Wyświetlono wypowiedzi wyszukane dla słów: Fat Monster
Temat: [][][] BREAKBEAT [][][]
kolejny rosyjski potwor....
link: http://djneo.ru/music/mix...st-promomix.mp3
01. 1st Break - Infrazvuk [unsigned]
02. Srotmtrooperz - Diablo [Trans:verse]
03. Vicious D - Flesh eater (Phat RiderZ Remix) [Break-Bots]
04. Unison - Electrogirl (P.J.'s Remix) [Streetwise]
05. 1st Break - Intoxication [Forthcoming Break-Bots]
06. White Papoo - Carnivor (Hostage Remix) [Trans:verse]
07. Hustle Athletics - Lekker [Love Recordings]
08. Mortlock - The Hex [Guerrilla Tactics]
09. The Phat RiderZ - Wicked Generation [L3 Recordings]
10. 1st Break - Gulf Stream [Forthcoming Break-Bots]
11. Scratch Perverts - Stand by (Krafty Kuts Remix) [SCM]
12. Baobinga & I.D. Pres Big Monster - Recognise (Vandal Remix) [Fat!]
13. Mars - Undiscovered Overdose [No Agenda Music]
14. Corona - Rythm of the Night (The Phat RiderZ Remix) [unofficial]
dobre dobre to sie ceni widac w rosji tez sa dje i to nawet nie zli
Temat: [][][] BREAKBEAT [][][]
kolejny rosyjski potwor....
link: http://djneo.ru/music/mix...st-promomix.mp3
01. 1st Break - Infrazvuk [unsigned]
02. Srotmtrooperz - Diablo [Trans:verse]
03. Vicious D - Flesh eater (Phat RiderZ Remix) [Break-Bots]
04. Unison - Electrogirl (P.J.'s Remix) [Streetwise]
05. 1st Break - Intoxication [Forthcoming Break-Bots]
06. White Papoo - Carnivor (Hostage Remix) [Trans:verse]
07. Hustle Athletics - Lekker [Love Recordings]
08. Mortlock - The Hex [Guerrilla Tactics]
09. The Phat RiderZ - Wicked Generation [L3 Recordings]
10. 1st Break - Gulf Stream [Forthcoming Break-Bots]
11. Scratch Perverts - Stand by (Krafty Kuts Remix) [SCM]
12. Baobinga & I.D. Pres Big Monster - Recognise (Vandal Remix) [Fat!]
13. Mars - Undiscovered Overdose [No Agenda Music]
14. Corona - Rythm of the Night (The Phat RiderZ Remix) [unofficial]
Temat: Impreza roku 2004
1.Halloween Monster
2.Enter the dragon
3.Fat breakz
Temat: XMoto 07" by Gomek_222 Super monster z nowym DRM ......
Postanowiłem zamieścić monster do telefonu motoroola V1050/E1000
Moje zasady już każdy zna mianowicie o pierwsze totalnie odbrandowany,po drugie wyczyszczony ze smieci po trzecie wgrane super multimedia,po czwarte ma odblokowane wszystko co sie da..
posty w stylu Jak skonfigurowac kabel i czym flashowac beda usuwane (FAQ sie kłania !Prosze o to adminow i moderatorow.
Wersja oprogramowania:R26LD_U_83_39_24I
Wersja pakietu językowego:002F
wersja Flexu:XMoto 07' by Gomek_222 (V1050 Monster)
Po pierwsze totalnie odbrandowany i wyczyszczony ze smieci (wszystko robiłem sam nie opieralem sie na monsterze Falcona)
-brak animacji vodafone
-brak bootsplasha vodafone
-brak standardowych tapet od vody
-usuniete beznadziejne midy i wavy od vody
-usunieta skora Vodafone
-usuniete skroty web od vody
-usuniete zwykle skroty rowniez od vodafona
-usuniete standardowe aplikacje java
i wiele innych o ktorych nie pamietam......
Po drugie ma wgrane super multimedia i odblokowane wszystko co sie da....Tapety:kilkadziesiat tapet o tematyce Windowsa,pieknych dziewczyn ,samochodow a takze krajobrazow....(bardzo podobne do tych z poprzedniego softu)
Dj Meli-Sound of New Generation
DJ Shadow-Six Days The Remix
Akon fat Eminem-Smack That
DJ Bassmat-Dont You
Pakiet dzwonków Hellomoto
Digital Audio Player (mp3player)
XploreMe (znakomita przeglądarka plików)
Integral MP3 Player (player MP3)
Dictaphone (dyktafon)
Call of Duty 3 (wiadomo )
Co jest odblokowane:
-przycisk inteligentny oraz lewy i prawy przycisk funkcyjny
-dyktafon pod przyciskiem inteligentnym
-idealne mma_ucp
-odblokowana java
-wgrane sesje web dla wszystkich sieci
-odblokowane menu Skórki
-podglosnione dzwieki na sluchawkach i glosniku
-wyciszone dzwieki systemowe typu dzwiek rozladowanej baterii itd.
-wgrane ustawienia polepszajace jakosc aparatu i kamery (na pamieci telefonu jest przykladowe zdjecie ktore zrobilem na tym monsterku)
-odblokowane motywy
-dblokowane skróty
-nagrywanie video do 15minut i MMSY do 1MB
-wlaczone oszczedzanie baterii,wylaczony wygaszacz ekranu.
krotko mowiac,odblokowane wszystko co sie da!!!
-nowy DRM (nowe ikonki zasięgu,baterii itd)

-zmodyfikowany lang (nowa super czcionka )
Od razu mówię że w każdej chwili mogę go poprawić jeśli komuś coś nie pasuje to piszcie w temacie
Temat: Tuwim-tłumaczenia wierszy na obce języki
W³a¶nie te t³umaczenia mam ale szukam po niemiecku, francusku nie ma nawet
w gogole
Dziêki za pomoc. Szukam Dalej .
The Locomotive
Julian Tuwim
A big locomotive has pulled into town,
Heavy, humungus, with sweat rolling down,
A plump jumbo olive.
Huffing and puffing and panting and smelly,
Fire belches forth from her fat cast iron belly.
Poof, how she's burning,
Oof, how she's boiling,
Puff, how she's churning,
Huff, how she's toiling.
She's fully exhausted and all out of breath,
Yet the coalman continues to stoke her to death.
Numerous wagons she tugs down the track:
Iron and steel monsters hitched up to her back,
All filled with people and other things too:
The first carries cattle, then horses not few;
The third car with corpulent people is filled,
Eating fat frankfurters all freshly grilled.
The fourth car is packed to the hilt with bananas,
The fifth has a cargo of six grand pi-an-as.
The sixth wagon carries a cannon of steel,
With heavy iron girders beneath every wheel.
The seventh has tables, oak cupboards with plates,
While an elephant, bear, two giraffes fill the eighth.
The ninth contains nothing but well-fattened swine,
In the tenth: bags and boxes, now isn't that fine?
There must be at least forty cars in a row,
And what they all carry -- I simply don't know:
But if one thousand athletes, with muscles of steel,
Each ate one thousand cutlets in one giant meal,
And each one exerted as much as he could,
They'd never quite manage to lift such a load. First a toot!
Then a hoot!
Steam is churning,
Wheels are turning!
More slowly - than turtles - with freight - on their - backs,
The drowsy - steam engine - sets off - down the tracks.
She chugs and she tugs at her wagons with strain,
As wheel after wheel slowly turns on the train.
She doubles her effort and quickens her pace,
And rambles and scrambles to keep up the race.
Oh whither, oh whither? go forward at will,
And chug along over the bridge, up the hill,
Through mountains and tunnels and meadows and woods,
Now hurry, now hurry, deliver your goods.
Keep up your tempo, now push along, push along,
Chug along, tug along, tug along, chug along
Lightly and sprightly she carries her freight
Like a ping-pong ball bouncing without any weight,
Not heavy equipment exhausted to death,
But a little tin toy, just a light puff of breath.
Oh whither, oh whither, you'll tell me, I trust,
What is it, what is it that gives you your thrust?
What gives you momentum to roll down the track?
It's hot steam that gives me my clickety-clack.
Hot steam from the boiler through tubes to the pistons,
The pistons then push at the wheels from short distance,
They drive and they push, and the train starts a-swooshin'
'Cuz steam on the pistons keeps pushin' and pushin';
The wheels start a rattlin', clatterin', chatterin'
Chug along, tug along, chug along, tug along! . . . . .
-translated by Walter Whipple
Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.478 / Virus Database: 275 - Release Date: 06/05/2003
Serwis Usenet w portalu Gazeta.pl -http://www.gazeta.pl/usenet/
Wys³ano z serwisu OnetNiusy: http://niusy.onet.pl
Temat: Tuwim-tłumaczenia wierszy na obce języki
to po kataloñsku (wystarczy w google'a wklepaæ Tuwim i ustawiæ
odpowiedni jêzyk)
The Locomotive
Julian Tuwim
A big locomotive has pulled into town,
Heavy, humungus, with sweat rolling down,
A plump jumbo olive.
Huffing and puffing and panting and smelly,
Fire belches forth from her fat cast iron belly.
Poof, how she's burning,
Oof, how she's boiling,
Puff, how she's churning,
Huff, how she's toiling.
She's fully exhausted and all out of breath,
Yet the coalman continues to stoke her to death.
Numerous wagons she tugs down the track:
Iron and steel monsters hitched up to her back,
All filled with people and other things too:
The first carries cattle, then horses not few;
The third car with corpulent people is filled,
Eating fat frankfurters all freshly grilled.
The fourth car is packed to the hilt with bananas,
The fifth has a cargo of six grand pi-an-as.
The sixth wagon carries a cannon of steel,
With heavy iron girders beneath every wheel.
The seventh has tables, oak cupboards with plates,
While an elephant, bear, two giraffes fill the eighth.
The ninth contains nothing but well-fattened swine,
In the tenth: bags and boxes, now isn't that fine?
There must be at least forty cars in a row,
And what they all carry -- I simply don't know:
But if one thousand athletes, with muscles of steel,
Each ate one thousand cutlets in one giant meal,
And each one exerted as much as he could,
They'd never quite manage to lift such a load. First a toot!
Then a hoot!
Steam is churning,
Wheels are turning!
More slowly - than turtles - with freight - on their - backs,
The drowsy - steam engine - sets off - down the tracks.
She chugs and she tugs at her wagons with strain,
As wheel after wheel slowly turns on the train.
She doubles her effort and quickens her pace,
And rambles and scrambles to keep up the race.
Oh whither, oh whither? go forward at will,
And chug along over the bridge, up the hill,
Through mountains and tunnels and meadows and woods,
Now hurry, now hurry, deliver your goods.
Keep up your tempo, now push along, push along,
Chug along, tug along, tug along, chug along
Lightly and sprightly she carries her freight
Like a ping-pong ball bouncing without any weight,
Not heavy equipment exhausted to death,
But a little tin toy, just a light puff of breath.
Oh whither, oh whither, you'll tell me, I trust,
What is it, what is it that gives you your thrust?
What gives you momentum to roll down the track?
It's hot steam that gives me my clickety-clack.
Hot steam from the boiler through tubes to the pistons,
The pistons then push at the wheels from short distance,
They drive and they push, and the train starts a-swooshin'
'Cuz steam on the pistons keeps pushin' and pushin';
The wheels start a rattlin', clatterin', chatterin'
Chug along, tug along, chug along, tug along! . . . . .
-translated by Walter Whipple
Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.478 / Virus Database: 275 - Release Date: 06/05/2003
Temat: DJ 4Sho - Shop With Us (Bootleg)-2007

MMMMMMMMM ALBUM DJ 4Sho - Shop With Us (Hosted By R. Murad AKA Big) MMMMMMMMM
MMMMMMMMM QUALiTY VBR kbps / 44,1kHz / Joint-Stereo MMMMMMMMM
MMMMMMMMM DJ 4Sho - Shop With Us (Hosted By R. Murad AKA Big) MMMMMMMMM
MMMMMMMMM 03 . 50 Cent Feat. P Diddy & Jay Z - I Get Money (Remix) MMMMMMMMM
MMMMMMMMM 04 . Urban Expressions - Interlude MMMMMMMMM
MMMMMMMMM 05 . Cassdy Feat. Jermain Dupree & Q Da Kid - Drink & My 2step MMMMMMMMM
MMMMMMMMM 06 . Alicia Keys Feat. Cassidy - No One (Remix) MMMMMMMMM
MMMMMMMMM 07 . Nas - Surviving The Times MMMMMMMMM
MMMMMMMMM 08 . R. Murad - Full Cooperation (VA Heat!!!!!) MMMMMMMMM
MMMMMMMMM 09 . DJ Khalid Feat. Baby, Young Jeezy, Rick Ross & Lil Wayne - MMMMMMMMM
MMMMMMMMM Hundred Million Dollars MMMMMMMMM
MMMMMMMMM 10 . Playas Circle - #1trap Pick MMMMMMMMM
MMMMMMMMM 11 . Monster - Moving Rocs (VA Heat!!!!!) MMMMMMMMM
MMMMMMMMM 12 . Alpha Studios - Interlude MMMMMMMMM
MMMMMMMMM 13 . Soulja Boy - Crank Dat MMMMMMMMM
MMMMMMMMM 14 . Dem Country Boyz - Spiderman MMMMMMMMM
MMMMMMMMM 15 . Ludacris Feat. Rick Ross & Bun B - Down In The Dirty MMMMMMMMM
MMMMMMMMM 16 . Young Joc Feat. Gorrola Zoe - Bottle Poppin MMMMMMMMM
MMMMMMMMM 17 . Crown Prince - Interlude MMMMMMMMM
MMMMMMMMM 18 . Soulja Boy - Soulja Girl MMMMMMMMM
MMMMMMMMM 19 . T.I. Feat. Ciara - My Dear MMMMMMMMM
MMMMMMMMM 20 . Wyclef, Lil Wayne, Akon & Nia - Sweatest Girl MMMMMMMMM
MMMMMMMMM 21 . Ja Rule Feat. Ashanti - Body MMMMMMMMM
MMMMMMMMM 22 . Sean Kingston Feat. Plies - Me Love (Remix) MMMMMMMMM
MMMMMMMMM 23 . Avis - Interlude MMMMMMMMM
MMMMMMMMM 24 . Lil Wayne - Dying MMMMMMMMM
MMMMMMMMM 25 . R. Murad - Alpha Lights (VA Heat!!!!!) MMMMMMMMM
MMMMMMMMM 26 . Celebrity Chatau - Interlude MMMMMMMMM
MMMMMMMMM 27 . DJ Khalid Feat. T Pain, Jeezy, Ludacris, Busta Rhymes, Lil MMMMMMMMM
MMMMMMMMM Wayne, Fat Joe, Birdman, Rick Ross & Q Da Kid - Im So Hood (Remix MMMMMMMMM
MMMMMMMMM 28 . Lil Wayne Feat. Lil Brother - Breakin My Heart MMMMMMMMM
MMMMMMMMM 29 . Nu’bein - Interlude MMMMMMMMM
Temat: Tuwim-tłumaczenia wierszy na obce języki
WÂłaÂśnie te tÂłumaczenia mam ale szukam po niemiecku, francusku nie ma nawet
w gogole
DziĂŞki za pomoc. Szukam Dalej .
The Locomotive
Julian Tuwim
A big locomotive has pulled into town,
Heavy, humungus, with sweat rolling down,
A plump jumbo olive.
Huffing and puffing and panting and smelly,
Fire belches forth from her fat cast iron belly.
Poof, how she's burning,
Oof, how she's boiling,
Puff, how she's churning,
Huff, how she's toiling.
She's fully exhausted and all out of breath,
Yet the coalman continues to stoke her to death.
Numerous wagons she tugs down the track:
Iron and steel monsters hitched up to her back,
All filled with people and other things too:
The first carries cattle, then horses not few;
The third car with corpulent people is filled,
Eating fat frankfurters all freshly grilled.
The fourth car is packed to the hilt with bananas,
The fifth has a cargo of six grand pi-an-as.
The sixth wagon carries a cannon of steel,
With heavy iron girders beneath every wheel.
The seventh has tables, oak cupboards with plates,
While an elephant, bear, two giraffes fill the eighth.
The ninth contains nothing but well-fattened swine,
In the tenth: bags and boxes, now isn't that fine?
There must be at least forty cars in a row,
And what they all carry -- I simply don't know:
But if one thousand athletes, with muscles of steel,
Each ate one thousand cutlets in one giant meal,
And each one exerted as much as he could,
They'd never quite manage to lift such a load. First a toot!
Then a hoot!
Steam is churning,
Wheels are turning!
More slowly - than turtles - with freight - on their - backs,
The drowsy - steam engine - sets off - down the tracks.
She chugs and she tugs at her wagons with strain,
As wheel after wheel slowly turns on the train.
She doubles her effort and quickens her pace,
And rambles and scrambles to keep up the race.
Oh whither, oh whither? go forward at will,
And chug along over the bridge, up the hill,
Through mountains and tunnels and meadows and woods,
Now hurry, now hurry, deliver your goods.
Keep up your tempo, now push along, push along,
Chug along, tug along, tug along, chug along
Lightly and sprightly she carries her freight
Like a ping-pong ball bouncing without any weight,
Not heavy equipment exhausted to death,
But a little tin toy, just a light puff of breath.
Oh whither, oh whither, you'll tell me, I trust,
What is it, what is it that gives you your thrust?
What gives you momentum to roll down the track?
It's hot steam that gives me my clickety-clack.
Hot steam from the boiler through tubes to the pistons,
The pistons then push at the wheels from short distance,
They drive and they push, and the train starts a-swooshin'
'Cuz steam on the pistons keeps pushin' and pushin';
The wheels start a rattlin', clatterin', chatterin'
Chug along, tug along, chug along, tug along! . . . . .
-translated by Walter Whipple
Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.478 / Virus Database: 275 - Release Date: 06/05/2003
Serwis Usenet w portalu Gazeta.pl -http://www.gazeta.pl/usenet/
WysÂłano z serwisu OnetNiusy: http://niusy.onet.pl