranie amerykanow.

mowia ze JESLI iran odstapilby od wzbogacania uranu (czyt: rosja namowilaby
iran na oficjalne zaniechanie tego) to usa odstapiloby od
planow tarczy w obecnej formie (czyt.: nie instalowaloby niczego w polsce ani

oczywiscie chca przeciagnac to nie-budowanie jak najdlluzej, tj trzymac rosje
jak najdluzej w szachu.
"Our position is that our negotiations with the Poles and the Czechs will
continue, but we don't feel the need to spend money at quite as fast a rate
for a threat that is attenuated,"

panowie... a polska RACJA STANU :-( :~( :^( ???

Temat: Plastikowe kieszonkowe: Konta i karty dla dzieci
Oto dzis dzieciom najbardziej potrzebne sa konta. Racja, niech od mlodego ucza
sie wyrachowanego materializmu. To im sie przyda gdy ukoncza lat 18-scie, by
wystartowac w wyscigu szczorow jak rowny z rownym.

The stake is high, the life is short. So trample underfood anyone who comes
your way. Time is money.
Good luck fast-trackers!

Temat: Autostrady...

Sorry for the delay in answering to you.

Regarding tools in portuguese highways is not like in Spain where you have to
stop once in a while. In Portugal you have to take a ticket from an electronic
machine and pay in the end of the trip, it can be in cash or plastic money.

Do avoid tools you must take express ways "via-rapida" or national
road "estrada-nacional", usually they're in quite good state though one must be
carefull with speed since you go from a fast express way to a small village
with crossings and traffic in no time, serious accidents can happen.

If you go by car just load as much wine as you want... no problem.

Nowadays if I would need to go to Portugal by car only with plenty of time,
it's really heavy.

Have a nice trip and enjoy!

Temat: Polskie klimaty
ano tak, najpierw trzeba znalesc pare osobnikow/przyjaciol i miec je pod reka w
razie,.... gdy w/w kamienie nadal sa niejadalne, trzeba szybciutko znalesc
osobnika/nieprzyjaciela i owego dobrze rozgrzac, pocierajac jeden kamien
przyjacielski o drugi az tamten zmieknie i zacznie sie rozplywac w ustach owych
pozostalych kamiennych przyjaciol, a reszta nadal skamieniala powinna odbyc
paparzysko spiewajac ta piosenke:-)))))

Whoa whoa whoa whoa
I like that
I like that
Girl twirk that back
I like that
I like that
Girl freak that back
Whoa whoa whoa whoa
I like that
I like that
It's where the money at
I like that
I like that
Girl freak that back

Storm bustin threw
I see me I see you
Your body's callin
I'ma put this in tha back
I'll show you
Put ya hands up
Shake it fast on me
Im lookin for what you need
The keys in tha pocket and I’m ready to go
Im on fire like a rocket and I’m ready to blow
Don't stop get ready drop
Turn around and make it pop (pop)
Let's stop, just drop......

Temat: landscaping & gardening
"I cannot agree with you.
"Gardening" is often use by people who have garden ;)
-What are you doing on Sunday? -Some gardening (czytaj: siedzę w ogródku:
pielę, ścinam trawę, dopieszczam żywopłot, przesadzam kwiatki...)"

So, how is it not consistent with Ontarian's definition of gardening as in:
"gardening:the act of cultivating or tending a garden"

Going back to the question that started it all: " I can do gardening". To me it
means that a person will cut the grass, clip few shrubs, essentially keep it
looking presentable.

When I hear "I can do landscaping" in the context of maintenance, I'm thinking
that the person will cut the grass, clip few shrubs, move couple of plants
around and just charge me more. However, if I hear "I am a landscape designer"
I run as fast as I can :)

It's not a great difference, many people use those two words interchangeably.
But to me "gardening" is a matter of maintaining, while "landscaping" means
designing and executing a project that will result in a changed (and hopefully
improved) appearance of a piece of land in question.

For my money Ontarian's definitions are closer to my interpretation of the job

Temat: USSA i Francja - ten sam wzrost wydajnosci pracy,
USSA i Francja - ten sam wzrost wydajnosci pracy,
ale osiagniety innymi metodami.

W USSA dluzsze godziny pracy i mniejsze zarobki.

We Francji krotsze godziny pracy i te same zarobki.

Buszolomy, jakie macie argumenty, a?

"It seems that the government only wants the EU for the free trade zone. As
far as workers' rights are concerned, it wants to push ahead with the
Americanisation of the labour market. The US model for raising productivity
is to make workers work longer hours for less money. Yet in recent years,
French productivity has risen as fast as in the US, despite French workers
enjoying rights this government is so determined to deny us here."

Artukul na www.guardian.co.uk/comment/story/0,3604,1250272,00.html

Temat: Unemployment grows in Portugal.
That's bloody typical...
The apartments in the towers overlooking Expo also sold fast while "normal"
people struggle and are always told:
- no, you cannot have a raise this year;
- basic services like electricity, water and gas HAVE TO be more expensive every
year just becase it's January again;
- same for public transport;
- read my lips - no more taxes ... ooops... more taxes after all;
- God knows how the Spanish make more money and spend less on basic stuff;
- there's progress because we have a lot of mobile phones...
etc. etc. etc.
I'm seriously considering voting anarchist next time and moving to the woods

Temat: wątek eksperymentalny
"the gypsy"
"if i had a crystal ball i would throw it against the wall, 'cause some things
you just don't wanna know...so don't try to read my palm, or predist what we'll
become, 'cause the real thing just needs space to grow...i do believe in us,
but you can't fast forward through, the kinda deep only time can prove...what's
the rush, just trust what faith can do...let's not play the game of love with
scared money, let's not say what we'll become...let's just roll the dice and
throw away the cards...you don't have to push so hard...i do believe in you,
but you can't tell a bird not to fly, you can't tell sun when to shine..what's
the rush, we can take our time...t h e f i n e s t t a p e s t r y t a k e s
p a t i e n c e a n d t h e a b i l i t y t o w a i t f o r e a c h
t h r e a d t o s u p p o r t t h e b i g g e r p i c t u r e a n d
t h e l a r g e r p u r p o s e a n d i n t h e f e a r l e s s ,
r e c k l e s s p u r s u i t o f i n t i m a t e l o v e i t 's n o t
t h e d e s t i n a t i o n i t's t h e j o u r n e y."

Temat: Czy tego kolesia mozna brac na serio?
ORMO survival training?
I am genuinely intrigued. How does one survive twenty-five years overseas
without knowing any foreign languages? Graduates of Szczytno/Legionowo, tell
us! How do you obtain food (do you steal leftovers in fast-food restaurants?)
What about shelter? Twenty-five years under a bridge! Man, that's tough! And
spending money? I mean, even begging or selling your orifices, if you know what
I mean, requires knowing the language!

Temat: tekst piosenki 'Hidden treasure'
tekst piosenki Hidden treasure - Isis Gee

What I am supposed to do with
this house, and these cars
All this so called success the good Lord's given me
I'd gladly give it all away right now,
Just to see you walk through that gate
Up the drive and back to the simple we used to be
Before the money and the lawyers and
the lies and the chains
And all this fame

[ Chorus ]
Sometimes I feel like
Here I am with everything and nothing at all
I've never felt so helpless
I don't know who I am now that you're gone
Sometimes I feel like

I remember the first time I saw you, you killed me
I'd never wanted anything or anyone so bad
I took for granted that just because of who I was
You'd be there, while I gave the
rest of the world all I had
Everything got crazy, it all happened so fast
It was outta my hands

[ Chorus ]
Sometimes I feel like Elvis
Here I am with everything and nothing at all
I've never felt so helpless
I don't know who I am now that you're gone

[ Bridge ]
Sometimes I feel like I'm on stage
Sometimes I feel like I'm going crazy


What am I suppose to do with
this house and these cars
I'd gladly give it all away right now
Just to see you

Sometimes I Feel like...

Temat: Poczta Polska
sobieski010 napisał:

> Just read in gazeta.pl that PP is going to limit the sale of stamps in their
> post offices because they are losing money on that
> It is like a pub limiting the sale of beer

Don't get me started on the post office.

They seriously deserve to be privatised.

Just last week, they sent back to America a package I had received because I
hadn't come and got it fast enough for their liking. The company had paid to
have it delivered to my home, but they said it was "ordinary" rate, and
that "ordinary" for parcels doesn';t mean home delivery. I was at pains to
point out to them that in all countries it does. They said "well we don't". So
I said why did they leave me a piece of paper saying that they hadn't found any
opne at home, then, which I knew to be a lie?

There was no getting through to them. They are total shit.

If Westerplatte happened today, they would not defend it, they would simply say
it wasn't their job.

Temat: One more thing - jaka jest wasza opnia?
One more thing - jaka jest wasza opnia?
Ceske aerolinie (CSA) (Prague, Czech Republic), Czech Airlines, submitted its
development strategy plant for the next three years in 1 2004. The plan had
been elaborated by CSA's new chief J. Tvrdik. It counts on the enlargement of
CSA's current fleet of 35 planes by 15 aircraft, among other things. The
number of destinations is to rise by 15 too. CSA will concentrate on central
and eastern Europe and North America. However, the fast growth will cost a
lot of money and the redemption of the leasing of the aircraft could erode
CSA's financial stability. In 2004 CSA has 4 974 employees. The company plans
to increase the number to 5 413 in 2005 and 5 682 in 2006.

Source: Pozitron Information Services

Temat: Security goones visit to my working place, kurde!
portulaco napisał:

> Today in the morning two goones from a security company dressed as commando
> e here to the office.
> I couldn't believe how well equiped those guys are... 9mm pistol, granades,
> r gas, knifes, shotgun in the fast and furious FIAT Seicento, ammunition and
> don't know what more...
> They were dressed in black with military boots and hair cut, looking like two
> orillas...
> Now I ask... who are they, wich autority they have to use such a dangerous
> over somebody?

As far as I know they're not actually allowed to use their guns.
They have a licence to possess a gun, but they can only shoot in self-defence.
That's why they need paramilitary uniforms and equipment - it won't scare
professional criminals, but it makes their clients feel better.
Even the police can only shoot people in certain circumstances, but of course
cops are never alone and always have a witness (another cop) to prove they
fired in self-defence.
These security gorillas could carry anti-tank weapons if they had licences, but
if you want to rob one of the businesses they're "protecting", you just walk
into the office, punch the person behind the desk and take the money. The
security goons arrive, but you've got the cash stashed inside your trousers and
you don't threaten the goons, so they can't touch you, if they hassle you, you
say "co za chamstwo", and escape by bus while they're phoning the police.

Temat: Najwieksza wada Polakow w Ameryce i
To tez wada Amerykanow...
fast fast fast fast "life is short", "time is money"

Temat: loneliness in big city...
I'm lonely... but I live in a middle city. Nowadays the life is so fast. We
don't have enough time to enjoy our life, we don't see anything exept money...
It's relly sad because life is not as long as we want it to be. There is few
things we can do... This is first step(...)

Temat: W sieci ślad urywa się na słupie
ale oni maja niby obslugiwac platnosci przychodzace dla tej firmy od
innych firm i platnikow!

sam dostalem taka oferte:

Hello Sir/Madam.

I Sergey Skugarev, Director of JavaRealm Software specializes in
innovative IT solutions and complex software projects development.

My company based in Ukraine. We've earned ourselves a reputation of
a reliable and trustworthy partner working successfully with a
number of West European companies and providing them with reliable
software development services in financial and media sectors.
Unfortunately we are currently facing some difficulties with
receiving payments for our services. It usually takes us 10-30 days
to receive a payment and clearing from your country and such delays
are harmful to our business. We do not have so much time to accept
every wire transfer.

That's why we are currently looking for partners in your country to
help us accept and process these payments faster. If you are looking
for a chance to make an additional profit you can become our
representative in your country. As our representative you will
receive 8% of every deal we conduct. Your job will be accepting
funds in the form of wire transfers and forwarding them to us It is
not a full-time job, but rather a very convenient and fast way to
receive additional income. We also consider opening an office in
your country in the nearest future and you will then have certain
privileges should you decide to apply for a full-time job. Please if
you are interested in transacting business with us we will be very

Please contact me for more information via email:

and send us the following information about yourself:

Your Full Name as it appears on your resume.
Your Contact Address.
Telephone/Fax number.
Your present Occupation and Position currently held.
Your Age

Please respond and we will provide you with additional details on
how you can become our representative. Joining us and starting
business today will cost you nothing and you will be able to earn a
bit of extra money fast and easy. Should you have any questions,
please feel free to contact us with all your questions.

Thank you,
Sergey Skugarev ,
JavaRealm Software

Temat: New Orleans - Specjalisci ostrzegali 3 lata temu
Nie Mississippi River a Lake Pontchartrain . Ta czesc miasta zapada sie w
kilkakrotnie szybszym tempie , od reszty , zapadaja sie rowniez levees na tym
odcinku i w podobnym tempie , dlatego trzeba je regularnie podwyzszac - Twoja
uwaga ze nie starczylo by pieniedzy na umocnienie 360 mil jest bez podstaw bo
oprocz odcinka graniczacego z Canal St , reszta nie wymagala wzmocnien .

Apropo's poziomow wody w Mississippi i Lake Pontchartrain to w jeziorze jest
kilka stop nizszy a to w razie potrzeby obnizenia poziomu wody w rzece w stanie
powodziowym w czasie przyplywu w zatoce . Nadwyzka wody z rzeki idzie do
jeziora a stamtad pompuja do kanalu , ktory ma wyzszy poziom i stamtad splywa
sama do zatoki .

Kiedys jak pojedziesz na Mardi Grass , to nie chlaj i nie szczyp dzieczyn po
tylkach a przejdz sie Canal St tam znajdziesz po polnocnej stronie Historical
Markers gdzie znajdziesz info jak dziala caly system ,...



"The system is in great shape, but the levees are sinking. Everything is
sinking, and if we don't get the money fast enough to raise them, then we can't
stay ahead of the settlement," he said. "The problem that we have isn't that
the levee is low, but that the federal funds have dried up so that we can't
raise them."



Potem mieszkancy zaczeli drazyc studnie i to spowodowalo osuniecie NO o 12 stop
w stosunku do poziomu Mississippi.

Temat: z angielskiego na polski...ten facet mnie zameczy.
z angielskiego na polski...ten facet mnie zameczy.
prosze Was o przetlumaczenie, tym razem tego jest znacznie wiecej. To ja staram sie jak najkrocej...a On powiesci pisze...
After spending a lot of time on emails with Mobile Financial Department, I finally understood the entire procedure. It is a little complicated, but safe and fast for both of us.
Anyway, they told me they will contact you soon and probably they already contacted you.
They will tell you about the terms regarding this sale but I will tell you too,to be sure that you understand everything.
You have to make a prepayment,a deposit, for the amount that mobile.de informed you and you will be protected by Mobile.de GmbH for that amount.
For the prepayment, I prefer to use Western Union as it is faster and easier.The transfer commission is around of 3% which I will deduce from the rest of the money. In case you are asked there for the purpose of the transfer, you can specify that you send them to a friend, as they charge 10% for commercial purposes transfers.
Western Union must be paid in cash, but I think this is not a problem, as you already wanted to give cash money for the car.
As soon as the transfer is confirmed by Mobile Financial Department, I will reserve the car for you and i will come to Germany to meet you and complete the sale in 3-5 days.
Your money will be protected because I will not have access to the payment details.You will provide them to Mobile and they will provide me only after you see the car and like it.
If you don't like the car,you will GET your money back,and also I'm ready to pay your travel expences,but I'm 100% sure that you will like the car.
Because you pay the money transfer commission,I'm ready to pay and take care of all the papers, temporary plates and all that is necessary.
Hoping that everything is clear ,I'm waiting for your reply and also I'm waiting for the payment confirmation from mobile.de .As soon the payment is done,the car will be reserved for you and I will tell to the other possible buyers that the car is sold!

Temat: C wywali 52,000 pracownikow
Citi nie upadnie, przeczytalem sobie to na wikipedii i wyciagnałem z tego
własnie takie wniosek
"U.S. Federal Reserve and money supply

Monetarists, including Milton Friedman and current Federal Reserve System
chairman Ben Bernanke, argue that the Great Depression was caused by monetary
contraction, the consequence of poor policymaking by the American Federal
Reserve System and continuous crisis in the banking system.[13][14] In this
view, the Federal Reserve, by not acting, allowed the money supply as measured
by the M2 to shrink by one-third from 1929 to 1933. Friedman argued[15] that the
downward turn in the economy, starting with the stock market crash, would have
been just another recession. The problem was that some large, public bank
failures, particularly that of the New York Bank of the United States, produced
panic and widespread runs on local banks, and that the Federal Reserve sat idly
by while banks fell. He claimed that, if the Fed had provided emergency lending
to these key banks, or simply bought government bonds on the open market to
provide liquidity and increase the quantity of money after the key banks fell,
all the rest of the banks would not have fallen after the large ones did, and
the money supply would not have fallen as far and as fast as it did.[16] With
significantly less money to go around, businessmen could not get new loans and
could not even get their old loans renewed, forcing many to stop investing. This
interpretation blames the Federal Reserve for inaction, especially the New York
calkiem mozliwe ze te 4 dolary teraz to niezly deal

Temat: Ciurszanty
Na poczatek cos co znakomcie wyje sie po drodze do pracy i przy prasowaniu. nie
polecane pryz skrecaniu mebli i krojeniu warzyw.

Collected by Halliday

When first I landed in Liverpool, I went upon a spree
Me money alas I spent it fast, got drunk as drunk could be
And when that me money was all gone, 'twas then I wanted more
But a man must be blind to make up his mind to go to sea once more
Once more, boys, once more, go to sea once more
But a man must be blind to make up his mind to go to sea once more

I spent the night with Angeline too drunk to roll in bed
Me watch was new and me money too, in the morning with them she fled
And as I walked the streets about, the whores they all did roar
There goes Jack Spratt, the poor sailorlad, he must go to sea once more
Once more, boys, once more, go to sea once more
There goes Jack Spratt, the poor sailorlad, he must go to sea once more

And as I walked the streets about, I met with the Rapper Brown
I asked him for to take me on and he looked at me with a frown
He said last time you was paid off with me you could no score
But I'll give you a chance and I'll take your advance and I'll send you to see
once more
Once more, boys, once more, send you to sea once more
I'll give you a chance and I'll take your advance and I'll send you to see once more

He shipped me on board of a whaling ship bound for the arctic seas
Where the cold winds blow through the frost and snow and Jamaica rum would freeze
But worse to bear, I'd no hard weather gear for I'd spent all money on shore
'twas then that I wished that I was dead and could go to sea no more
No more, boys, no more, go to sea no more
'twas then that I wished that I was dead and could go to sea no more

So come all you bold seafaring men, who listen to me song
When you come off them long trips, I'll have you not go wrong
Take my advice, drink no strong drink, don't go sleeping with them whores
Get married instead and spend all night in bed and go to sea no more
No more, boys, no more, go to sea no more
Get married instead and spend all night in bed and go to sea no more

Temat: Traditional U.S. airlines plan more flights abroad
Traditional U.S. airlines plan more flights abroad

By Marilyn Adams, USA TODAY
Mired in losing battles with discounters at home, the six big traditional
U.S. airlines are rapidly expanding internationally.
A USA TODAY analysis of data from airline schedule tracker OAG shows
American, Continental, Delta, Northwest and United have sharply increased
their flying to foreign destinations in the last year. US Airways, up
modestly for the period, hopes to expand in the Caribbean and Latin America
next year.

The big carriers are shifting more capacity to international routes because
demand is strong and they can make more money. Airline consultant Jon Ash
says the absence of competition from discounters makes international routes
attractive. Low-cost airlines such as Southwest, JetBlue and AirTran don't
fly to Europe, Asia or Latin America. USA TODAY finds:

• For December 2004, the six airlines collectively have increased seats on
foreign routes 11% from a year earlier. Seats on U.S. flights are up 3%.

• Continental, leading the pack, has added 16% more seats on international

• The big carriers have added 13% more seats to the Far East and 18% to
Central America. Europe, already a giant market, has seen 8% growth.

The trend is accelerating. Last week, American announced plans to shrink
money-losing U.S. operations, ground 15 planes and expand flights to Japan.
That followed United's Oct. 6 announcement that between now and March, it
will add international flights, cut domestic flights and reduce its fleet by
68 planes.

Airlines report strong demand on foreign routes from leisure and business
travelers. As a result, the average fare to Europe, as of June 30, was up
8.3% from two years earlier, according to Ash's firm, InterVistas-ga2. The
average fare to Asia was up 6.5%. But the average fare within the USA was
down 1.4%.

China is a particularly strong magnet for new flights because its economy is
growing so fast. United and Northwest are the only U.S. airlines currently
allowed to fly to the mainland. American, Continental and Delta are seeking
authority to start flights to China.

Contributing: Barbara Hansen

Temat: Prawa człowieka w Egipcie
Wybacz ale nie chce mi sie tlumaczyc na polski:

IV.138: Those who believe, then disbelieve, then again believe, then disbelieve
and then increase in disbelief, Allah will never forgive them nor will He guide
them to the right way.

IV.89: They desire that you should disbelieve as they have disbelieved, so that
you might be (all) alike; therefore take not from among them friends until they
fly (their homes) in Allah's way; but if they turn back, then seize them and
kill them wherever you find them, and take not from among them a friend or a helper.

IV.92: And it does not behoove a believer to kill a believer except by mistake,
and whoever kills a believer by mistake, he should free a believing slave, and
blood-money should be paid to his people unless they remit it as alms; but if he
be from a tribe hostile to you and he is a believer, the freeing of a believing
slave (suffices), and if he is from a tribe between whom and you there is a
covenant, the blood-money should be paid t! o his people along with the freeing
of a believing slave; but he who cannot find (a slave) should fast for two
months successively: a penance from Allah, and Allah is Knowing, Wise.

XVI.8: It may be that your Lord will have mercy on you, and if you (again return
to disobedience) We too will return (to punishment), and We have made hell a
prison for the unbelievers.

II.161: Surely those who disbelieve and die while they are disbelievers, these
it is on whom is the curse of Allah and the angels and men all;

IX. 5-6: Kill those who join other gods with God wherever you may find them.

IV.76: Those who believe fight in the cause of God.

IV.74: Let those who fight in the cause of God who barter the life of this world
for that which is to come; for whoever fights on God's path, whether he is
killed or triumphs, We will give him a handsome reward.

VIII.39-42: Say to the Infidels: if they desist from their unbelief, what is now
past shall be forgiven; but if they return to it, they have already before them
the doom of the ancients! Fight then against them till strife be at an end, and
the religion be all of it God's.


Temat: Stany czescia Osi Zla-niestety po angielsku
> That's right, because we all know that the medical and scientific
> breakthroughs are not performed by small groups of scientists but rather in a
> mass effort
> that involves every citizen from every walk of life. Yeah...

Of course, even the most stupid, obese American who cleans bathrooms, deserves
part of the prise, he pays taxes, suports education, finanaces sicentific break
throughs. Thanks to people like him this country can produce most innovation in
the world. Actually his impact on science may be bigger than yours - what
scientific break throughs did you sponsor.

> As for movie production, India produces more films per year than America,
> making your 80% figure bogus and absurd. And even if it was right, 5% of
> those movies are good.

80% figure relates to income from the movies not to number of movies. American
movies are watched all overt the world (whether you like them or not), and even
in India (serious movie producer) American movies bring more money than Indian

> The rest is absolute garbage. Look at Solaris,
> Americans made a freaking space Titanic out of it.

OK Solaris may not be the best movie, so what? Make better one, if you can. It
does not change the fact that people all over the world pay money to see
American movies - like them or not - millions other do.

> Go out on the street in any large American city. Chicago, Philadelphia, New
> York....You will see that the majority of the people are walking bags of
> blubber and fat. The consumption of fast food, the inactivity rate, etc etc
> etc

I guess we were walking on the diferent streets of NY and Philadelphia. Where I
live slim and fit people are riding bikes in the mornig and playinnng tennis
after work. They swimm in their own pools, live active lives until they are 80,
than retire to their Florida houses and watch sun rising over Atlantic Ocean
until they die in their 100-s.

You could have seen America, but you never got out of the getto. Your only
American experience come from the buttom. You never spoke with the educated
American, you did not come close to American University, you never played
tennis or golf with you American friends, you never went to American bookstore
or library, you never went to the theater, jazz concert, philharmonics. Only
people you'v seen were loosers as yourself and this is YOUR AMERICA, my is

Paniki w Ameryce nie wywolasz.
Gość portalu: pawel-l napisał(a):

> A może poobstawiamy poziom zadłużenia i poziom opodatkowania w najbliższych
> latach ?
> Take a look at this amazing chart of state and local government budget
> surpluses and deficits, which shows that their combined annual net deficit
> just reached a record $112 billion. The deficit has doubled in a little less
> than 5 months.
> <a
> ww.elliottwave.com/charts/chart_munibond.gif</a>
> According to The Economist, one in four American cities is already worried
> about meeting debt-service requirements. State and local governments are
> clearly among the first victims of the developing deflationary depression.
> The reason is that over the last 23 years, corporations and consumers have
> absorbed the brunt of disinflation by cutting costs and narrowing profit
> margins. Because business was able to keep expanding, city and state tax
> continued to grow. Deflationary pressures have begun to bite, making wages,
> employment and profits fall faster than government can adjust.
> During much of the bear market of 1966 through 1982, the underlying problem
> inflation, which helped push tax revenues higher. The chart reveals that
> this period government always found ways to make ends meet.
> State and local governments are now leading the way into depression because
> they are two decades behind the times. This is clear by their initial
> to the crisis, which was to borrow more money! Meanwhile, the federal deficit
> has now increased by about a third in the last four months.
> EWFF has been calling for a rapid rise in the national deficit since July
> when President Clinton announced a projected $1 trillion in additions to the
> surplus over 15 years.
> With the potential war tab rising fast and revenues shrinking, the deficit
> climb even faster through the balance of the year. Since state and local
> governments, unlike the Federal government, actually have to balance their
> books, the crisis in munis is more imminent.

Deficyt budzetowy w Stanach jest mniejszy niz w Polsce czy Niemczech liczony %
w stos do GDP.
Stanowe i lokalne wladze juz obnizaja wydatki.
Ciekawi mnie bardzo,jak wyjdzie obnizanie wydatkow budzetowych w Polsce.

Temat: szafa grająca Klubokawiarni
Cherry Pie -- Warrant ;p
[to tak odnośnie wątku o kompocie oraz w nawiązaniu do kudłaczy z Kisssssss]

Dirty, Rotten, Filthy, Stinken rich

She's my cherry pie
Cool drink of water
Such a sweet surprise
Tastes so good
Make a grown man cry
Sweet Cherry Pie
Heh Heh
Well swinging on the front porch
Swinging on the lawn
Swinging where we want
Cause there ain't nobody home
Swingin' to the left and
Swingin' to the right
I think about baseball
I'll swing all night, yeah
Yeah, yeah - huh!

Swingin in the living room
Swingin' in the kitchen
Most folks don't
Cause they're too busy bitchin'
Swingin' in there
Cause she wanted me to feed her
So I mixed up the batter
And she licked the beater

I scream, you scream,
We all scream for her
Don't even try
Cause you can't ignore her

She's my cherry pie
Cool drink of water
Such a sweet surprise
Tastes so good make a grown man cry
Sweet cherry pie
Oh yeah

She's my cherry pie
Put a smile on your face
Ten miles wide
Looks so good
Bring a tear to your eye
Sweet cherry pie
Yeah sweet cherry pie

Swingin to the drums
Swingin to guitar
Swingin to the bass in the back of my car
Ain't got money, ain't got no gas
Get where were goin if we swing real fast

I scream, you scream,
We all scream for her
Don't even try
Cause you can't ignore her

She's my cherry pie
Cool drink of water
Such a sweet surprise
Tastes so good make a grown man cry
Sweet cherry pie
Oh yeah

She's my cherry pie
Put a smile on your face
Ten miles wide
Looks so good
Bring a tear to your eye
Sweet cherry pie
Yeah sweet cherry pie

Swing it
All night long
Swing it
Hey, hey, Ow!

I'm a trained professional
Swingin' in the bathroom
Swingin' on the floor
Swingin' so hard
Forgot to lock the door
In walks her daddy
Standin' six foot four
Said, "You ain't gonna swing
with my daughter no more."

Sweet Cherry Pie
Yeah! Huh!
Swing it!

Temat: Jak często jadacie w restauracjach?
harlista napisał:

> Podajesz przyklad:
> "przechodzilem obok McDonald'sa przy miejscu w ktorym dzieciaki
szly do szkoly.
> McDonalds byl zawsze załadowany tymi dzieciaka mi. "
> jako przeciwage do obowiazkowej wizyty w czasie wycieczki do

Hehe, biedny ciec nie rozumie, ze McDonald's jest tam wypelniony
dzieciakami, czesto z niezbyt dobrze sytuowanych rodzin, ktore leca
na recess pobrzekujac lunch money - najtansza forma zapewnienia
dziecku goracego posilku, gdy nikt dziecka nie dozoruje. To czy jest
to zdrowe czy nie to inna para kaloszy. W Bulbonii pojscie dla
przecietnego dziecka do McDonalda to cos w rodzaju wycieczki do
Disneylandu - atrakcja nie z tej ziemi - raz na bardzo rzadko.
Dlatego jak slusznie piszesz starego MC zrownano w prawach z
atrakcjami Wawelu. Podejrzewam nawet, ze MC zapamietaja duzo lepiej.
Mloda dziatwa nudzi sie dosyc na tego rodzaju wyprawach, bo po
prostu przewaznie jeszcze do nich nie dorasta.

> Jak wyraznie widac moje sluszne obawy ze moglbys splodzic jakies
dzieciaki na
> swoj obraz sa jak najbardziej uzasadnione.

Tez bylem szczerze przerazony. Najbardziej prawdopodobne jest
przekazanie im skaczacej guli faceta, ktoremu bosko sie powodzi, ale
ktory nie wiadomo dlaczego hangs around forum pelnego ubogich i
sfrustrowanych emigrantow. Then again, i tak maja pewnie polactwo o
krwawych galach w genach, wiec co za roznica.
> Jezeli nie wierzysz w ekskluzywnosc PH wybierz sie do PH na Placu
zamkowym w W-
> wie

To mnie wlasnie uderzylo i powalilo. PH jest fast foodem - tyle, ze
nie w Bulbie, a to dlatego ze w swietnie prosperujacej Bulbie jest
wysooko, wysoooko ponad glowa szerokich mas spolecznych z powodu
swojej eksluzywnosci cenowej. Dlatego tez jest lokalizowana w
mall'ach (ktore tez sa bardzo niedostepne cenowo) i ekskluzywnych
hotelach (ditto). Widzac zatem luminarzy spozywajacych w
namaszczeniu placka w strojach wykwintnych
dochodzimy do prawidlowego logicznie wniosku, ze PH jest w Bulbonii
lokalem eleganckim. Czego Nalezalo Dowiesc. Buahahaha

A może poobstawiamy poziom zadłużenia i poziom opodatkowania w najbliższych
latach ?

Take a look at this amazing chart of state and local government budget
surpluses and deficits, which shows that their combined annual net deficit has
just reached a record $112 billion. The deficit has doubled in a little less
than 5 months.

According to The Economist, one in four American cities is already worried
about meeting debt-service requirements. State and local governments are
clearly among the first victims of the developing deflationary depression.

The reason is that over the last 23 years, corporations and consumers have
absorbed the brunt of disinflation by cutting costs and narrowing profit
margins. Because business was able to keep expanding, city and state tax bases
continued to grow. Deflationary pressures have begun to bite, making wages,
employment and profits fall faster than government can adjust.

During much of the bear market of 1966 through 1982, the underlying problem was
inflation, which helped push tax revenues higher. The chart reveals that during
this period government always found ways to make ends meet.

State and local governments are now leading the way into depression because
they are two decades behind the times. This is clear by their initial response
to the crisis, which was to borrow more money! Meanwhile, the federal deficit
has now increased by about a third in the last four months.

EWFF has been calling for a rapid rise in the national deficit since July 1999
when President Clinton announced a projected $1 trillion in additions to the
surplus over 15 years.

With the potential war tab rising fast and revenues shrinking, the deficit will
climb even faster through the balance of the year. Since state and local
governments, unlike the Federal government, actually have to balance their
books, the crisis in munis is more imminent.

Temat: Dlaczego nie chcieliscie zostac w USA? Wpisujcie !
Gość portalu: polonus napisał(a):

> > Hipokryta, nie chce sie otwarcie przyznac, ze do kraju zupelnie nie pasuje
> ,
> przyznajac ze mi sie tu nie podoba wydawalo mi sie ze powiedzialem ze tu
> niepasuje ? jesli z A->B z B->C to a A->C
> sorry myslalem ze to oczywiste, 140 to ty masz ale moze w pasie

ooooo, co my tu mamy, argumentow, Leos, brakuje, hehehe. OK, co jeszcze, bo
plone z ciekawosci...

od tego super
> zarcia :)

Nie znasz mnie. Nie osmieszaj sie przed forum, lezeli jeszcze to mozliwe.
Jestes zalosnym odrzutem spoleczenstwa, ktore nie moze sie doczekac twojego,
Szymek, chylkiem odwrotu, po nabiciu kabzy.

> ciekawe jest to ze osoby ktore tu pasuja nie sa w stanie przyjac
> musza ja zdeformowac

a w tym deformowaniu to, Beniek, przodujesz, szczegolnie, gdy idzie o STRASZNY
KLIMAT, (co, wygodnie zapomniales?)badz o farmerow za straganami w Bostonie
(znowu wygodnie przeoczyles, amnezja?)tyle, ze ci, Maciej, wszyscy powiedzieli,
zebys spadal. Da-le-ko.

i wysmiac kazdego kto nazwie rzeczy po imieniu, czyzby
> rzeczywistosc byla zbyt szokujaca sama w sobie ?

Usiadz. Posluchaj:

nikt nie mowi, ze jest tu raj. A napewno nie mowia tego setki tysiecy ludzi,
ktorzy sie tu co roku zwalaja. Juz najlepiej wiedza o tym meksykanie,
dziesiatki tysiecy na miesiac, ktorzy po prostu nie moga wytrzymac, aby sie do
tego nie-tak-bardzo-raju dostac.

Przoduja natomiast, Ziutek, ci w kolejce na Pieknej ( tak, tak, jest taka
kolejka), ktorym nie straszne sa STRASZNE KLIMATY, uwazasz Gienek, a na ich
czele przestepuja nerwowo z nogi na noge sciskajac w chytrych lapach
studolarowki takie wlasnie hipokryckie Ziutki i Gienki.

Na koniec:
ja widze plusy i minusy, mam wystarczajaco inteligencji, z czego mnie ludzie
np. tutaj znaja, a ty nie, i dlatego sie osmieszasz.
Ty natomiast tak przegiales pale w tym swoim zawodzeniu, ( pewnie STRASZNY
KLIMAT i trujace jedzenie wali i paranoia podnosi leb) ze jest to oczywiste,
ile "w pasie", wesolku nieporadny, masz. moze 40.

Do yourself a favor: run, as fast as you can, before the madness sets fully in
and conspiracy theory consumes what is left of your - not so numerous -
neurons. F*ck the money, that you don't deserve or try to honestly earn, for
you show ZERO appreciation, and leave this hostile territory. It's not for you.

Temat: EU citizens;don't care,can't communicate w/h other
> The catholic church nor patriotism is not a problem for Poland

I would beg to differ. If I understood your translation (thank you), the person
rightly says that if as much money was spent on creating wealth as was spent on
building churches, then maybe Poland would be a different country. He says that
the country should be re-named 'CatholicLand'. Thinhs are changing - so much the

> So far all it has to offer to me is a scum, stench and dog crap on the
> sidewalks everywhere..

This is just a lack of respect for themselves and others - something I have seen
in other 'deeply' religious countries - strange as it may seem. Once people
learn to respect, then they learn to live decently.

> The catholic church nor patriotism is not a problem for Poland, the real
> problem that sets Poland back is corruption and the leftist parties that untill
> recently rulled and preyed on Poland, they are corrupt to the bone and are very
> reason why Poland is not making real progress.

Corruption is a problem, but has more to do with the remnants of the communist
regeme than anything else I fear. I believe that when the communist generation
dies, then most of Polands problems will die with it.

> They are better because they have not been spoiled by liberals, and it is
> catholic faith that makes them believe they can make a difference for
> themselves and finally for all Poland.

They have not been spoiled (full stop). Nothing to do with 'liberals', but to
do, in my opinion with bad parenting and education in other Western countries.
We have lost too many of the traditional values (in this I would agree with you,
but would not attribute this loss of values to a reduction in faith).

> I believe that will happen maybe in 30 or 40 years when I'm old...But not so
> fast mr. Russh, I would not be so optimistic in Poland's case, it is going to
> take time. What Poland needs it at least 40 years of transition, and once the
> old generation spoiled by communism dies, the new one will be able to begin
> anew...just like in a Bible :

It will be quicker, I feel sure. We are in agreement re the need to get rid of
the remnants of the communist era, and get the younger generation, who I have
much faith in, into power. I do not see a place for the Radio Marya band, or the
church, in Politics. There job, if any, is to contribute to the moral fibre of
the country, and nothing else.

Temat: To co się stanie?
Nareszcie mądry artykuł podważający wiarę w koniec świata dolara.

The aging crisis in Asia — and indeed the outright demographic implosion in Japan and China, not to mention China’s water crisis — will soon be obvious to everybody. Talk of Oriental supremacy will start to sound overblown at first, and then preposterous.

I think much of Europe is equally sick — Spain, Italy, Greece, Ireland, the Baltics, are even sicker — even if the lag-times are longer. The IMF keeps telling us that Europe has failed to come clean on its bank losses. Germany’s BaFin regulator says the same thing. Are they wrong?

It all has echoes of the early 1930s when the Anglo-Saxons were crushed in the first two to three years, and the French bloc was crushed over the subsequent three years.

The “inflationistas” — ie, those convinced that the dollar is being debauched despite the fact that core inflation in the US is falling and that the M3 money supply is contracting — are playing straight into the hands of the United States.

Nobel Laureate Gary Becker told me a few weeks ago that America’ spectacular gains in productivity – growing at a trend rate of 2.25pc to 2.5pc — is laying the foundation for a much stronger US recovery in the long-term than most people seem to realize. Compare that with 0pc to 1pc for the eurozone. In Italy it is negative.

Japan is about to go bankrupt. It is on the cusp of a fiscal crisis that will change perceptions of Asia dramatically. The IMF says gross public debt will reach 218pc of GDP this year. This is compounding very fast. It will be 246pc in 2014.

China’s work force will peak in absolute terms in six years, and then go into sharp decline. I have no idea how people square this with claims that China will soon replace the US as world hegemon. The stark reality is that China will hit a Japanese-style demographic crunch before it becomes rich. Sheer size will give it weight. But mastery?

Of course, if the US were stupid enough to enact the 10-year spending plans projected by the White House — with a deficit of $1.9 trillion in 2019 on Congressional Budget Office estimates — the country will be ruined. I do not think America has so far lost its senses that it will commit suicide in this fashion. In any case, the bond markets will react long before we get there. They will force a change in policy. That change will imply higher US savings, and less import growth
Tekst linka

Temat: Oren Ben-Dor: Palestyna bez syjonizmu?
Zależy z jakiego języka na język. Są dobre pogramy, ale te rzeczywiście dobre - drogie jak cholera i - uprzedzając ew. pytania - solidnie zabezpieczone.

Sam używam od czasu do czasu takiego Systrana. Ale są dość zabawne rezultaty.

Sam oceń:

EU-Gipfel ringt bis zuletzt ums Geld

Merkel bringt neuen Vorschlag ein / Finanzrahmen 2007 bis 2013 bleibt zunächst strittig / Verhaltener Optimismus

Tony Blair und Jacques Chirac (ap)
Die Staats- und Regierungschefs der Europäischen Union haben es bei ihrem Treffen am Freitag in Brüssel nicht geschafft, sich schnell zu einigen. Bundeskanzlerin Merkel schlug vor, die Gesamtausgaben der Union zu erhöhen. Weitere Berichte im Ressort Thema des Tages.

Po automatycznym przełozeniu na angielski:

European Union summit struggles to last around the money

Merkel brings new suggestion/to financial frameworks 2007 to 2013 remains first contentious/restrained optimism

The state and head of the government of the European union did not create it with its meeting on Friday in Brussels to agree fast. Bundeskanzlerin Merkel suggested increasing the total expenditure of the union. Further reports in the department topic of the daily.

Raczej słabe.

Google przekłada ten sam tekst tak:

European Union summit does not struggle to last around the money Merkel brings new suggestion/financial frameworks 2007 to 2013 remains first contentiously/restrained optimism the state and head of the government of the European union having it with their meeting on Friday in Brussels production to agree fast. Bundeskanzlerin Merkel suggested increasing the total expenditure of the union. Further reports in the department topic of the daily.

Spróbuj tego google'a:


Temat: z angielskiego na polski...ten facet mnie zameczy.
emka... ale przywalilas :-) to znaczy on przywalil... ale niech bedzie, probuje

> After spending a lot of time on emails with Mobile Financial Department, I
finally understood the entire procedure. It is a little complicated, but safe
and fast for both of us.

Po dlugiej wymianie maili z Wydzialem Finansowym Mobile(zapewne jakas firma
kom?), w koncu zrozumialem cala procedure. Jest nieco skomplikowana, ale
bezpieczna i szybka dla dobra nas obojga.

> Anyway, they told me they will contact you soon and probably they already
contacted you. They will tell you about the terms regarding this sale but I
will tell you too, to be sure that you understand everything.

Jakkolwiek, oni sami sie s toba skontakyuja, a moze juz to zrobili? Powiadomia
cie o warunkach dotyczacych tej sprzedarzy, ale ja rowniez chcialabym ci
wszytsko wyjasnic, by miec pewnosc, ze wszystko rozumiesz.

> You have to make a prepayment,a deposit, for the amount that mobile.de
informed you and you will be protected by Mobile.de GmbH for that amount.

Musisz zaplacic przedplate, czy tez depozyt w sumie, o ktorej informowal cie
mobile.de, a ktora to sume zabezpiecza Mobile.de GmbH.

> For the prepayment, I prefer to use Western Union as it is faster and
easier.The transfer commission is around of 3% which I will deduce from the
rest of the money. In case you are asked there for the purpose of the transfer,
you can specify that you send them to a friend, as they charge 10% for
commercial purposes transfers.

Jako przekaznika depozytu, ja osobiscie wole uzyc Western Union, bo jest szybki
i latwy. Koszt przeslylki to 3%, ktora to sume odejme od reszty pieniedzy. W
przypadku, gdy muszisz podac powod przekazu (za co jest ten przekaz), mozesz
powiedziec, ze przesylasz to dla przyjaciela, jako ze cena przekazu wzrasta do
10% za przesylki hadlowe.

> Western Union must be paid in cash, but I think this is not a problem, as you
already wanted to give cash money for the car.

Western Union pobiera przekazy w gotowce, ale wydaje mi sie, ze nie jest to
problemem, jako, ze ty juz wczesniej chcialas zaplaci w gotowce za samochod.

> As soon as the transfer is confirmed by Mobile Financial Department, I will
reserve the car for you and i will come to Germany to meet you and complete the
sale in 3-5 days.

Gdy transfer zostanie potwierdzony przez M F D, ja zarezerwuje samochod dla
ciebie i przyjade do Niemiec by sie z toba spotkac i dokonac sprzedzarzy w
ciagu 3-5 dni.

> Your money will be protected because I will not have access to the payment
details.You will provide them to Mobile and they will provide me only after you
see the car and like it.

Twoje pieniadze za zabezpieczone, poniewaz ja nie ma dojscia do danych
depozytu, ktore dostarczylas dla Mobile, a oni udostepnia mi je tylko w
wypadku, gdy ty zobaczysz samochod i ten przypadnie ci do gustu.

> If you don't like the car,you will GET your money back,and also I'm ready to
pay your travel expences,but I'm 100% sure that you will like the car.

Jezeli samochod nie spodoba ci sie, depozyt zostanie zwrocony, i ja pokryje
koszty podrozy, ale jestesm pewien w 100 % ze samochod ci sie spodoba.

> Because you pay the money transfer commission,I'm ready to pay and take care
of all the papers, temporary plates and all that is necessary.

Jako, ze ty pokrywasz oplate za przekaz pieniedzy, ja ze swej strony pokryje
koszty wszelakich paperow, tymczasowych tablic i tym podobnych.

> Hoping that everything is clear ,I'm waiting for your reply and also I'm
waiting for the payment confirmation from mobile.de .As soon the payment is
done,the car will be reserved for you and I will tell to the other possible
buyers that the car is sold!

Mam nadzieje, iz wszytsko jest jasne. Czekam na odpowiedz, jak rowniez na
potywierdzenie wplaty z mobile.de. Samochod zostanie zarezerwowany z chwila
otrzymania takowego, a dla innych potencjalnych kupujacych odpwiem: samochod
zostal sprzedany.

> Sincerely,

z powarzaniem


Temat: Polska beznadzieja :(
Moze niedlugo problem z polskimi paszportami sam sie rozwiaze. Konserwatysci
zastanawiaja sie nad sensem podwojnego obywatelstwa. Ottawa wydala okolo 85 mln
dolarow na ewakuacje z Libanu 15,000 osob. Po czym okolo 7,000 z nich
natychmiast wrocilo z powrotem jak tylko sytuacja w Libanie jako tako uspokoila sie.

Statutes on expats revisited
Dual citizenship at issue; Conservatives fast-track review in wake of Lebanese

ALLAN WOODS, CanWest News Service
Published: Thursday, September 21, 2006

The Conservative government plans to revisit 30-year-old rules allowing people
who live abroad to hold dual Canadian citizenship, a senior Tory has told
CanWest News Service.

The review of the laws allowing people to carry a Canadian passport along with
the citizenship of another country appears to be on a fast track, particularly
after the government began tallying the costs and results of the mass evacuation
of civilians in Lebanon who held Canadian citizenship during the recent conflict
between Hezbollah and Israel.

"I think it's going to be something that our minister of immigration (Monte
Solberg) ... will be addressing in the future because I think there is some
interest as these details become known," said Conservative caucus chairman Rahim
Jaffer, a member of the House of Commons citizenship and immigration committee.

Solberg refused requests for an interview, and Jaffer did not disclose what
other issues relating to dual citizenship could come under review. But Prime
Minister Stephen Harper has already expressed his desire to look at changes to
the protocol the government follows when evacuating Canadians from foreign hot

Lesley Harmer, a spokesperson for Solberg, said "there aren't any plans" to
change laws governing dual citizenship.

But Jaffer said a closer look at the issue was already on the government's fall
agenda and could now happen "within weeks" in light of the burden of moving
Canadian citizens out of the Middle East war zone.

About 40,000 Canadians were registered with the embassy in Lebanon when the war
broke out in July, and Ottawa estimates it spent more than $85 million to
evacuate about 15,000 of them to Canada, according to an official in Foreign
Affairs who gave what was described as a preliminary estimate.

Reports suggest 7,000 evacuees have since returned to Lebanon.

The movement to revisit dual citizenship is drawing support on both sides of the

"I've always questioned dual citizenship, and I'm the former minister," said
Ontario Liberal MP Judy Sgro, immigration minister between 2003 and 2005.

"We've paid all that money to evacuate all those people, and now 7,000 of them
have gone back," Sgro said.

She added the benefits that come with Canadian citizenship for those living
abroad - including pension benefits and assistance from Ottawa in times of
emergency - are "ripe for exploitation."

Statistics Canada says more than 4 million immigrants hold dual citizenship with
Canada and at least one other country. There are no records for Canadian-born
citizens who hold other citizenships.

"We need to be loyal to one country as far as your citizenship. Your heart can
be where you were born, but I think the commitment to Canada has to be strong,
and I think dual citizenship weakens that," Sgro said.

Canada changed its immigration laws in 1977 to allow Canadians to hold passports
from two countries, and they have not received a major update or revision since

Advice from two parliamentary committees in the mid-1990s that it was time to
revamp citizenship laws were ignored by the Liberal government of the day.

A committee from 1993 suggested permitting dual citizenship reduced the value of
being a Canadian and recommended those who take citizenship with another country
should forfeit their Canadian passports.

© The Gazette (Montreal) 2006

Temat: Stany czescia Osi Zla-niestety po angielsku
Gość portalu: GT napisał(a):

> > As for movie production, India produces more films per year than America,
> > making your 80% figure bogus and absurd. And even if it was right, 5% of
> > those movies are good.
> 80% figure relates to income from the movies not to number of movies.
> movies are watched all overt the world (whether you like them or not), and
> in India (serious movie producer) American movies bring more money than
> production.

Language has a great quality. It allows one to express his thought or argument
precisely. You didnt specify income as a criteria for that 80% figure. I am not
a mind reader.

> > The rest is absolute garbage. Look at Solaris,
> > Americans made a freaking space Titanic out of it.
> OK Solaris may not be the best movie, so what? Make better one, if you can.
> does not change the fact that people all over the world pay money to see
> American movies - like them or not - millions other do.

I NEVER argued otherwise. Infact I concede that America leads in the mass-
production of absolute crap which is consumed on a massive scale by legions of
brain-washed idiots. This has never been argued. What is being debated is the
intrinsic value of the crap they produce. Americans are leaders in terms of
quantity. It is quality that they have not yet been able to produce.

> > Go out on the street in any large American city. Chicago, Philadelphia, Ne
> w
> > York....You will see that the majority of the people are walking bags of
> > blubber and fat. The consumption of fast food, the inactivity rate, etc et
> c
> > etc
> I guess we were walking on the diferent streets of NY and Philadelphia. Where
> live slim and fit people are riding bikes in the mornig and playinnng tennis
> after work. They swimm in their own pools, live active lives until they are
> than retire to their Florida houses and watch sun rising over Atlantic Ocean
> until they die in their 100-s.

Ahh, a life of an American drone. Indoctrinated and programmed, always a good
consumer, dazed and confused by anything that involves the synaptic firinf of
those cobwebbed brains of theirs. But let's ignore your little diatribe as we
have direct statistical proof that shows without a doubt that America leads the
world in terms of inactivity,obesity and are runaway leaders in terms of
childhood obesity. These are facts.

> You could have seen America, but you never got out of the getto. Your only
> American experience come from the buttom.

From the bottom? I have spent a few months travelling and seeing America. I
have seen both coasts from the top to the bottom. I have enough experience in
that country to form my opinions.

> You never spoke with the educated
> American, you did not come close to American University, you never played
> tennis or golf with you American friends, you never went to American
> or library, you never went to the theater, jazz concert, philharmonics. Only
> people you'v seen were loosers as yourself and this is YOUR AMERICA, my is
> different.

I have been to more than a few american bookstores. But the countless Crichtin
or Stephen King novels are not my idea of intellectual fare. You would be
surprised what I have done in America. Infact, because I have done as much as I
have I believe that my opinions are very accurate.

You sound like an american apologist.

Temat: Europa i mity szczuplych ludzi
Europa i mity szczuplych ludzi
BRUSSELS, Belgium — At least seven European countries now challenge the United
States in size — at least around the waistline.

In a group of nations from Greece to Germany, the proportion of overweight or
obese men is higher than in the United States, experts said yesterday in a
major analysis of expanding girth on the European continent.

"The time when obesity was thought to be a problem on the other side of the
Atlantic has gone by," said Mars Di Bartolomeo, Luxembourg's Minister of Health.

In Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Finland, Germany, Greece, Malta and Slovakia, a
higher percentage of men are obese or overweight than the estimated 67 percent
of men in the United States, according to a report from the International
Obesity Task Force, a coalition of researchers and institutions.

The analysis was released as the 25-nation European Union announced an
initiative to enlist the food and marketing industries in the fight against fat.

Obesity is especially acute in Mediterranean countries, underscoring concerns
that people in the southern region are turning away from the traditional diet
of fish, fruits and vegetables to fast food high in fat and refined carbohydrates.
For more information

Body Mass Index calculator: www.cdc.gov/nccdphp/dnpa/bmi/calc-bmi.htm

International Obesity Task Force: www.iotf.org/
In Greece, for example, 38 percent of women are obese, compared with 34
percent in the United States, the group said.

Even in countries with low rates of obesity, trends are emerging. In France,
obesity in women rose from 8 percent in 1997 to 11.3 percent in 2003, and from
8.4 percent to 11.4 percent in men.

The change in diets, which the obesity task force said has occurred over the
past two decades, affects children most because it is reflected in school lunches.

The task force estimated that among the EU's 103 million youngsters the number
of those overweight rises by 400,000 each year. More than 30 percent of
children ages 7 to 11 are overweight in Italy, Portugal, Spain and Malta, it said.

That matches estimates for American children. Among American adults, about
two-thirds are overweight or obese; nearly one-third qualify as obese. Obesity
is usually defined as having a body mass index — a measure of weight relative
to height — of 30 or above. For example, a person who weighs 220 pounds and is
6 foot 3 has a BMI of 27.5. A healthy weight is an index of less than 25.

The International Obesity Task Force, which is advising the European Union,
had estimated in 2003 that about 200 million of the 350 million adults living
in what is now the European Union may be overweight or obese.

However, a closer evaluation of the figures in the latest analysis indicated
that may be an underestimate, according to the group.

To counter the worsening trend, the EU is pushing a united effort from the
food and marketing industries, consumer groups and health experts.

"The industry is being challenged to demonstrate, transparently, that it is
going to be part of the solution," Philip James, chairman of the IOTF said
after the launch of the program in Brussels.

"They have to say how much more money they will add to help solve the obesity
problem. They have to put forward a plan on how exactly they are going to
contribute year by year, and their contribution has to get bigger every year,"
he added.

The food industry says it will better inform consumers with detailed nutrition
labels. The EU office also wants tastier healthy foods to compete with
high-calorie, non-nutritious fare.

Studies have shown that being overweight can increase the risk of certain
diseases, such as diabetes. Obesity is also linked to heart disease, high
blood pressure, strokes, respiratory disease, arthritis and some types of cancer.

"We can have disastrous effects from [obesity] on health and the national
economy," EU Health Commissioner Markos Kyprianou said.

Temat: "Sezon na kleszcza"
Easily cured or insidious chronic infection?
Mar. 13, 2006 Philadelphia Inquier

Lyme disease: Easily cured or insidious chronic infection?
Some say it's behind other ailments with confusing symptoms.
By Bill Radford

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. - Like the flu, it hit hard and fast. David Martz could hardly get out of bed. "I knew something real serious was wrong."

Martz, a doctor, fell ill in April 2003. He was hospitalized for two weeks and underwent "every test known to man." He got worse, but weeks and months went by before he was told the bad news.

He had ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig's disease, a progressive neurological disorder that attacks nerve cells controlling voluntary muscles. You'll probably be in a wheelchair in six months, Martz was told, and dead in two years.

A newspaper clipping sent by a family friend gave Martz a possible alternative diagnosis: chronic Lyme disease. And it put him in the middle of what is being called the Lyme Wars, a debate over the true threat posed by Lyme disease.

Lyme disease is a tick-borne infection most prevalent in the northeastern United States. Mainstream medicine regards it as generally simple to recognize and easy to treat with a few weeks of antibiotics. But some doctors view Lyme disease as something more common and more insidious, often hiding in the body and being manifested as a chronic infection requiring months or years of intensive antibiotic treatment.

They regard Lyme disease as a "great impostor," accounting for some cases of chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, Gulf War syndrome and other illnesses with often vague and confusing symptoms.

Martz, who has largely recovered after long-term antibiotic therapy, is a believer - so much so that he started a practice focused on chronic Lyme disease. A past president of the Colorado Medical Society, Martz, 65, now finds himself on medicine's fringes.

The debate boils down to hope. Are patients diagnosed with chronic Lyme disease being given false hope and wasting money on years of treatment? Or are doctors who don't believe in the condition denying desperate patients hope when there could be some?

"Rather than close the mind, where's the harm in saying maybe there's another dimension to it?" Martz said. "Let's think out of the box, as the saying goes, and stay open to the possibility that maybe this is more complicated than we realized."

Martz has seen about 350 patients in the first year: roughly 70 with neurological, ALS-like illnesses, the rest with problems such as fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome.

"The average person has seen 24 previous doctors, and they've been told that they have maybe lupus, but it doesn't fit, maybe MS, but it doesn't fit, maybe psychiatric problems," he said.

About 80 percent test positive for the Lyme bacterium using IGeneX testing and are given the option of long-term antibiotic therapy, Martz said. Those who test negative but still fit "the classical clinical picture" also are offered the therapy, and many improve, Martz said.

"That just shows that the testing is not adequate yet."

The therapy is not a cure-all, Martz stressed. And, at $2,000 to $3,000 a month, it isn't likely to be covered by insurance, because insurance companies don't commonly recognize chronic Lyme disease.

"You need to go into it understanding that it may not have any benefit at all," Martz said. "But if you wish to try it, we're willing to help you."

Number of Cases

In 2003, 21,273 cases of Lyme disease were reported by 44 states and the District of Columbia. States with the highest incidence of Lyme included Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, Connecticut and New Jersey.

Temat: Who won
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utopia is the mother of all media
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utopia is causing a dystopia
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utopia is a trilogy of plays describing the rise of revolutionary russia
utopia is balanced at $10
utopia is buffalo's ultimate party destination
utopia is an account of the origins
utopia is not responsible for the contents of any linked site or any link
contained in a linked site
utopia is known to foreigners as a republic state
utopia is not so simple as ignorance
utopia is developing mission critical funds transfer and trade reimbursement
applications for the cash and trade division
utopia is a better world vision
utopia is not merely a book about architecture and real estate
utopia is strictly prohibited
utopia is concerned is debatable
utopia is a scottish research project investigating the design and development
of computer
utopia is copyright 1995
utopia is any state
utopia is an ideal state where you love your enemies instead of loving your
enemies’ enemies
utopia is a dedicated bipolar surround sound effects speaker using the same 6
utopia is a static and unchanging world allowing no place for growth and
utopia is a database of images of european renaissance art
utopia is a free online strategy game
utopia is here...
  • zanotowane.pl
  • doc.pisz.pl
  • pdf.pisz.pl
  • anette.xlx.pl

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